Leave Me Breathless

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Leave Me Breathless Page 30

by Cherrie Lynn

  As they toppled onto her bed at last, he couldn’t stop smiling as he kissed her.

  “What?” she asked when he must’ve begun to look like a psycho.

  “I’m happy,” he murmured, pulling up her shirt and gliding his mouth down her body to nip and lick at her midriff. “For the first time in…forever, it seems. I feel lighter.”

  Macy sighed, drawing her knees up and bowing her lithe body toward him. “I’m glad.”

  It was true. All the pain over his grandmother, it was still there, and he would always miss her. But he also knew he was right where she would want him to be, right where his parents would want him to be, and there was comfort in that.

  And perhaps most importantly, for one of the few times in his life, he was right where he wanted to be.

  “So you’re not moving away from me?” Macy asked, her voice soft and breathless.

  He could almost laugh at the timing of that question. Lifting his head, he let his gaze tangle with hers. “Are you nuts?”

  “Well, Candace said…”

  “Candace and Brian have listened to me run my mouth a lot lately. And yes, I’ve thought about it. But my life is here. You are here.”

  He couldn’t get undressed fast enough, couldn’t get her undressed fast enough. But the moment he slid into her clenching, needy pussy, he dragged out his strokes, unwilling for this to be over too quickly. Making love to her like she’d obviously wanted on their disastrous rendezvous in Fort Worth—he was ready for it now. Macy’s sighs and whimpers filled his head, clearing out the chaotic thoughts of the last few weeks, bringing a calm and a rightness he’d never known nor anticipated ever knowing. And when she gently brought his head down and kissed him, her tongue swirling around his in the same perfect rhythm her hips tilted to receive him, shit, he was in heaven.

  Something was still different, though. She was different. He couldn’t pinpoint why; he just trusted the bond they shared enough to know there was something going on in her head despite what was happening with their bodies.

  He smeared his lips across her cheek and whispered in her ear. “Are you okay, baby?”

  She nodded in her stoic way. But he couldn’t let her shut him out right now, not when she was so open and beautiful and vulnerable. Not when it was so obvious in her kiss that she was yearning for something, yearning hard for it.

  “If I could give you anything, what would you ask me for?”


  “You know. Look at me. What would you ask me for?”

  Her beautiful eyes opened, her gaze meeting his directly. The words came, the ones he wanted to hear, and he knew they were true. “Your love.”

  “Hey, that’s easy. Don’t you know you already have it? So it’s all good. Right?”

  The little throaty sound of relief that escaped her as he spoke was the sexiest thing he’d ever heard. Her fingers clenched tighter around the back of his neck, and he dropped his forehead to hers. “I do love you, Macy. I love you.” His lips captured hers. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  Given the tears that slipped from her eyes then, he wondered if maybe those words had been a burden on her for a long time. He’d been such a fucking idiot. But whatever else happened, those little words would keep him going forever. Whatever else happened, for at least one moment in his life, Macy had loved him. But he would do his damnedest to turn the moment into a lifetime. He smiled down at her. “Well, don’t cry about it.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  “Are you okay?”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well…you know.” Macy watched him as he flipped on the blinker to turn into her parents’ driveway. The desire to touch him, squeeze his hand, reassure him in some way, was overwhelming. She rubbed her damp palms on her jeans instead. What was she so nervous for? It was just her parents. He was the one under the gun. But…still. Oh God. She hoped this went well. This had to go well.

  Not because she was eager to please her folks. Not because if they didn’t like him, she would have to give him up. Never in a million years. They weren’t like that, anyway, despite what stupid Jared might think.

  What she wanted—the ridiculously sappy daydream she’d allowed to play in her head over and over the past few weeks—was for them to welcome him in, love him, be as close as possible to the parents he’d lost all those years ago. Her mom had the capacity to mother anyone, really, but her dad, despite his words the other day, might be a harder sale.

  “I’m fine. Any last-minute tips for me?” he asked, and she wondered if his barely creeping up the long driveway was just a method to put off the inevitable. “I’ve never, like, met the parents before.”

  If he was nervous at all, he really didn’t show it. She was more nervous than he was. And the most common thing to say in these situations was probably, Oh, just be yourself, but she wasn’t sure that was exactly the best advice, at least not for the first meeting. Maybe for, oh, the twenty-seventh or so. She loved him the way he was, but…

  Giving in, she reached over to put her hand on his. “As far as my dad, he’ll talk your ear off, and all you need to do is give an enthusiastic grunt every now and then. Mom’s a little harder. She’ll ask a million questions. I already gave her the primer, though.”

  “Cool. Wow,” he added as he steered around a curve and her parents’ rambling house came into view. “Nice spread.”

  “If you keep on going instead of taking the circular, you’ll end up at the barn. I’ll have to show you later. You can meet my horses.”

  “As long as—”

  “You don’t have to get on one, I know,” she finished for him, laughing. He pulled into the circular driveway, whistling at the sight of the large fountain in the center of the greenery. Macy tried to imagine seeing all of this for the first time. She’d grown up here, so it was simply home to her, but yes, it was quite beautiful. The yellow jessamine was blooming on the archway leading to the garden, and the Chinese fringe shrubs were an explosion of fuchsia.

  “Ready?” she asked as he braked. The front door of the house opened, and her mom stepped out, smiling. She must be too excited to wait.

  Here we go.

  They might be put off a little at first, but eventually, they would love him.

  “As I’ll ever be. Don’t touch the door.”

  She’d been about to do just that. “Oh, going in for the kill,” she kidded.

  “I always open your doors, killjoy.” He winked at her, and she melted. She’d been doing a lot of that lately. From his touch. From the way he looked at her. As he popped open his door to get out, she grasped his arm, stopping him.

  “What is it?”

  “I want you to know none of this matters. My parents or what they think…what anyone thinks. You started to ask me about it the other day, and I meant to tell you. I don’t care. So you don’t even have to worry about it.” Shit, she was about to say it. And mean it, even. “Just be yourself.”

  His gorgeous mouth curved at the corners, and he reached up to caress her cheek. “Babe, I don’t know any other way to be.”

  With that, he got out and trotted around to her door. As he opened it, she heard her mother happily exclaim about what a gentleman he was. Macy hid a smirk as she took his offered hand and stood from her seat, tugging down at the hem of her skirt. Gentleman, right. She would make sure to keep a little distance between them at the dinner table, so his wandering hands wouldn’t get any bright ideas.

  His gaze devoured her just as it had when he first picked her up earlier this evening. Just as it had when he’d backed her straight into her bedroom and toppled her on the bed. And during the rough and wild sex that followed. She’d had to redo her hair and most of her makeup afterward.

  Okay. Maybe she’d keep a lot of distance between them.

  God, she was blushing bright red right in front of her mother, who’d just descended the front steps. Her dad was at her mom’s heels now. He wolf-whistled as he
spied Seth’s car.

  “That’s a sweet ride you have there, son.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Leave it to her dad to address the car before any introductions had been made. “Um, Mom, Dad…Dad”—she insisted when he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the GTO—“this is Seth Warren. Seth, Jennifer and Daryl Rodgers.”

  Her mom greeted him warmly and even gave him a quick cheek-to-cheek, but her dad was still in muscle-car heaven. “I had a Goat just like this when I was sixteen,” he said proudly. Macy rolled her eyes, but at least he managed to stick his hand out, even if he didn’t actually look at his guest. Seth shook.

  “Pleasure to meet you,” Seth said.

  He might as well not have spoken. “Remember, Jen? I took you on our first date in that car. It could be the same damn one.”

  “Oh, wow, you’re right!”

  “Maybe it is the same one,” Seth said. “Weirder sh—stuff has happened.”

  “Wouldn’t that be something?” He laughed. “You did all the restoration yourself?”

  “That I did.” He launched into specs that were like Greek to her, because though her dad had insisted she be able drive older cars, she damn sure didn’t know what was going on under the hood of one.

  I bet I’ll learn, though, hanging out with him. She smiled, watching her dad listen to Seth in rapt attention. He prowled around the GTO like he was considering jumping behind the wheel and speeding off down the driveway.

  “Amazing,” he proclaimed at last.

  Yep. Everything was going to be fine.

  “But I do have one more question,” Dad said. He waited until the suspense built for a minute. “What the hell happened to your hair, son?”

  Oh. No. He. Did. Not.

  Seth passed a hand over his head and grinned, unfazed. “I did this deliberately, sir.” He gestured at her dad’s shiny dome. “What’s your excuse?”

  Freaking. Hell.

  Macy’s heart dropped. She closed her eyes, waiting for the fallout. One second ticked by. Two. A lifetime. Surely Dad could be civil this one—

  Her dad’s laughter rang out suddenly, shocking her eyes open as he hugged her to his side and gave her a peck on the temple.

  “Finally got yourself a straight shooter, Macy. I like him already.”

  She blew out her held breath, so full of relief that it shuddered as it left her. He was so going to get it later for giving her that mini heart attack, but for now, she grinned across at the guy who’d given her so much more. Herself.

  “I kinda like him too.”

  About the Author

  Cherrie Lynn has been a CPS caseworker and a juvenile probation officer, but now that she has come to her senses, she writes contemporary and paranormal romance on the steamy side. It’s much more fun. She’s also an unabashed rock music enthusiast, and loves letting her passion for romance and metal collide on the page.

  When she’s not writing, you can find her reading, listening to music or playing with her favorite gadget of the moment. She’s also fond of hitting the road with her husband to catch their favorite bands live.

  Cherrie lives in East Texas with said husband and their two kids, all of whom are the source of much merriment, mischief and mayhem. You can find her at www.cherrielynn.com, at the various social networking sites, or email her at [email protected]. She loves hearing from readers!

  Look for these titles by Cherrie Lynn

  Now Available:


  Rock Me

  Sweet Disgrace

  Far from Heaven

  Loving him couldn’t be worse than losing him… Could it?

  Rock Me

  © 2010 Cherrie Lynn

  Candace Andrews has had enough of pleasing others. In an act of birthday rebellion, she sets out to please herself—by walking into the tattoo parlor owned by her cousin’s ex-boyfriend. All she wants is a little ink, and Brian’s just the guy to give it to her.

  As soon as she submits to his masterful hands, though, the forbidden attraction she’s always felt for him resurfaces…and she realizes the devilishly sexy artist could give her so much more.

  Sweet, innocent Candace is the last person Brian expected to see again. She’s everything he’s not, and her family despises him. He doesn’t need the hassle, but he needs her, and this time no one is taking her away. Not even those who threaten to make his life a living hell.

  Backed into a corner, Candace faces the worst kind of choice. Cave in to those who think Brian is a living nightmare…or hold her ground and risk it all for the one man who rocks her world.

  Warning: This book contains explicit sex, naughty language, tattoos aplenty, family drama, a hot rock concert…and a bad boy hero who’s pierced in all the right places.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Rock Me:

  Candace closed her eyes as Brian’s finger traveled gently up her nape, raising gooseflesh on her arms. “Maybe you had a point, as far as how my parents are going to react to you. Maybe it’ll always be that way.”

  “Does it have to be?”

  “How else could it ever be? There’s no changing my situation.”

  “Sweetie, there’s no way to say this without sounding condescending, but you’re young. Right now this is all you can see, but trust me, this won’t always be your reality. Pretty soon you’ll be able to make your own way in the world no matter what they think.”

  “You don’t know them very well, do you,” she said flatly.

  He cupped the back of her neck in his hand, bringing his other over to tilt her chin toward him, trapping her for the kiss she knew was coming if she didn’t do something fast. But he just held her that way, stroking her cheek with his thumb, his gaze searching hers as if all the answers were inside her somewhere.

  If only that could be the truth.

  “I don’t. But I think I have a pretty good handle on you. You’re going to be okay.”

  He stared at her so intently. His eyes were a dark, turbulent ocean, and she wanted to drown in it. Suddenly she became aware of the aching fullness of her lips and the weight of her breasts pushing against her bra.

  This skirt was so short, and she’d chosen it for that reason alone, but maybe it had been a huge mistake. Reaching under it and her black G-string would take absolutely no effort on his part. Not good, though she wanted that so, so badly, she couldn’t resist rubbing her bare thighs together as his gaze continued to melt through all of her defenses.

  Just when he knew she was about to go up in flames or melt right there in his truck, he leaned in. Warm lips slanted over hers as a breathless cry rushed from her mouth into his. She brought up her hands, clenching his shirt in her fists as his tongue stole past her teeth and plundered her mouth. His was the kiss she had dreamed of all her life, deep and somehow as fierce as it was gentle. It opened the gates to a flood of emotion and erotic sensation that had her almost writhing against the seat.

  His hand finding her breast seemed the most natural thing in the world. Even through two frustrating layers of fabric, she could feel his heat as he palmed her and circled the tight bud of her nipple with his thumb, forcing it to pull even tauter. When he pinched it, she moaned into his mouth, clasping his wrist in her hand. But not to stop him. To make sure he didn’t stop. The little jolts of pleasure/pain sent lightning zipping all through her body, striking at the juncture of her thighs. Her skimpy underwear was no barrier to the growing wetness there. She began to fear making a mess on his seats.

  She pulled away from his mouth to breathe, and he attacked her throat with his lips, his heavy breathing the sexiest sound she had ever heard. He was shuddering as hard as she was. His teeth raked her throat and an involuntary “Oh” slipped out before she could stop it. It seemed to only enflame him further, and he plunged a hand under her top, pushing up the cup of her bra as he finally brought his fingers flesh-to-feverish-flesh with her aching nipple.

  She had no anchor, nothing to buffer her from these insane sensations.
The worry of getting caught was only a minor flicker in the back of her mind…they were in the back of the lot, it was dark, and his windows were tinted. She turned into him as much as she could, trying to bring her right leg over his, to straddle him. If he would only pull her into his lap so she could grind against him…

  He got the hint. Almost before she could cry out in frustration, he pulled his hand out of her shirt and plunged it beneath her ass, yanking her hard over him as if she weighed nothing. The new position, legs splayed over him, pushed her skirt the rest of the way up over her hips. She was bare except for a scrap of fabric he could easily rip. Instead, he ran both hands down the small of her back, allowing his fingers to become entangled in the strings as he cupped both her bare cheeks in his palms.

  “Jesus Christ, Candace,” he groaned, leaning his forehead against her shoulder as his hands massaged, soothed, played and tantalized. It felt so good, so good…

  “Oh, God.” The words were a shuddery sigh. Spread open this way, with his fingers only inches away. “Please.”

  “Please what?”

  She ground her pelvis into him hard, so that her clit barely rasped across the fabric of his jeans. She couldn’t get close enough. His hands continued tormenting her, squeezing her ass, tugging her panties, but making no move to address the need burning hot and wet at her center. “Touch me.”

  “Where? Let me hear you say it.”

  He didn’t have to ask twice, but her mouth—so squeaky clean until she’d started hanging out with him—tripped over the word she didn’t think she’d ever uttered out loud in her entire life. “My…pussy.”

  Pressed cheek-to-cheek with him, she felt him smile. He ran one fingertip lightly down the crease of her bottom, reaching under her until he found the source of all her torment. His other hand wandered up to her breast again, still bare under her shirt.

  She wrapped her arms tight around his neck and sobbed as two of his fingertips trailed through her wetness, finding her entrance and nestling there until she wiggled and pushed down against him. He evaded her, chuckled maddeningly. She was caught, and it was torture. Did she push back and give him easier access to her slick channel, or lean her hips into his and grind her clitoris against him?


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