The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil

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The Myatheira Chronicles: Volume Two: Beyond the Veil Page 89

by Melissa Collins

  Ignoring the pain Aiva pressed forward, sword raised. Focused on her target she narrowed her eyes, intent, determined to find an opening which would grant victory over this vile woman. With newfound vigor she delivered each strike with deadly precision. Ireni’s laughter ceased, brow furrowed in concentration, forced to pay close attention to what Aiva might do next. Gathering what was left of her strength Aiva lunged forward, crying out wildly as the tip of her blade drove through Ireni’s chest, thrust with such power that it sent them both staggering. In that same instant Aiva watched in stunned silence as Ireni’s head tumbled from her shoulders to the floor with a dull thud, revealing Callum’s unflinching eyes from behind.

  The world around them seemed to stand still in that moment. Aiva’s hand slid away from the handle of the cutlass. Without her grip on the blade to hold Ireni’s body up, it sank to the ground, blood seeping from the wounds to soak into the deck. Overhead the late afternoon sky was beginning to darken into night, lit now by the conflagration which consumed most of the ship.

  Aiva and Callum stood there, staring at one another from over Ireni’s mangled corpse. The surprise of the victory made Aiva doubt whether it was real. Had she been struck and knocked unconscious? Was this all a dream?

  A voice called to them from somewhere. Edric. Drawn from her reverie she peered through the dancing flames in search of where the sound had come from. It was too dangerous for him to be there. The ship was sinking. You need to get moving… “Callum,” she whispered, offering him her hand. They weren’t in the clear yet. Debris from the masts fell to the ground around them. Sparks scattered along the floor a few inches from Aiva’s feet, forcing her to take a step back.

  Callum stepped through the sparks to take Aiva’s hand, guiding her in the direction of Edric’s voice, weaving in and out of the flames. There was a distinct limp to his step. She wanted to ask what was wrong though now was hardly the time. If they didn’t move fast, they would go down with the ship.

  Creaks and groans filled the air around them where the ship strained under the damage caused by the fire. Water was already beginning to fill the ship. It leaned hard to port, making balance difficult to maintain while they ran toward Edric. He was standing at the front, near the bowsprit, beckoning them to move faster. By the time they reached him, Aiva could feel her feet starting to slide out from under her at the sharp angle. In an effort to stay afoot Callum gripped the rail, tightening his hold on Aiva, shouting for Edric to take her other hand. The words didn’t quite reach her conscious mind. It was all so surreal. Ireni was dead. They had succeeded. Despite the number of reasons for her to rejoice, she still felt the familiar fear that clutched her heart at the thought of what she would return to their ship to find. Was Cadell dead? Had Ireni defeated him? And what of her own father? She’d lost track of so many people throughout the battle. It haunted her to consider all the horrible possibilities which might await her.

  Dazed, she let Edric and Callum pull her over the rail. In the water below was a lifeboat, several soldiers already seated inside. Her heart fluttered to see Gadiel there, waving for her to jump. She couldn’t think coherently enough to ponder the repercussions of the fall. Lost in her thoughts she followed his urgent calls, surprised to discover the distance to be less than she anticipated. The ship was already being claimed by the sea. They would have to row quickly to place enough distance between them and the sinking vessel to avoid being dragged down with it.

  Instinctively she reached for one of the oars. Gadiel slapped her hand away, waving her toward the center of the boat where Edric was already helping Callum to sit. “Stay with the Captain, Princess,” Gadiel stated, an apologetic ring to his tone at the realization of what he had done. “Take a seat so you don’t fall. We have to move fast.”

  Callum’s arms opened to her invitingly, a pained smile on his face. “Aiva, please,” he said softly. “Will you sit by your brother and me?”

  “I suppose I could,” she replied, distracted. The discomfort in her joints was starting to return. It hurt to move, the simple motion of sitting on the seat causing her face to contort in an agonized grimace, tears threatening at the corners of her eyes. Seeing the expression on her face Callum pulled her to him, flinching to hear her cry out in pain at the pressure of his embrace.

  “Careful, Captain,” Gadiel glanced over his shoulder. “She’s in worse shape than she looks.”

  “I’m fine,” Aiva argued, forcing herself to lean into Callum’s chest. She wanted him to hold her. The pain seemed a minor price to pay for the comfort of his arms. He was hesitant at first, afraid to touch her. After a few moments he reluctantly lowered his hands to rest lightly around her, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.

  “I thought I lost you,” he whispered.

  Closing her eyes Aiva shook her head. She couldn’t bear the sadness in his voice. “You thought wrong,” she replied, rubbing his arm lightly with her hand. “I’m merely curious how you discovered where I was.”

  “You didn’t think I would notice you not by my side?” Callum gazed down at her, wiping away a stray hair from her face. “My father gave the order to begin firing upon the enemy. I went in search of you but no one knew where you were. When I found your sword lying on the deck… I knew we had to come back for you. I only wish I had been able to protect you better from the start. They should never have been allowed to touch you.” His hand trailed over the shackles which remained clamped around her wrists, the broken chain dangling uselessly where Jaron and Gadiel managed to cut through the links.

  “I’m here now. That’s what matters,” she smiled softly. There was no sense dwelling on the possibilities of what could have been. They had won. It was best to simply count their blessings and enjoy a brief respite from the troubles which had plagued them for so long.

  They continued on in silence, the only sound that of the oars splashing in the water with every stroke. Callum held her to him, gazing back at the remains of the pirate ship, flames leaping into the air as the water consumed it. Edric sat behind them, his fingers gently running through Aiva’s hair. For the first time in months Aiva felt a sense of complete and utter peace settle over her. There in the tiny lifeboat she had Edric and Callum at her side, the way they’d been so many years ago before Callum left. In his arms she knew things would be better. The worst of the pirate threat had been taken care of. Tanispa would again be free of conflict the way it had been for so long before Siscal called for their aid. And she could go home. The last of their obstacles had been overcome. Soon enough they would find themselves back in Sivaeria. Once they returned, she didn’t want to set foot outside Tanispa again for a very long time.

  Upon their return to the ship Aiva watched the soldiers bustling about, repairing damages done by the pirates and treating the wounded. Her eyes scanned the area for the General. Callum had spoken very little since their escape from the sinking pirate vessel which only added to her concern. He was troubled by something. From experience she knew better than to question him about it while the men were within range of hearing what was said. He would hide his true thoughts and feelings until they were within the privacy of a secure room.

  Through gritted teeth she tried to smile at the sight of her father coming toward them from the helm. The pressure of Callum’s hand against her back made it difficult to maintain the image of calm she wanted the soldiers to see. They had won. There was no sense in alarming them over her injuries. Like Callum, she desired the men to think of her as a strong fighter. She wanted their respect. Concerns lingered in the back of her mind in regards to what they thought of her, based on her actions while in Tanispa. Kaemin had mentioned the uncertainty held by the people about what kind of queen she would be. It was important that they see her strength. Any weakness would only add to the doubt.

  “Aiva! By the gods, I thought we lost you,” Thade exhaled in relief. He paused in front of her, his hands on her arms, looking her over, attentive to every detail. She hoped he wouldn’t notic
e the distress in her eyes. “You look pale. Come. You should have a seat. Captain, if you would not mind keeping watch over the ship so I can see her off her feet?”

  “Of course,” Callum replied, his hand slipping away from Aiva’s back, hesitant, not wanting to let go. Aiva turned to face him, disheartened to think of being separated. He stood there, pale and drawn, fighting to conceal his own pain. There was a noticeable tremble to his hand where it remained held in front of him, his eyes staring down at it in confusion. Slowly he lifted it, twisting his wrist to reveal the palm to Thade. On the skin was the unmistakable sight of blood. “Your Majesty…” he sounded diffident, gazing with concern at Aiva’s dismayed expression.

  Immediately Thade began to inspect her for the injury which caused the blood on Callum’s hand. She knew he wouldn’t locate it without the removal of Gadiel’s doublet. It would buy her enough time to insist on getting off the main deck and out of sight from the rest of the soldiers. “Father, it is nothing. Can we please just go elsewhere to sit? I am quite tired.”

  “Your back,” Callum started to take a step forward. He didn’t make it far before the weight over his right ankle caused it to buckle, his leg giving out as he collapsed to his knees. Flustered by the fall he tried to regain his composure, jaw clenched, struggling to get to his feet. Edric came to his aid, supporting Callum’s right arm to help him to an upright position. Embarrassment was obvious in his eyes to realize the spectacle he’d made of himself in front of the men. Desperate to ignore the scene he straightened his doublet, setting his gaze on Thade once again. “The blood has soaked through the material of her shirt. Although I see now that, unless she was promoted to commander while aboard the enemy vessel, she no longer wears the same doublet she donned prior to her abduction.”

  All eyes shifted to Gadiel as he climbed over the rail from the lifeboat below. Taken aback by the audience to his arrival he stopped, staring at them with an air of discomfort. “Is something the matter?”

  For the first time Aiva took note of the marks on Gadiel’s face. Lacerations along his forehead soaked his tangled hair with blood, matted against his skin. A deep bruise had already begun to form around his nose, the swelling painfully noticeable. It was undoubtedly broken from one of the blows he endured while in captivity. She sympathized for the misery he must feel.

  “It is not important right now,” Thade replied calmly. “Edric, go find Commander Varik. He can watch the ship until we get everyone properly cared for.”

  “But Your Majesty, I thought that I – ” Callum’s protest was cut off by a sharp flick of Thade’s wrist, waving him into silence.

  “Captain, you will come with me. I will hear no arguments.”

  Reluctantly Edric released his hold on Callum’s arm, making sure he was steady on his feet before stepping away. “Father, he should not walk on his own.”

  A loud voice from behind them caused Aiva to jump, startled by the sound while at the same time relieved to recognize the familiar tone of General Cadell. “I will see to him, Your Highness. Best do as your father says.”

  “Oh, General! I feared you were dead,” Aiva exclaimed, rushing forward to wrap her arms around him. It didn’t occur to her at first how strange her actions must look to the soldiers aboard the ship. She couldn’t bring herself to care. He was like a second father to her. She felt justified in showing him the same affection she would to her own family.

  He was startled by her approach. She could tell by the way he stiffened under her arms, unsure of how to react. Had it not been for her own discomfort she would have held the embrace longer. Instead she found the pain too much, groaning while lowering her arms. Cadell peered at her, concerned by her sudden retraction. “You need to have more faith in me,” he stated calmly. “Go with your father so he can evaluate your injuries. Callum and I will be right behind you.”

  Aiva flinched to feel her father’s hand on her back. He removed it reflexively, taking note of the blood on his fingertips. “The Captain’s cabin is closest. Let us get them in there.”

  She gave no hesitation to Thade’s insistence. The wounds on her back mattered little. It was Callum she worried about. He’d never shown pain to the extent he did currently. Every step he took, even with Cadell’s assistance, caused him to grimace, favoring his right ankle. In her mind she saw Ireni hooking the rigging rope around him, jerking him into the air. The torque on his foot had been severe. Enough to create significant damage. She feared how an injury to that extent would affect his career in the military. A captain who couldn’t fight was less than ideal for the Royal Army.

  The door had barely opened when Aiva heard Shaelyn’s voice from inside, shrill and frightened. She rushed toward Aiva, arms open wide to embrace her, stopped by Thade’s hand coming between them. “Shae, can you help your sister to the bed and get that doublet off her? I am going to help the Captain.”

  “Is she alright? Father, what happened? Is the Captain okay?”

  “We don’t know yet. Please. Aiva needs to sit.”

  “Really, Father. I told you, I’m fine,” Aiva protested, absently pushing her sister’s hands away. “I’m worried about Callum. His foot…”

  “I know, Aiva. We are going to look at it,” Thade forced a smile of reassurance. “Let your sister help you. Whatever your injury is, it is bleeding badly.”

  She ignored his requests, following him to the desk where he and Cadell lowered Callum into the chair. They removed the boot from his right foot while Aiva watched in horrified curiosity, afraid of what they would find. With the sock removed she could see the swelling, a dark, hideous bruise wrapping around the ankle and onto the top of the foot. The skin bulged outward, the sight of it bringing a wave of nausea, her hand moving to cover her mouth in disgust. It was worse than she thought. What amazed her more was how long he had managed to disguise his pain. During their fight with Ireni he had shown no discomfort.

  Through her shock Aiva didn’t notice Shaelyn coming around in front of her, struggling with the buttons on the doublet. By the time she became aware of her sister’s presence it was completely unfastened, Shaelyn’s hands already working to remove the sleeves from over her shoulders. The pain was what pulled her from the distant place she’d drifted away to in her mind. A simple tug on her right arm drew a cry from her lips, directing the attention of everyone in the room.

  “Her shoulder,” Callum stated, surprisingly calm given his own injury. He started to rise from his chair to walk toward her, halted by a firm push from his father, holding him down. Callum glanced at Cadell. In his eyes Aiva could see his desire to argue quickly fade. There was no point in protesting with his father. No matter how much he claimed to be fine, the swelling around his ankle belied him. Settling into the chair he heaved a sigh, gazing at Aiva sympathetically. “She dislocated it during a slight accident in Carpaen. It is possible the injury has been somehow exacerbated. We were never really able to give it the proper treatment necessary to heal.”

  “It could be out of place again,” Thade agreed. “Shae, do not force the sleeve off. Let me see if I can set it before we do much else.”

  “Your Majesty, I already set it,” Gadiel’s voice came from the door, quiet and respectful. He stood there proudly, a bowl clutched tightly in one hand and a small cloth in the other. “I apologize for intruding, but you are going to need these. Perhaps I could help tend to the Captain while you see to Princess Aiva’s wounds.”

  There was no irritation in Thade’s face to see Gadiel, motioning him inside. “Close the door, Commander. You might be more qualified to assist the General in setting the bone. It was never my strong suit when I served.” He crossed the room to take the bowl from Gadiel’s hands, nodding to him in appreciation. “That being said, you seem to know about my daughter’s injuries. As she is stubborn, would you like to enlighten me on what has happened?”

  Aiva blushed to hear her father speak of her in that manner. For once her stubbornness hadn’t been intentional. There were too many
other things on her mind. How could anyone possibly expect her to be worried about herself when so many others suffered worse than her? Gadiel and Callum needed a doctor more than she did. And what about Jaron? Had anyone tended the burns on his hand? “Father, I’m not trying to difficult,” she frowned. “There are others who need more immediate attention than I do. Could you check the Commander’s nose? I fear it may be broken.”

  “It wouldn’t be the first time,” Gadiel chuckled, wincing at the discomfort it caused to his face. “Don’t worry about my nose. I’ll tend to it myself once I know you and the Captain are taken care of.”

  “Her injuries, Commander?” Thade prodded him to answer. “What can you tell me of them?”

  “I’m not entirely sure how best to describe them. I don’t want to alarm the Captain with the details. They’re not life threatening, at least. You will not require an explanation once you see them for yourself.”

  Rolling her eyes heavenward Aiva gave in to Shaelyn’s incessant grabbing at her sleeve, allowing her to remove the doublet from her arm. “It’s nothing but a few scratches,” she muttered. “The water must have caused them to bleed more than they otherwise would have. There is no need for alarm.”

  At the sight of the shredded fabric of Aiva’s undershirt Shaelyn gasped, eyes opened wide, pointing frantically at the blood-soaked material. Thade was at her side instantly, a grief-stricken expression on his face. “Get her to the bed,” he replied, the words quiet, barely audible. “Commander, I changed my mind. If the General can manage without your help, I could use an extra set of hands. We need to treat these lacerations now in order to minimize scarring. Her mother will weep if she sees the marks. I fear she will never forgive me for allowing you to participate in the battle once she becomes aware of them.”


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