Tainted Deception

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Tainted Deception Page 4

by Aleya Michelle


  Even on my day off, I still find it impossible to sleep in. So after a casual morning of watching the early news that I never usually watch, I jog on my treadmill then dress in cargo shorts and a t-shirt. Wearing a suit during the summer should be illegal. Well, yeah, the office air conditioning makes it an icebox, but outside the building, it’s a sauna pit, all dripping sweat and stickiness.

  I take a seat at my laptop and check the band’s emails. Nothing major catches my eye as I sift through the four hundred emails. A photo link takes me to my Facebook account—well, Chaser’s account. Chase Hudson having a Facebook page is not something that would be advisable, not with a few of the women I try to avoid.

  Wow, I literally have thirty personal messages of fan mail.

  “Love your music, man.”

  “I love you, Chaser, will you marry me?”

  “I’m a drummer, if you ever need someone to fill in, give me a call.”

  I smirk to myself at the messages. The world is full of all kinds of people. I love our diehard fans; they are hardcore.

  Dedicated and devoted.

  My mind wanders yet again, and thanks to a very interesting redhead, I have without a doubt found myself distracted this whole week.

  Of course, Facebook is the biggest distraction king, not to mention a world wide web full of information just waiting to be accessed.

  A tiny bit of investigation and snooping can’t hurt, can it?

  I type in Ivy Maisen. There is only one Ivy Maisen, and it doesn’t surprise me. She truly is one of a kind with a unique and wondrous name fit for someone as unique as she is.

  Her Facebook picture says a lot about her—dressed in a tie-dyed dress and holding a sign that says ‘No more testing on animals.’ I smile largely at her stern looking expression; her eyebrows are furrowed and she looks angry. The passion in her green eyes tells a million tales of hurt, hatred, anger, and depth.

  It is kind of scary just how much you can find on social media, and today is my lucky day. I notice that a friend of Ivy’s has tagged her at Long Beach. Well, that is interesting.

  Hell, it’s only an hour’s drive from here. Decision made, I change into my gym shorts that I wear to the beach on occasion. I’m not exactly a board shorts kind of man.

  I grab my keys and smirk, feeling happy about taking today off. I’m not one to believe in fate, but this is ironic. Damn, I love being the boss. Who would question me? I run the show and they all answer to me.

  Minions, that is all that they are. Some days I try to antagonize the office staff, looking for the fire I need to feed my hunger.

  I’m excited at the possibility that I might get to see Ivy today. I jump into my car and call Talon, my best friend since before I can remember.

  “Hey Tal, I am picking you up in thirty minutes. The beach has our name on it,” I say to him through the speaker.

  “Who are you and what have you done with Chase?” he jokes. “I’ve been waiting for this day to come. Now you are talking my language. And here I thought you had turned all soft on me, but skipping work to go to the beach? Now that is badass. See you soon,” he replies, and I can’t help but shake my head.

  He’s right though; this is just what I need. Nothing better than an unplanned day at the beach. Not to mention “accidentally” running in to Ivy, and the thought of seeing her in a bikini. Well, fuck me.

  I drive through the city and pick up Talon. He is wearing his trademark Adidas shorts and wifebeater. We drive to the beach listening to music with not a cloud in the sky.

  I maneuver my Aston Martin into the parking lot before I reverse easily into a spot. Then we leisurely grab our towels. Some women are staring and whispering as they walk past us. Well shit, we are both good looking. It’s hard not to be cocky when you look like us. Talon notices and gives them a smile, then looks at me and winks.

  Not an ounce of fat between us, both tanned, toned, buff, and tattooed, not to mention Talon has enough confidence for the both of us. Wearing shorts and a wifebeater feels amazing; it’s a hell of a lot better than my office attire.

  My game plan is to play it cool. I didn’t mention to Talon that I am scoping out a girl. He would blow my cover and call me soft yet again. Even though I am dying to see Ivy, I think he may be right. Could I be getting soft in my old age? I mean twenty-eight is practically ancient these days.

  “Let’s put our towels here, dude. You coming? The waves look awesome!” Talon calls in his deep voice before he winks at a couple of blondes beside us.

  “You bet,” I reply as I throw my towel and keys down next to his. I strip off my white shirt showing off my ripped eight-pack, quads, and biceps, and I can’t help but admire the ‘V’ that is just in eye’s view above my shorts.

  I work damn hard for this body, so I am going to appreciate it. I smirk as I notice the two blondes’ mouths gape open, staring at my muscles. Yep, it gets them every time.

  I see Talon is already waist deep in the water as I make my way out into the fresh, salty ocean. What a great idea to come to the beach, Miss Maisen. I smirk to myself as I dive under the waves, clearing my mind from my ridiculously taxing and at times mundane job.

  “This was a fucking awesome idea, bro,” Talon announces as I resurface.

  “Yep, definitely was a great idea,” I agree as we leave the water and head back to our towels.

  Walking casually and feeling refreshed, I forget for a second why I am here. Of course that is until I see her.

  Ivy, the gorgeous, fiery redhead looks sensational, and she is staring at me and my dripping wet body. Her blond friend is beside her whispering something in her ear. I am sure it is something like, ‘look at that Adonis.’ It might sound cocky, but that is what I normally get called.

  I can’t help but stare back and yet again I am in awe of her porcelain skin and petite and perfect figure. Then I notice her rack. Damn. She has plump breasts that are large for her frame. My guess is a DD.

  Her face is what grabbed my attention first for a change, but now I notice her fucking red bikini. It is so skimpy part of me wants to cover her up. Damn woman.

  Does she realize who I am?

  I cheekily give her a huge grin as I reach my towel and wipe my face, and then I head back over to the woman who I came here for.

  She looks puzzled as I reach get closer to her and her friend. “Hi Ivy,” I say to her and she frowns then looks at me again, then at my tattoos, bulging muscles and carved abs, and then back to my blue eyes.

  “No way,” is her response, and I can’t help but have a good chuckle.

  “Ivy, you know this guy?” her curvy blond friend asks in shock.

  I take the lead since my vixen seems speechless. “Ivy and I met at the charity dinner last week. Didn’t we, Ivy?” I say now gazing into her green eyes as she continues looking bewildered.

  “I did look rather different that night though, wouldn’t you say, Ivy?” I question her smirking, enjoying the moment when she realized that she judged my book by its cover. Well, here is a new chapter for her.

  “Yes, of course. Lilly, this is Chase Hudson,” she tells her friend, now obviously back in reality.

  “Hi Chase, nice to meet you,” Lilly says as I shake her hand. She is beautiful with blond hair, busty with a curvy body, but she does nothing for me. I could have one of her types in my bed in twenty minutes flat if I wanted to, but she’s not my fiery Ivy.

  But Ivy, she is different, gorgeous in a mysterious, layered, bad girl kind of way. She has me intrigued.

  I can’t help but gaze at her face. She just shakes her head and smirks at me.

  “I am sorry if I was rude the other night,” she admits openly to me. “I mean those things are just so repetitious. I just thought you were one of those typical, overbearing, tedious, billionaire types,” she adds looking a little flushed from embarrassment.

  “I didn’t exactly take the subtle approach,” I tell her remembering the events that made her storm out of my
life that night.

  “I totally noticed that. Next time you grab any part of me, you will end up with my fist in your face,” she tells me truthfully and with confidence, but also a smirk.

  I am completely fascinated by this woman. She just threatened to punch me if I touched her again. Wow, what a woman.

  Maybe she needs anger management classes, or maybe she just has her defenses up. Our pasts have a way of defining us, a lot more than we wish they would. But you can learn a lot about a person by their behavior.

  “And what type do you think I am now, Ivy?” I can’t help but ask, totally intrigued by her response.

  At this moment, Talon comes over to ruin the moment. I love the guy, but he is constantly raining on my parade. “Yo Chase, who are these gorgeous ladies you are talking to?” he asks as he introduces himself to the blonde first, of course.

  “Hi, I’m Talon; I’m best mates with Chase. What is your name, beautiful?” He turns on the charm, putting them to the test, and judging by her giddy giggle, I’d say it worked.

  “I’m Lilly,” she answers like a little schoolgirl as Talon kisses her hand.

  Don’t you dare kiss Ivy’s hand. The thought of him touching her pisses me off; his poison would be toxic.

  “And you are one hot redhead,” he says to Ivy much to my disgust.

  “Save it for Lilly, muscle man,” she replies abruptly putting him in his place.

  I can’t help but laugh loudly at her rejection. Fuck me; I think I want to marry this woman. She may be the only woman on the planet to turn down Talon Crowley.

  “You’re a feisty one,” Talon chuckles and then focuses his attention on Barbie.

  “That was awesome. I have never heard a chick put him in his place before,” I admit to Ivy.

  “Well, his type does not appeal to me, so why should I lie, smile, and be fake?” she questions.

  “You shouldn’t, Ivy. Never hide the real you,” I reply smiling, hating the fact that we all feel the need to hide ourselves sometimes.

  “So, if you feel that way, then why did you cover up at dinner? Why not just be who you are?” I probe hoping to god she doesn’t shut down and desert me again.

  “Like you can talk, Mr. Tuxedo. You do a good job of hiding those tattoos as well.” She stirs me.

  “Yep, I am guilty, but it’s the industry I work in. The presentation is important and being professional around my clients is what is expected of me,” I answer in the way I was programmed.

  “Well, then that is my answer, too. But it is my father’s presentation that is important, and of course, I reflect on him,” she replies sounding less than impressed.

  I can’t help my wandering eyes, as I notice once again her way-too-revealing bikini.

  “What would your father say about your choice in swimwear?” I joke to her, hoping she can take it light heartedly.

  “It’s a good thing he will never see it, since he would probably have heart failure,” she replies giggling.

  “There is not much to it,” I can’t help but saying bluntly.

  “The important parts are covered,” she jokes back to me, and finally, I get a big smile from her.

  “Wow, she smiles,” I say totally in awe at just how radiant she really is with that bright smile.

  “I smile all the time, Mr. Hudson, but only when there is a valid reason.”

  We are interrupted yet again by Ken and Barbie.

  “Let’s go in for another swim, guys. It’s boiling hot out here,” Lilly pleads with us as she makes her way out into the water with Talon. He grabs her hand and leads her out further playfully splashing as they flirt up a storm.

  “Yeah, I uh, need to cool down too,” Ivy says to me. I take her lead as we walk into the cool ocean. I follow her out, seeing her awesome dragon tattoo again. It is even better in the daylight with her smoking hot, red string bikini and curvy ass on display.

  “I’m just admiring your tat again,” I announce to her as we reach waist level water.

  The tattoo is magnificent, a dragon breathing fire with a symbol attached. Shit, from the size of it, the tattoo outline would easily be at least four hours of work, then more to add the colors and more for the symbol. She really is a badass. I bet she didn’t even flinch.

  My dick hardens at the thought of her lying topless on the tattoo table.

  “What does the symbol mean?” I question her, intrigued to know more about what makes this woman tick, or more importantly, what turns her on.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she replies snarkily. “If you are worthy, then you’ll find out one day,” she adds winking at me. “Oh, I’m sure it’s only the tattoo you are admiring,” she says as she turns to face me smirking.

  Her smile is breathtaking.

  “Busted,” I joke, enjoying her playfulness.

  Her amazing green eyes wonder along my chest and arms. “Do you work out at the gym twenty-four-seven?” she questions me while still checking me out. “There is no other explanation for that body,” she says pointing and staring. The feeling of her eyes on me has me breathing hard.

  “I do work out a lot. I have a lot of frustration to work off,” I answer feeling hot and bothered even though I am waist deep in water.

  “Is that so? Well, you are doing a great job,” she replies obviously liking what she sees.

  “Thanks. Now it’s your turn. Were you gifted with that amazing body of yours, or do you go to the gym, too?” I ask her flirting a little more, testing the water so to speak.

  “I must admit it’s at least eighty percent good genes, but I do like to run, it clears my mind,” she announces as she dives into the water. When she comes up, she is dripping wet. Jesus, she looks like a cover model.

  Great, now my dick is rock hard. I am grateful for the cool water.

  “You really should close your mouth. A fly might get in.” She giggles.

  Shit, I didn’t realize my mouth had dropped open in awe. I can’t help but chuckle at myself before I state in all honesty, “You really are a vision, Ivy. I thought so at the dinner and today has confirmed it.”

  She just smiles. It makes me wonder when was the last time a guy told her she was beautiful.

  I dive into the cool water, needing to clear my mind yet again. Where to go from here?

  When I swim to the surface, she is there and splashes me straight in the face—deviant. The challenge is accepted as I splash her in return. We both laugh and enjoy the freedom and beautiful weather that we are blessed with.

  We sit and chat for another hour… well, flirt and chat. Once her guard is down, this woman is like no other that I’ve had the pleasure to meet.

  “I really hope we can do this again. So am I worthy of your cell number?” I ask.

  “Hmm, I guess. So far you don’t seem like an axe murderer or a boring paper pusher. You did try to explain that to me the other night,” she answers me with humour in her eyes.

  “There is a lot about me that you don’t know, Miss Maisen. If you would only give me the chance to show you,” I reveal hoping to shed a little more light about who the real Chase is, while not giving too much away either. Only a handful of people know both sides of me.

  “Okay, you can have my number, but I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to call.” She shoots me a sassy smile as we head to the parking lot. I program her number into my cell, even though it has already etched itself into my mind.

  “Come on, Ivy, we got to go,” Lilly calls out from her car where Talon is hanging out.

  “Okay, I’m coming,” she calls back.

  “Well, Mr. Hudson, thank you for the swim and for showing me another side of you. I look forward to next time,” she tells me as she bites her lip. I’m guessing from nerves.

  “Bye Ivy, talk to you soon,” I say to her as she waves and walks to Lilly’s car.

  As Talon and I climb into my car, he starts his typical Talon banter. “Well damn, that was a bonus. Two hot chicks and a day with you, bro,” he tells me, a
nd I just shake my head. You have no idea.

  Now if I can just play it cool for at least one day and refrain from messaging or calling Ivy, I might actually get that date I have been fucking hoping for.

  Shit, why is not calling her going to be such a mission? This woman has got me by the balls, and she doesn’t even know it yet.

  I didn’t totally despise the guy the night we met. I mean underneath the confidence and good looks, I knew there must be some brains behind the successful business he owns and runs. He is a billionaire, owner of his own empire. From the magazines I read, he apparently has a house in different parts of the world.

  It is just his type that I despise. Money hungry, use and abuse their employees, their women, and friends, untrustworthy snakes. Well, the ones I know anyway…

  Yep, money makes the fucking world go round, but why not give to those less fortunate? Why not have a goddamn heart and help starving children?

  If you are loaded anyway, then a few hundred or thousand is nothing to you. That is what boils my blood—the poor get poorer and the rich get richer.

  That’s why I volunteer at the shelter, and also why I sponsor Eli from Afghanistan. Plus being vegetarian is my way of saving the slaughtered animals.

  I’m far from an angel. My tats, for instance... Tough stickers as some people call them, but to me they are an expression of my inner soul. Each one I wear with respect and with meaning. I’m a party girl but watching my granny pass away as a small child opened my eyes. You only live once, so enjoy your life, and that’s what I intend to do.

  If I can do my part as Mother Teresa along the way, then I’ll be making Gran proud. My bright hair color is a bold statement showing that I’m a leader rather than a follower. There are many blondes, brunettes, redheads of the world, but crimson red is not so common. I’m unique and an individual, much to my mother’s dismay.

  That’s why I moved out at eighteen. I craved my freedom. We have a much better relationship because I moved out. I tone down my style for her at the social events, and she respects my lifestyle.


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