Tainted Deception

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Tainted Deception Page 6

by Aleya Michelle

  There have been more women than I care to admit to. They were all casual, except Dionne—she was a little more serious, until I was unable to commit. She was upset till a wealthier and more willing suitor came by and swept her away.

  I wasn’t prepared for that suitor to be my own fucking father. Yet another reason why I detest that man. Dionne and I have no contact except of course at company functions where we are polite. I do wonder if she is happy, though. I know that my mother wasn’t for a hell of a long time, but surely he isn’t the same asshole he was back then. Actually, I think he may be worse.

  As a businessman, my father is faultless, and I, of course, am reflected as his predecessor. Twenty-eight years is a long time to be a predecessor to one of the most influential businessmen in New York.

  My main goal in the next few years is to break away from the shadow of Charles Hudson. There will be a time when I am more than just the son of that scum.

  If all goes to plan, Chase Hudson will be a man of elaborate success, hierarchy, and my kingdom will need a queen. I never thought of who would be my queen before. It has always been about work, work, work, or to Chaser, it is his music.

  Now, a very interesting redhead is making me rethink my goals and ambitions. Well, maybe not rethink them, but possibly imagine my life with her helping me achieve my target. Easy, Chase.


  I check my flawless reflection one last time in the rearview mirror. Tonight, I’m clean shaven, my dark brown hair styled thanks to my hairdresser, Sven, and I’m dressed casually as requested. I just hope Ivy doesn’t ask how much my outfit cost.

  The Ralph Lauren polo in royal blue and dark brown shearling jacket cost ten thousand alone, but damn, it was like I was born to wear this jacket.

  My Ralph Lauren prospector jeans are modern and classy but my favourites are the Crocodile boat shoes that I paid twelve hundred for; they are the most comfortable shoes I own and worth every penny.

  This is my version of casual. Now, Chaser’s version of casual—ripped jeans, wifebeater, and leather jacket—is a lot less expensive.

  Oh God, he’ll be here any minute, and I’m not friggin ready!

  I am quietly freaking out as I scurry around the apartment frustrated and looking for my brown faux suede boots. My outfit for the night is a maxi skirt with a chocolate brown belt and my sand-colored frilly camisole—it’s simple and casual.

  I really love this maxi; the paisley print in aqua and purple are eye catching and I finish off the outfit with my denim vest. “There you are, damn boots,” I say to my shoes as I find them in the living room. I can’t even remember the last time I wore them.

  I’m not a dirty person, but I’m not an obsessively clean person either.

  Oh, God. All of a sudden I wonder what Chase will think of my apartment? I quickly tidy up some stray papers and kick my other random shoes into my broom closet. I had forgotten what it was like when you first meet someone.

  Damn, Ivy, why didn’t you meet him out front?

  “Argh,” I mumble to myself as I pull my boots on, which is always a mission when dealing with suede.

  I quickly run into the bathroom and give my long red locks one last brush, thankful for the effort I made earlier to tame my frizz. A quick dust of powder, some blush, and a swipe of lip gloss and I’m happy with the result. There is not much you can do with porcelain skin like mine—bronzer is out of the question.

  The buzzer alerts me that Chase is downstairs.

  “Oh shit,” I whisper, “he’s here.”

  Why the hell am I so anxious?

  “Hello,” I speak into the intercom.

  “Hey Ivy, it’s Chase,” he answers back with that sexy, deep voice of his.

  “Hey Chase, come on up,” I say casually and press the release button.

  “Deep breaths, Ivy,” I tell myself as I inhale, trying to stay calm and cool before I embarrass myself.

  I hear a knock on my door and feel much more relaxed thanks to my breathing exercises. I smile and open the door.

  “Hi Chase, come on in. I’ll just grab my purse and I’ll be ready to go,” I tell him as I bite my lip realizing just how damn gorgeous this man is. The casual Chase is still a little too preppy for my liking, but the man has style and an aura about him— he’s all testosterone and alpha male.

  “Thanks. You have a great place,” he tells me as he enters the world of Ivy Maisen.

  “It’s probably a little different to your place with my eclectic style, but this is me,” I say. I really don’t know why I’m defending my uniqueness, but I am.

  “It’s amazing, Ivy. You have talent with your decorating,” he tells me, and it makes me smile. “And the artwork is really something else,” he adds. I decide to keep the artist to myself. If he visits again, then I may reveal my secret.

  “Thanks. Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go,” I tell him as I gather my clutch. I catch him staring at me. We really need to leave this apartment before I give in to temptation and jump the man. It is certainly getting hot in here.

  He smiles and I can tell by his grin that he feels the same way. I head for the door hastily. I will not have sex with this man tonight, I tell myself. I make it into the hallway with Chase behind me as we head to the elevator.

  “So Chase, did you do anything exciting today? Surely, the boss of Hudson Industries doesn’t work on weekends?” I ask him trying to keep the conversation away from anything sensual.

  “Well, this morning was spent in the gym with Talon. I hear that he and Lilly have gotten cozy,” he answers shaking his head but smirking.

  “Yes, unfortunately I heard all of the details, as I am sure you did. I’m cool with it just as long as he doesn’t fuck her over. She doesn’t need another guy doing that to her right now,” I respond a little defensively. I know it’s not Chase’s fault, or even anything he can do about it, but he needs to know where Lilly stands.

  “You sound like a very protective friend to Lilly. And trust me, I have already warned Talon; he is being on his best behavior.”

  “Somehow, I find that hard to believe,” I say laughing and Chase joins me chuckling.

  As we ride the elevator down to the foyer, the sexual tension intensifies. Fifty Shades scenes spring to mind—steamy elevators, and fuck the paperwork, and my no-sex rule. I pinch myself to stop my thoughts of ripping Chase out of that expensive looking jacket so I can have a full view of his abs again.

  I notice Chase is fidgeting too, so I try to avoid eye contact.

  “What did you do today? Do you get weekends off from the museum?”

  Thank God he said something. I breathe out as I answer, “No work for me on the weekends. I volunteer at the shelter on Third Avenue, so I was there helping out for a few hours.”

  “You never cease to amaze me, Ivy. Always trying to make a difference, you really are an inspiration,” he tells me as his steel blue eyes stare into mine. My soul feels the connection way down deep.

  I make my way through the foyer and out into the night air. It is still quite humid, but at least I feel free and not so smothered by the man who makes me sweat.

  He clicks the remote on his keys and the car that flashes is a BMW—a very flashy, expensive, and sexy car.

  “Pretty cool ride you’ve got there,” I joke, wondering what he will say when he sees my old car.

  “It is a nice car, smooth and easy to drive. Mind you the insurance for both cars is a killer,” he jokes and I laugh loudly. Oh, that’s right; I’d forgotten he had the Aston Martin, too. Boys and their toys.

  We arrive at Scrumptious Sushi a little before seven, with just enough time to find a spot to park his car. I wonder if finding parking is new for Chase. I’m sure the valet parks it for him usually, and that he probably even has a driver.

  “Good evening,” the owner greets us and shakes hands with Chase.

  “This way to your table, Miss Maisen and Mr. Hudson,” the waitress announces as we follow her to a nice quaint table. It’s a little
noisy in here, but it is a Saturday night after all.

  We order the banquet for two, starting with a sashimi salmon eggroll.

  “This is delicious, Ivy. I am impressed so far,” Chase admits, and I am over the moon with his revelation. I want to prove to him so badly that it isn’t about the price tag with me.

  As our main course of crackling tempura prawns on a bed of rice is brought out, I find myself chatting away right through dinner.

  I hate the feeling of awkward dead silence, so I am doing my best to prevent that from happening.

  “Did you know that only two percent of the population has green eyes?” I reveal to Chase as he sips his beer and looks up at me, right into my irises.

  “You definitely are a rarity. They are beautiful green eyes,” he declares to me.

  “Plus, we are often good listeners, curious, and intuitive,” I blurt out before I can stop myself. Oh God, Ivy, please stop embarrassing yourself.

  Chase chuckles at that last bit of unnecessary bit of information.

  “Um, I’m sorry about that useless info. Silence makes me awkward,” I admit to him hoping he won’t judge me on that fact alone.

  “I happen to love your useless info; it gives me an insight into your mind. Plus, I agree about awkward silence,” Chase replies smirking.

  “Oh, there’s plenty where that came from,” I add giggling knowing just how immature I can be.

  “So you mentioned you had a sister, past tense; did something happen to her?” Chase asks me before adding, “If it’s not something you are comfortable talking about, I understand.”

  “It’s fine; it was a long time ago. My sister drowned when I was ten and she was eight. I was supposed to watch her. I knew she wasn’t a strong swimmer, but I went under to get my goggles that I had dropped, and when I came up, she was gone. I remember screaming her name over and over. I dove under looking for her and tried my best to rescue her, but it was too late.”

  “My mom came running out of the house screaming, ‘Ivy you were supposed to be watching her. What have you done?’ I was only ten, dammit, still a child. Not nearly responsible enough to look after myself, let alone having the responsibility of my eight-year-old sister.” Tears well up in my eyes as I relive that awful day.

  “It was a fluke accident, Ivy, and not your fault. If your mother was watching both of you the whole time, then I am sure it wouldn’t have happened. It is her fault, not yours, Ivy,” Chase tells me sternly and places his hand on mine. I am so glad he said those words. Years of counselling finally made me see that I wasn’t to blame for what had happened and that my neglectful mother put too much pressure on me. I have never forgiven her for putting that responsibility on me or for her cold words, “Ivy what have you done?”

  “I’m sorry for oversharing, more babbling on my part. Sometimes I get caught up in the emotions,” I reveal to Chase. He squeezes my hand comfortingly again, and it sends goosebumps along my arm.

  “I am honored that you opened up to me. Thank you for sharing with me about your sister. Honestly, Ivy, you are like a breath of fresh air. You’re so different from the boring office meetings, investment decisions, and mind-numbing stock reports,” he tells me sincerely as he looks deep into my eyes. “Dinner tonight has been amazing. You relax me,” he adds, and this time it’s my turn to smile. I’m a breath of fresh air that relaxes him. That’s a cool thing to be. One with nature, that’s me.

  “Well I’m glad to be of service, Mr. Hudson,” I remark coyly. “I charge per hour, depending on how stressed you are,” I add and give him a sassy wink.

  “Ha-ha, well, that can certainly be arranged. I think we could work something out.”

  “I’ve enjoyed tonight, too. Who would have thought you could actually dress casual, be witty, and hold a good conversation? Maybe I had you pegged all wrong after all,” I admit openly to Chase.

  “So, you’re saying I’m not your typical boring billionaire?” Chase asks smiling as he mimics me from the charity dinner.

  “Let’s just say you have surprised me, Mr. Hudson.”

  “Well, I hope you like surprises because I have a few more,” Chase admits to me. Now he has my Spidey senses tingling. What other surprises? Is there more to him than meets the eye?

  “I look forward to it,” I answer. And now I’m flirting; I really do look forward to more surprises from this already charming man.

  “Are you ready to leave?” he asks me as he finishes his drink.

  “Sure, let’s go,” I reply kind of wondering what the next step should be.

  Do I invite him to my place for a drink? Should I play it cool? Fuck. What to do?

  “Any chance you could meet me for lunch on Tuesday, Ivy?” Chase asks as we climb into his black BMW. He has such a suave car.

  “My lunch break is only an hour, from twelve till one. What did you have in mind?” I’m happy that he wants to make plans to see me again already.

  “I’ll have my assistant book something close by, and I’ll meet you at your work at twelve. I can get you back by one, don’t worry,” he replies completely cool, calm, and collected.

  I’m sure any cafe or restaurant would ask ‘how high?’ if you told them to jump.

  “Sounds perfect,” I respond smiling.

  “I have an early morning training session tomorrow, but I would like to walk you to your door,” he tells me, taking the initiative.

  “Okay. I’m a big girl though; I’ve walked this street many a late nights,” I tell him, not exaggerating.

  “No arguments,” he answers sternly then smiles.

  “Yes, sir,” I respond sarcastically with a mock salute.

  As we drive through the city, there is silence. But it is a nice silence, not awkward at all, just perfect. Just the two of us enjoying each other’s company, no words needed. He looks over and smiles at me. I smile back feeling content.

  Chase parks his vehicle with ease and my mind start to race. Is he going to kiss me? Does he want to kiss me? I collect my clutch and open my door, knowing damn well he was coming around to open it.

  “Independent, remember?” I remind him as I climb out of his car.

  “Of course,” he replies shaking his head. Quite the gentleman.

  The air is still humid, streets are lined with cars, and people are walking around on a Saturday night. I think he was lying about having an early training session in the morning. We could have had drinks, gone dancing, the works.

  Does Chase dance?

  “What are you thinking about, Ivy? Your face is always full of expression,” Chase questions me as I notice he had been staring.

  “Oh, nothing interesting,” I lie.

  Almost at my apartment, I stop at the large double entry doors. “Mr. Hudson, thank you for a great dinner and for your company,” I tell him truthfully.

  “You are very welcome. I enjoyed myself thoroughly. Like I said before, you are so easy to be around,” he tells me smiling.

  I can’t help but smile back at his infectious grin. Our eyes connect. His blue eyes are lovely, so sky blue in color. I bite my lip. I do it when I’m nervous, which seems to be frequently around this man. Chase moves into me and puts his hand on my arm, his touch is soft yet firm and the spark sends goosebumps up my arm. He takes the initiative and leans in and softly kisses my cheek. My breathing hitches in response. He smells like expensive aftershave, and his lips are so soft.

  He pulls back, obviously trying to be a gentleman on the first date by kissing me innocently on the cheek. Our eyes connect again, our faces are so close, lips so close, and the attraction is blinding. We move in unison to each other’s lips, meeting in the middle where they touch.

  The kiss is soft and gentle at first, then hungry and fervent. I reach up to his nape and pull him closer as we deepen the kiss; his tongue finds mine and I melt. His arms are around my waist, as he tightens his hold, pulling me firmly against his solid, muscular body. His arousal is evident, straining through his jeans. I kiss him harder a
s his cock pushes against me.

  I need air. I feel flushed and completely hot and bothered. One last deep, passionate kiss and I have to pull away before I’m totally breathless. I pull away enough to catch my breath as does Chase. I gaze at him to find the biggest, cheekiest grin I’ve ever seen spread across his face. I can’t help but smile back and giggle at him. Our first kiss was hot and fucking amazing.

  “Damn, that was some kiss, Miss Maisen,” he tells me still unable to stop smiling.

  “I totally agree with you on that one. It’s like a hundred degrees outside right now,” I agree fanning my face with my hand.

  “On that note, I better go. Good night, beautiful Ivy. I will see you Tuesday,” he tells me grabbing my hand and kissing it gently.

  “Good night, Chase. Sweet dreams,” I reply as he walks off to his car. I watch his perfect ass as he strides off in those jeans.

  Damn, he’s got a fine ass. Tonight was yet another unexpected and very welcome surprise.

  Well, fuck me! That was the kiss to end all other fucking kisses I’ve ever had in my life.

  I jump in my car and race to Hardcore’s gig. Tonight, we’re playing at the White Horse. We didn’t start until nine-thirty so the boys were covering for me with Byron and Merida singing lead while I was on my date.

  I drive like a bat outta hell—I love Meat Loaf. I park in my reserved spot and strip down to my wifebeater, throw on my boots, and these jeans will have to do. Oh and the hair wax. Chaser’s hair is styled into a Mohawk; it's kind of his trademark. My transformation complete, I make a beeline for the back entry.

  Tank is guarding the door and lets me in as soon as he sees me. “Yo, Chaser, my brother, I thought you weren’t comin’ tonight.”

  “Always, Tank. I wouldn’t miss a gig here with you guys.” We high-five as I spot our manager Al who grabs my arm and leads me through the hallway to backstage.


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