Tainted Deception

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Tainted Deception Page 15

by Aleya Michelle

  “We’re arriving in a limo?” I ask him shaking my head. So much for keeping a semi low profile.

  “I want tonight to be perfect, Ivy. I’m transporting you in style, plus the cameras will love us arriving with a bang,” he responds, but it’s not helping my agitation.

  “Of course, it’s all about the cameras. How could I forget?” I ask sounding a little sarcastic.

  The first of my insecurities from when I started seeing Chase are creeping back. He really does seem to like this lifestyle and gels quite well with it.

  “Ivy, have I done something wrong?” he questions looking concerned.

  “No, you haven’t. I don’t want to sound ungrateful, Chase. I just hate being too elaborate. These events bring out the worst in me. I’m sorry,” I confess as he holds my hand sweetly.

  “It’s all a charade, Ivy. Just smile, be pleasant, remember it’s all for our charities tonight, and it’ll be a piece of cake.”

  “You have become a robot, Chase. You just flick a switch and you can be fake, but for me, it’s much harder,” I tell him sincerely.

  “Yep, it’s a trait I’ve learned over the years. There are a lot of disguises I could tell you about.” I wonder what he means. I guess different emotions.

  As much as I have enjoyed dressing up for tonight, it’s not something I want to do for the rest of my life. I’m happy with a once a year event, not once a month. Can I truly be happy with Chase and this lifestyle?

  As per Chase’s prediction, the paparazzi and cameras go crazy when we arrive.

  Breathe, Ivy, deep breaths.

  Chase climbs out of the limo first, waving at the cameras and screaming women. “We love you, Chase!” they cheer crazily.

  “Are you ready, baby?” he questions as he reaches to help me exit the limo.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I reply and give him my hand—he already has my heart and soul.

  As I climb out, careful not to tread on my long dress, bright flashing lights blind me and ear-piercing screams reach me. I put on my biggest smile and focus on Chase. His pale blue irises are my saviors; they bring me back to the real world and I forget about the cameras. Chase smiles at me as he helps me out, his hand on my lower back—his touch instantly calms me. I forget about the rest of the world, and it’s just him and me, in our own fantasy world, where nothing else matters.

  Then the bubble bursts and I’m brought back to reality.

  “Mr. Hudson!”


  “Is that Ivy?”

  The questions are endless, some flattering, others insulting, but with Chase on my arm, I feel like I can take on the world. He is my strength.

  “Almost there, sweetheart,” he whispers as I see the double doors of The Plaza up ahead.

  “Thank fuck for that,” I whisper back feeling relief rush over me.

  That was intense; the paparazzi are like vultures, looking for their next story, the biggest headline. It really is sad—I pity them.

  We are greeted with champagne and hors d’oeuvres, both equally delicious.

  “Your table is at the front, Mr. Hudson. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask,” the manager of The Plaza tells us with five star efficiency.

  Once Chase has completed a few introductions, I gaze around looking for my mother and father. Chase and I are still arm in arm—he knows how important it’s for me to show him off to my folks.

  I spot them by the bar talking to Bryce Hawkins and his wife. They were recently in the headlines—it appears he was caught cheating with his secretary. Wonder if it was true.

  “They’re by the bar,” I whisper to Chase.

  I can’t help but feel uneasy. I know they will be happy we are together, but I don’t need the meddling.

  “Okay, baby, let’s do this,” he whispers back, leading me in their direction.

  As we draw closer, I see my mother look up and notice me, and she fakes a smile. “Ivy, you made it,” she announces and then spots Chase on my arm. The look on her face is priceless—shock mixed with confusion and then a smile.

  “Hello, Mother,” I reply as she kisses my cheek.

  “You know Chase Hudson already.”

  “Of course. Mr. Hudson, it’s lovely to see you again. Everything is perfect tonight.” She’s trying to butter him up and figure out if we are actually together.

  “Mrs. Maisen, the pleasure is all mine,” Chase replies, always the gentleman.

  “You never mentioned you were coming with Mr. Hudson, Ivy,” she conveys trying to figure out our relationship. Chase never lets go of my arm, thank God.

  “Well, I thought we would surprise you.”

  “Ivy and I have been dating for six months now. I’m head over heels for your daughter,” Chase discloses just as Father appears.

  “Oh Ivy, this is wonderful news,” Mother cheers excitedly.

  “You and Chase are together?” my father asks me in complete shock.

  “Yes, we are quite serious about each other, Father,” I answer him as I see him smile.

  “I hope I have your permission to keep seeing your daughter, sir?” Chase jokes, but I know if there was a chance Father would say no, Chase wouldn’t walk away.

  “Of course, this is delightful news. I can’t believe you didn’t tell us sooner, Ivy,” he replies looking straight at me.

  “I didn’t want to tell anyone until we were serious,” I respond honestly. I’m grateful for the waitress who interrupts bringing wine. Yes please I’ll take the whole bottle, I think to myself.

  “Okay, one set of parents down, now for you to meet the devil himself,” I state as we make our way over to Charles.

  “Surely he can’t be that bad, Chase?” Ivy questions me, and I realize how naïve she can be at times, totally innocent; another reason I love her so much.

  “Just be prepared and don’t take anything personally, baby,” I reassure her. She needs to know what he is capable of, even if he is on his best behavior.

  As we get closer, he sees me and excuses himself from the other board members.

  “What is she doing here?” he questions quietly to me—no ‘hello’ or introductions. I roll my eyes and ignore the arrogant arsehole standing in front of me.

  “Father, I’d like you to meet Ivy Maisen, my girlfriend,” I announce sounding proud to have her by my side.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ivy,” Charles responds forcing a smile and introduction as he kisses her hand. Even though he is my father, I see all of his weaknesses. Charles really is a mysterious character, and his smile is quite creepy. I know for a fact that I got my charm and warm nature from my mother.

  “It’s lovely to meet you, Mr. Hudson,” Ivy states smiling brightly. Her smile lights up the room, and my heart.

  “You are Phillip Maisen’s daughter. Of course, I have seen you at events before,” he adds.

  “Yes, Mr. Hudson, I have grown up in this industry my whole life,” Ivy answers sounding like a natural.

  “So tell me, Ivy, do you have a career?” Charles asks sounding quite rude. From what I told Ivy about him, I’m sure she is aware he may try to sabotage our relationship.

  I won’t let him win.

  “I’m an artist, currently studying and working at the Met,” Ivy responds. And no matter what others say, I’m proud of what she does.

  “How lovely,” he states looking down on her like she is nothing.

  “Enough questions, I’m taking my lady to our table,” I cut him off, sick of his rudeness.

  “Chase, could I have a word please?” God knows what that is about.

  “Just give me a moment to introduce Claire to Ivy and I will be back,” I reply and usher her over to my sweet secretary.

  As we walk away, I feel guilty for feeding her to the shark. “I’m sorry, Ivy. He is a rude, arrogant dick. I despise the guy more by the hour,” I state feeling more disgust toward my father.

  “Chase, don’t worry about him. Haven’t you
noticed I’m tough as nails,” she tells me obviously trying to calm me down a little. When it comes to my father, I really am hot headed.

  “Claire, this is the beautiful Ivy that I have been telling you about.”

  “Oh Ivy, it’s an absolute pleasure. Chase doesn’t stop talking about you,” she confesses making Ivy smile widely.

  Surely, she realizes just how crazy I am about her…

  “Nice to meet you, Claire; I have heard wonderful things about you as well.”

  “Claire, could you keep Ivy company while I talk to Lucifer?” I give her a wink.

  “Of course. Watch out for his horns,” Claire knows Charles all too well.

  I lovingly kiss Ivy’s cheek and head over to my father.

  As I make my way back over, I take a few deep breaths. I can’t lose my cool with him, especially not here and not tonight. But he can’t fucking be rude to Ivy.

  “Chase, I’m disappointed. You’re only twenty-eight and you’re ready to settle down,” he states not beating around the bush.

  “Ivy makes me happy. I’m the happiest I have been in my entire life, but I know you don’t care about your son’s happiness.” I’m frustrated that I have to defend myself.

  “You are losing focus of what is important. Your goals are changing and I’m changing my opinion of you, Chase. Is that what you want?”

  “Right now, I honestly couldn’t care less. You are just someone I work with, and Ivy is everything to me.” For the first time in my life, I tell my father what I really think.

  I’m sure I will regret it later, but right now it feels great. Liberating.

  “What about our last conversation, Chase? You told me she was nothing special,” Father declares rudely. And of course the worst timing of all, I sense Ivy behind me and when I turn and see her face, it’s obvious she heard his words.

  “Nothing special, huh?” she asks me looking hurt and upset.

  “Ivy, wait, I can explain,” I say to her, but it’s no use. She’s turned and started to walk away.

  Fuck me. Great, just fucking great.

  “Goddamn it, Charles, you are so inconsiderate. You knew Ivy was behind me and that’s why you said that,” I accuse. He is a nasty piece of work.

  “Well, we both know you could do much better. She is punching above her weight,” he tells me bluntly. I use every restraint I have to stop from punching him in the face.

  “That woman is the epitome of everything I have ever wanted. Stay the hell away from her,” I declare, possibly louder than I should have but I’m fuming. I storm off to find Ivy before it’s too late.

  I feel enraged and infuriated right now. I honestly hate my father. I can’t bear to be in the same room as him.

  I finally find Ivy seated outside on the terrace—this is an all too familiar occurrence. “Oh Ivy, please don’t be pissed. He is just causing trouble for us.” I beg her to believe me and not hate me.

  She looks up into my eyes, her emerald irises glassed over and she smiles.

  “I know, Chase. I know he is trying to cause problems for us. I just overreacted.” I sit next to her and engulf her in my arms.

  Thank God.

  “I promise you are the most special thing to me in the whole world, Ivy. Don’t you feel that?” I hope to God she feels it.

  “Yes, Chase, you definitely make me feel special and loved,” she replies, and I can’t hold back anymore. I kiss her long and sweetly, pouring my love into the kiss.

  I avoid my father for the rest of the night. He stays away, too. I’m sure he knows what is good for him—I do have his temper when I’m angry.

  The rest of the night flows smoothly. Everyone wants to meet Ivy, the woman who finally stole my heart. It feels extraordinary to have her on my arm—it’s like she was meant to be there.

  I do my part and talk about the charities sponsored, what we have planned for the future, and then it’s up to the host to start the auction.

  Our largest prize is a two bedroom apartment only blocks away.

  The two paintings by Ally McCoy have caught my eye—she really is a gifted artist.

  “I think I’m going to bid on one of those paintings, Ivy. Which one is your favorite?” he asks me, totally unaware that I’m actually the artist who painted them.

  “I love them both, but the one on the left to me represents healing, moving forward. Whereas the one on the right is darker, showing pain or loss,” I state without a thought. Of course, I know better than anyone what they represent.

  “You’re right, Ivy. I should have known that a fellow artist would choose the best painting,” he replies, and I can’t help but smirk. We really need to have a little chat.

  Dinner is delicious but doesn’t beat last week’s lunch and dinner feasts.

  The orchestra plays a few classical songs, and Chase guides me to the dance floor where we waltz. I feel like a princess tonight. This is by far the best event I’ve ever been to.


  “Chase, I need to talk to you about the Watson account,” a light haired man says to us as we head to the bar.

  “Christopher that can wait until Monday.”

  “No, it can’t. I have him breathing down my back.”

  “Well, it’s either him or me, so back off and let me enjoy my evening.”

  “Who the hell was that?”

  “That was Christopher, my stepbrother.”

  “No fucking way you’re related to that tool.”


  We make love until dawn—it’s magical and beautiful. When breakfast is delivered, I decide it’s now or never.

  “So you paid a lot for that painting, Chase; do you believe it was worth it?”

  “Of course, I know talent when I see it. It will be perfect in my dining room.”

  “Did I tell you I’m actually good friends with Miss McCoy,” I state testing the waters. It’s so hard to just come out and say it.

  “You have never mentioned it before. Did you meet at the museum?”

  “Yes, we are both very similar, in a lot of ways. We connected from the minute we met.” It feels weird talking in the third person.

  “I would love to meet her one day, Ivy, always great to put a face to a name,” he responds never ceasing to surprise me.

  I pause for a moment and then I tell him, “You can meet her right now if you want.”

  He frowns and tilts his head as if to say what you mean.

  “God Ivy, it’s a Sunday, leave the poor woman alone,” he replies laughing.

  “No, I promise she won’t mind,” I say biting my lip and feeling nervous. Just spit it out, Ivy. You don’t have all day to tiptoe around the truth.

  “Chase, there is something I need to tell you.” He gazes worriedly at my face.

  “It’s nothing bad, honest,” I reassure him.

  “What is it, Ivy? You know you can tell me anything, right?”

  “Yes, I trust you. Chase it’s about the artist Ally McCoy. I’m her, I’m Ally McCoy,” I confess my deepest secret to the man I love, and it feels uplifting and terrifying.

  “What, do you mean you are Ally McCoy?” he asks looking puzzled.

  “You know I paint. I’m her! I made up the name to sell my paintings, never expecting them to do so well.”

  “No way, you’re her? I knew you were talented, Ivy, but I’m blown away by how amazingly talented you are as Ally McCoy! Why didn’t you tell me sooner, baby?” he asks me the million dollar question.

  “I’m sorry if I deceived you, that was never my intention. I haven’t told anyone,” I confide in Chase and pray he will forgive me.

  “I love you, Ivy. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for you, but I understand your reasons behind it. Thank you for being honest.”

  I should have taken advantage of Ivy’s confession and told her mine, but the words wouldn’t come out.

  So much for honesty, I’m a hypocrite.

  I just need another day to figure out what to say. I mean she kind of be
trayed me to by not telling me she was Ally McCoy, right? It’s the same kind of deception, right?

  Something tells me she isn’t going to see it that way.

  My mother is on the phone raving about how great Chase is. Her voice is filled with excitement. So, after twenty-five years, the one thing that makes her happy is that I’m dating a billionaire.

  I should have figured that would do it.

  “Ivy, do you realize that Chase is the same boy you fell in love with when you were seven?” she questions, and I’m unsure what she means.

  “When I was seven? What on earth are you talking about, Mother?” I ask her uncertain about what she means.

  “The blue-eyed boy that I introduced you to at the fair, Ivy. I remember you talked about him for at least a year.”

  I disappear into my thoughts for a few minutes, a fair, meeting a blue-eyed boy when I was seven?

  Like a lightning bolt, the memory hits me.

  Chase is the well-dressed blue-eyed boy with the dimples. The well-groomed and well-mannered boy that I met nineteen years ago at the fair. The very same boy who I searched for and never saw again.

  This can’t be real. I fell in love with this man a long time ago, he has held my heart captive ever since we were kids, and he didn’t even know it. If this isn’t fate, then I don’t know what the hell is.

  I can’t wait to tell Chase.


  We climb into the two-seater Jacuzzi in Chase’s apartment after a long drawn out few days. The water is so warm and inviting and the bubbles send tingles along my legs. Chase retrieves the two champagne glasses, fills them up, and hands me one. I take a sip—the crisp fruity taste is delicious, my taste buds craving more.

  “I was talking to my mother earlier today. She is ecstatic we’re an item.”

  “I’m glad that went smoothly, Ivy,” Chase admits to me.

  “Me, too; Mother’s face was priceless. She is already claiming you as her son-in-law.” I laugh.

  “Well, that isn’t a bad thing, Ivy,” he replies matching my laugh.

  “Ever since I was a young girl, she would point out suitable husbands. Do you realize that you were one she showed me at the age of seven?” I confess to Chase something that I only just learned myself. I wonder if he could possibly remember me?


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