Forever and Always

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by Beverley Hollowed

  Forever and Always


  Beverley Hollowed

  Copyright © 2012 Beverley Hollowed

  To my husband, my best friend and the love of my life Brian, Thank you for believing in me and giving me the courage to chase the dream. Thank you for your help and your patience. I will love you Forever and Always.

  To my beautiful boys, Aaron and Anthony. Hope you are as proud of me as I am of you both. You make my world a happier, brighter place. I love you both all the way around the world and back.

  To my Mam, Dad and Uncle Tony.

  Thanks for believing in me.

  Love you all so much.

  To all my family and friends, thanks for all the support

  Especially Tricia for reading

  the book for me when it was still a mess.

  And to Jodi for inspiring me and teaching me you don’t get a rainbow without a little rain xxxx

  Beverley x

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  2 Years Later


  Chapter 1When Melanie O’Leary agreed to spend the three months of her summer holidays with her Mom’s best friend Maggie in Boston, she should have been over the moon like any girl her age would have been. Her friends were all so jealous and ranted and raved about how amazing it was going to be. About all the hot American boys she was going to meet and all the amazing parties she would go to.

  However, Melanie was anything but happy. She hadn’t wanted to spend her summer in Boston. She didn’t want to meet lots of hot American boys and go to amazing parties. She wanted to stay in her own home, with her Mom and her dog Jethro, a 6 year old black lab that Melanie adored. She wanted to stay with her two best friends, Katie and Lucy, spending the summer like they always did every year since they were 6 years old. With sleepovers and camping out in Katie and Lucy’s back garden, as Melanie and her Mom lived in a 4th floor apartment she had no garden for camping out in but that didn’t really matter.

  But most of all she had wanted to spend her summer with Mike, her boyfriend she had been dating for almost four months. Mike Keenan was 19, two years older than Melanie. He had just finished his first year in DCU studying Athletic therapy and training. Mike was gorgeous. He was 6,2”, blonde spiky hair and almond shaped chocolate eyes. Melanie was completely and utterly mad about him. But it was with Mike that all the problems started.

  Melanie didn’t have the conventional upbringing. She hadn’t been raised in the usual two parent household. Her Mom and Dad broke up when she was just six months old. Sarah Kelly and Alex O’Leary lived next door to each other and were always together. They had been best friends since they were kids. Sarah had been dating some guy from her year in school. They were supposed to be going to Sarah’s Debs. However the day before the Debs was on. Sarah caught the guy having sex with another girl in his car.

  Sarah was devastated and ran all the way home crying. When she got to the house, there was no one home. Sarah was an only child and both her parents worked. She ran up to her room and threw herself on the bed and sobbed. She hadn’t heard Alex calling her name, nor had she heard him coming up the stairs or tapping on her door. He had seen her come home upset and came to see if she was ok.

  When Sarah felt Alex’s hand on her back she jumped with a fright but once she realised it was Alex she threw her arms around his neck and sobbed harder. Alex held her close to him and gently rubbed her back telling her everything would be just fine. Then he softly kissed her on her forehead and there was a spark. Sarah looked up into Alex eyes and for a moment neither of them spoke. Then Sarah softly kissed Alex on the lips. Alex pulled back for a moment surprised by what she had done. But then suddenly, he returned her kiss, wrapping his arms around her. That was the day they both lost their virginity. As they lay there side by side afterwards, sweating and breathing hard Alex told Sarah he would take her to her Debs and she felt happy.

  The night of the debs they had so much fun until Alex kissed Sarah again. Something was missing. They didn’t seem to have that same spark. They walked down to the beach beside the hotel where the ball was on and talked to each other for hours. They agreed that the night before had been a special one off and that they would just stay friends. Sarah said she was glad however that it was Alex she got to share her first time with and that it would always be special.

  And they returned to how things were. Until five weeks later Sarah called Alex sobbing and asked him to call over. He came straight over to her house. She was sitting in the living room alone and although her eyes were red from crying, she was as pale as a ghost. Alex sat down next to her and took her hand. But she couldn’t even look him in the eye.

  “What’s wrong Sarah” he asked her softly. She didn’t reply. Instead she handed him the white stick she was holding in her other hand. Alex looked down and his eyes flew open wide. It was a pregnancy test and it was positive.

  Both their parents freaked out. Alex’s mother taking the news the worst, sat sobbing in the armchair like someone had died. She insisted that the baby be given up for adoption as soon as it arrived. But Alex stood his ground holding Sarah’s hand saying that he loved Sarah and they were going to raise the baby together. Sarah looked up at Alex and smiled but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes and Alex’s heart sank. He knew Sarah loved him as much as he loved her but they weren’t in love with each other. But he was determined to try. Alex withdrew his application to Trinity to study law and went to work for his Dad’s building company instead. Alex’s Mom was then insisting that they got married straight away but it was Sarah’s dad who intervened.

  He knew that wasn’t what Sarah had wanted. He said that it wasn’t the 1950’s anymore. It was the 80’s and they had a right to do things at their own pace.

  When Melanie was born it was the first time Sarah had seen Alex truly happy since she told him she was pregnant. She could see how much he loved Melanie. It was unconditional. And it was at that moment she knew he would never look at her like he looked at their daughter. That night when everyone left and she was alone in the little room with Melanie, she got into her bed and curled into a ball and cried herself to sleep.

  Sarah and Alex tried to make it work. Alex saved hard for the deposit for a house for them. He was wanted them to get married as well. He was full of plans and was trying his hardest to make Sarah happy. And Sarah tried to be happy. She tried to be what everyone expected her to be. But inside she was miserable and she knew she was making Alex miserable too.

  Finally when Melanie was about six months old Sarah finally found the courage to tell Alex how she truly felt.

  She told him she loved him and always would. That he was her best friend and that would never change. But that she didn’t think they should be together. They both deserved to be happy and that together they would never be truly happy. She told him she wanted someone’s face to light up when they looked at her, just the way his did when he saw Melanie. She promised he would always be a big part of Melanie’s life and that she would nev
er stop him seeing her. But she thought they both deserved more.

  Alex sunk onto the chair, burying his face in his hands and cried. But they were tears of relief. He felt the exact same but had been too scared to tell Sarah in case she wouldn’t let him see Melanie anymore. They held each other and cried and promised they would be the best parents in the world to their little girl.

  And they were. Alex had been brilliant to both Sarah and Melanie. There was nothing he wouldn’t give either of them or do for them. They did everything together when it came to Melanie. Growing up Melanie was such a happy little girl and she adored her parents but she always had a special place in her heart for her Daddy.

  But when Melanie was eleven Alex met Grace. Sarah was so pleased for Alex to have finally met someone that made him happy. However Melanie was less the thrilled. She hated Grace immediately. She refused to go to visit Alex for her weekend visits because Grace would drop by. Sarah tried everything to get through to Melanie. But she wouldn’t budge.

  Alex was heartbroken. He told Sarah that he didn’t have a choice and would have to end things with Grace because he couldn’t lose Melanie.

  Sarah freaked out. She knew Alex truly loved Grace and that she would make him so happy. She begged him not to do anything stupid until she talked to Melanie again.

  “I am not going” Melanie has screamed through her door. It was Friday and she was due to go spend the weekend With Alex.

  “Melanie, please!” Sarah begged, her head pressed against the bedroom door in sheer frustration. Alex was due at any time and Sarah had just spent the last 40 minutes trying to get her daughter to open the door.

  “No” Melanie wailed. “I am not going over there. She will be there and I hate her”.

  “Mel please, open the door” Sarah pleaded. “It’s fine if you don’t want to go. But I want to see you are ok”.

  For a moment there was silence. Then the click of the key being turned and Melanie appeared at the door. Her two eyes puffy and red, her face blotchy and covered in tears. Sarah wrapped her arms around her daughter and pulled her tightly to her.

  “It’s ok baby” she whispered softly. “It’s ok”.

  Sarah led Melanie back into her room and they both sat on the bed. Melanie put her head in her Mom’s lap and sobbed. Sarah sat and stroked Melanie’s hair and said nothing. She knew her daughter would talk when she was ready.

  “Why does he have to love her?” Melanie finally asked sadly. “Why can’t he love us and live here and we can be a proper family. Everything was going just fine till that stupid bitch came along. She has changed everything?”

  “Melanie that’s not fair” Sarah replied, choosing to ignore her daughters bad language. “Grace hasn’t changed anything. Your Dad loves you more than anything and nothing will ever change that. But Mel your Dad and I are never going to be together like that. Alex is my best friend in the world but we just don’t love each other in that way”.

  “But why not” Melanie asked, sitting up and staring into Sarah eyes. “It’s not like you don’t love each other at all. Why can’t you love each other more?”

  “Because that’s not how it works Mel” Sarah replied pulling her daughter to her and holding her tight. “But your Dad loves Grace like that. She makes him happy. But she will never replace you sweetheart. No one could ever do that. Maybe you could give her a chance. She loves your Dad and he loves her so she can’t be that bad”.

  Before Melanie could answer the buzzer sounded on the intercom. Alex was here to collect her. Sarah looked at Melanie.

  “Will you tell my Dad I will be ready in a few minutes” Melanie asked smiling at Sarah and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

  Slowly Melanie grew to like Grace. She realised Grace made her dad happy. Eventually when Alex told Melanie he was going to marry Grace, Melanie was truly happy for him.

  Then when Alex announced that Grace was pregnant he was terrified Melanie would freak out but she didn’t. Melanie was excited about being a big sister, though part of her was secretly relived when Grace had a boy.

  Jamie was so cute. Melanie adored him. She loved to spoil him and was only too happy to babysit whenever she was asked.

  And it was babysitting Jamie when all the trouble had started and she found herself facing a summer thousands of miles away.

  Alex and Grace were invited to a charity night hosted by the law firm Alex worked in. Alex had gone back to school at night when Melanie was about 5. It has been a hard road but he did it, finishing top of his class. Alex’s grandmother had left him the money to finish off his studying and become a qualified solicitor. Melanie was very proud of her Dad.

  Melanie had got Jamie, who was now almost 2, bathed and up to bed and came back down and curled up on the sofa to watch her favourite movie, Independence Day.

  Suddenly she was startled by a soft knock on the living room window. She jumped up quickly and pulled the blinds back to see who was there. It was Mike.

  “You can’t be here” Melanie said anxiously when she opened the front door. “My Dad will flip if he finds out”. Mike pushed past her, ignoring what she has said. She quickly closed the door in case the neighbours saw him.

  When she turned around Mike was standing so close to her. He was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt that show off his perfect body. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her hard. “Come on Mel” He whispered against her neck. “Just let me stay a little while”.

  Melanie knew she should have made him leave. She hated lying to her Dad and would never dream of doing something she knew would upset him.

  But Mike kept kissing her neck and rubbing his hands all over her body making her head feel fuzzy and she found it harder and harder to resist him. He pulled her tighter to him and she could feel his erection against her stomach. A tiny feeling of panic bubbled in the bottom of her belly. She knew letting him stay would be a huge mistake. She wasn’t ready for that. This wasn’t how she imagined it would be. She wanted her first time to be special. Not just a quick fumble on her Dad’s couch.

  “No” she said firmly pushing him away and taking a deep breath. “Mike you said you would wait till I am ready. I don’t think I am ready yet”.

  “I know baby” he said sliding his arms back around her again and trailed kisses up her neck. “We won’t do anything you don’t want. I promise. I just want to spend some time with you. I love you Mel”. Melanie relaxed a little. As long as he knew she wasn’t ready then things would be fine.

  He led her to the large chocolate coloured leather sofa and gently eased her on to it. He leaned down over her and began to kiss her again but this time on the mouth. Suddenly his whole weight was on top of her, pinning her down.

  “Oh Melanie I love you so much” he whispers breathlessly between the kisses. She could feel his erection straining against the front of his jeans, pushing hard into her hip. His hand slid up under her top and he grabbed hold of her breast. A small moan escaped from the back of his throat. “Jesus Mel you drive insane”.

  He reached down and quickly opened the button on her shorts.

  “Mike no” she tried to protest but he kissed her mouth again. She tried to push him away but he was too heavy. The small bubble of panic that was in the pit of her stomach suddenly exploded inside her and she pushes against him harder. “I can’t. Please stop”. But he didn’t stop. He hands seemed to be everywhere at once. Melanie struggled to get out of his grip but she was trapped.

  Suddenly Mike seemed to be almost lifted off her, a look of terror across his face.

  “Get you filthy hands off my daughter” Alex’s voice filled the room. There was a sound of anger in his voice that Melanie had never heard before.

  Melanie blinked in disbelief and darted up off the sofa pulling her top back down.

  Alex had Mike by the throat and pinned against the sitting room door as he drew his fist back. Grace was standing at the door with a look of terrified shock across her face. “Alex don’t” she cried.
br />   “I wasn’t going to do anything” Mike said barely audible because Alex had hold of his throat

  “SHE SAID NO” Alex growled through his teeth. “I should break your fucking legs”.

  “Daddy, please” Melanie cried suddenly next to Alex and Mike. “He wasn’t going to do anything”. But even as Melanie said the words, part of her wasn’t completely sure that was true.

  Alex shot Melanie a look she had never seen before. She didn’t say another word and she quickly stepped back. She knew he was mad as hell. Her stomach lurched. Her Dad was never mad at her.

  “You get the hell out of my house” Alex growled turning his attention back to Mike and dragging him towards the door. “Don’t ever let me see you near my daughter again. Do you understand me?”

  Without even looking at Melanie, Mike ran out the door leaving it swinging opened behind him.

  Alex stood with his back to Melanie, his breathing ragged and short. He closed his eyes and pushed his hands through his hair. He was breathing deeply trying to calm himself down

  “Dad” Melanie said her voice barely a whisper. She softly touched his back.

  “Don’t” Alex breathed and Melanie thought she felt him flinch at her touch. “I am so fucking mad right now I can’t even look at you”.

  Melanie dropped her hand. She thought her heart was going to jump out of her chest it was pounding so fast. She felt like she was going to be sick. She looked at Grace who smiled at her sympathetically.

  Alex turned around and looked at Melanie. The look in his eyes went through her like a dagger through her heart. Tears prickled the back of her eyes and quickly found their way out and trickled down her face.

  “I’m sorry” she whispered turning her eyes to the ground, unable to even look at him anymore.


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