Escape (Elite Supernatural Trackers Book 3)

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Escape (Elite Supernatural Trackers Book 3) Page 8

by Heather Renee

  Moving my gaze toward the center of the room, two men stood at a bar, drinking some sort of dark liquid, and appeared to be celebrating.

  “Thank you, Mother.” The one on the left stepped forward and kissed the woman. Then, his attention moved to me, so I took the time to inspect him as well.

  His eyes were a deep ocean blue, a mix between the warden’s and the woman who was my grandmother, but I didn’t even know her name. His hair was darker with a distinct widow’s peak. His face was pale as if he rarely saw the sun, and he wore a black suit that was clearly tailor-made for him.

  “Cara, it’s so lovely to meet you. You look just like your mother, but I can still see bits of Emilio in you. I’m Luca, your uncle.” He reached a hand for me, but I refused him, wondering why he wasn’t in Virginia since Zeke had mentioned he was expecting a Luca in town.

  “Why am I here?” I asked.

  He raised a brow. “Well, I didn’t drag you back here. So, shouldn’t you be the one answering that question?”

  Bastard had a point.

  “Well, I didn’t think you’d be slumming it with the inmates, and I wanted to make sure the warden was doing his job right.” Again, I wasn’t stupid enough to give them leverage against me by showing who I gave two shits about.

  “I see.” He turned toward the other man, who was observing quietly. “Do you think the warden has been acting appropriately, Nic?”

  Nic finally stepped forward, a near spitting image to Luca. The main differences being that he had no widow’s peak and his hair was a few shades lighter. The vamp circled me, flicking my hair, and I tensed. If Nixie was found, shit was about to hit the fan.

  “Gino has always been a rule-follower, second only to Emilio.”

  Gino? The warden had called himself Logan before.

  When I didn’t respond, Nic moved to face me. “I’m Niccolo Luccovino, and you’ve been causing a lot of trouble. Why is that?”

  My chin jutted out. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was living a quiet life before being thrown into this prison. I never wanted anything to do with your family. If I hadn’t heard you were searching for me, I’d have gone about my life as if the last couple of months never happened.”

  Nic turned toward Luca. “Did you hear that? She said, ‘your family’. Interesting, don’t you think?”

  Luca smirked. “Indeed, Brother.”

  “You’re not a stupid girl, are you, Cara?” I shook my head. “I didn’t think so. So, why do you deny us? We are your family.”

  “Blood does not make family.” My reply was short, but it was all I had to say. These people didn’t know me, and I didn’t know them, nor did I want to. Especially seeing them now, I realized my maternal grandmother had done me a solid. My stepfather might have been horrid, but he had nothing on these vamps.

  Speaking of grandmothers, I realized whoever she was had disappeared. Hopefully, she was leaving Jaxon and Mason alone. That was all that really mattered to me.

  Luca stepped closer. “You make a point. Blood is mostly only good for food. The fact is we were never given an opportunity to properly be your family. We’d like to get to know you.”

  Nixie tugged at my hair, and I knew something wasn’t right, so I tried to hurry the conversation along. “Why? Why not just let me continue about my life and you can keep doing whatever it is you all do?”

  They both began to circle me, but it was Niccolo that spoke. “You see, we thought about that, but there is something different about you, Cara, something that could be a problem for us, and that never happens. We’ve been around since the beginning of vampires. We have abilities others can only dream of that allow us to run things the way we see fit, and we don’t need you getting in the way of how we like things done.”

  Yeah, because they were the damn supernatural mafia. Though, I did wonder if my guys knew the Luccovinos had been among the first of their kind. That was something I’d yet to hear from anyone else.

  Nic took a whiff of my neck. “Your blood smells like a witch, you act like a witch, but you are not. It doesn’t make sense to us. We sense no original magic from you, and if Emilio really was your father, that shouldn’t be possible. So, it leaves us to wonder, who are you, Cara?”

  Wasn’t that the million-dollar question. Unfortunately, it wasn’t one I had the answer to.

  Chapter 11

  Owen fell over in the corner, eyes lifeless, taking the attention off of me. My body tensed, wondering if he was really dead or simply on the brink. I tried to tell myself it didn’t matter either way, but I wasn’t a heartless bitch and he didn’t deserve to die.

  “I guess his punishment is over for the day. He certainly lasted longer than I thought,” Nic said disappointingly.

  “Not me. Now pay up,” Luca added.

  My face twisted in the disgust that they’d take bets on someone’s life, but a small amount of hope for Owen renewed when Nic picked him up by the neck and the lion shifter groaned. “Gods, he smells. I’m going to throw him into the cell. We’re done with him anyway, right?”

  Luca nodded. “I guess so. Until tomorrow anyway.”

  I tried to remain neutral but couldn’t stop from asking, “What is he being punished for?”

  Nic smirked at me as he dragged Owen across the floor. “Stick around and find out.”

  That was a hard pass for me, but I’d definitely be back. Just like Ethan and Gabe, I couldn’t leave Owen here. Not after seeing what they were doing to him.

  Once Nic was gone, Luca sat in one of the chairs just beyond the bar and gestured for me to do the same. I was pretty sure I didn’t have a choice, so I played nice.

  “Why did your mom bring me to you? Why are you looking for me?” I asked, deciding it was time to get answers, even if it wasn’t the way I thought it was going to happen.

  He took a long pull from his glass before setting it down and giving me his full attention. “Do you know who we are?”


  “No, that’s our name, but not who we are. You see, we’re considered a founding family. There were five of us that became the first vampires. Each patriarch was turned and gifted with magical powers. Then, if they chose, the leader of the family turned their heirs to join in the immortality, but as the line of succession continued, the magical powers diminished.”

  “Who are the other founding families?” I asked before he got too far off track and I forgot.

  Luca waved his hand in the air. “It doesn’t matter. They no longer exist. Anyway, after our father passed, it was up to his heirs to keep the legacy alive. We turned more, grew our family, and became who we are today, but you know what hasn’t happened in all of that time?”

  Gods, I really did not want to answer his question, but he paused until I finally shook my head.

  “You. A child born from magic and venom. Just like an original. We need to know what you’re capable of. Can you create new vampires that would be like me and my brothers? Or are you nothing but a useless witch we’ve merely wasted our time on?”

  His words might have cut deep a few months ago, but I didn’t let them bother me. I knew my worth. Jaxon and the others had helped me to realize it was so much more than I’d ever been given credit for.

  “I’d say you’ve wasted your time. I have never drunk blood, nor have I craved it. I’m not fast, either. Pretty sure everything I am, I got from my mother,” I said, hoping like hell he would just take my word for it.

  The vamp looked down on me, showing off his fangs. “You’d think that would be enough to convince us, but let me share a little secret. I don’t drink blood, either. I never have.”

  Fuck me. I needed to get the hell out of there.

  “Well, good for you, but I’m not who you think I am, so I should be going before my friends do something stupid.”

  “Those two guys you came in with? Oh, they’re gone. As soon as you left them, their disguises fell, and they took a portal out of here. So, you’re all ours now.”

  My skin crawled. I was so done with this.

  “The time for being civil is over, though. I’ve told you about your family, but it’s time we put some theories to the test.” He stood and took a few steps away from me. “I’m going to go grab one of the prisoners to begin. If you touch that door, it will put what feels like ten thousand volts of electricity through your body.”

  Good thing I didn’t plan on using the door, asshole.

  Once Luca was gone and I heard a lock engage, the entire frame glowed a vibrant blue for a moment, telling me he hadn’t been joking about the shock factor.

  Reaching behind my head, I felt for Nixie, but she was already in front of me. “Well, that was fun.”

  “Bullshit. Get us the hell out of here.” I stood, peeking first for anything useful we might be able to bring back with us.

  “I don’t know. I’m curious as to what this testing is. I mean, according to him, you’re one of a kind.”

  I was going to murder that fairy.

  After not finding anything other than alcohol when I peeked through the cabinet, I rounded on Nixie. “Now is not the time for games. Get us out of here before Nic or Luca come back.”

  She smirked. “What about Grandma? Don’t you want to say goodbye?”

  My chest rumbled, but she paid me no attention as she moved away to open the portal. We stepped through it and onto a beach I’d never seen before. Then, just before she closed it, Luca opened the door.

  “Running will only make this worse for you, Cara,” he snarled.

  “I’ll take my chance. Fuck you very much!” With those final words, Nixie sealed the opening and my hands began shaking.

  Holy shit. We’d just been with the Luccovinos. Original vampires who considered me a threat to their existence. It was hard to believe, but there was also no denying it. We needed to find the guys and make sure they knew we were okay before they went back to the prison and got themselves killed.

  “Where are we?” I asked, sucking in a deep breath of fresh air as we stood on a high rock above clear ocean water and white sands.


  “Australia? We need to get back to the others. They need to know what we learned.” Though, I wouldn’t deny the sadness I felt being so close, yet so far from waters I’d dreamed of swimming in my whole life.

  “I know, but I needed the bloodsuckers to think we were elsewhere. Now, they’ll be searching tropical beaches and we’ll be headed back to New Jersey.”

  Ah, smart fairy. Frustrating, but smart.

  She opened another one right outside of Zeke’s fortress. “Shit, do you remember the code?” I asked.

  “No, just call them and tell them to let us in.”

  Pulling out my phone, it unlocked, and I pressed Jaxon’s picture, one he hadn’t known I’d taken and used as his contact photo. Then, I hoped like hell they weren’t already causing mayhem somewhere because of our disappearance.

  “Cara?” Jaxon’s frantic voice sounded after only the first ring.

  “Yes, let us in. We’re at the gate. Nixie’s mojo didn’t let us through whatever wards Zeke has on this place.” At least, I assumed that was why we were still standing out by the road.

  “She’s at the house. Let’s go.” Jaxon paused. “Thanks for nothing, Greggor.”

  “Greggor? What are you doing with him?” I asked, but before I could get a reply, the line disconnected, and another portal appeared beside us.

  Jaxon leapt through the opening and swept me into his arms. “You saved me from murdering Greggor. What happened to you?” His entire body was vibrating with rage as he held me tighter than ever before.

  “Can’t breathe, Jax.”

  He only loosened a millimeter before he turned to enter the gate code and we all walked through. Well, Mason did while I was half-carried at Jaxon’s side and Nixie flew off.

  As soon as we were inside, I was the center of attention by not only Jaxon and Mason, but Blake and Spencer, too. Apparently, they were well aware I’d been taken or missing or whatever.

  “So, how is everyone’s day going?” I asked, postponing the conversation until I was at least sitting. Jenna was on the couch I was headed to and seemed equal parts relieved and amused by my return.

  “Siren, don’t push him. I’m barely keeping him in check,” Blake said with a strained voice.

  I guess I should have seen that coming. Reaching back for Jaxon, I pulled him onto the couch and sat in his lap, hoping to calm him even more so Blake could have a break.

  “So, did either of you see the woman with Mrs. Vin after the warden began his tour? Well, she’s Mother Luccovino. I didn’t actually catch her real name, but she’s their mother and saw through Nixie’s glamor on us, or sensed my magic, or I don’t know. Either way, she took me to see two of her sons while leaving Jaxon and Mason with the third.”

  Nixie snorted. “Don’t you mean grandmother and uncles?”

  My body shuddered. There was no scenario in which I would ever refer to any of them as my family. “No. Moving on, the two sons I met. Luca and Niccolo, who goes by Nic. They had Owen locked in this room I’d never been to inside the prison. Nic took Owen away, and then it was just me and Luca. He said some interesting things before threatening to turn me into a test subject.”

  Jaxon’s hold on me tightened once more. “They didn’t actually touch you, did they?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “So, what did they say? What do they want?” Spencer asked, not surprising me at all.

  I went over the original vampire families and how the Luccovinos were the only remaining founding family and that I was the first blood offspring to ever be born from magic and venom. Sure, that should be something utterly badass, but I wasn’t a fan. Not one fucking bit.

  Oh, how I longed for the days of being invisible and just being the weak witch that I always assumed I was.

  At least, that was how I felt in the moment. In reality, I enjoyed being a stronger version of myself. Though, I could do without the drama. Most importantly, I would kick the ass of anyone who tried to make me feel like a lesser being.

  “So, you’re an original vampire heir?” Jaxon asked, seeming to be unable to believe it until he said the words out loud.

  “Unfortunately so.”

  Mason scoffed. “Unfortunately? That’s the most badass thing ever. You should be thrilled.”

  My eyes glared at him. “Thrilled? To be a monster who preys on innocents just to be more powerful? To belong to a family that killed all others like them so that their position of power couldn’t be threatened? No, Mason. I don’t think I will be. Not when the same people see me as a threat to their kingdom.”

  “I see your point.” He grimaced and let it go.

  “What happened when you two realized I was gone?” I asked Jaxon.

  Mason answered first. “Weirdest shit ever. The warden? He just kept walking as if he didn’t hear us freak out when we knew Nixie wasn’t near and the projection of you kept flickering as we got further into the prison.”

  Interesting. The warden was one of the brothers. I would have thought he’d want to punish us for coming back. “Did you see Ethan or Gabe?”

  He shook his head. “Once we knew things weren’t going as planned, we left to get back-up, but Greggor turned out to be no help.”

  That didn’t surprise me in the least. He was going to be one of those allies that showed up when we least expected it, and that would have to be enough.

  “So, what do we do now?” Blake asked.

  “Whatever it takes to make sure they don’t get their hands on Cara again. She won’t be used for whatever plans they have. I won’t allow it,” Jaxon stated.

  Spencer nodded. “He’s right. Cara is one of us now, and we can’t stop until they’re no longer searching for her.”

  “Agreed, but they have a whole army at their disposal and, not to diminish how badass we are, but we only have us.” Mason gestured to everyone in the room.
/>   “No, we don’t. We have resources. We just haven’t tapped into them yet. As soon as Zeke gets here and we know more about the inner workings of the Luccovinos, we’re going to call in every favor at our disposal,” I said. Even though I had no past friends to call on, I assumed at least a few of them did.

  The Luccovinos were going to create the one thing they feared most. They were going to force my hand to become the threat that was yet to be a reality. I hadn’t been a threat to anyone until they threatened those I cared about most.

  And I was going to make sure they regretted it.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, I woke up just as the sun was coming up above the horizon. Its fiery rays calmed my out-of-control nerves while casting a glow across the pond in Zeke’s ridiculously massive backyard. Though, the thoughts were still present within my mind, no matter how calm I became. There was so much to do and not enough resources or time to do it in. I didn’t like it one fucking bit.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket, breaking the tranquility I was trying to soak in while leaning against the deck of Zeke’s porch. My first instinct had been to not answer it, but then I remembered very few people had the number, even people who were never given it.

  The caller ID said “unknown”, but I clicked accept anyway. “Hello?”

  “How’s New Jersey?” Greggor’s voice sounded over the phone.

  “How do you know where we are?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, Cara. You have so much to learn.” Before I could retort, he continued, “Question, have you had any cravings lately? Anything unusual?”

  “What hell kind of shit question is that, Greggor? I’m not pregnant.” At least, I hoped like hell not.

  “Obviously. Or, well, I’d assume not given your genetics, but then again, you are an anomaly. No, I mean food cravings. Red meat, perhaps?”

  Had I? No, I definitely hadn’t. I loved a good steak, but it wasn’t something I’d been dying to consume lately.


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