A Mate to Match

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A Mate to Match Page 7

by Jeanette Lynn

  "Yep. I feel much better now, getting that off my chest. Let's have sex!" I leaned in eagerly to plant a kiss on her pretty pink lips.

  Kat shoved her hand into my face, smooshing it and jumped up from the couch.

  "Oh, hell no, cowboy! Hold up and back that truck up! I'm going to turn into a werewolf... like you did? All hairy, scary, half wolf/half monster man?" she shrieked in a high shrill voice.

  "That's only half shift. You'll turn into a wolf first. All wolf. Full shift. Half shift is what happens when a werewolf 's baser emotions are high, like fear, anger, rage... you know what I mean, darlin'?" I clarified.

  She nodded her head in understanding and moved on to her next bug-a-boo.

  "What do you mean, 'accidentally' put me into heat?" She glared, her hands on her hips, foot tapping edgily.

  Is it bad that I'm really turned on by this?

  "I, uh, didn't know that's what I was doing, but I somehow put you into heat and you might be pregnant..." I trailed off.

  "So, that's why I felt like that... I thought I was going to burn up from the inside out, that's going into heat?" she questioned, looking to me for confirmation.

  "I honestly don't know much about any of it, darlin'. My dad died when I was little and Granddaddy and Granny moved to Alaska in the Human realm. They don't believe in phones either, so not much help there. You've met Mama, so you know that avenue's a lost cause. I don't know any other mated werewolves, besides them, to ask, but I could try to find some, if you want. My cousin Rudy is as clueless about mates as I am too." I growled, frustrated with myself for putting all this on her and not having enough answers.

  I don't think I was thinking any of this out too much at the time.

  "Human realm? Where are we now?" She blinked at me, puzzled.

  "Heh, we're in Mordenne. The Parakind equivalent to the Human realm. It's just like the Human realm in almost every way, but here we can be ourselves, be free. No hiding from Humans," I replied.

  She walked over to the couch and plopped down heavily, looking a little dazed.

  My poor Kitty Kat looked overwhelmed.

  Can't blame her really.

  It's a lot to take in, in such a short amount of time.

  I slowly edged towards her, cautious in case my little kitty turned from befuddled to angry.

  I put my arm around her slowly and she leaned into me, soaking up the comfort I offered.

  "That's all a lot to take in, Alfred," she sighed tiredly.

  I reached my hand forward and placed it on her stomach, rubbing it softly.

  "And what about having my pups, sugar? Could you..." I started and my voice got hoarse, catching on the words.

  I cleared it roughly and continued, "Could you handle having my pups?" I asked quickly and held my breath as I waited for her answer.

  She put her hand over mine and looked up at me, a small smile on her face.

  "You work awfully fast, you know that, slick?" she joked, shoving me teasingly.

  "You have somehow managed to bed me, wed me, turn me and impregnate me in a really, really, emphasis on the 'really' there, short span of time," she said, ticking her points off on her fingers as she went.

  "What's done is done, Alfred. I'll love any children we have, and I've always wanted kids someday. We just took the fast track to everything. You're going to have to be patient with me, though, this is a lot to take in... and it's all so new," she murmured.

  I let out the breath I'd been holding.

  "We'll take our time from now on, I swear," I promised pulling her close, kissing her nose.

  "One more question. How did I get here?" she queried.

  "Erm, I put sleeping drought from a sandman into all the drinks in your fridge... Ow!" I hollered as she jumped up and pummeled me with a couch pillow.

  "You drugged me?!" she screeched accusingly, pillow raised high for its next assault.

  "Wait! Come on! You thought I was crazy, remember?! You wouldn't have come any other way and you know it!" I told her seriously.

  She thought about it for a moment and then started to lower the pillow. She must have changed her mind, though, because at the last second she raised it high and bopped me with it in the face, looking at me with a smug expression.

  I lunged at her and grabbed her weapon of choice, tossing it over the end of the couch.

  I snatched her up and snuggled her into the couch with me.

  She tried valiantly to get out of my hold, but I wasn't about to let her go anytime soon.

  I nuzzled her neck, breathing in her scent, nipping gently at her and she ceased her struggles, instantly melting into my arms.

  We sat there like that, her in my arms, me holding her close, just taking a moment to absorb it all.

  After a while- not quite sure how much time had passed- a soft snore emitted from Kat and I smiled.

  She had fallen asleep.

  A lot's happened today and it might have been too much for her. Tuckered her out.

  I carried her to the bed and pulled the covers back to lay her down.

  Once she was settled, I took off my clothes, not being a fan of pajamas, turned off the light and crawled into bed beside her.

  I tucked her up tight against me and flipped the covers up over us both.

  She sighed happily in her sleep and I grinned like a loon.

  Kat may not even realize it yet, or be willing to admit it right now, Humans have a hard time believing in the brevity of a Parakind courtship, but she loves me, I know she does.

  I can feel it coming from her in waves through our bond, even if she hasn't admitted it to herself yet.

  I fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, thoughts of my wolf running with a black furred, green eyed beauty of a wolf foremost in my dreams.


  I woke up groaning as every muscle and bone in my body cried out in protest. I groaned again as a cool cloth touched my forehead.

  "You awake, sugar?" a concerned voice asked soothingly.

  His touch calmed me and I settled down a little, comforted by him.

  "You have a fever, darlin', and I don't have anything to give you for it." His voice was soft and low, worry lacing his voice.

  "Do you think you'll be okay long enough for me to get you something, sugar?"

  I nodded my head 'yes' instead of answering him, moving my head slowly so I didn't jar it too much.

  He kissed me on the forehead and let me know he would hurry back. He offered to have Greniv sit with me, but I declined.

  I didn't want anyone but Alfred around me right now.

  He left and I was surprised to discover I could make out the sound of his radio murmuring low from his truck, all the way from outside in the driveway.

  I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later, waking when I felt someone lift me up and carry me out the door.

  I knew it wasn't Alfred, because he didn't smell or feel like my Alfred.

  He smelled like the earth and his body felt really thick and meaty.

  I was too weak to do anything, even open my eyes, so I lolled there in his arms silently, waiting to find out what was going to happen next.

  Alfred is going to be sooo mad, was the foremost thought in my mind.

  I was placed gently on a soft bed of some kind.

  It must have been on the floor of a van or something, because I felt and heard a door slide shut and a few moments later an engine started up.

  I heard the man/person/being get on the phone and call someone.

  I could make out the conversation and listened intently as the man talked to Alfred's mother.

  "There's something wrong with her," my kidnapper said with an unnaturally deep bass voice.

  It sounded like he had a mouth full of gravel.

  "She's faking it! I don't care, just get rid of her! I don't care how! Do you hear me, Segrid!" she screeched into the phone.

  "Yes, Ma’am," Segrid grumbled and hung up the phone.

  We must have driven for a long time. />
  I was a little out of it, so I couldn't be too sure.

  We pulled along a gravelly road, the sound of the gravel under the tires loud to my ears.

  The van suddenly stopped and Segrid shut it off, slowly climbing out and shutting the driver door.

  I heard the van door slide open and I whimpered when I felt his huge hand make contact with my skin.

  I cried out and tried to scoot away from him, everything hurting as I tried to move away.

  He scooped me up and tears welled in my eyes, dripping down my cheeks.

  "Please, don't kill me," I pleaded, my voice hoarse and shaky, body trembling uncontrollably.

  He started walking and I could feel the air change as we entered somewhere.

  It felt warm and comfortable in here.

  Where ever here is.

  I was laid down gently onto a mound of what smelled like furs.

  A hand came up and smoothed the hair back from my face.

  I flinched instinctively and tried to move away.

  "Don't worry, little one, I won't hurt you," he said coaxingly in his deep rumbly voice.

  Tears continued to stream down my face and he wiped at them gently with, what I'm guessing, was his thumbs.

  "Where does it hurt, sweeting? I can't help if you don't tell me," he soothed.

  I grabbed his wrist in my shaking hands and felt a pressure in my fingertips, building up and pulsing through them as I tried to grip him as hard as I could.

  "I want Alfred, I need Alfred..." I begged him.

  "I can't do that. She would have someone else come along and they won't be as weak as me, sweeting," he said softly.

  I growled at him, angered at this whole situation and my lack of ability to do anything about it.

  Adrenaline pumped through my veins and I gripped his wrist tighter.

  I felt the pressure in my fingertips release through my body and go directly into his.

  There was a 'woosh' of air in the room and I basked in its presence, my aches lightening as the wind caressed my skin, whipping my hair around as it began cooling my body.

  I sat up a little on my elbows, surprised, yet happy now that most of the pain had dissipated.

  I took in my surroundings.

  I was in the middle of a giant bed that looked like it had been made out of branches twisted together, the intricate work and detail startling at first as I stared at it, fascinated.

  Simple but beautiful.

  The bed had mounds of furs piled on it and that’s what I was currently laying on top of.

  I glanced around, taking the little cottage in.

  It was small, but had a homey feel to it with worn yet comfortable looking furniture it.

  It all appeared as if it was handmade.

  I glanced over and saw what I’m guessing is a Troll, or something, slumped against the wall, looking at me in wonder.

  "Elemental Witch," he whispered, reverence in his voice.

  I frowned at him and tested my body, everything seeming to be in working order.

  I held my hands out in front of me wonderingly and jumped when I concentrated and sent more wind shooting up and around me, whipping throughout the room.

  As the wind swirled throughout the tiny cottage, rustling windows, rattling the door, a small gasp of pleasure escaped me.


  Whatever had just happened had somehow made whatever was wrong with me feel better.

  It was like it had healed me or helped me somehow.

  I got up from the bed, Segrid’s bed, and strode toward the door.

  It took me a moment to realize I wasn't walking, but floating, air rushing under my feet as I took steps.

  I startled and dropped to the floor, landing with an 'oomph' onto his hard wood floor.

  "My Mistress, are you alright?" Segrid asked, hurrying over to my still sprawled self on the floor.

  "Mistress?" I asked, looking at him curiously.

  He nodded his head vigorously, his huge shaggy mane of red hair bobbing along with his head as he helped me get up.

  "Yes, Mistress. I have wronged a Sister of the Elementals and now owe you a life debt." He nodded some more, dead serious.

  I gaped at him for a moment.

  "Elementals... who de what what?" I asked, confused.

  "A Sister of the Elementals, or in your case, Mistress, a Witch of the 'Air'," he said eagerly, excited at the idea.

  He looked like a large, red-maned puppy with those huge, round, purple eyes and the eager head bobbing.

  I grabbed my head and gestured at him. "Please, don't bob your head on my account, Segrid, and you don't owe me anything, really." I waved my hand at him.

  "Just take me home, and we can call it even, huh?" I asked cajolingly.

  "Oh, I can take you home now, Mistress," he replied, "but I can't let it be settled at that. Wouldn't be right. I have my honor as a Troll to protect, you know."

  I didn't, but nodded anyway.

  "What good am I without my honor," he said solemnly.

  Huh... an honor bound Troll, who'd have thunk it.

  This day has barely begun and it's already getting weirder and weirder.

  We trooped to the door and Segrid, apparently, ever the gentleman, opened every door for me, and even told me a little about himself.

  He even told me some very useful information about Death Bringers and Air Witches as he drove me home.

  Home, I sighed to myself.

  Home to my Alfred.

  Mine, I thought viciously, my canines lengthening, the ends of my ears growing pointy with tips.

  Let his mother just try and keep him away.

  I grinned, looking down at the claws now protruding from my fingers.

  I could feel my mate's worry and fear for me through our link.

  I wish I could reassure him somehow.

  My grin faded and a sense of determination washed over me.


  I paced the living room frantically, pulling at my hair and growling in frustration.

  "I'm so sorry, Alf, I checked the swamps, there was no sign of her and nobody's seen her," Greniv said, sympathy lacing his voice.

  I snarled at him in frustration, fighting to keep my half shift held back.

  I don't want sympathy! I just want my mate! I raged at myself.

  I could feel her emotions roiling through me.

  Fear, shock, and a million other things.

  It was making me insane!

  What was happening to her?

  Where is she?

  Is she okay?

  "I checked the woods too, haven't seen her, man," Billy chimed in, walking in the back door, his hooves clomping on the floor as he walked.

  The front door was thrown open suddenly and Mama came rushing in.

  "Oh, I just heard!" she spouted, running across the room to me.

  "I can't believe anyone would ever leave you, honey, but I tried to warn you, you know. Her kind just doesn't belong wi..." she ranted, but I cut her off.

  "What are you doing here, Mother?" I snarled, glaring at her, already pissed and worried about my mate.

  I don't need her drama right now.

  "Kat would never leave me, Mother. She loves me," I told her with conviction.

  "How did you know she was gone?" Billy asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion at her.

  "Whatever do you mean, you filthy billy goat?! Really, Alfred, is this the kind of riffraff you take into your company?!" she barked, her voice high and shrill.

  "Answer the question, Mother. How did you know she was missing? I haven't told anyone, but Billy and Green over there and they aint much for gossipin'," I growled at her.

  A van pulled up at that exact moment and Mama paled when a very pissed off Kat and a Troll, of all things, came walking up the drive.

  ...or should I say the Troll walked, my little Kitty Kat seemed to be floating.

  I went after her, breaking into a full out run, snagging her up and kissing the life out
of her.

  I growled when I felt her nails scraping my scalp, holding me to her as we kissed passionately.

  She bit my lip and I tasted blood.

  She didn't even pause, though, just sucked my injured lip into her mouth and licked at it.

  She pulled back and looked at me.

  I noticed, just then, that her ears had points on them and her upper and lower canines had lengthened.

  She looked like she was in the very beginning stages of shifting.

  Kat looked behind me and raised her hand up in a swooping motion.

  Wind swirled around us and I felt it as it went in the direction she was pointing.

  I heard a scream and looked behind me to see Mama surrounded by a whirl of wind. It whipped her hair and clothes around, keeping her in place, but otherwise not harming her.

  Kat released me and started slowly walking towards Mama, her feet coming off the ground as she strode purposefully towards her, her hair whipping out behind her wildly.

  She looked magnificent.

  My woman is an Air Witch, I thought, in awe.

  A very pissed off Air Witch, if her eyes turning electric green and the winds intensity meant anything.

  "What's your Mother's full name, Alfred?" Kat queried, looking at me with fire in her eyes, but it wasn't directed at me.

  "Don't tell her! She's a Witch, Alfred! Turned Death Bringer, and it's all your fault when you bit her! What the hell were you thinking?!" Mama screeched at me angrily.

  I looked from Kat to Mama and I knew for certain, whatever had happened was Mama's doing.

  "You did this to yourself, Mother," I told Mama, not an ounce of remorse for her situation in my tone.

  "It's Harriet Dannis Lupenstein," I told my mate, while Mama cussed me out from here to kingdom come.


  Time to take out the trash.

  I smiled to myself.

  "Harriet Dannis Lupenstein," I intoned, my hands raised high in her direction. "I banish you to the Human realm. I banish you indefinitely, for the crimes against me, Katarina Lupenstein, Elemental Air Witch and Death Bringer. I banish you for your crimes against Segrid Femmel, King of the Trolls, and I banish you for being such a manipulative bitch and shitty mother to my mate, Alfred Frankfurt Lupenstein. Be GONE!" I yelled above the howling wind.


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