Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6) Page 15

by Jo Willow

  She grabbed her purse and decided to take a drive. There was an antique store in Atlanta that an old flame owned. Surely one Tanner would have info on another one. Marla thought about her approach as she started the car.

  Pam and Tim were well into their day. It was the end of the month and they were waiting on new stock to arrive from a buying trip they’d taken two weeks earlier. They were arranging spaces for the new furniture when Marla breezed through the door.

  Pam sized her up immediately and saw trouble. They were similar in coloring, but the similarities stopped there. Any woman that tall that also wore three inch heels, had to be trouble. She was rail thin and Pam didn’t like that either. Since having Jace, Pam had curves where none existed before and she’d grown to like them. Probably because Tim adored them. The woman she watched sauntering towards her husband looked like a woman on a mission and Pam decided to stay where she was and see how Tim reacted.

  Tim caught sight of Marla five seconds before he found her wrapped around him.

  “Tim! It’s been so long sweetheart. How are you?”

  Tim patted her back and his eyes darted around looking for his wife. He saw Pam approaching from his left, about ten feet away and he relaxed.

  “Marla, I’m good. Great actually. I’m married with a son now. How are you?”

  Marla released Tim as Pam reached his side. Tim quickly put his arm around his wife and pulled her close, almost as a shield. Pam found humor in this and her smile was genuine. She extended her hand to the over-familiar female.

  “Pamela Tanner, Tim’s wife.”

  Marla shook her hand and smiled.

  “Marla Simms, Tim’s ex. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Tim tugged at his collar at his wife’s upturned brow.

  “I wouldn’t say she’s an ‘ex’ exactly, we only dated a few times.”

  Marla leaned in making Tim squirm.

  “I seem to remember those few dates a little differently than you do then Tim.”

  Pam elbowed Tim and and leaned in as well.

  “I wanna hear this story later Tanner.”

  He closed his eyes and mumbled, “Ah shit.”

  Content that she’d stirred a bit of trouble, Marla continued.

  “I’m here on a recon mission Tim and I thought that if anyone could help me, it would probably be you.”

  Tim was grateful for the change of subject, so he jumped onboard with both feet.

  “If we can help, we will. What’s up Marla?”

  “I know Mitch is opening his own gallery and it looks like he’ll be getting married soon as well. I’d like to get a gift that would mean something to both of them, but I don’t know his intended well at all. Any ideas?”

  Tim knew about the gallery because he’d been in on the pottery auction. He and Pam only stayed at Tara sporadically anymore so the daily happenings were lost on him. Pam knew more because she was close to Claire and Carie and the children spent time together. It was because of this that she knew of Marla. It was good to finally put a face to Beth’s fears. She had no reason to believe that Marla’s intentions were the slightest bit pure. She was trying to figure out a way to telegraph her suspicions to Tim, when he opened his mouth.

  “I didn’t know Mitch was getting married. I knew about the gallery of course because we asked for first refusal on anything new he put out in red or black. I also knew he and Beth were pretty serious, but marriage? That’s wonderful news! I wonder when it’s taking place.”

  Pam felt it was her chance to speak up and see for herself if Marla’s motives were pure.

  “Saturday the twentieth at Tara. Bill’s going to do the ceremony, Mitch didn’t want to wait. Scott’s going to be Mitch’s best man and Patty will be the flower girl.”

  Tim beamed and pulled Pam tighter to his side.

  “Ah, that’s sweet. Those kids are something else. They love Mitch as much as Beth does.”

  Marla’s voice had an icy tinge to it that Tim missed but Pam picked right up on.

  “Just how old are the kids?”

  “Scott’s eight and Patty’s six. Mitch is the only dad she’s ever known. She even calls him daddy. As far as a gift goes, I’m not sure what to say Marla. If you got a family gift you’d probably be safest. Something all of them can enjoy would be the way to go. Anything else we can do for you?”

  Marla smiled at Pam and her smile got warmer when she looked at Tim.

  “That’s it and thank-you. It’s good seeing you again Tim. You look fantastic. Pam, it was great meeting you. I hope to see you both again soon.”

  Marla had been backing towards the door and smiling. When she stepped outside, she knew Mitch and Beth’s weak spot.

  Tim turned to Pam and kissed her on the cheek.

  “That didn’t go too bad, eh?”

  “Didn’t go too bad? You’d better get on the horn and let Ian, David, and Mitch all know that the she-devil was here and asking questions. Tell them she’s up to no good as well.”

  “Up to no good? How can you say that? She seemed perfectly lovely.”

  Pam rolled her eyes and dug out her cell phone.

  “Lovely? Are all men dumber than toast? That bitch was on a fishing expedition and you baited her hook. Ian bought her gallery out from under her and cost her a job she loved and was good at. The man she set her sights on left her high and dry in Paris and she found out he’s marrying the girl next door. Oh - and when did you sleep with her exactly?”

  “Slow down there woman. It was a long time before I met you, and only a few times at that. It only took me that long to figure out that she was after the name and the money so I bailed.”

  “Tim, Mitch is a Tanner.”

  Tim sobered and straightened his spine.

  “He doesn’t have a dime to his name Pam.”

  “It doesn’t matter. He’s got talent, a future and a wealthy family. That gold digger just wants her foot in the door.”

  Pam was dialing Ian’s cell and when she got him, she explained the situation quickly. He thanked her and promised to call David and have a conversation with him. Pam’s next call was to Mitch.

  “Hi, this is Mitch.”

  “Mitch, it’s Pam. I know you don’t know me well, but I felt compelled to call and let you in on something. Marla just left here.”

  There was a lengthy pause while Mitch tried to understand what Pam had just told him.

  “Marla was at Tara?”

  “No, she was here at the store. Tim and I were working and she came in to flirt with Tim. She was digging for info on you and Beth.”

  Now Mitch was interested and clutching the phone.

  “What kind of info?”

  “She said something about your gallery opening and then said something about you getting married soon. Tim assumed she knew so we told her the date. Then she made some lame excuse about a gift. She seemed overly interested when the kids were mentioned.”

  “Why would she be interested in the kids?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but I thought you should know. She’s gotta be pissed Mitch. You dumped her in Paris then stole her gallery right out from under her.”

  Mitch collapsed in a kitchen chair.

  “Whoa. My new gallery is The Loft?”

  “No, your new gallery is Heart of Clay. It just happens to be in the same building The Loft was in. I thought you’d already had a look at it.”

  “We haven’t had a chance and I haven’t had anything to display. I’ve been working like a wildman trying to get enough stock together for a gallery debut. I’d like to do this before we get married and I’m almost there. Well if Marla lost her job because of me, I can only imagine how pissed she is.”

  “She still wants you Mitch. Be careful. If she can get to Beth, she can get to you. Know what I mean?”

  “I sure do and thanks for the call Pam. We appreciate it. We’ll see you next Saturday.”

  Mitch hung up and dialed Beth. He explained everything to her and he could tell
she was shaking over the phone. He reassured her and he knew he’d made her feel better by the time they hung up. He didn’t feel better though. He knew what Marla Simms was capable of and he knew what she wanted. He didn’t dare see her again, not alone, and he didn’t feel right asking Beth to witness the two of them together for any purpose. He’d have to wait and hope that they could fix whatever havoc she threw at them.

  Marla decided to take a drive while she was in Atlanta. She drove up to Dunwoody and cruised by Slow Burn records. It was impressive and busy with some expensive looking cars in the parking lot. Business was good.

  When she left there, she drove to Lithia Springs and reacquainted herself with Tara. The addition of a gate made her pause and she wondered why they’d decided to get tighter with their privacy and security. The place was huge and it reminded her of why she’d wanted to be attached to the Tanner name. Mitch once again became her focus.

  She got back on the highway with a whole new understanding. Her approach had been wrong from the start. The supermodel thing had worked for Tim, but it would never work for Mitch. She was going to have to tone it down and do it fast. If he was getting married in a week’s time, she’d have to make her move now.

  The four hour drive gave her plenty of time to think. By the time she’d gone from I-75 to I-76, she had a plan. She stopped at the Old Navy store before she got to Savannah and traded in her designer dress for a pair of Levi’s and a light blue peasant blouse. She braided her hair back and slipped on a pair of Nike’s. To anyone that saw her, they’d never have believed she was Marla Simms, Art Expert. She looked like anybody’s next door neighbor.

  The sun was starting to set when she pulled into his driveway. His truck was there and she saw the light coming from the barn. She mustered up her courage and climbed out of her car, stretching and flexing. Her feet weren’t used to trainers and she had to admit, she rather liked them. Her jeans fit her like a glove and the blouse made her look softer. She started for the backyard.

  Patty had been working on an earache all day and Beth was home with her, routinely taking her temp and rocking her in the rocking chair. Scott was building a model car in his room. She’d told Mitch that she’d sneak over for a few minutes later if Patty settled down, but she felt uncomfortable dragging them out when one of them was sick. He understood completely and reassured her by telling her that he had plenty of work to keep him busy.

  Mitch was deep into a new glazing technique when he sensed movement at the door of the barn. His work shirt was unbuttoned and he was sweaty and grimy from the kiln and the Savannah heat. He’d eaten a light supper and he’d planned on spending the rest of the evening with his wheel and his clay. He looked up to see a woman he recognized, but only barely. She looked different; softer and more beautiful than he remembered her. He took his hands off the pot and reached for the towel he kept handy. He wiped his hands and stood. Marla walked inside and closed the door behind her.

  “I leave the door open so the heat doesn’t get overwhelming because of the kiln.”

  Marla was walking toward him and she’d slipped her hands into her front pockets.

  “I wanted to see you Mitch. I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression and think I was angry over Paris. I’m not. I understand. I sold your pot after you left.”

  She pulled an envelope from her pocket and extended it to him. He looked at it, unsure if he should take it or not. She looked at him and smiled, obviously amused at his hesitation.

  “What’s the matter Mitch? What are you afraid of?”

  “I don’t want to touch you Marla.”

  “I won’t bite. Take the money, it’s yours. I got you a good price.”

  She closed the distance and got within a few feet. The barn was heating up, but it had nothing to do with the kiln. He reached for the envelope and took it, then slipped it into his back pocket.

  “Is that all you wanted? It was nice of you to bring it out and all, but I really do have work to do.”

  Marla reached out and put her hand on his bare chest. She felt the heat of his skin and his muscles rippled beneath her touch.

  “Marla, I’m engaged. I can’t do this.”

  “Do what? You hurt her, but you hurt me too Mitch. You kissed me and touched me and made me crazy. I waited for you and you ran without so much as an explanation or a kiss goodbye. Don’t you think after everything we almost did, I deserved at least that much? I’ve been waiting for a call or something. Something that made me feel less cheap or used. I didn’t even get that. I thought we were at least friends.”

  Marla dropped her hand and started to cry.

  Mitch was helpless. He hated tears. More than anything, a crying woman rendered him useless. He looked again at the door and saw that it was tightly closed. He pulled her into his arms and started rubbing her back. She wrapped her arms around him and laid her face against his bare chest.

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you I was leaving or at least called you when I got back. There was so much going on here with the barn and the gallery, there hasn’t been time. Beth and I just got back together and now there’s a wedding - my head has been in a million different places. I’m sorry. I’ve been angry with you over the gallery Marla. I can’t believe you’d do that to me. You knew what that meant to me.”

  He didn’t bring up the barn because he had no proof. She looked up at him and licked her lips.

  “I’m sorry too. I was angry and hurt Mitch. I wanted us to be together so badly, I went to extremes. We’re a good pair. I believe in you and your work. I know I can display and sell it like nobody else can and I love it so much. I wanted you to stay with with me. I knew I could take care of your needs.”

  Marla watched his eyes as she leaned forward and kissed his chest. He hissed out a breath and intended to push her away. His hands found her waist and bare skin beneath her blouse. His fingers flexed and she unbuttoned his jeans.

  “Marla please don’t do this. I’m in love with Beth. I need her. I need to marry her and she needs me. We’ve waited so long for one another, please don’t screw that up for me.”

  Marla saw the anguish in his eyes when she reached inside his briefs and wrapped her hand around him. He was hot, hard and ready, and she questioned the commitment he was professing so loudly. He’d not made a move to stop her or even attempt to back away. She squeezed him harder and he groaned.

  “I think you’ve missed me and you want me. You know we have to do this once more Mitch. I told you that. We need to get this out of our system before either of us can move on.”

  Mitch pulled her roughly into his arms and began moving against her. He wrapped her braid around his hand and pulled back, bringing her face up to his. He covered her mouth with his own and was rough with her, angry at her for making him feel this way. He was stabbing his tongue in and out of her mouth in a vulgar display of his intentions and she was writhing against him.

  When he pulled back he began tearing at her jeans and his breath was ragged.

  “I can’t be gentle with you. I don’t love you Marla and I never will. Do you understand?”

  “I never asked you to love me and I don’t want you to be gentle with me. I want you to lose control with me Mitch. Take out your aggression. Be with me what you can’t be with her. Show me what you need from me.”

  Mitch took her hand and practically dragged her to one of the stalls. He had several bales of hay stored and he spun her around so that her back was to him. He pushed her forward until she lay sprawled across a bale and he jerked her jeans down. He positioned himself and she barely had time to grasp the bale in front of her.

  Mitch shoved roughly into her from behind and grabbed her hips. He’d craved this and dreamed of it since the first time he’d taken her in the kitchen. Her body was like a drug to him. He began pushing and pulling, bottoming out every time and she cried out with each thrust.

  “Isn’t this what you wanted Marla? Isn’t this what you came for?”

  He was poundin
g a punishing, angry rhythm and nothing could’ve stopped him at that point. When he felt her start to push back, he did what she’d asked him to do. He lost control. He grabbed her braid and pulled her head back, one hand still clamped on her hip. He ground against her, lifting her with each stroke. She clamped down on him and screamed his name. He felt a gush of wet heat and sped up. He twisted himself into her, getting as deep as he possibly could and clamped both arms around her, holding her in place while he emptied himself.

  “Damn it Marla, why is that so good? Why do I need it so badly?”

  She started moving back and forth against him, feeling his grip tighten and his hips grind against her backside.

  “I don’t want anything from you but this. I don’t expect anything from you but this. You’ve got nothing to prove or feel guilty about with me Mitch. We just fuck each other’s brains out.”

  “I can’t believe I’m getting hard again. Stop moving.”

  “No. Fuck me again Mitch. Do it before I have to leave.”

  He growled and started hammering at her again. He settled back on his heels behind her and brought her body up and back until she was seated on him. His hands clutched at her breasts and his mouth was on her neck. She began moving up and down fast and hard and she felt his breath harsh and ragged against her skin.

  “My god Marla, this is is crazy.”

  “This is lust. Tell me you can give this up Mitch. Tell me you can walk away from this.”

  She threw her head back and told him how good he felt while she felt pain every time she came down hard. His hands clenched her breasts in a bruising grip and he growled in her ear. When she started to shudder and tighten around him, he pushed her forward again and finished with brutal jabs and then he collapsed on top of her, pinning her to the hay.

  After he caught his breath, he slipped from her and sat down next to her on the bale. She pulled up her jeans but didn’t fasten them, then sat back on her heels looking at him.


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