Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6) Page 21

by Jo Willow

  “You stayed up too late last night.”

  She leaned into him and looked up into his eyes. He leaned down and pushed her hair back before he scorched her with a kiss.

  “I still can’t believe you’re mine Beth. The wedding was perfect, the bride was perfect and the wedding night was perfect. When does it get ugly?”

  “When Marla and Brian find out. We need some toast and a plan Mitch.”

  “Wait until he finds out I signed all the papers for the adoption last night.”

  “Doesn’t matter. The lawyer seems to think he gave up his rights six years ago when he walked away and never looked back. The Judge agreed with him. We just have to be patient now.”

  They were walking down the hall with their coffee, heading towards the loud voices coming from the kitchen. Excited children and adults were exchanging questions and answers. She heard Scott asking questions about the jet and she heard Ian patiently giving him answers. When they walked into the kitchen, Scott stood leaning against Ian’s side and he had his arm around the boy. Amber had Patty’s hand and Rose held on to Jem who held on to Alex. Phil was bouncing foot to foot.

  Mitch slipped his arm around Beth’s shoulder and kissed her on the temple before he spoke to the group as a whole.

  “Just remember one thing. If my kids come back maimed or missing, I’m keeping yours as an even trade.”

  Ian winked and grinned and the women looked at him like they were trying to decide if he was kidding. Ian stood, grabbed his keys and Scott’s hand. They all hustled out the backdoor to the sound of squealing children. The silence left behind was profound in it’s totality. Beth and Mitch smiled at one another.

  “This might not be so bad after all, eh?”

  The words were barely out of her mouth when Carie came in carrying fussy twins, one on each hip. She handed Will to Mitch and Julia to Beth. Then she went into the kitchen and started pulling items from the fridge.

  The terrible two’s were taking their toll on Carie and she was obviously frazzled. Beth went to the freezer and pulled out a popsicle. She split it in half and had Mitch sit at the table. She handed him a dish towel and took one for herself. He watched her place it under the toddlers chin and he did the same.

  “Honey, they’re teething. The ice helps with the pain and they like the flavor. Just put it to his lips and he should want it on his own.”

  Mitch did as he was instructed and Will grinned up at him and stopped fussing. Julia followed suit and quickly settled back against Beth.

  Carie watched them work miracles with her children and started fixing their breakfast.

  Mitch had held children of all ages now and he was of the mind that he liked it. Will felt good leaning back against his chest, trusting him completely. Popsicle drool dripped from his little mouth onto the towel and he was happily playing with his toes. He had the Tanner cleft chin and long fingers. He had his mother’s green eyes and they sparkled when they looked up at him.

  Carie watched Mitch fall in love with her son and she smiled.

  “He’s a little heartbreaker for sure. Wait until Julia falls asleep in your arms when you’re rocking her. You’ll never wanna give her up.”

  Mitch never took his eyes off the little boy when he answered her.

  “Think you’ll have any more Carie?”

  “If everything goes okay, we’ll have another one in January.”

  Mitch’s head flew up and Beth looked at her with huge eyes. Carie was scrambling eggs and grinning ear to ear.

  Mitch stood and walked to her. He took the bowl from her hands and hugged her tightly while he held her son. Then he kissed her on the forehead.

  “Congratulations, that’s wonderful news. Kevin must be over the moon.”

  “He’s pretty thrilled but we haven’t told anyone else, not even my parents. We wanted to give it another month just to be safe. Then we’ll be three months along.”

  Beth teared up at the news and wiped her eyes on the sleeve of her robe.

  “I’m so happy for you guys. We won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

  “Oh I know. You both look so natural with the twins, you really should have a couple of your own you know. Patty and Scott could use a little brother or sister.”

  Mitch took Carie’s hand and kissed it, then smiled.

  The twins settled into their swings in the living room and Beth and Mitch fed Faith and Charlie. They changed diapers side by side and discussed their current living arrangement. They were deep in conversation when his cell phone rang. He fished it out of his pocket and looked at the caller I.D.

  He went pale and looked at Beth.

  “She knows.”

  “You’re a Tanner. We’re all over the papers. Of course she knows. You’ll have to talk to her eventually Mitch, get it over with. I’m here honey. It’ll be fine.”

  Mitch wasn’t convinced, but he took strength in Beth’s faith. He pressed the green button and closed his eyes.


  “Mitch it’s Marla. Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

  “I don’t think so. Is there something I need to tell you?”

  “Four days ago you fucked my brains out Mitch. You spent the night at my house for the first time. I thought we had something. I thought we had an understanding.”

  “And you thought that why exactly? I told you in the barn that I was engaged and committed to Beth. You filmed us Marla. Without my knowledge or permission. Do you know who the fuck I am? I could sue you and win! You’ve got the nerve to call me all upset because I got married without telling you? Who the hell are you? My mother? Did you honestly think I’d invite you to the wedding?”

  “Did Beth ever watch the CD I gave her? Does she know about us?”

  “She’s standing right here! Strangely enough, you brought us together. She brought the disk to me still in the envelope and asked me if I wanted her to watch it. While she packed up the kids I watched enough of it to make myself sick. I decided to come to Tara with her. We talked it through and decided to go ahead and get married and erase any further threat from you.”

  “You think you can forget me that easy? I want you to think about some of the things that we do that I know for a fact you don’t do with her Mitch. You’ll miss me soon enough. Then what?”

  Mitch looked at his wife who was watching him closely. She picked up Charlie and held him while she rocked side to side. He had his answer and he watched her face.

  “Marla, Beth and are I having a baby. You and I are over. There will be no repeats, no quickies, no one night stands. I’m married now with two kids and a baby on the way. I’m happy. Be happy for me and move on.”

  “What if I’m pregnant Mitch? Have you given that any thought? What then?”

  Mitch froze. Beth’s eyes were huge, but he could deal with her. If Marla was pregnant, he was in a world of hurt.

  “I will not discuss this with you Marla. I don’t do possibilities. I’m a married man. That will never change. No matter what you tell me, that will not change. Are you sensing a theme here?”

  “This is not over until I decide it’s over Mitch. You took my job and then threw me away like a piece of trash. Tanner or not, you don’t treat people that way. I’m not done with you baby. Just turn that over in your head. Let it keep you up at night. Worry it to death. I’ll be seeing you around Mitch. Probably when you’re alone and you least expect it. Bye.”

  Beth began to worry when his color didn’t return. She handed him Charlie and finished changing Faith. When she walked over to the pair of rockers by the window, he followed her. Once they were settled and both rocking babies, she turned to him.

  “Why did you tell her we were pregnant?”

  “Why did you tell Brian we were already married? It just slipped out. It felt right and I thought it might get the message across faster.”

  “It didn’t though, did it? She’s not giving up.”

  “She said she wasn’t finished and she’d see me when I was

  “Can you handle that?”

  “I can now. I take my vows seriously Beth. Now that I know what the problem is, I just won’t let her make me angry. She won’t get to me. She did ask one thing though.”

  “Tell me.”

  “When I said we were having a baby, she asked me what would happen if she were pregnant.”

  Beth stopped rocking and felt like she’d been slapped in the face. Not only had he cheated on her, he’d been careless while he did it.

  “You’re telling me you trusted the woman you say you hate, with something as crucial as birth control? Have I got that right?”

  “Baby, I’m telling you it never crossed my mind. Have I ever asked YOU if you were on birth control?”

  Beth sat back and thought about it. He never had. Not once. She blinked rapidly, having nothing to say.

  Mitch raised his eyebrows as if to say, “See what I mean?”, and let it go. He was watching Charlie watching him, his little legs already long like his father’s. He was every inch Ian’s son.

  Beth held a sleeping Faith and started doing head math. These Tanners were notoriously fertile and she’d had a long dry spell with no healthcare insurance of any kind. She simply couldn’t afford it. She’d tried the shot once when she was married to Brian and had every side effect mentioned in the literature. She switched to birth control pills, but when he left she saw no reason to continue since she couldn’t afford them anyway. Besides, she only took them when she remembered and Patty was conceived during one of her lapses in memory.

  “Beth you’re concentrating awfully hard on something. What are you thinking?”

  “I’m thinking that if you knocked us both up, I’ll castrate you in your sleep.”


  “I’m not on anything Mitch. Why would I be? I hadn’t had sex in six years until I slept with you. I can’t afford contraception. Hell, I can barely afford the antibiotics when Patty gets an ear infection. We could be screwed royally.”

  “Why? We’re married.”

  “Just barely. I think etiquette and my father’s heart condition dictates that we should wait at least ten months to have our first child. You know. To make it look like we didn’t have to get married.”

  Mitch barely stifled a laugh.

  “What’s the big deal? Lot’s of people have babies without getting married. We just got married before we knew for sure. When are you due?”

  “I don’t even know if I’m pregnant! How would I know when I’m due?”

  Mitch raked a hand down his face and could not believe she was going to make him say it out loud.

  “Honey, when is your period due?”

  “Oh. In three days, give or take a day.”

  “Did you have your last one?”

  “Shit, I don’t remember. You and I had just started whatever the hell THAT was and then you ran off to Europe. The last few weeks have pretty much been a blur.”

  “Okay. Do you feel crampy or bloaty?”

  Beth looked at him and furrowed her brow.

  “Have you ever lived with a woman?”

  “No, why?”

  “Ever dated one for any serious length of time?”

  “They usually get tired of me before it gets that far. Why?”

  “How the hell do you know so much about periods?”

  “I used to spend a lot of time alone at night, watching TV. I know all the symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction too, but as you’re well aware, I do not suffer that malady either.”

  “No cramps, no bloating. Nothing. My breasts feel a little tender.”

  “Want me to rub them for you?”

  “Look smartass, keep it up and that erectile dysfunction info might come in handy. This is serious.”

  “I understand that and I’m trying to lighten it up a notch. Quit worrying. If you are, you are. We can’t change it now. Look at Faith and Charlie. How sweet are these little faces?”

  “Uh-huh. They grow into moody teenagers that steal your liquor, dress in black and wreck your car. They’re cute when they’re little so that you get attached and don’t kill them before they’re old enough to defend themselves.”

  “Elizabeth Tanner! You love your children. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Don’t give me that hardass crap. You were born to be a mother.”

  “Nobody’s born to be a mother Mitch. You fake control and learn how to yell. Scare them once in awhile and they stay in line.”

  “You knew about popsicles and Faith being allergic to her formula. Amber told me about that.”

  “Patty had the same allergy as a baby and both my kids were demonic teethers. I recognized the signs.”

  Mitch hugged Charlie and the little boy cooed.

  “Well our baby will be perfect. You’ll see.”

  “Uh-huh. His mother is forgetful and his father has anger management issues. He’ll be a little dream come true that one.”

  Mitch looked at her and she winked at him and smiled.

  “Seriously. Are you okay?”

  “I’m peachy. This family looks like it could use one more baby. I think they spike the water. The Tanner family has a plot in place that involves world domination, we just haven’t been indoctrinated yet.”

  Mitch chuckled and nodded his head.

  “I wouldn’t put it past Kevin in the least. Ian either for that matter. We’ll go home when the coast is clear babe, I promise.”

  They continued rocking, wrapped up in the children and each other.

  It was three degrees hotter than hell in the summer time. Shopping had been easy, Patty and Scott loved everything and Jem and Alex had decided to give it a rest. Phase two involved lunch and ice cream. Patty and Scott ate everything Rose put in front of them, Jem and Alex traded food continuously.

  When they got to Snyder’s Ice Cream Shop, things got interesting.

  Scott ordered chocolate and it was dispatched immediately. He thanked them and stood by eating his cone while his sister looked at the multitude of flavors. Alex and Jem started fussing, so Rose decided to be of assistance.

  “How about strawberry sweetheart?”

  Scott piped up immediately.

  “She’s allergic to strawberries.”

  Rose and Amber both turned their attention quickly to Scott. Amber asked the obvious question.

  “Is she allergic to anything else?”

  “Peaches, coconut and something else, but I don’t remember what it is.”

  Patty stood silently, wide eyes looking up at Rose, waiting for guidance.

  Rose looked at Ian.

  “What if it’s nuts?”

  “Only one way to find out. I’ll call Mitch.”

  “Mitch? Call Beth.”

  “Beth will be with Mitch and I’ve got his number, not hers.”

  He dialed the phone and Mitch answered immediately.

  “Ian? Is everything alright?”

  “We’re standing in the ice cream shop old buddy and you forgot to tell us that Patty has allergies.”

  “Patty has allergies?”

  Mitch was looking at Beth when he asked Ian the question and Beth began nodding frantically.

  “That’s what I said Mitch. That’s why I’m calling you. Give Beth the phone.”

  Mitch handed the cell over to his better half.

  “Ian, she’s allergic to strawberries, peaches, coconut and beets.”

  “Rose? No beet flavored ice cream either. That’s the other allergy. Beth, what flavor do you usually get her?”

  “She likes Cherry Chip, Mint Chocolate Chip, or any kind of Sherbet.”

  “On it. Thanks. By the way, does Scott have anything going that we should know about?”

  Beth winked at Mitch and kept her voice even and serious.

  “He’s allergic to chocolate.”

  Ian almost had a heart attack. Beth heard him talking to her son in a strangled voice and started cracking up laughing.

  “Ian, leave him alone. I’m just messin’ with you
. He only eats chocolate ice cream so I knew that’s what he’d order. He can eat anything.”

  Ian narrowed his eyes at his cell phone and ordered Patty a scoop of Mint Chocolate Chip.

  “Beth, don’t fuck with me. I’m older than you and I’m sneakier.”

  Beth started laughing until she heard her daughter.


  Ian turned pale and Rose’s eyebrows shot up. The kid scooping the ice cream blushed and grinned. Beth was not amused.

  “Did I just hear my daughter use the dirtiest word I can imagine?”

  “What? No! Patty wouldn’t say that. Pattycake is a little angel. That was Jem. She’s the foul mouthed terror. No worries Beth, gotta go. Bye.”

  Ian hung up quickly and turned to Rose.

  “Houston, we have a problem. If we don’t deprogram her before we take her back, her mother is gonna kill me.”

  Rose crouched down and looked Patty in the eye. The little girl kissed her cheek and Rose smiled at her.

  “Patty, you know that word you just said?”

  “You mean Fu...”

  “Shhh. You mustn’t say that word honey. It’s a really bad word. Your uncle Ian is an asshole and doesn’t know when to watch his mouth.”

  “Okay. I’ll be good, I promise.”

  “There’s my little angel.”

  Rose kissed her on the head and stood. Ian looked dubious.

  “I am not an asshole Rose. You shouldn’t tell her things like that.”

  “Oh hush Ian. Anyone that would use a word like that in front of an impressionable child is definitely an asshole. Now order some ice cream for our little terrorists before they yell the place down.”

  Ian did as he was told and Amber no longer restrained her laughter.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Beth almost had dinner ready. The babies were all sleeping and she and Carie were sharing kitchen duties while Mitch, Kevin and David stood out back deciding where to put a small barn. In the end, it was decided that the area past the garage would be the safest. It was far enough from the house to be safe for structures and children, and would offer Mitch the privacy he needed to work.


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