Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6)

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Heart of Clay (The Tanner Series Book 6) Page 24

by Jo Willow

  Ian popped the top and filled the mug, grinning at his obviously aggravated wife. He drank half the mug in one go and refilled it with what was left in the can. A man slightly younger than himself was seated at the next table with his wife and three children. He leaned over at the sight of the cold beer in the mug.

  “Buddy? How did you smuggle beer in here?”

  Ian smiled and leaned over.

  “The wife’s famous and I’m about to throw myself from the top of a flying elephant. Someone took pity on me.”

  The man tapped glasses with Ian and nodded in understanding.

  Ian was blissfully finishing his acquisition when Amber placed a dozing Alex in his huge plastic stroller, shaped like a blue whale. She elbowed Rose and winked before she spoke to Ian.

  “Big guy, I’ve got an idea that you just might find appealing.”

  “I’m listening Judo Jane. Shoot.”

  “Why don’t you find the Dynamic Duo and head off for a little guy time? We’ve only got Adventureland left and we can handle the kids from here on out. Go. Have fun. Get on the tram and head to Epcot. They have real pubs with real beer and guys that juggle fire. It sounds right up your alley.”

  Ian’s eyes lit up and he looked at Rose.

  “Can I ma? Please? I’ve been a good boy. I’ll even take Patty if you want. She can be my sidekick.”

  Patty reached over and patted his hand. When he looked at her, she stood and kissed him on the cheek.

  “You go play with Scott and Phil, Uncle Ian. We can handle the little kids.”

  Ian smiled at the little red-haired girl with the big blue eyes.

  “I love you Pattycakes.”

  “I love you too.”

  Patty sat back down in her lime green princess dress and tucked her napkin back in the front. She was careful with her hamburger and her drink because she thought that her new dress might just be the prettiest thing she’d ever owned.

  Jem was dozing in a stroller that was identical to the one Alex was in and they were parked side-by-side. Rose watched as Ian tapped his cell phone, waiting for her okay.

  “Call them Ian, we’ve got this.”

  Ian hit Phil’s contact and waited. Phil, breathless, answered on the third ring.

  “Ian, you should be here dude.”

  “Where’s ‘here’ exactly?”

  “We’re in Frontierland riding Splash Mountain and the Big Thunder Railroad. I swear they’re the best rides in the park. Me and little man are soaked to the skin. These Express Passes are worth their weight in gold. Where are you guys?”

  “Right next door and I’ve been pardoned by the warden. How would you like to meet me at the tram for a little ride to Epcot? They have pubs with real beer and guys that juggle fire.”

  “Hell yeah, count us in! We’ll leave now.”

  Phil disconnected the phone call and told Scott the plan. Scott got visibly excited and Phil got curious.

  “Enlighten me Jedi.”

  “Obi Wan, they’ve got a 3D hang-gliding ride we can do and a test track we can drive cars on. We can even do a Space Mission.”

  Phil fist bumped him and started wringing out his t-shirt.

  “Why the hell are we standing here with life-sized banjo-picking bears. Let’s go grab a brew and get behind the wheel of a car!”

  Phil and Scott raced for the Tram and pulled up short when they saw Ian. Scott leaned over to Phil and voiced what Phil was feeling as well.

  “He looks like someone’s idea of a bad joke. Is he really wearing a Goofy shirt and Mouse ears? He’s like one of the richest guys around right? Who dressed him in that?”

  “I dunno, but we’re gonna undo it when we get him to Epcot. Come on.”

  Two hours later, they were comfortably seated in a pub in the United Kingdom in the heart of Epcot. They’d hang-glided, Test tracked, and Space Missioned. Ian now sported a white polo shirt with the small “Mission: Space” logo on it, but he’d refused to give up his mouse ears. The two men had what was referred to as a “yard” of strong beer in front of them, Scott had a Coke. All three had slightly pink faces from the sun and grins a mile wide. Phil ruffled Scott’s hair and leaned back in his chair.

  “This has been one hell of a day. I don’t remember when I’ve had this much fun. How about you Ian?”

  “It’s been a hoot alright. I flew in a Dumbo and rode in a Clamshell. I hang-glided, Space missioned and drove on a track. Now I’m sitting in an English Pub drinking the best beer I’ve tasted in ages. It’s gonna be hard to top this.”

  “Well hold on to your ears old friend. We’re having dinner with Mickey Mouse over at the resort.”

  “We’re at the Kidani Village Phil, not the Magic Kingdom.”

  “It’s still a Disney resort. He wears Safari clothes. Wait until you see what I booked. You’re gonna flip.”

  Ian finished his beer and looked at his watch.

  “Ah shit, it’s ten to five. We’re supposed to be at the front gates in ten minutes.”

  Phil downed his beer and Scott finished his Coke. They stood as a single unit and started quickly for the Tram station.

  Mitch and Beth sat on the back porch at Tara in rockers. Charlie had fallen asleep shortly after dinner, and Beth was rocking Faith while she fed her. Carie was in the kitchen with Kevin, washing and putting away dishes. Beth started singing softly to Faith and Mitch closed his eyes...

  “Sleep my child and peace attend thee... All through the night....”

  It was an old song and she sang it well. Her mother sang it to her when she was a child and she’d sung it many times to Scott and Patty when they were babies. When she finished the song, Mitch sighed and turned his head to look at her.

  “That was pretty babe. I haven’t heard that song in years.”

  “Our kids haven’t been babies in years.”

  “Did it work on Faith?”

  “She’s out like a light.”

  Beth rose with the baby and carried her into the house, closely followed by Mitch. Carie and Kevin smiled when they came in. Mitch poured a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. Beth carried Faith directly to the nursery.

  The barn was well under way and he was looking forward to getting back to work in a few days. Kevin poured his own coffee and sat down hear his cousin.

  “How do you like living here Mitch?”

  “It’s different. I’m glad I’ve had a chance to get to know y’all better. It’s good to have family again.”

  Kevin nodded and sipped his coffee.

  “We feel the same way. Any thoughts on a honeymoon?”

  “Not really. We figured we might take a little time once the business is up and running and the kids are back in school. Beth’s folks can watch them for a few days while we sneak off somewhere.”

  “How would you like to sneak off now?”

  Mitch cocked his head at his cousin.

  “Sneak off now? Why now?”

  “Because the barn isn’t done, I’m on vacation as of tomorrow and Carie’s parents are back. Toss in Maggie and there’s more than enough of us to keep track of the little ones. We all planned this out before Ian and Rose left.”

  “What exactly did you plan out Kevin? You’ve already given us a wedding, we couldn’t accept a honeymoon.”

  “This one you can. Ian and Rose rented a private house on St. Pete’s Beach. It’s got four bedrooms and a few baths and it sits right on the water. The thing is, they had to rent it for a month. Right now, it’s sitting empty because they’re staying at some Animal Kingdom thing for the kids. It’ll be empty for the week. If you and Beth fly out tomorrow, you’ll have at least five days in the house alone. You can lay around on the beach, swim, mess around in the hot tub - whatever you want. It’s your honeymoon. You’ll fly out on Ian’s jet and a rental car will be waiting when you get there. All you have to do is pack Mitch. Take your wife and get the hell away from all of the crap for a little while. No kids, no worries, no work. Just you and Beth.”
r />   It sounded good and it sounded easy. He’d yet to be alone with his wife and every day included distractions of some kind. They’d been so preoccupied with everything else, they’d had precious little time for one another. The thought of the two of them alone anywhere, made him wistful and dreamy. He could see her in a bikini on the beach and he didn’t need to go any further.

  “We’ll do it. When can we leave?”

  Kevin laughed. He thought it would take at least two pots of coffee, several threats and a bargaining chip of some kind, just to get them to think about it. He decided to strike before Mitch could change his mind.

  “You could be there tonight if you don’t mind getting in late. It’s seven o’clock now. If we can get you to the airport by eight thirty, we can have you there by ten. You can be listening to the waves through the bedroom window by eleven.”

  “I don’t even know if Beth owns a bikini.”

  Carie perked up immediately.

  “I have several. I’ve got at least a few that would look incredible on her. I’ll go get them. You start packing.”

  Carie disappeared down the hall and Mitch looked at Kevin.

  “You’ve come through for us again, don’t think that I don’t know that. I appreciate it Kevin. I appreciate all of it.”

  “I know you do and don’t worry about it. The house is sitting empty, somebody should be getting some use out of it. I’ll be off for two weeks, so if you wanna stay a little longer and spend some time with the kids, that’s okay too. Just go and have a good time. If anything happens here, one of us will call.”

  Mitch shook his hand and went down the hall to start packing. When Beth came in, Kevin was seated at the table alone, drinking coffee. Carie raced by her carrying what looked like a pile of bikinis, heading for her and Mitch’s room.

  “Kevin, where’s Mitch and what’s going on with Carie?”

  “Sis’, grab a cup of coffee and have a seat.”

  Beth did as she was told and heard laughter coming from the hallway that led to her room. She looked at Kevin and drank from her cup.

  “Beth, what’s your idea of the perfect honeymoon?”

  “No phone, no kids, no clothes.”

  Kevin spewed coffee out of his nose. and covered his mouth with a napkin while he had a coughing fit. She’d surprised him with her candid response. When he’d regained his composure, he tried again.

  “I meant a location. Where would you like to go on a honeymoon?”

  “I’m not fussy. I’d just like him to myself for a little while. I don’t really care where.”

  “How about a big house on a beach in Florida?”

  “Florida? We’re goin’ to Florida? What about the kids?”

  “I’m on vacation for the next two weeks and the Bishops are coming back tomorrow. We’ve got the kids covered. Ian and Rose had to rent the house for a whole month in order to get it, and they want you two to have it the first week. If you want to stay a little longer and have time with the kids, that’s alright too. The next several days are yours alone.”

  “When do we leave?”

  “The way Mitch flew out of here to pack, I’d say within the hour. You’ll fly on Ian’s jet, it’s parked at the airport.”

  Beth sagged back against the chair. She hadn’t even hoped for a honeymoon. She’d never had one in her life, not even when she was married to Brian. She’d only been twenty and they’d had no money. She looked at Kevin and her expression held so many emotions, Kevin was struggling to keep up.

  She stood up and went to him. Leaning over, she hugged him hard and he hugged her back.

  “Thank-you for everything. This is way too much, but I’m accepting it and I’m grateful for it. We really need some time alone Kevin. I need to tell him something and the timing has never been right.”

  Kevin looked at her, and then he really looked at her. He’d had Carie’s condition on the brain lately, so maybe that’s why he was so tuned in to the notion of pregnancy.




  Beth was nodding her head frantically and grinning. Kevin stood and scooped her into a massive hug.

  “No one knows but you and me Kevin. I’ll tell him this week.”

  “When are you due?”

  “March I think. It’s early. I’m barely a month along, anything could happen.”

  “Nothing will happen except we’ll have another beautiful baby to chase around. Congratulations. It’s wonderful news.”

  Beth smiled at him because in his world, it was wonderful news.

  In their world, it was a hospital bill, a nursery to outfit and child care to sort out that they couldn’t afford. She had two kids and she knew how hard it was. She was about to add one more and the thought scared her to death. Still, she smiled because she was going on her honeymoon with the love of her life and a surprise that would make him the happiest man on earth.

  An hour later, she and Mitch were seated on a private jet with a bottle of champagne in a bucket, placed in front of them. They couldn’t quit gawking at their surroundings. Mitch leaned over and kissed her and she lingered in the kiss a few moments before she allowed him to pull back.

  He reached for the bottle.


  “Not for me thanks.”

  “Beth, honey we’re celebrating. It’s our honeymoon. Just you and me for several nights in a house on a beach. I get to see you in a bikini. Then I get to see you without a bikini. Have a glass of champagne with me.”

  “Mitch, I can’t. I’d love to baby, but I can’t.”

  Mitch was pouring a glass and he took a sip. It was good.

  “Why can’t you Beth? We’ll get drunk and take turns ravishing each other.”

  “I can do that without getting drunk. My getting drunk days are over for awhile husband.”

  “Ah come on. What are you afraid of?”

  “A premature baby with some serious problems. I’ll have some juice though if we’ve got some.”

  Mitch stopped with the glass halfway to his mouth. He put down the champagne and looked at his wife. He cupped her face and his gaze was intense.

  “Did you just tell me in an odd way that we’re having a baby?”

  “I believe I did. Yes.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “Two out of three sticks are sure. When we get back, I’ll make an appointment with Carie’s OB/GYN and get it confirmed. I need to start on the prenatal vitamins.”

  Mitch unbuckled his seatbelt and got down on his knees in front of her. He lifted her blouse and caressed the top of her jeans. He wrapped his arms around her and rested the side of his face against her abdomen.

  “Thank-you Beth. It’s perfect. You just took my wonderful new life and made it perfect. I love you.”

  She hugged his head and rested her cheek on top.

  “I love you too. This is going to be exciting, but I worry about the timing.”

  “Honey, I don’t want you to worry about anything. We’ll be fine, the baby will be fine, things happen when they’re supposed to. When will I get to meet him?”

  “If everything goes well, March. I’ll be as big as a house by Christmas.”

  “He’ll be kicking and I can put my hands on him by Christmas. A baby Beth. We’re having a baby.”

  She looked at her husband, saw the reverence and awe, and realized it would be alright. He wasn’t Brian and she wouldn’t be alone. Not for any of it. Not this time.

  “Phil, it’s not a photo shoot. Knock it off.”

  Phil continued snapping pictures at a ridiculous rate with a grin as wide as Patty’s. Jem and Alex sat, one on each knee, on the biggest mouse he’d ever seen. Dressed in a khaki shirt and a safari hat, the huge mouse head grinned and held the children close while Phil snapped away.

  Finally, the mouse put the children down and they quickly ran to their mother. Scott stepped up and solemnly shook the mouses hand and Phil got a photo of that too.

  “Thanks for having us Mr. Mouse. It’s a great place you have here.”

  Mickey nodded his head and put his arm around the Scott’s shoulder. Scott gave him a quick hug and backed away.

  The giant mouse looked at Patty who was looking at him right back. She still had on her princess dress and her mouse ears and she was swaying side to side in a nervous habit she’d had since she was a toddler. When he opened his arms, she flung herself at him and he hugged her tight. Patty hugged him right back and Phil took one of the best pics of the evening. She told him that she loved him and he hugged her again. Phil wiped a tear away and took another photo.

  “That kid could photograph well in the dark. I swear Ian, she’ll be a Sports Illustrated model or I’ll eat this camera.”

  Ian looked at his friend and cocked his head.

  “She’s six years old, wearing a glow-in-the-dark dress, hugging a giant rat. Where in the hell do you get a swimsuit model out of that?”

  “It’s her eyes Ian. Have you ever seen a prettier set of eyes on a little girl? She adores that rat, look at her.”

  “Yeah Phil. I know when I pick up Sports Illustrated, the first thing I’m looking for is the nicest set of eyes.”

  Rose elbowed him and tipped her head in the direction of the Mouse and Patty. Mickey was tickling Patty who was giggling and kissing the cheek of the giant mouse head. Everyone heard her when she slid off of his lap and looked up at him.

  “I know you have to go Mr. Mouse. The other kids love you too. Thank-you.”

  The Mouse hesitated and turned toward Ian who raised his glass of soda in a salute.

  “I know how you feel buddy. She roped me in when she told me I wasn’t an asshole.”

  Phil rolled his eyes and fist-bumped Scott who was seated next to him. Phil began to show Scott the intricacies of the Nikon he was using and Scott was deep in concentration, the Mouse forgotten.

  Mickey got up and went to another table as the other characters came in, all dressed for safari. Patty sat down hard on her chair and Ian smiled at her.


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