Living in Fast Forward

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Living in Fast Forward Page 15

by BA Tortuga

  “Me? Evil? I just know what I want.” The lounge next to his creaked, Hollis turning right over too. “We could swim.”

  “We could.” That actually sounded like fun. “It’s been a while since I’ve been.”

  “Cool. Let’s go wade in.” Oh, man. The view of that fine ass heading toward the water? Lord. That wasn’t making anything go down.

  He finished half his beer and then followed, the water sucking at the sand at his feet. “Man, I can tell this is going to count as exercise.”

  “Uh-huh. You should be glad. Helps keep me worked out too.” Hollis winked, splashing him, and damn, that water was cold until you got kinda submerged.

  Once they got away from the shore a little, where his legs were more of a help than a hindrance, Jeremy let himself relax, let himself play some. Let himself swim. Hollis started out swimming strong but was soon floating along next to him, soaking up the sun, both of them finding the hot spots in the water.

  “Feels good, man. Thank you.” He reached out, under the water, fingers twining with Hollis’s for just a second. Squeezing.

  “Not a problem, baby. I like to swim.” Hollis’s thumb rubbed over his hand. “And it’s good to be weightless a bit.”

  “That’s the truth.” He floated, not thinking. Well, okay, thinking, because Hollis could use one of those neat lane pools where you swim and swim but stay in the same place, and that might fit on a bus….

  Maybe they should get a second bus. Like a traveling gym. That would be cool, because then they could fit in a little portable hot tub.

  Oh, dude. A couple of treadmills, a yoga mat….

  Okay. Okay, slow down. Jeremy rolled his eyes at himself. Half an hour ago they were celebrating his big walk to the bar.

  “You’re sinking, baby.” One big hand slid under his ass, lifting him a little. “You’re thinking awfully hard.”

  “Sorry. I was daydreaming.”

  “Uh-huh. It’s a good look for you. But no drowning.” Damned if Hollis didn’t cop a feel.

  “Uhn.” He twisted a little, belly going tight. “No. No drowning.”

  “Swimming, swimming….” Grinning, Hollis stroked his butt under the water, then flipped over and swam lazy laps around him.

  “Bitch.” He ducked under the water, chin brushing one buttcheek.

  He heard Hollis laughing, felt those hands skating over his wet skin, and it felt good. So good to play. He got a few good splashes in, both of them having a ball in the clear water, bobbing up and down in the waves.

  When they finally waded back to the beach, he was tired, but it was a good kind of worn-out. Not a hurty kind. And he was hungry.

  “Man, I could eat a water buffalo and get a fruit salad and a double cheeseburger after.”

  “Well, we can do the cheeseburger for sure.” The little place they were staying had hot and cold running food, with a grill that did twenty-four-hour hamburgers and hot dogs.

  “Sounds good. You want some water?” He grabbed a skewer of pineapple and cherries from the bar on the way, winking at the bartender in thanks.

  “Yeah, that would be good.” Hollis stole a cherry. “And lots of pickles. The world needs more pickles.”

  “Pickles and olives.” He chuckled, nodded. “Doritos.”

  “Mmm. Salt. Does the swimming and all cancel out the water retention?” Man, Hollis never let up teasing him about the whole role-reversal thing.

  “Don’t make me beat you. I didn’t get puffy. I got down to a fighting weight.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  Man, those cheeseburgers smelled good. Protein. That was the ticket.

  He grabbed two plates while Hollis got the water, both of them meeting in the middle.

  “Now we’re having fun, huh?” The burgers looked juicy and hot and yummy. Yeah. This was gonna be good. They dug in and he could admit it. This was perfect—him, Hollis, the sun. No crowds, no messy little apartment, no bullshit.

  He was a fucking fan.

  Hollis piled shit on the burger, tomato, onion, all sorts of sauces. The man liked all of his food to be drippy. He was way more simple. Meat. Cheese. Half a bun. Pickles. That was it.

  “You should eat more of that salad, baby. Green stuff is good for you.” Hollis actually poked him.

  “Hollis, don’t make me hurt you.” He knew that. He knew.

  “Oh, why not? I might like it.” Big old horndog man. Lord, that smile was hard to resist, though.

  “Yeah, yeah. You find someone to make me hummus. Or…. Oh, man, I bet they have some killer fruit.”

  “Uh-huh. We’ll go to the market, huh? Or there’s that midnight buffet that supposedly has the best shit on it….”

  “Sounds good.” He took another bite, really just tasting the food. Enjoying it. Maybe it showed, because Hollis let Jeremy be, munching his own burger and chomping down fries. Those pretty eyes twinkled at him.

  “Man, I was hungry.” He stretched up, figuring he looked like a snake that swallowed a baby water buffalo.

  “Mmm-hmm. I could do with a nap….” One long leg stretched out, Hollis’s toes running up and down his leg.

  “Yeah? I could manage a quick shower, some time in bed….”

  “You bet. A little snuggle, naked, under the ceiling fan?” The man loved their simple, clean room with its white bed and the big, slow fan that stirred the air just enough.

  “God, yes. I’m a fan.” He winked at Hollis, the pun tickling him and earning him a swat.

  “You’re cruising, is what you are. Come on, baby. Let’s go. I want soft sheets and a pillow and your ass.” Look at that Hollis, bold as brass.

  “Oh, man. That’s an offer I can’t refuse.” He grabbed two more bottles of water, heading for their room, not even worrying about the sand.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  HOLLIS WOKE up a little sweaty, but it was that good kind of tropical-lazy-dozy heat that made him groan and stretch and love life. And the best part was that when he reached out, Jeremy was right there, naked as a jaybird, bare hip warm and smooth under his hand. God, he loved vacation.

  Jeremy stretched, and it was fucking cool that the movement didn’t wake Jeremy up, didn’t cause a frown. No, it just made Jeremy move closer, hands reaching for him. Hollis hummed, smiling, stroking down that poor thigh very slowly. Easily.

  “Mmm.” Oh, that got him a smile, Jeremy just making this happy little noise. Fuck, yes. That meant Jeremy was getting better. He wasn’t flinching anymore every time Hollis touched there. No, that was definitely pleasure.

  Jeremy’s cock jerked a little, started to fill. Oh, now. That was pretty. That deserved another light touch, so Hollis ran his thumb up the underside of Jeremy’s prick, loving how hot and soft the skin was.

  “Hollis….” Jeremy shifted, licking his lips a little, still mostly asleep.

  “Mmm-hmm. I think it’s time for dessert, baby.” Hollis did love the way Jeremy moved. Especially now, when he wasn’t thinking about it.

  “Oh, yeah.” Jeremy’s chin lifted, mouth offered to him, easy as pie. One hand curled around the back of his head and tugged him down. Hollis sank into the kiss, his lips moving on Jeremy’s, his tongue pushing in to taste. Good. Slow. A little lazy. But good. Those strong hands slid down his back, rubbing in slow, easy circles, digging in every little spot that had the slightest bit of tension.

  “Oh, so good to me, baby.” Sweet. He felt a little selfish, but he’d missed Jeremy pampering him. Missed that touch.

  “Love touching you.” Jeremy’s hands got to his hips, his waist, working harder. “You’re carrying your tension low.”

  “All that sand walking and swimming.” Grinning, he rubbed their noses together. “You know that one, huh?”

  “I do.” Jeremy chuckled, thumbs pushing at his hips, the pressure almost too much when something let go and he just melted.

  “Uhn. Baby.” Everything went soft but his cock, which was pushing right up against Jeremy’s hip.

  “Uh-huh. G
onna fuck me, Hollis? I need it.” One hand wrapped around his prick, jacking nice and slow.

  “I am. Can’t say no to that.” What kind of fool would? He just needed to figure out the best way to go about it. They could spoon, maybe….

  “No thinking. Just touching.” Jeremy winked, the look just a little desperate.

  “Just touching, I promise.” Gently, kissing Jeremy’s skin all the way, Hollis turned Jeremy on his side, facing away. Hoo yeah. He could touch all sorts of things this way.

  Jeremy arched for him, pushing right back into him, that tight little ass making all sorts of promises.

  Hollis rubbed right up against that hot skin, his cock sliding right against the crease. His hands went everywhere, skating over Jeremy’s belly and chest, fingers finding those little nipples and pinching.

  The little bits of flesh went tight and hard, pushing right up into his fingers.

  “Sweet, baby. Hot.” Licking the sweat off Jeremy’s neck, Hollis started rocking, pushing his hips up. “Do we have lube?”

  “Uh-huh.” Of course, Jeremy wasn’t helping with the getting of the lube, was he? Nope. Just rubbing and rocking, begging for it.

  “Baby. Can you reach?” Because he’d squash that poor body flat if he tried, and he wasn’t about to get up.

  “Oh. Yeah. Sorry. Got distracted.” Jeremy chuckled, stretched out, and pushed that pretty ass harder against him.

  “No….” God. That was enough to make a man insane. Hollis grunted, pushing right back, his eyes all but rolling back at the sweet pressure.

  “Oh. Oh, fuck. More.” The tube of lube got handed back, Jeremy’s hand shaking. “I fucking need you.”

  “Yeah, baby. Now, huh?” His own hands were shaking too, and the lube resisted, but Hollis got it open, got his fingers slick so he could slide them down, push them right in.

  Jeremy was tight as a virgin around his fingers, and he groaned, wanting to feel that around his cock, feel Jeremy’s heartbeat on him. He couldn’t wait too much longer, so he worked Jeremy open as best he could, then pulled away so he could settle the head of his cock right there, right at that tight little hole. Pushing.

  “Yeah.” Jeremy reached back, hand on his hip, shoving back and pulling forward. Demanding. That stopped him worrying if he was gonna do something to hurt, and Hollis started moving, pressing in, his whole body going tight, hot, completely oversensitized.

  “Love you, baby.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, Hollis. Thank God you do.” Jeremy groaned, those tight muscles fluttering and trembling around him. His hand flattened on Jeremy’s belly, pulling the man back, thrusting hard. His fingertips just brushed that hard cock, so ready for him, so damned hot. Jeremy shifted a little, a deep raw sound pushing from his lover. “There. Right there.”

  “More. Yeah?” Hell, yes. He moved faster, hitting every sweet spot he could think of, inside and out. Then he grabbed Jeremy’s cock in a firm grip and started stroking.

  “Fuck yes.” Jeremy started moving, giving as good as he got, and Hollis was right fucking there, loving it.

  His cock swelled and throbbed, his balls drew up tight, and Hollis figured it would all be over but the shouting soon. He worked Jeremy harder, needing so bad. “Come on, baby.”

  Just like he’d made it happen, Jeremy groaned and went tight, heat spreading right over his fingers.

  “Fuck!” Goddamn. That just pulled everything right out of him, and Hollis shot hard, his whole body shaking, tingling. Jesus.

  Jeremy brought his hand up, bit the base of his thumb just a little, then licked him clean.

  “Better.” It wasn’t a question. Hollis felt infinitely better.

  “Uh-huh.” Jeremy squeezed him, good and tight. “Way better.”

  “Good. This is like paradise, baby.” He didn’t want to even contemplate it ending. It would have to.

  But not now.

  Chapter Thirty

  MAN, IT was something—seeing palm trees all lit up with Christmas lights and tinsel, the Santas with sombreros, and donkeys with saddlebags full of presents.

  Jeremy approved.

  They wandered through the market, picking up weird fruits and vegetables and the strangest little odds and ends to decorate their room. Turtles painted pink. Parrots on little wires. Jointed lizards made of wood. Hollis liked the stuff that stood out, that was for sure.

  Still, it made things feel… sorta homey, really. “Hollis, how come you don’t decorate the bus?”

  “Huh?” Hollis glanced over, those dark sunglasses hiding his trademark eyes. “Oh. I dunno. They keep wanting to get me a designer, you know?”

  “A designer?” He stared at the vast array of crap in his hands. “Right.”

  For a cockhound, Hollis was not the Queer Eye type.

  “Yeah. So I guess I just never did anything to it so they couldn’t say I did a crap job. Oh. Look at the shell elephant.”

  “Does it have a monkey on its back?” With this bunch of stuff they had, they deserved an elephant-riding monkey.

  “No, but if we try a little harder…. Hey, this one has a monkey in a cart….” Damn, that man was tickled as a pig in shit.

  “Oh, there you go.” He hooted, handing over the two bucks the toothless old lady asked for. “Merry Christmas.”

  “Thanks, baby.” Eyes hidden or no, there was no hiding that grin. And the way Hollis’s hand slid against his briefly said even more.

  He just chuckled and nodded, both of them wandering, getting grapes and strawberries and this and that. There was this crazy little coconut carved to look like a—pig? Dog? Something—in a little shop, and he headed over while Hollis paid for more groceries.

  Jeremy looked over the loads of random crap, grinning at this or that. He’d have missed the newspaper too, if he hadn’t dropped a shell necklace and leaned down to pick it up. It was a picture of him and Hollis goofing off in the ocean. They’d just been playing around, not even doing anything weird. Of course, the headline didn’t seem to think so, did it?

  “Rock Singer Lee in Tropical Tryst. Gay Rumors Abound!”

  Oh shit.

  He grabbed one and shoved a buck in the dude’s hand, heading out of the store. “We gotta go, Hollis.”

  “Huh?” The man wasn’t even watching him, was tinkering with some weird musical instrument at the stall next door.

  “We need to go. Right now.” He would take Hollis back to the room and then figure out the quickest way to get his ass to the airport before Charlie Gill showed up and killed him.

  “Why?” That seemed to get through, and Hollis turned to blink at him, staring at him over the sunglasses.

  He handed Hollis the newspaper without a word. What was there to say? He was sorry?

  The man went still, staring at the paper, his mouth a hard line. “Well. That’s special, ain’t it? Come on, baby, let’s go back to the bungalow.”

  “Yeah.” He nodded and focused on walking, one step after another, not making eye contact with anybody, especially Hollis. They hadn’t done anything… overt outside, but still. Shit.

  They hustled, but Hollis didn’t make him work to keep up, that long stride shortened to match his hobble. Especially at the end of the walk, when he was panting a little.

  They got inside, the door shut and stuff, and Jeremy put the bags down, suddenly unsure what to do—with his hands, with him. Hollis didn’t have that problem. He closed the blinds before reaching out, grabbing Jeremy’s arms, and pulling them right up together. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  Jeremy nodded, hugging Hollis good and hard. “I… I don’t know how to help. What do you need me to do? I can head home tomorrow.”

  “No. No, we’ll lay low. Find somewhere else to go. Something. You’re with me, now.” The sunglasses came off, and Hollis tossed them aside before kissing him, tongue pushing into his mouth.

  He got his hands wrapped around Hollis’s shoulders, kissing the man back like it could be the last time. Just in case. That kiss ate him up, Hollis’s mou
th hard and heavy on his, almost bruising. Those big hands cupped his ass, pulling him against lean hips and a hard cock. Oh fuck. He snuggled in, fingers digging into Hollis’s back, half to keep him upright, half just because.

  “Bed, baby. Now.” That growl sent shivers right down his spine. Low and deep. Yeah. Bed.

  “Yeah.” He grabbed Hollis’s muscle shirt, gave it a tug, needing skin, needing to…. Yeah. Bed.

  They got naked on the way, the loose beach clothing really going fast. Hollis eased him down, coming down half on top of him.

  “Feels good.” He rolled into it, tonguefucking Hollis’s lips as soon as he could get their mouths together.

  “Mmm.” That hum was getting to be necessary. It made his toes curl, even as Hollis’s hand found his prick, making him moan. He pushed up into it, managing to get one leg bent, foot planted so he could help.

  “Sweet, baby. Gonna be okay.” That hand was so hot, like fucking fire, just squeezing and pulling at him.

  “Didn’t mean to fuck things up for you.” He leaned up, groaned as their cheeks slid together. “Swear to God. Don’t stop.”

  “Not gonna. You don’t. Didn’t. Make things right.” God, he loved the way Hollis’s prick slid against his thigh, pushing between his legs. He nodded, lips wrapping around the knob of Hollis’s shoulder as he spread wider.

  “Yeah.” Pulling him even closer, Hollis humped against him, cock sliding under his balls, that hand trapped between their bodies. Holding him. Jeremy squeezed his eyes shut and went with it. Needed it. Groaning, Hollis rolled, pulling Jeremy up with him, on top of him, pressing down on his ass to push them together.

  “Uhn.” Fuck, he…. Oh. Shit, yeah. There was good. He found a comfortable place for his legs and just went to town, rubbing on Hollis with all he was.

  The hand that had slid out from between them pushed down the back of his thigh, then up to spread his cheeks, fingers pressing at his hole.

  “Uh-huh. Need.” His lips slid down Hollis’s chest, sucking a mark right above one nipple, pulling hard enough to bruise.


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