“Alexandra, there is nothing more to understand. I’ve met the guy, that’s all.”
“Kevin, are you lying to me?” she asked, sensing that he was.
“No, honey, I’m not.”
“Okay, then. Tell me what information you have on this guy. I need to get to know him.”
Kevin glanced at Scott as he replied, “Fortunately, we have plenty and so you don’t need to worry.”
“What’s his name again? Ricardo?”
“Most people call him Rico,” Scott added.
“Does Daniela?” Alexandra asked.
“Yes,” Scott answered.
“Well, maybe she’s decided to call him Ricardo. After all, you did say they broke up, right?”
“Right,” Scott said.
“So we’ll see. I may call him Rico or maybe Ricardo. I’ll play it by ear.” Alexandra gave them a smirk before sauntering down the hallway to the safe house.
Scott and Kevin shook their heads as she walked away. Then Kevin let loose a low whistle. “That was a close one.”
“I’ll say! So you decided not to tell her about Rico?”
“I thought about it but decided it was best to keep the truth quiet for now. Thanks for backing me up.”
“Not a problem. You’re welcome. Do you think she’ll ever find out?”
“I hope not. If she does, that means we’ll have a problem much greater than her temper.”
When the stunning, ebony-haired woman majestically entered Kevin’s office, Armando and Conner did a double take while Kevin simply stared. Natalie beamed with pride as Alexandra twirled for the men to see. Her hair had been reshaped and dyed to match Daniela Santiago’s.
“Doesn’t she look great?” Natalie asked.
“She looks more than great,” Conner exclaimed. “Alex, you look fabulous.”
“I’ll say,” Armando added.
Looking in Kevin’s direction, Alexandra asked, “Kevin, what do you think? Will I pass?”
Memories of Daniela muddled his concentration, and he was close to drooling conspicuously.
“Well?” Alexandra persisted.
Kevin jolted back to the present. “You look beautiful, Alexandra,” he finally replied.
“Thank you, but that’s not the issue. Do I look like Daniela?”
Kevin breathed loudly and then said, “Yes, Alex. Exactly like Daniela.”
The three others exchanged knowing glances as they watched Kevin’s reactions.
Feigning hurt feelings, Alexandra pouted. “Gee, after this is over, maybe I should keep this hair color. You never looked at me the way you’re now staring at Daniela.”
“Don’t be offended, Alex,” Sparky said, laughing. “You know how men are! They always want something new.” She turned to look directly at Kevin. “And they always want something they know they can’t have.”
“Okay, okay, enough of all this,” Kevin ordered, his tone playful. “I need a moment alone with Alexandra.”
After the room cleared, Kevin joined Alexandra by the door and then softly closed it before turning to take her hands. “Tell me honestly. How are you really doing?”
Her eyes misted. “A little scared, but I’ll be okay.”
“You know I’ll be there with you every step of the way.”
“I know you will, Kevin.”
“Did you call the office?”
She nodded. “Yes, less than an hour ago.”
“Do you think anyone will try and call you?”
“No, I don’t think so. I’ve explained several times that I’m not even certain I will have service. I made it sound casual and mentioned I probably won’t even bother to turn on my phone. Plus, they know I’ll be pretty busy with the bed and breakfast.”
“Yes, but once you’re in, remember you’ll be unreachable for several days. While you’re waiting in Cancun, maybe you should call and check in. Say something about having service because you’re in town. If possible, call a couple of times.”
“Okay, that sounds good.”
“Remember, too, that when the switch is made, you will have Daniela’s phone. But whatever you do, don’t use it unless there is an emergency.”
“I understand. Since I called this morning, I planned to call from Cancun on Sunday. Then I can call right before we leave Tuesday morning.”
“That sounds good, but I’m still concerned about Thursday. Do you think either Jake or your parents will want to call and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving?”
“Not if I call everyone on Tuesday. Since they don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in England, I’ll wish everyone well and mention I’ll be working extra hard. I can explain we are nearing a deadline and I won’t have time to talk until the weekend. By then I’ll be home.”
“Okay, you’re the boss.”
Alexandra smiled. “I am? Well, it’s about time you let me be the boss of something!”
Kevin wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her tightly. “Take care of yourself,” he whispered into her ear. Then, releasing her, he growled, “That’s an order!”
“Yes, sir!” Alexandra saluted. More somberly, she asked, “When are you leaving?”
“I’ll be in Mazatlan by the time you arrive. But the first time you will actually see me will be on the plane during the ride home.”
“Home is a wonderful word. Then I can’t wait to see you again.”
“Trust me. I will be counting the minutes until I see you.” He opened the door and found his team waiting in the hallway. Kevin turned to Conner and Armando and said, “Take good care of her, guys.”
“We will, SAC,” Conner responded.
“Don’t worry, boss,” Armando assured him. “She’s in good hands with us.”
Sparky hugged Alexandra good-bye as Kevin gave his final instructions to the men. “Please remember the Spanish,” Kevin told Armando. “Mix it up so she stays in practice.”
“No problemo,” he replied. Continuing in Spanish, he winked at Alexandra and said, “Now we can talk about Conner and the sorry state of his love life.”
Alexandra laughed as Conner, hearing his name, whined fervently. “Well that’s great! How I am supposed to get along? With them speaking Spanish, I’ll be left out.”
“Out in the cold, mi amigo,” Armando teased. “Out in the cold!”
Kevin chuckled. “I’m sure you’ll manage. Now get going. You three have a plane to catch, and Sparky and I still have a lot of work to do.”
They all said good-bye one last time and walked toward the elevator. “Hold it a minute,” Alexandra said, running back. She came face-to-face with Kevin, kissed him on the cheek, and then whispered, “I’ll be okay.”
“Is that a promise?”
“It’s a promise.”
“I’m going to keep praying,” Kevin told her. “You pray too.”
Alexandra’s smile caused her eyes to sparkle brightly. “I always do.”
Cancun, Yucatan Peninsula, Quintana Roo, Mexico
With both her elbows on the ceramic-tiled counter and her hands clasped in front of her, Alexandra leaned closer to the laptop screen while watching Daniela’s movements. She found the agents’ handiwork hard to believe. She kept her gaze glued to the screen as she asked, “Who set all this up?”
“Conner did most of it,” Armando said.
Alexandra looked toward Conner. “You did a great job, but it’s hard to imagine, and more than a little creepy, being able to watch someone in their own home. It’s also weird that we can hear her but she can’t hear us.”
“Check this out.”
Alexandra glanced over her shoulder in time to see Conner point proudly to the telephone on the kitchen wall. “If she’s on her mobile, since it’s cloned we can hear every word. Now if she’s on her land line, we can hear her side of the conversati
on, but how about the caller?”
“I am guessing you can hear them from this phone?”
“Yep.” Conner smiled proudly. “It’s tied directly to hers. We can hear both sides of the conversation, but of course, they can’t hear us.”
“You are amazing, Conner!”
“Thank you,” he said while taking an exaggerated bow.
Alexandra squinted in thought. “Daniela’s wall phone looks just like the phone in here. Frankly, I’m surprised the condominiums came with land lines. I know we have trouble with the service in Cozumel, but do they also have trouble here in Cancun?”
“All the time,” Conner replied. “Land lines are standard issue, especially because of all the tropical storms. They play havoc with the cell service.”
“Don’t forget about the concierge too,” Armando added. “All the phones are also connected to the condo association concierge. He takes care of packages, makes dinner reservations, and does other so-called pleasantries for the homeowners.”
“That’s a nice touch,” Alexandra commented as she looked over to see Armando relaxing on a low-backed beach chair in the middle of their ceramic-tiled living room. “You know, you two could really use a decorator,” she teased. “I can get you a good deal!”
Armando waved a hand toward the sofa with its geometric Aztec-inspired print and simple wooden coffee table. “You don’t like our three pieces of furniture? Now my feelings are hurt because we rented them just for you to have a place to sit.”
“Thank you, but what did you have before?”
“Not a thing,” Conner told her. “Plus, you saw that we still only have sleeping bags in the bedroom.”
“I meant to ask you about that. I have a bed in my room, so why don’t you two?”
“We don’t need beds,” Conner explained. “But SAC told use to take good care of you. So we went out and bought you a bed.”
“You bought me one? Why didn’t you rent it like the sofa?”
“Conner said a rental could have bed bugs,” Armando offered.
“You know the sofa could too,” she said.
“You’re right! I didn’t even think of that,” Conner whined.
Alexandra smiled at Armando and then turned toward Conner. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure it’s fine. I appreciate both of you; you are very special to me. Thank you for caring, and thank you for making me feel so comfortable.”
“Glad to be of service.” Movement on the laptop monitor suddenly caught Conner’s attention when Daniela appeared on screen, walking over to her kitchen telephone. He lifted their receiver from the wall. “Speaking of landlines, look at Daniela. She just picked up her phone to dial. Here.” He handed Alexandra the instrument. “Listen in.”
Armando jumped up to stand next to her. “Let us know what she says.”
Alexandra nodded and placed a hand over the mouthpiece.
“Don’t worry, Alex,” Conner said. “Remember, you can hear her, but she can’t hear us.”
“Thanks, I forgot.”
Armando and Conner waited anxiously while Alexandra listened to Daniela’s conversation. After several minutes, she held the receiver out for one of them to grab. “She made dinner plans for this evening with some guy named Julian.”
“Oh great, now she’s two-timing me,” Armando whined.
“Two-timing you? What do you mean?” Alexandra asked, surprised by his comment.
Conner laughed. “He’s dreaming, Alex. Mando’s having a fantasy relationship with Daniela. That would be his fantasy, not hers.”
“Ha! The lovely señorita gave me her phone number, not the other way around,” Armando refuted. “You were there as an eyewitness, so don’t try and deny it.”
“What are you two talking about now?” Alexandra asked, enjoying their antics. Watching Armando especially reminded Alexandra of her brother.
Speaking in Spanish, Armando began his explanation. “Last trip, we ran into Daniela at one of the local restaurants.”
“Did you talk to her?” Alexandra asked, also speaking Spanish.
“No, but our eyes met. So being the polite man I am, I raised my glass to her from across the patio, merely as a toast.”
“She doesn’t know you guys, does she?”
“No. I don’t even think she’s ever even seen us on the docks.”
“Then how did you end up with her telephone number?”
“There I was, eating my dinner and talking to Conner, when suddenly, she got up and began walking toward us.” Alexandra’s eyes widened as she listened. “And you should have seen her outfit, Alex. Every time she took a step, her skirt would open practically to her waist!”
“I think you’re probably exaggerating a bit.”
“Well, maybe a little.” Armando shrugged. “Anyway, she approached our table and left her telephone number.”
“She gave you her number without saying a word?” Alexandra asked in English.
“Not a word,” Armando answered in English too. He held up a palm as if taking an oath.
Alexandra looked to Conner. “Is all that true?”
“How should I know? I couldn’t understand a word you were saying,” he groaned.
“All Mando said was Daniela came over to your table and left her phone number.”
“Yes, that part is true.” Conner’s tone rang with envy. “Did he also tell you what she was wearing?”
While shaking her head in disbelief, Alexandra playfully reprimanded her two roommates. “Shame on you guys. I thought you were supposed to be professionals.”
“We are,” Armando stumbled to explain. “I didn’t call her, did I?”
“No, but you wanted to.” In a sly tone, Alexandra asked, “So the skirt was nice, huh?”
Neither man would confess.
“Well?” She laughed before repeating her question.
“I’d give it a ten,” Connor offered at last.
“Hum,” she teased. “Maybe I’ll have to pick that one when we make the switch.”
“Don’t do it, Alex.” Armando pretended to fan away the heat from his face. “My heart won’t be able to take it a second time!”
“You’re cute,” she remarked.
Armando grinned. “I know.”
“Enough of this conversation,” Conner said. “If Daniela is going out tonight, we can take you to see the Huachinango.”
“But how will we get in?”
“How do you think?” Armando held up his key ring, smiled, and said, “With the key, of course!”
“Well then, you better disguise me. I don’t think it would be a good idea for Daniela and me to run into each other.”
“No kidding! How about wearing some of my clothes, Alex?” Armando asked suggestively.
“Just so long as you’re not in them,” she countered.
Three phantom figures, camouflaged by the sheath of night, crept along the main pier of the marina. In direct contrast to the normal predawn activity, midnight along the docks was a time of tranquility. As Armando, Conner, and Alexandra navigated the uneven wooden planks, their rubber-soled sneakers helped to muffle the sounds of their nighttime excursion. Each wore jeans, a dark shirt, and a baseball cap.
After maneuvering across the pier, the trio silently boarded the yacht and tiptoed along the upper deck. In the dim light of a quarter moon, Alexandra examined the progress on the exterior construction, which looked like a mess. Loose boards, cans of varnish, and tarpaulins cluttered the decking where the exterior dining area was supposed to be. Alexandra sidestepped the muddle and struggled to envision how the finished restaurant would look.
“Let’s go inside,” Armando whispered.
“Be careful, Alex,” Conner cautioned in a barely audible voice.
She joined them at the cabin and waited for Armando to unlock the glass door. Slowly, he brushed aside the sailcloth curtain and stepped inside. Conner and Alexandra followed closely behind and huddled in dar
kness while Armando closed the curtain and shut the door. Only then did Conner snap on his pen light and direct the small, faint beam to each corner of the galley. After viewing the lack of progress on the upper deck, Alexandra was astonished by the finished look inside. She moved about the cabin, peering into the four spacious ovens and opening several pantry doors. The cupboards were empty yet had obviously been cleaned of the construction dust and debris.
Armando lifted the floorboard hatch and shined a stronger light into the hold for Alexandra to see. She kneeled to look down into the completed dish-washing section and found it surprisingly spacious.
“Are you ready to head back?” Conner whispered.
Armando nodded. “Yes. Alex, have you seen enough?”
Alexandra also nodded and followed them toward the door. Armando waited for Conner to flick off the pen light before moving the curtain and sliding the door open. He stepped aside, allowed them to inch past, then closed the door and secured the lock. Within moments, they were off the yacht and had returned to the pier.
Over the next two days, Alexandra was drawn to observing and listening to Daniela. During one of her many conversations with the construction foreman, Daniela revealed the cause of her cash flow problems. She’d gone over budget on the galley and didn’t have the funds to complete the upper deck.
“Do you think your brother will give you the money?” the foreman asked, clearly anxious to resume work.
“Yes, I’m sure he will,” Daniela answered confidently. Alexandra watched her walk to the window as she spoke. “Mago said he would invest any amount I needed.”
“Then why don’t you just call him?” the foreman suggested. She was surprised by his boldness, especially concerning Daniela’s personal business.
Without seeming to mind the intrusion, Daniela explained, “I feel funny about being so far over budget. I prefer reviewing the reasons in person.”
Come Tuesday morning, Alexandra had formed an inseparable bond with her twin. Knowing the inevitable, she was no longer able to look into Daniela’s unit. Although Alexandra was concerned that Daniela would soon be held captive, she grew increasing anxious about taking her place. Instead, Conner manned the post, waiting for the final moment.
Uneven Exchange Page 11