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Say Now

Page 5

by Linzi Basset

  He wasn’t her kind of man. It could never work—not with their history.

  “I have nothing to deny,” she scoffed against his neck.

  Logan pressed her closer against him. He breathed in her intoxicating scent. He tilted back her chin and traced her jaw. He subjected her to a penetrating gaze, trying to discern what she was feeling.

  “Don’t you? Somehow, I thought you’re the kind of woman who didn’t back down from a challenge.”

  She also wasn’t the kind of person who could hide her emotions well. The pain of the nipple punishment was evident in the crease of her lovely brow and the down-curve of her full lips. But it was her eyes that were the windows to her soul. They were a deep green pool, as restless as the sea during a storm. He realized that she was keeping something from him that was stopping her from exploring the true depths of her passion with him. Yet, it was there, buried behind the suffering she was trying her best to hide. Passion.

  The decision was made without a coherent thought. Logan was going to unlock her emotions from the shackles of her past. She had too much life inside her and he wanted to unleash all of her emotions and feelings. He was selfish, maybe, but he was greedy as well. He wanted it all for himself.

  Her passion, her lust and her love―as soon as he could make her overcome her reluctance to open her mind and admit what was between them.

  “I’m not an idiot, Logan and you can’t coerce me into becoming your next conquest. Yes,” she scorned when his eyebrows rose. “I’ve heard all about you, Mr. Studmaster.”

  The laugh came from Logan like a newly sprung leak—a chuckle at first. He caught the expression on her face and laughed harder, infiltrating her stupid heart.

  “Mr. Studmaster?” He queried, still chuckling.

  Shanna’s eyebrows arched, waiting. His laughter was so infectious that Shanna found her lips curving upward involuntarily. She wanted to keep a straight face, flip her hair and storm off—he was after all laughing at her—but with her arms tied behind her back it seemed improbable.

  She opted for sarcasm to save face. “Only a gigolo like you would find that funny.”

  “You are entertaining, luv, I’ll give you that. Let’s join the rest of our friends, shall we?”

  Shanna dug in her heels and refused to budge. He was completely delusional if he thought she was walking out of there with her tits on display.

  “In your dreams, bucko. I’m not going anywhere until you untie me,” she snapped.

  Logan’s golden eyes raked over her breasts and back to her face. His lips twitched. “You’re not?”

  “I’m naked, in case you missed it," she snapped and wiggled her shoulders, which drew his gaze back to her jiggling breasts. His cock twitched in his pants. Full and perfectly rounded, her breasts sat high on her chest. Her pink nipples had turned dark red from the whipping, but they remained taut under his regard.

  “Oh, trust me, luv. No man could ever miss these enticing tits of yours. Besides, you need to get used to Noah and Mason while you’re naked. The sooner the better.”

  “Oh really? And why exactly is that?”

  “Because once you commit to me, you get all of us.”

  “There you go again; jumping to conclusions. Pigs will fly before I will submit to a man who finds pleasure in whipping me!”

  “Is that a challenge, Shanna?” He rocked back on his heels and folded his arms over his broad chest.

  “It’s a fact. Now, for the last time, untie me,” she ordered. “Let me go! Logan Chase, do not dare . . . I said I’m not going . . . damn you!” Shanna stuttered and bore back, but it was fruitless. Her struggles didn’t slow down his long strides as he dragged her with him and she was forced to follow him to the den.

  “You are going to regret this,” she growled under her breath when he pushed her to sit down beside him in the sofa.

  “I can’t wait, luv.”

  Somehow, it sounded more like a threat to Shanna’s ears. She was so annoyed; she didn’t notice the heated looks from Noah and Mason, who were watching the interlude with interest. Not to mention her still bobbing breasts!

  Chapter Five

  “Oh my god, the view is breathtaking,” Shanna murmured to no one in particular as the River Run Gondola climbed higher up the Dercum Mountain. Silverstone Resort was tucked away in the White River National Forest of the Rocky Mountains. It was also the largest ski slope in Summit County, Colorado.

  Her head turned this way and that, as she diligently took in the beautiful mountain peaks surrounding her; Dercum, North Peak and in the distance, the Outback. Shanna was an excellent skier but hadn’t been skiing for a long time, so she’d opted to start with the intermediate trail called Go Devil. Excitement trilled through her at the view of the gentle groomers, rolling cruisers and steep bumps that led to a more gladed terrain further down.

  “Look, to the left over there are the powder-filled bowls,” one of the guests next to her said and pointed below. The resort was home to the award winning A51 Terrain Park, one of the best trails for expert skiers.

  “I never get tired of this view,” the man continued. He caught Shanna’s glance and offered an engaging smile. “How about you?”

  “This is my first visit,” she acknowledged with a return smile.

  “Mark my words, you’ll be back every year from now on. This has been my go-to place for the past six years; a welcome break from the daily stress of the corporate jungle.” He held out his hand. “I’m Cole Winters from San Francisco.”

  Shanna’s small, gloved hand was enveloped within his big, strong one, which strangely felt very comforting.

  “Shanna Lovett, from Los Angeles.”

  “A close neighbor and I have to admit, a very beautiful one.” Cole drawled as his gaze did a slow excursion of her body, encased in a dark purple ski suit.

  “Indeed,” Shanna returned the obvious flirtation. She was annoyed enough at Logan for manipulating her as a show puppet the previous night, to flirt back—something she rarely did. She had to do something to get her mind off the fact that she had enjoyed being on show for the three men last night. It had been unsettling to have their eyes on her naked breasts throughout the evening, but at the same time, she’d basked in how powerful it had made her feel to witness their arousal.

  Maybe the shit that Rachel and Alexis had been sprouting about the submissive having all the power wasn’t all that farfetched.

  To make matters worse, when they’d said their goodbyes, Logan had pulled her against him and ordered her to offer her breasts to Noah and Mason. When she’d balked in protest, he’d whispered in her ear, “Come now, Shanna. They’ve been good not to touch and if you’re honest with yourself, you want to feel what it’s like to have two men paying homage to these beauties.”

  She’d glanced at Rachel and Alexis with a shocked expression which, they’d returned with gentle smiles. She had still been processing Logan’s words when the two men in question, had started brushing their palms over her nipples, pinching and rolling them between their fingers. Her low whimpers of pleasure had spurred them to latch onto the swollen nubs, to suck and nibble on the taut tips. She’d been overwhelmed by the sensations flooding her mind from the twin caresses, to even protest. Her libido had gone through the roof and had left her trembling. What had made it even more exciting was the knowledge that her two best friends were there, watching animatedly as their men paid homage to her nipples. She’d been shocked to find that she was on the verge of a climax when Logan had tersely ordered them to stop.

  Shanna had a suspicion that he’d known she was about to orgasm. She had to bite back her curses.

  “Don’t give me that look, luv. I might just accept the invitation,” he’d drawled suggestively.

  “Invitation, my ass.”

  Everyone had burst out laughing as she’d stomped off toward the waiting SUV, yanking her coat on over her torn top around her braless breasts. The words—hypocrite, hypocrite―echoed in her mind. You want him
. Just as much as you did thirteen years ago.

  Yeah, and look what that cost me.

  That had been enough to douse her ardor. The pain of watching her little baby boy being carried off to his adoptive parents had surged to the surface.

  Logan had taken her back to the hotel room, brushing off her plans to take the shuttle.

  She’d been quiet at first, refusing to talk to him, sulking at his overbearing attitude. She couldn’t understand her reaction to him. Why she fought him while at the same time she was drawn to him. It disturbed her even more that of all the men she’d been with over the years, he was the only one who managed to sexually excite her the most.

  Logan had been unperturbed by her silence, however, and kept up a running commentary on the way about the resort. Her naturally inquisitive mind didn’t keep silent for long and by the time they’d reached the hotel, the atmosphere between them had been warm and relaxed.

  His sensual demands from earlier had raised Shanna’s expectation that he would be seeing to her arousal but that had been doused when he'd brushed a kiss on her cheek and left her at the door.

  She'd watched him walk away with disbelieving eyes. At the end of the hallway, he'd turned and said, “Oh, and Shanna—”

  “Wait! Lemme guess. I'm not allowed to climax,” she’d sneered at him.

  “I’m so glad you’re such a quick learner. We might just have some fun while you’re here,” he’d taunted over his shoulder as he’d turned the corner and disappeared.

  Hence, here she was, flirting with a stranger on the ski slopes as a result. It was a pity he didn't make her naughty bits tingle like Logan did.

  “I would’ve loved to ski with you down the Go Devil trail, but I’m committed to doing the expert Main Street trail with my friends,” Cole said with obvious regret in his eyes.

  “Oh no, please. I’m a little rusty, so I’d rather be alone if I embarrass myself,” Shanna responded gaily.

  “I’d be honored if you would join me for dinner tonight,” Cole said quickly, obviously reluctant to let her go.

  Shanna stared at him. She bit the inside of her lip. It was a tempting offer and although Logan hadn’t mentioned meeting up with her, she was wary of his anger.

  Whoa! Listen to yourself, Shanna. He’s Alexis and Rachel’s friend; an acquaintance at best, regardless of your past.

  She was shaken at the realization that she’d already, unintentionally committed to a relationship with Logan.

  Hell, no. I know it will never work!

  “It will be my pleasure.”

  Cole beamed at her response and after deciding where to meet later, he waved goodbye and caught up with his friends.

  “Good lord, I’m asking for trouble,” Shanna mumbled while she strapped on her skis. She frowned. Or was she? Her entire life consisted of sleeping, eating and working. Since Alexis and Rachel had moved away, the relaxing weekends had disappeared. Now, she only worked and hadn’t bothered to expand her friend circle. It would do her good to enrich her life with more friends.

  “Yeah, especially if they came with some intimate benefits. See, Logan Chase? I don’t need you to take care of my arousal, Adonis Cole will do just as well.”

  She cringed when the couple she walked past looked at her with wide smiles and she realized she’d said it out loud. Her cheeks bloomed with embarrassment but she shook it off. It was the twenty-first century. Sex wasn’t a taboo subject anymore.

  Shanna did two runs on the intermediate trails on the Decrum Mountain to re-familiarize herself. The third run was down the advanced Powder Cap Trail from the North Peak which offered the much-needed challenge to keep her mind occupied.

  “One more. This one will really test my skills,” she said to the ski instructor who was leading a group to the Outback express aerial tram. The run down the Outback Mountain was the highest and the most challenging. She felt exhilarated. She hadn’t had so much fun in decades. She wasn’t even resentful that her two friends couldn’t join her because of work commitments.

  “Let me guess,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re going to attempt the Oh, Bob Trail?”

  “Of course, how can I resist. I can just imagine myself screaming, OH BOB, at the top of my lungs as I fly down the slope.” Shanna laughed with him.

  “Just be careful. There are some tricky turns, especially where Oh, Bob splits into the Escape trail.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up,” Shanna waved as she stepped off the tram.

  “Excuse me, Miss Lovett?”

  Shanna looked up at the elderly man hovering close by.

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  “Would you follow me, please. There is a matter we need to address.”

  Shanna frowned. She straightened and looked at him questioningly. “What matter and who are you exactly?”

  “My apologies. I should’ve introduced myself at first. I’m Bill Fowler, the senior ski controller of the Outback.”

  He shifted uncomfortably but his eyes didn’t waver. “We received a complaint from one of the skiers about you, miss. We are obligated to investigate it,” he explained shortly. “Please follow me.”

  He started walking toward a bright red Snowcat which stood humming not too far from them.

  “Where are we going?” Shanna demanded but handed him her skies to stack it in the back. “Look, Mr. Fowler, I need an explanation. I’m not going anywhere with you. Why can’t you investigate the so-called complaint at the office here?”

  “Oh, I'm sorry, I should've explained.” He smiled engagingly. “You have no need to doubt me or be concerned for your safety. I’ve been working at the resort for fifteen years. You’re safe with me. The administrative office is in a cabin just a little further up.”

  Shanna narrowed her eyes and stared intently at him, but when he returned her stare with an earnest one of his own, she relaxed.

  “Come on, little lady, up you go,” Bill offered her his hand to help her into the Snowcat. They took off immediately.

  “What exactly am I supposed to have done? I’m an excellent skier and kept to myself most of the time. I didn’t even come close to anyone out there.”

  Shanna wiggled in the seat when he maneuvered the Snowcat higher up the mountain, around a clump of trees to a large, secluded chalet sitting against the side of the mountain.

  “Then the matter will be resolved very quickly.” He got out and assisted her down. He handed over her skis and offered a formal salute. “There you go. Unfortunately, I need to get back to the aerial tram building. The ski-master is waiting for you inside.”

  Shanna watched the red Snowcat drive back down the mountain. She nibbled on her lower lip as she stared at the luxurious chalet that looked so inviting. The view from where she stood was magnificent. She could see for miles over the white snow-capped mountains. She rolled her shoulders, not entirely comfortable with the situation. She could sense that all was not kosher. How would any of the skiers have known who she was?

  “I smell a rat,” she grunted but gingerly sat down her skis on the steps before walking across the wide porch to rap on the large wooden door. It opened almost immediately.

  “Oh, hell no!”

  Shanna turned tail and ran. Elation surged through her as she made it off the porch without being caught. She set off toward the trees on the side of the chalet.

  “I should’ve fucking known!” She shrieked as she pushed herself to go harder. “Noo!” she cried when she felt herself fly through the air when he tackled her from behind. He turned mid-air so that she landed on top of him.

  “Umph,” her breath wheezed from her lips as they crashed to the snow-covered ground. She pushed against Logan’s chest. “Let me go, you buffoon.”

  “Now, why would I do that when I went to so much trouble to get you here, luv?” He drawled and with one mighty heave, he flipped her over to trap her under him in the snow.

  He stared at her with mirth in his eyes. “You are so predictable, Shanna,” Logan laughed. The smi
le on his lips tugged on her heartstrings and she promptly forgot what she wanted to say. She dragged in a deep breath to still her beating heart.

  “Am I?” she said, her voice lowering to a husky drawl. She fisted his hair in her hand and dragged his head closer. “Am I really?” she whispered against his lips and kissed him.

  The act itself shocked her, not to mention taking the lead in an extremely passionate and heated kiss. She gave into it—gave it her all, a moment of scalding insanity where her body reigned over her mind and her blood roared over rationale. It was time to shake of her inhibitions. She wanted Logan.

  Logan didn’t protest, deciding to grant her this victory. But if Shanna believed he would give in to her every demand, she had a surprise coming. He loved to dominate a woman and she was the epitome of femininity; full of spirit, strength and as sexy as hell. Her submission would be sweeter and he had every intention obliterating her defenses against him.

  “You’re a siren, luv,” he murmured as his lips dragged a heated path over her jaw before it returned to capture her mouth.

  Their lips clung as they savored each other’s taste. The feeling floored Logan. He hadn’t counted on the effect her sweet demand would have on him. She invaded his bloodstream as stealthily as an age-old whiskey. He was blown away by her heat, her scent, and the devastating sensuality of her kiss.

  He pulled down the zipper of her ski suit, exulting in the lush, supple give of her rounded breasts beneath his hands. Her passion hummed through him like a thief in the night. The hunted became the hunter. She completely captured his mind.

  He was hers now.

  Shanna seductively slid her tongue along his, inviting a deeper kiss. She moaned into his mouth when he pushed her bra cups down. He cupped her breasts as he deepened the kiss and finally found her nipples.

  He wanted to taste them, feel their taste on his tongue, even here in the open, with the sun warming their skin and the bite of cold snow underneath them.


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