Taken by a Monster

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Taken by a Monster Page 22

by Sam Crescent

  Tears filled her eyes because what he was saying weren’t lies.

  This was … real.

  “I went out today because after you fell asleep last night, I spent all night watching you. You’re so beautiful, and I … I just wanted to be with you. I’ve never felt that about anyone. When the sun came up, and you were still asleep in my arms and I still didn’t know what to do, I had to go for a ride.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “Don’t think my change of feelings for you is going to let me let you go. I can’t let you go.”

  “I wasn’t going to ask.” As Reaper was spilling his soul, leaving him was the last thing on her mind, which was crazy. This man wasn’t a good person.

  He was a monster.

  So was Preacher.

  Both men were monsters, and here she was … falling for him.

  Reaper looked at her and then averted his gaze.

  She didn’t know what to do or what to say. “I’m going to go take a shower.” She climbed off the bed and walked back toward the room. “If you’d like to join me, you’re quite welcome to do so.”

  She left him alone and stepped into the bathroom. She didn’t close the door. After removing her clothes, she turned the water on, waiting for it to heat up.

  When it was ready for her, she stepped into the stall, keeping it nice and warm. Tilting her head back, she ran her hands across her face before running them down her head.

  She heard him seconds later. Opening her eyes, she waited.

  The curtain opened and he stepped beneath the spray.

  She tensed up, waiting.

  He reached past her, getting the bar of soap. Whenever they went to a new place with running water, he always had soap with him. She hated using the soap in the hotels where they stopped. One of the first places they’d stopped at, there had been blood on the bar of soap and she freaked out.

  Reaper always got her the soap she needed, and whatever else she asked for. He cared for her that much. Licking her lips, she closed her eyes as his hands touched her. They were lathered with soap, and he ran his hands down her body, going between her thighs then back up again. He never lingered too long in any one area. When it came time to her hair, she leaned back against him, feeling the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her back.

  After he finished, with shaking hands, she took the time to wash him. Soaping up her hands, lathering his body. Heat filled her cheeks as she saw the length of his cock standing out.

  “I won’t bite,” he said.

  She burst out laughing. “I didn’t think you would.”

  She smiled at him and wrapped her fingers around his length. Her nerves were back, but she pushed them aside, instead, focusing on giving him pleasure.

  How her life had changed.

  One moment, she was begging to go back home, and now she stood in the shower with her captor, washing his body. By the time she was about to get to his hair, Reaper didn’t let her. He pressed her up against the shower, lifting her up, and sliding her down over his dick as he started to sink inside her.

  She moaned his name, not wanting him to stop, to keep on going.

  “Please,” she said.

  “I love how tight you are. I could be inside you all day long. It’s all I’ve thought about all day.”

  He used the cold tiles as leverage, and she rested back against them as he cupped her tits, pressing them together.

  His tongue came out, dancing across each nipple, flicking the tips, going back and forth across each mound. She cried out for more as the pleasure went to her pussy.

  “Touch yourself, Robin. I want to see you come,” he said.

  He ran his hands down her body, stroking over her clit, driving her crazy for more.

  He bounced her on his cock and she was so close to release. Reaper kept her at the edge. She was at the mercy of his touch, and only when he said she could fall on over into bliss did she.

  She didn’t mind being under his control. They found their orgasm together and he pulsed inside her. Each wave made her aware that each time they had sex, there was an even bigger chance of her getting pregnant.

  At that moment, in his arms, she didn’t care. Reaper didn’t let her go. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he climbed out of the stall, taking her through to the bed.

  Still deep inside her, he pressed her to the bed and stayed within her.

  “When do we have to go back on the road?” she asked.

  “Tomorrow. But we’ve got all night and I intend to make every second count.”

  He took her lips, and Robin didn’t fight him. Against all the odds, this was what she wanted from him. This was what she’d begged for. She didn’t want him to stop, or to let her go.

  For Robin belonged to Reaper, and the very thought didn’t scare her, it excited her.


  “You’ve got to keep them closed.”

  “They are closed. You’re being all mysterious here. I’m kind of afraid.” Robin wasn’t. When he’d put the blindfold on her, she’d been a little nervous, but now, she was thrilled and wanted to know more.

  She and Reaper had been together now for a month, and during that time, she couldn’t help but feel … different with him. He was still a monster and she knew he did bad things on a daily basis. He didn’t stop being the leader to Slaves of the Beast. They were still part of him, and she couldn’t deny that element of who he was, no more than she could Preacher. When he came to her though, there was no violence or anger.

  They were simply together. It was hard for her to even understand what was going on.

  He’d have these moments either during making love or fucking, and she did know the difference. She loved his hands on her body and the feel of his cock inside her more than anything else.

  It was afterward, when he held her, stroking her head and promising her it was going to be okay. Part of her knew she could trust him more than anyone else in the world. It was that part, she followed, that part she had no problem being with. Like now, he’d placed the blindfold gently on her face and she trusted him not to hurt her.

  The scent of the open air, dirt, and the sound of trees filled her senses.

  “You’re not going to kill me, are you?” she asked.

  “Believe me, I wouldn’t go to this much effort to kill you.”

  “Nice to know I’m not worth the time.”

  “You’re always worth the time and the effort, you know that.” He leaned forward, kissing her temple.

  They came to a stop. Where, she had no idea, and so she waited.

  “Right, sit down,” he said.

  She lowered herself to the floor, crossed her legs, and waited. “I’ve done it, Sir, what next.”

  “I think I can get used to you siring me.” He removed the blindfold. “Open your eyes.”

  She looked out on a picnic blanket. Wine and an abundance of food were laid out. “You made me a picnic.”

  “Hey, I’ve told you before, all you need to do is ask and I will deliver for you.” He winked at her. “So, enjoy.”

  “I can’t believe you made me a picnic. You know this is romantic, right?”

  “I know, and it’s why you won’t be telling any of the guys what it is I did today.”

  “You don’t want them to know how sweet you can be?”

  “They don’t need to know. Sweetness is a weakness to them.”

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and couldn’t stop smiling. This was real. All of it was … sweet.

  “You’re surprised?”

  “This is a really good surprise. I’ll never forget this,” she said.

  “You haven’t even tried any of the food. I’d be careful about judging it. You’ve got to taste it.”

  “It’s a picnic. You can’t go very wrong with picnic food.” She reached out, taking a strawberry, dipping it into the cream, and tasting. “I have to wonder how you got this past your men, though. Wouldn’t they have attacked you for this?” She’d noticed the men loved to
have good food, and they weren’t shy about pointing out their need for it.

  “I’m the boss. I can come and go as I please.”

  “Must be nice,” she said.

  Reaper moved behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her neck. “And what does that mean?”

  “What does what mean?”

  “Me being the boss and coming and going as I please.”

  “There’s nothing to it. Just stating a fact.”

  “A fact you don’t like?”

  “You can do what you want. I don’t even talk to your men on your orders. I guess I’m growing a little tired of doing nothing. Of being nothing. All I do is sit at the hotel or walk, or go wherever you want to go. There’s no rest.”

  “You know I can’t let you go anywhere else, don’t you?”

  She knew.

  Staring down at the picnic, she didn’t want to change the topic but also, she was afraid of the questions he’d have for her.

  Preacher was still between them.

  He wanted to know her feelings about him, and like so many other times, she was afraid of the answer. If she told Reaper she’d stay with him, her heart broke for what could have been with Preacher. If she said she’d go to Preacher, then Reaper was hurt.

  “Let’s forget about it. You made me a lovely picnic and this is all that counts as far as I’m concerned.” She grabbed another strawberry, dipping it into the cream and feeding it to him. When a little dripped on his chin, she leaned forward and licked the spot right off.

  “One day, I hope to give you a normal life.”

  “How do you think that’s going to be possible with you always riding?”

  “I’ve settled down in one place before,” he said.

  “To hurt Preacher. To piss him off. I don’t know if I want to stick around somewhere for you to have an ulterior motive.” She pressed her lips to his, silencing any dispute. “No more talk.”

  “You’re telling me to shut up?”

  “Damn straight. Anyone tell you silence is a good look for you?”

  She let out a scream as he grabbed her around the waist and pressed her to the ground.

  He grabbed one of the strawberries and dipped it in the cream, like she’d been doing. Only this time, rather than feed her, he slid the tip of the strawberry down her flesh. She let out a gasp as his tongue followed the path. He easily opened the buttons of her shirt and pulled down the cup of her bra. He circled each nub with more cream and then licked it off.

  “What if someone can see?” she asked as he removed her shirt and bra, exposing her to him.

  “No one would dare. Do you really think I’d allow someone else to see what belongs to me?” He took possession of her mouth, and she melted against him, sinking her fingers into his hair.

  Reaper broke from the kiss first, to trail his lips down to her neck. She moaned his name as he sucked on the sensitive flesh of her pulse, wanting more, but he moved. He got to her breasts and he sucked on each tip, flicking his tongue to dance across her flesh. Closing her eyes, she begged for more, but he didn’t give in straight away, making her desperate and hungry for him.

  “Do you have any idea how fucking hard I am for you right now?” he asked.

  “So hard?”


  “Good.” She ran her hand down his chest and gripped him through his jeans. “I want you.”

  “Oh, you’re going to get me.”

  For a month, Reaper had been teaching her just how much he liked certain touches, and his needs were always there for her. She’d had him in her mouth, her pussy, and he’d teased her ass. Each touch only enhanced her need for him. He’d become like a drug to her. In the mornings, the evenings, whenever she could get her hands on him.

  He pressed her breasts together and teased over each nipple before letting them go and kissing down her body, going to where her jeans sat snugly on her waist. He popped the button open and she released a gasp as he pulled them down, kissing between her thighs. She wore a pair of lace panties, but that didn’t seem to stop him.

  His face pressed against her crotch and she gasped. He tore them from her body, and his tongue was on her pussy, sliding between her slit within the next second.

  “Spread your thighs.”

  She was already opening herself up to him before he said a word.

  He licked over her, tasting her, teasing her, and she wanted more of him, couldn’t get enough of his touch. He gripped her ass, holding her still as he licked and sucked at her. Up and down, circling around before sucking her clit into his mouth.

  She screamed his name, thrusting her pelvis up for more, and he didn’t take more but gave more, nibbling on her clit before going down to fuck inside her.

  “I want to feel you come all over my cock,” he said.

  She wanted to feel him inside her, working his magic.

  He pushed his jeans down, grabbed his already-hard cock, and slammed in deep. She held on to his shoulders, closing her eyes, feeling the entire length of him as he fucked her hard. He didn’t stop.

  Reaper went hard and fast, and she felt every single jolt as he fucked her. Wrapping her legs around him, she met him thrust for thrust, but she was never one to be outdone, not anymore. She shoved him, and even though he was by far stronger than her, he still moved to where she wanted him.

  Putting her hands on his shoulders, she smiled down at him, using his chest for leverage to work his length inside and out. He grabbed her hips and started to pull her down, riding his length. Closing her eyes, she gave him her all, and he reached between the lips of her pussy and stroked her clit.

  “I want you to come all over my cock, baby.”

  It didn’t take him long to bring her to orgasm. The moment she came, she did so screaming his name, begging for more, not wanting to let go. The ride was incredible. It burned inside her, melting her to her core, and before her orgasm had even finished, Reaper followed her.

  His dick pulsed in waves, filling her up, and she relished it, giving herself to him, and him alone.

  She collapsed on his chest, his cock still deep inside her, running the tips of his fingers across her flesh.

  “This was amazing,” she said.

  “You can have this whenever you want to.”

  All she had to do was give up about heading home. That was all he wanted from her, but she didn’t know if she could ever give up Preacher.


  “It doesn’t hurt?” Robin asked.

  “No, it doesn’t hurt,” Reaper said. “Look at my body. Do you really think if something hurt, I’d keep on doing it?”

  “I don’t know what your level for pain is.” She watched as Trick moved the ink pen slowly across Reaper’s flesh. In the time she’d been with Reaper, this was the third time the man had paid a visit to them. This time, he was doing something on Reaper’s back. With his shirt off, it exposed the heart tattoo, directly over his chest. Reaper had a lot of ink.

  “Do you only do work by instruction?” she asked.

  “Are you thinking of a design?” Trick asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  He lifted his pen and reached down into his bag, grabbing a book. “Here you go, take a look in this. They’re all my drawings. Some stuff I’ve inked on flesh, others, I haven’t. I like to doodle.”

  “You do?”


  She ran her hand across the book, wondering what it would be like to have Preacher’s work of art on her body.

  Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she didn’t want to risk being asked questions by Reaper. She hated to lie and if he asked her anything right now, she was liable to break.

  At first, the ink work were some symbols and bird designs. Nothing really popped out at her. The deeper she got into the book, the more elaborate the designs became. The bird started to sit on a branch, which then developed into a tree.

  Some of the designs were dark.

  She couldn’t help but think ab
out Preacher’s artwork back at the nursery. He’d been so beautifully creative. She missed that part of him so much.

  Running her hand over each piece, she tried not to think about Preacher, not anymore.

  Her feelings for Reaper, they were messing with her emotions when it came to everything to do with her love of Preacher. The man back home, he deserved a woman who wasn’t falling for another man. There was more to Reaper than she had ever given him credit for, and it scared her. Every second of every single day that she was away from Preacher, it drew her away from the life she once knew.

  What was her father doing?


  Her mother?

  Why did she even care?

  The life on the open road offered a chance to forget, to leave all she’d known behind.

  Finally, turning to the last page, she came upon a rose. It was so deeply red and traveled up a thorn. Several roses were on the same bush.

  She traced her finger across each petal.

  “Have you seen one you like?” he asked.

  “This one. Can you do this?” She held the book up.

  “I can do it but it’s going to take more than one sitting. Where do you want it?”

  Robin stared down at her body and then stood up, lifting her shirt to beneath her bra. “Here, can you do it here?”

  “All from beneath your tit, down to the top of your thigh? Yeah, I can do it. Like I said, Reaper’s going to have to stick around a bit for me to do it.”

  “Can we?”

  “You’re sure you want that one?” Reaper asked.

  “Yeah, why? Don’t you like it?”

  “It’s not about what I like,” he said. “It’s about what you like.”

  “Then this is the one I want.” She tapped the book. “Can I have this one?”


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