Secret Sins

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Secret Sins Page 25

by Lora Leigh

  For now, all he could do was give her the illusion, but that illusion—

  It rose inside him, overtook him, and for a while, for just a little while, Archer let himself believe it could exist.

  Lowering his head, Archer slid the tip of his tongue through the narrow slit of her swollen folds. The silken flesh parted, the sweet honey of her juices clinging to his tongue as he licked and stroked the sensitive flesh.

  Sliding his hands beneath her hips as she lifted to him, Archer worked his tongue from her clit to the clenched, heated opening of her pussy, feeling the snug, tight opening flex against his tongue, trying to draw it inside the heated depths.

  Staring up at her as she pushed her fingers through his hair, Archer licked his lips again, held her gaze, then swiped his tongue quickly through the swollen slit as her cry of pleasure echoed around them. The sweet spice of her feminine heat exploded against his senses, the sweet, heated taste of her drawing him back for more.

  Anna felt her breath catch, then rush through her lungs as his tongue slid through the swollen, sensitive folds of her pussy.

  Her clit throbbed in impending release, sending a rush of brutal need to tighten her nipples as her clit throbbed with a deep, pulsing demand.

  As his gaze held hers, his tongue working through her pussy, licking, stroking, Anna was certain she couldn’t bear the pleasure.

  “Ah, Anna, I swear the taste of your pussy makes me drunk. All I thought about today was tasting you.” His tongue licked along her slit again. “Sucking your pretty clit.” A sucking kiss was delivered to the little bud. “And stroking my tongue as deep inside you as it’ll go.”

  His tongue pierced the entrance, pushing inside, stroking along nerve endings that flared in heated response. As his head came back, his fingers found the entrance instead, pushing inside her again. the tight depths requiring several stretching thrusts before they lodged fully inside her.

  “Archer, oh God, it’s so good,” she moaned, her hips pressing his fingers deeper, riding them with tight, desperate movements. Forcing her pussy against the impalement as pleasure rushed through her senses.

  His lips covered the hard bud of her clit, surrounding it with the wet heat of his mouth. Anna whimpered with the sensations as he began suckling it, slow and easy. His mouth and tongue worked the little bud, the fingers buried inside her fucking her with deep, rhythmic motions.

  “Oh God, Archer, yes” she moaned, the pleasure tightening through her pussy, her clit, building in her womb as she cupped her breasts. Her thumbs and forefingers caught the little buds, working them firmly and sending sharp peaks of pleasure slashing along an erogenous path to her clit.

  Archer’s lips tightened on her clit, his tongue flickering against it now. The thrust and rub of his fingers inside her, the heavy male growls of pleasure vibrating against the tender bud, overwhelmed her.

  Sensation exploded through her in sharp, body-jerking bursts as she came around his fingers a breath before her clit exploded against his tongue.

  As her vagina clenched and rippled in waves of fiery sensation, her clitoris exploded, shards of sharpened ecstasy racing through her as she screamed his name. Pressed tight against his thrusting fingers and suckling lips, his tongue keeping the fiery storm of rapture racing through her clit, Anna could do nothing but arch, her hands clenching in his hair, her hips lifting to him as the obliteration of her senses continued.

  Perspiration coated her flesh as a cry of completion became a wail of continued ecstasy. Shuddering, her body jerking against him with each violent pulse of rapture, Anna was certain she would die in his arms before it would end. But as she collapsed against the couch, her breathing harsh as Archer’s fingers slowly slid from her inner flesh, she admitted she might live.

  She might.

  Forcing her eyes open, she watched as Archer sat at the side of the couch, jerking his boots off before standing and quickly shedding his jeans.

  Anna forced herself to sit up, sliding around until she faced him her gaze locked on the flared, heavily throbbing crest of his cock.

  She licked her lips, seeing the bead of pre-come that glistened at the tip.

  “If you wrap that pretty mouth around my dick, I won’t stop until I’m pumping my come down your throat,” he warned her as he watched the intent fill her gaze.

  The explicitness of the warning shouldn’t have sent her juices spilling again, and her clit immediately throbbing in interest.

  But it did. And, she realized, it had curiosity filling her just as quickly as the lust.

  She’d never had that, and she realized she wanted it. She wanted to experience everything with Archer. When this was over and he walked away, she wanted to know every act with him.

  She wanted to know what it meant to belong to him.

  “But I want to wrap my lips around your dick,” she said softly, watching his expression as it tightened and brutal lust filled his face.

  Leaning forward, his hard body pressed her into the back of the couch as his hand braced against the top of the cushions. Archer gripped the base of his cock, the flared crest pressing against her lips.

  “Ah baby,” he groaned as her head tilted back, the angle of the penetration allowing her gaze to connect with his.

  “Fuck, I love your mouth.” Burying the fingers of one hand in her hair, a heavy grimace tightened his face. “Sweet, hot, sucking mouth … That’s it, baby, suck my dick. Let me fuck those pretty lips.”

  Fingers clenched tighter in her hair, his hips moved, thrusted the head of his cock into her mouth. With each thrust her tongue licked and stroked with heavy demand, pushing Archer closer to the brink of release.

  Sliding her hands up his thighs, Anna found the tight, heated sac beneath his cock as a heavy groan filled the air. Stroking the taut flesh, feeling his cock head throb against her tongue, Anna tightened her lips around him. One hand stroked the hard shaft, the other cupped and caressed his balls as her need for him overwhelmed her.


  Watching the flared crest of his cock as he thrust it slow and easy inside her mouth, Archer groaned desperately at the draw of her mouth against the sensitive head.

  Controlling the thrust of his hips, he felt the depth of his penetration into her exquisite heat was killing him. The need to fuck her hard and deep had his balls throbbing, the blood pounding hard and heated through the engorged length of his dick.

  God, he loved the feel of her mouth.

  “So sweet.” Watching his cock stretch her lips, redden them, was so damned arousing he couldn’t believe it.

  He’d never had lust grab him by the balls in the ways it did with Anna. There was no maintaining his control and no way in hell to hold back with her. She did things to him he couldn’t explain and couldn’t make sense of.

  As her tongue licked and rubbed beneath the flared crest, her mouth enveloping it with innocent heat, her expression cleared of the somber pain that had filled it. Her eyes were no longer dark with the misery trapped inside her, or the fears haunting her.

  And she was stripping him to the very core of who and what he was, Archer realized.

  He’d never known pleasure like this. He’d never known the pleasure could burn through the depths of her body as it did with her.

  Fiery heat surrounded the head of his dick, her mouth drawing at it. Pleasure stroked straight to his balls as the need to come began to overwhelm everything else.

  Staring into her eyes, lost in the dark depths of the emotions swirling in her gaze, the intensity of those emotions pulling him under, pulling him in—

  Archer meant to pull free of her. The intent had been to fuck her pretty mouth only to the point of coming. He’d had no true intention of giving her his release in such a way.

  As her mouth tightened, her tongue pressing and rubbing against the ultrasensitive nerve endings, her fingers lightly rubbed against his balls. Archer stared into her eyes and saw emotions he couldn’t define. Yet he could feel them resonating inside him until
his control shattered and his release erupted from his cock.

  There was no warning.

  One second he was ready to pull back, the next second his come was spurting from the head of his cock and filling her tight, sucking mouth in rapid pulses of semen that jetted from the tip.

  Anna’s eyes widened, then darkened. Tightening her mouth on the pulsing head, her fingers stroked the throbbing shaft as low pleasure-filled moans vibrated around the thick head.

  Pleasure was almost agony. It was like having a part of his soul stripped from him to meet with the fire and brilliant emotions in her heavy-lidded gaze.

  When it returned, slamming back into him as the last thick pulse of his release spurted into her mouth, Archer knew he wasn’t the same.

  Just as he knew he needed more of her.

  The release that tore from him wasn’t enough.

  He needed more of her, more of a pleasure so addicting that he wondered if he could ever let her go.


  Staring up at Archer as he pulled free of her gripping mouth, Anna couldn’t help but lick her lips with sensual satisfaction.

  “Oh baby, we’re not done yet.” He surprised her with the harsh growl of his voice.

  A gasp escaped her lips as Archer jerked a pillow from the couch and tossed it to the floor in front of him. Then, bending to it, he gripped her knees and parted them before pulling her hips to the edge.

  “Oh yes,” the whispered need passed her lips as she spread her thighs, her knees lifting to grip his lean flanks.

  Quickly rolling the condom he’d pulled from the back pocket of his jeans onto his erection, Archer then bent to her.

  “Did you think I’d leave you unsatisfied?” he asked, gripping the thick stalk of his cock as he eased the engorged head through the swollen, juice-laden folds of her pussy.

  “I would—” A moan parted her lips as the thick crest pressed into the now oversensitive entrance. “—would have understood.”

  “Watch.” The hoarsely voiced order had her gaze following his.

  Reclined back as she was, her thighs spread wide, Anna could see the hard flesh of his cock parting her intimate lips. The swollen curves hugged the wide crest, her juices clinging to it as he began pressing inside.

  The slow, controlled stretch of her delicate inner muscles had pleasure rising rapidly as the fiery pleasure-pain began streaking across her nerve endings.

  “Archer.” The intensity of the pleasure beginning to overtake her. “It’s so good, Archer.”

  Angling her hips to him, her fingers gripping his arms, Anna watched as, with a final hard thrust, he buried to the hilt inside her.

  The heavy pulse of his cock had her knees tightening on his hips as the imperative need to orgasm came racing through her again.

  Lifting her gaze to his, Anna felt her chest tighten, almost felt the tears that would have filled her eyes.

  The look on his face—

  Her breath hitched, a whimpering moan filling the air around them as he began to move. His hips thrusting, dragging his cock nearly free before pushing inside her. He worked the heavy flesh to the hilt, pulled back, then thrust hard and heavy inside her again.

  The stroke and caress of his heavily veined shaft and his thick, blunt head built inside Anna.

  Pleasure rose in intensity as overexcited nerve endings began to burn, to flare. Thrusting harder, faster, he locked his gaze on hers, his expression so tender so—what?

  What was it?

  What emotion was whipping between them?

  The intensity of it, like the ecstatic pleasure, only strengthened, increased.

  “Archer, please!” The need, the overwhelming sensations were pulsing, expanding inside her.

  When he was groaning, perspiration running in rivulets down his chest, along the side of his face, his golden-brown eyes seemed more brilliant, more predatory—

  “Anna. Sweetheart.” His groan was hoarse, his body tightening as he lifted one hand from her hips to cup her cheek. “Sweet Anna—”

  Archer’s teeth clenched as Anna cried out, her pussy tightening around his cock as it shuttled back and forth, harder, faster.

  Flames erupted inside her.

  Electric, pulsing, ecstasy exploded like fireworks inside the clenched, pleasure-tortured depths of her vagina.

  “Fuck! Baby!” His hand tightened at her cheek, some battle raging in his expression as she felt his release suddenly tear through his corded body.

  “Ah fuck!” His face tightened, his gaze turning savage. “Anna. Ah God. Mine!” His hips slammed forward as she felt his cock flex, pulse.

  The muscles of her pussy rippled and tightened around him.

  “Mine! Damn you, you’re mine!”

  His lips covered hers.

  Possessive, demanding. The kiss marked her soul and stilled the words being torn from his lips.

  Caught in the cataclysm swirling through both of them, Anna swore she felt a part of herself merge with him. Felt a part of him merge with her.

  And for one precious moment out of time, Anna knew what it meant to belong—


  The alarm that began blaring through the house brought Archer instantly out of bed and reaching for his pants. Jerking them on, he grabbed his weapon from beside the bed and turned to Anna as she quickly dressed.

  “Archer, what the fuck?” Rory yelled outside the bedroom.

  Archer jerked the bedroom door open. “Stay with her and get two men in here. Send the others next door to the Brocks.”

  Archer was running through the house as he shouted out the order.

  Archer had tied the Brocks’ alarm into his after an attempted breakin the year before. The parents worked midnight shifts at the Emergency Care Clinic, leaving their teenage daughter, Callie Brock, alone in the house.

  “Jerking his cell phone from his jeans as he ran down the stairs, he quickly hit the speed-dial number for his deputy.

  “Caine,” the deputy answered.

  “Get your ass to the Brocks.” Disconnecting, Archer was out the back door of his house and racing across the short distance to the side door of the Brocks’ house.

  He could hear Callie even as he shoved the key into the lock and twisted it to unlock the door.

  Pushing into the house he was aware of two of Brute Force’s agents coming in behind, one of them the single female on their protective payroll.

  Callie was screaming upstairs.

  The sound of her cries had a growl of fury tearing from his throat. He’d spent enough time in the military overseas to suspect what had happened from the sound of those hoarse, terrified screams.

  “Cover me,” Archer ordered, though he was certain no one was in the house any longer.

  “Callie. Callie, it’s Archer,” he yelled as he tore up the stairs.

  Following her screams he burst through the bedroom door, instantly finding the teenager where she was huddled, a sheet drawn around her naked body, the cell phone she’d used to activate the alarm clenched in her fingers.

  Shoulder-length blonde hair was tangled and tear damp as she stopped screaming only to collapse in tears. Callie laid her head against her up-raised knees, sobs tearing from her chest as Marta moved quickly around him and bent to her knees in front of her.

  “Callie, sweetheart.” The agent’s calm voice and compassionate tone made the young girl’s head lift as her breath hitched violently and her sobs became harder.

  “Callie, how badly are you hurt?” Marta asked softly as Archer and the other agent moved quickly to the open doorway. “I need you to tell me how badly you’re hurt.”

  Archer glimpsed Callie shaking her head quickly, though the sobs became louder for just a moment before she seemed to control them once again.

  “I was able—able to turn—the alarm on.” Jerky and tear-roughened, her voice had fury stabbing at his senses. “He was in dark clothes—” she sobbed raggedly. “And a mask.” She was rocking herself as Marta moved cautiously to ru
b her arm. “He said, said I was a means to an end,” she cried. “I was just bait—like a worm on a hook—” she sobbed. “He said don’t forget, you’re just a worm on a hook.”

  Just a tool.

  Archer’s head lifted and turned, suspicion suddenly exploding through his mind.

  Jerking his cell phone from his pants he hit Rory’s name in his contact list and listened to the phone ring—and ring

  His heart stopped in his chest as Caine raced to the top of the stairs and Archer turned to him slowly.

  Just a tool—a means to an end.

  “Caine, with me.” Archer didn’t hesitate.

  Leaving Callie with Marta and the other agent he was down the stairs and out of the house in a matter of seconds.

  He’d closed the side door to the house and it would have locked automatically.

  But it wasn’t closed. It was open.

  “Anna.” Archer yelled her name, knowing, he knew— “Anna.”

  “Rory’s not answering his phone,” the deputy yelled.

  Archer all but tripped over Rory’s fallen body in the foyer.

  He went to his knees, staring at the back of the younger man’s head and the amount of blood that stained his black hair, white shirt, and the honey-colored wood of the floor.

  “Calling the EMTs.” Caine’s voice was distant, barely heard.

  There was a buzzing in Archer’s ears, in his senses. As he checked Rory’s pulse, there wasn’t even enough emotion left inside him to feel relief that Rory was alive.

  He rose to his feet, knowing—

  Ah God, he knew.

  Moving up the stairs, he turned and walked into the bedroom.

  Oscar was lying on the floor, dazed, obviously hurt.

  Kneeling, Archer checked him out. There were no broken bones, but blood smeared his head from a cut, and more blood smeared his face.

  Pulling the cat’s mouth open, Archer saw threads, blood, and possible flesh between the cat’s teeth.

  “Archer?” Nash and Caine entered the bedroom slowly.

  Handing the cat to the surprised CSI he said, “There’re flesh and fabric fibers in his teeth. We have the Slasher’s DNA, thanks to Oscar.”


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