SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8)

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SECRETS: Passion, Deceit, And Revenge (Beauty 0f Life Book 8) Page 6

by Laura Acton

  Glancing at the technicians, realizing he couldn’t leave them … damned priority of life protocols, Bram still asked, “Boss, should I go to Loki?”

  On his knees, over a trashcan, Loki spat and managed to say, “No. Give me a sec, and I’ll be okay.”

  Relief washed through the team at his voice. “Sorry, buddy,” Ray apologized as his hand pressed against his stomach.

  Pushing his errant lock of black hair from his sweaty face, Loki replied, “I pick the restaurant from now on.”

  “Yeah, okay.” Ray agreed as he peered over at Dan and remarked, “You must have a cast iron stomach.”

  Dan only raised a brow, not willing to admit he wanted to hurl. Instead, he motioned to the next office to be searched.

  Nick wrenched open the truck door. “Loki and Bram, status.”

  As Loki updated them on his progress against counter-measures, Lexa and Jon opened the door at the end of the tunnel, ready to search the level. Jon’s worry didn’t decrease upon learning it was Loki who became sick, he roved his assessing eye over Lexa, taking stock.

  Noting Jon’s eyes, Lexa said, “I’m good. Not even a tad queasy.” As she reviewed who ate what, she couldn’t come up with a single thing Ray and Loki shared since Loki didn’t eat any mango rice. Though, she recalled the less than stellar condition of the eatery. A visit by the health department might be in order.

  Kolff Research Institute – Fourth Floor – Lab

  While Loki reported, Bram returned his attention to the three men he allowed to stay. He had sent the other five out about fifteen minutes ago. He asked the lead lab technician, “Mr. Darwin, how much longer?”

  Darwin sealed the metal tube and set it into the vacuum pressure chute which would transport the material to the secure storage in basement level two before turning his gaze on the impatient constable. “We are working as fast as possible. We can’t make this worse. We must properly secure the chemical we’re using. If we don’t, and this becomes airborne, people will die.”

  “What kind of material and risks are we talking about?” Bram hadn’t realized the stuff posed a danger to the public.

  “These tests are using concentrated ultriclotide. Exposure to ultriclotide, even inhaling minute quantities, causes immediate burning of the eyes, nose, throat, and respiratory tract. It can result in blindness, lung damage, and death.” Darwin began preparing another tube to send down.

  “So how much more time do you need?” Bram eyed the chutes and wondered where the sealed material was going.

  Darwin glanced at his colleagues, noting the amount left and estimated, “Two minutes.”

  Bram caught the tail end of Jon telling Boss that he and Lexa sent five people up the stairs since the elevator was now inaccessible. They planned to search the remainder of the level, although the workers indicated they were the only ones down there.

  He communicated, “Boss, we’re leaving in about a minute. They are almost finished securing the materials. Increase the perimeter and contact hazmat. If the bomb goes off prematurely, they need to be aware there is a risk of ultriclotide being released.” Bram told him what he learned and overheard Boss making the necessary calls.

  Loki’s groan perked his ears, worried he might become ill again, but relaxed when Loki said, “Boss, ran into another counter-measure. Shouldn’t be a problem. I still have ten minutes on the timer.”

  Sealing the final container, Darwin sighed as he sent it off. “Finished.”

  “Let’s go.” Bram started for the exit with two of the men. He turned back when Darwin didn’t join them. He spied the technician unlock a glass case and push a big red button. “What did you do?”

  Not wanting to be blown up, Darwin rushed by the constable. “It secures the bottom two levels.”

  Bram grabbed the man’s arm. “What do you mean?”

  Nervous and wishing to leave the building, Darwin wrenched his arm free. “Per protocol, in the event of an evacuation, I must activate the safety protocol. The button triggers the mechanisms to hermetically seal off both basement levels and lowers ten-inch thick steel security doors at both ends of the entrances, sealing off the tunnel. Nothing gets in or out.”

  “Why? There are only animals and computer equipment.” Bram thought about Lexa, Jon, Dan, and Ray. They were now locked down there.

  Pointing to the chutes, Darwin explained, “Level two is where we sent the ultriclotide. The pressure tubes are sealed as part of the process too.”

  As Bram escorted the men to the stairs, he called out, “Boss, we have a problem. Genius here trapped Dan, Ray, Jon, and Lexa in the basement.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Command Truck

  “Explain what is going on.” Nick’s gut clenched.

  “The lab tech locked our guys in, and it gets worse. Lexa and Jon are on the level where a nasty chemical is stored. I’m bringing Mr. Darwin with me. If Kolff’s security guy is still around, we need to chat with him.”

  Nick rose and opened the door. “I’ll go find him. Tell me about this chemical.”

  Bram repeated what he learned from Darwin, then added, “They sealed the ultriclotide in metal containers. I don’t know how much of a threat it is to our guys. My concern is if the building comes down, they will be trapped in airtight rooms. We gotta find out if there are any ventilation shafts they might use or a way to unlock the doors.”

  Striding rapidly in the rain to the safe zone, Nick spotted Mr. Gellar and said, “Bram, I’ll meet you at the truck.” He picked up his pace and when he explained the issue to the security man both men jogged through the downpour to TRF’s mobile command vehicle.

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Hall

  Dan silently cleared most rooms with Ray, methodically searching each area. When Bram stated they were locked in, Ray and he paused in the hall and shared another stunned look. As they remained still, listening to the chatter between Bram and Boss, an excruciating pain penetrated Dan’s abdomen and flank, causing him to clench his jaw and grit his teeth to hold in a groan.

  Damned food … can my day get any worse? Tempted to press on his stomach to stem the renewed desire to hurl, he realized doing so would only cause more pain, with his wrist now swollen and tender.

  Unfortunately, having agonizing experiences with food poisoning, Dan realized he was in for a nasty ride until his body purged whatever bacteria he consumed in his contaminated food. With Loki and Ray having puked already, he wondered how much longer he could quell the desire before he succumbed.

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Two – Hall

  Lexa leaned against the doorjamb of the room with reptile cages lining one wall and rats and mice on the other separated by long metal tables. She spotted what appeared to be venom milking vessels on one table. Glancing across the hallway to Jon, who stood in the doorway of another room, she noted his demeanor reflected her own.

  Neither were happy about being trapped underground with a potentially deadly substance and a bomb set to go off. If the compound didn’t kill them, her fear of being buried alive seemed quite probable and less irrational given this situation. She remained quiet, unable to offer any solutions at the moment, trusting Bram and Boss to do everything possible to extract them.

  Jon stared at all the cats in cages. He hated cats with an unbridled passion, and they despised him too. The thought of being locked in here with them was uncomfortable at the very least.

  Though, his greater fear stemmed from what he learned listening to Bram. He needed to do something to protect Lexa and him … and reluctantly he added the damned cats too. None of them deserved to be exposed to death as described by Bram.

  He interjected into their conversation, “Where is this chemical stored? Find out if we can seal off the room where it is as a precaution.”

  A voice Jon didn’t recognize came over the comms. “I’m Mr. Darwin. I assure you the ultriclotide will not pose a risk to you. The doors to where it is stored are sealed off from the
rest of the floor. Double safety protocols.”

  Playing devil’s advocate, Jon said, “And if the building comes down on us? What happens then?”

  Darwin glibly answered, “Well, then the chemicals will be the least of your worries.”

  Lexa couldn’t help the flinch as Jon punched a hole in the wall as he bellowed, “Find us a way out of here now!”

  “Jonnie, calm down,” Nick cajoled, though the same emotions roiled in him at Darwin’s callous words. The scientist’s nonchalant attitude showed he did not realize the consequences of his actions, or effect of his words.

  Jon breathed in deeply and shook out his fist. He stole a glance at Lexa, mouthed, “Sorry,” and she gave him a slight nod and wan smile.

  “Boss, what about air? Bram said the rooms are hermetically sealed.” Lexa was unsure if she wanted to know the answer. Suffocating had no more appeal than being buried under tons of rubble. While waiting for the response, her mind wandered to what Dan shared earlier about Unicorn’s death. At least we don’t have to worry about drowning on top of everything else.

  After consulting with the group gathered to discuss the problem, Nick supplied the first positive news. “Each level is equipped with separate ventilation systems which filter out carbon dioxide and recirculates purified air. Hang tight. We’ll have you all out soon.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Fifth Floor – Robotics Lab

  Loki sat back on his heels, his thoughts swirling, searching for a solution to the final counter-measure. Sick to his stomach, not only from dinner but from learning half the team had been trapped in the bowels of this darned building. Letting them down was not an option.

  He glanced at the timer … only minutes left. Thoughts of the team-against-team training session last March at the zoo rolled into his head. Nothing he did worked that night … all five flour bombs went off. Taking a deep breath, he calmed and focused. A grin grew as an idea came to him. “Lucille, that might work.” He rose and went to his pack.

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Office

  Approaching the last office, noting Ray appeared as queasy as him, Dan wondered if they might end up hurling on the subject when they took him into custody. This was the only place left he could be hiding … he had no other way of escaping this level.

  Dan pulled his mind back to business as Ray moved into position and they both slipped into the darkened area. In the dim lighting, they noted various lab equipment strewn on a couple of workstations. Ray motioned to the farthest desk when he spotted a shoe poking out and indicated he would go right.

  Nodding, Dan went left as they moved forward. “You might as well come out. They’ve locked down the level. You’re not going anywhere. You’re stuck here with us and if the bomb blows you got a front row seat.”

  Surprised when the red hooded figure gave up without a fight and crawled out from under a desk, Ray directed, “Let me see your hands. Nice and slow.”

  The compliant man put his hands out to his sides. A bit of relief rushed through Dan when he spied empty hands, though he kept his gun trained on the subject as he said, “Ray, need you to do the honors.”

  “My pleasure.” Understanding Dan could not cuff him, Ray holstered his weapon and pulled out handcuffs. He worried about Dan’s wrist, observing the bluish-purple swelling and the way he cosseted his hand. Damn, why did he go after this guy while injured? Some things I will never understand about him.

  A shift in the bomber’s body indicated to Dan that he might be considering running again. Dan decided to shut down the line of thinking. “I wouldn’t run if I were you. I’m a dead shot. I never miss.”

  Ray chuckled when the subject’s eyes rounded with fear. “Yeah, true he never misses, and that is usually from a long distance. As close as you are it’d be like child’s play to him.” Attaching one cuff, Ray removed the subdued man’s backpack, before cuffing the other one. “Subject in custody.”

  Kolff Research Institute – Fifth Floor – Stairwell

  Loki’s yell overrode Ray’s words as he sprinted to the stairwell. “Outta time! Out of time. Everyone back.” He made it down two flights of stairs, all the while thinking of his teammates locked in the lower levels. He stayed longer than he should’ve, tried his best, but today it wasn’t enough. Loki’s heart ripped to shreds knowing he failed them.

  The concussive effect of the bomb exploding lifted Loki like a feather. He sailed down the next set of steps before his body smacked into the concrete wall. The force of motion caused his unconscious body to tumble down more stairs like a rag doll. Loki came to rest face up, sprawled across the second-floor landing, oblivious to the shouts from Boss and Bram.

  Humpty Dumpty’s Great Fall


  January 6

  Kolff Research Institute – Outside Front – 5:25 p.m.

  Alerted to the imminent blast, Nick and Bram reacted, pushing Gellar and Darwin down, and covering them with their bodies. Glass and chunks of concrete exploded outward from the fourth, fifth, and sixth floors. The debris joined with the torrents of water from the sky, raining down on them as flames defied mother nature, billowing out of what used to be windows and walls.

  An eerie quiet descended as Bram rolled off Darwin. Dazed, he lay on the asphalt staring up, face showered with rain, rapidly blinking as he struggled to comprehend the surreal scene. Not cognizant of time passing, he wouldn’t be able to define how long he remained unmoving, watching falling debris while a nursery rhyme he often read his girls rolled through his brain, with Loki’s face starring as Humpty Dumpty. Will our family ever be whole without him?

  Nick managed to make it to his knees despite the ringing in his ears and generalized disorientation. Sitting back on his heels, his head tipped upward. As tears mixed with rainwater streaming down his cheeks, the yell from Loki repeated on a loop in his mind. His gaze shifted to the entrance, praying for the quirky and fun-loving techie, the son of his heart, to come bounding out.

  As activity around him began to filter in, he observed the fire crews moving in to do their jobs. Nick’s heart crumbled, and with his head bowed, he allowed grief to enshroud him. I should’ve focused on how much time Loki had left and ordered him out sooner. A movement to his left caused him to lift his eyes.

  Soft blue-green eyes filled with sorrow met with devastated warm hazel ones as Bram and Nick shared a moment of loss, both aware Loki did not make it out in time. Each witnessed in the other as sadness morphed to conviction. Nick rose, and with him hope, as he called out, “Loki, talk to me!”

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Two – Reptile Room

  Loki’s shout spurred Jon into action. He grabbed Lexa, his gut reaction to save his teammate … his family. Unceremoniously shoving her into the corner of the snake room, he used his greater size to shield her petite form. As he did so, he thought she might be pissed at him, and believe his behavior stemmed from a male chauvinist attitude. Truthfully, he could counter her venom and explain even if it had been Bram, who towered over everyone, his instinctive reaction as their TL, would have been to protect him in the same manner.

  Crammed on the floor, with Jon’s weight pinning her down, Lexa struggled to get out. Not because of some sense of being impervious to the items falling around her, nor because she thought Jon’s chivalrous actions unwarranted. No, neither of those items … the reason solidly rooted in her phobia of being buried alive and his weight made the fear all too real.

  The cacophony of barking dogs filled their ears as they rode the shockwaves of the powerful explosion. When crashing of ceiling tiles and objects dislodged from shelves ceased, marking the dissipation of the building’s last repercussive shudder, Jon’s gunmetal gray eyes roved over Lexa searching for any injuries.

  Her hands pushing at his chest caused him to shift his body, and he sat next to her, his back against the wall. The weight of reality landed on his shoulders as Boss’ agonized call of ‘Loki, talk to me’ was met with only deafening
silence on their comms.

  Lexa labored to rise from a prone position and scooted her butt back, using the same wall as Jon for support. Tears filled her eyes, and she let them fall in an uncharacteristic show of emotion while on the job. Loki, please answer. Say something … anything. Please … please … I can’t lose my best friend.

  Kolff Research Institute – Basement Level Three – Office

  Ray froze as Loki’s words slammed into his ears. The fear he detected in the tone told him all he needed to know. My brother risked his life trying to save ours and waited too long to leave. Time stood still for him as pain ripped through his heart. His world consisted of flashes of Loki’s smiling face … a dopey grin he would never see again.

  Dan’s shout, “Take cover,” went unheeded by Ray, but the subject dove for the desk he had crawled out from only moments ago. Unwilling to let Ray come to harm, Dan launched himself at his teammate, taking them both down and rolling them under a workstation right before the bomb exploded.

  Safe from the falling items, or so Dan believed, he shielded Ray’s inert body with his own. A desktop computer toppled off the station and landed on his right hand which had ended up outstretched and unprotected. A moan of pain rumbled out before he could suppress it.

  Dan’s groan brought Ray back to the here and now. His dark brown eyes focused on Dan’s sapphire orbs, and the pain he experienced was written all over them. Turning his head, he spotted the reason and knocked the computer off Dan’s hand. Ray didn’t bother to ask if he was okay, because Dan rolled off him and began retching. He is definitely NOT alright.

  Getting to his knees beneath the table, Ray scanned for their subject, noting him under the other desk. Boss’ unanswered calls for Loki caused renewed grief as papers languidly floated to the floor around them.

  Succumbing to the need to hurl, Dan didn’t register anything other than pain radiating up his arm from his wrist. He held the injured appendage to his chest, in a world of misery, as he purged his dinner.


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