My Duty to Bear: Standalone BBW BWWM Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Everson Brothers Book 2)

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My Duty to Bear: Standalone BBW BWWM Bear Shifter Paranormal Romance (The Everson Brothers Book 2) Page 5

by Alana Hart

  Amy held her arms out, wordlessly offering comfort. Luke choked back a sob and ran over, keeling on the floor. His mom gathered him in, hugging him tight, murmuring apologies in his ear, and stroking his hair.

  She glanced back at me, eyes narrowed in anger. “He should never had seen that. And his hand, he wouldn’t let us go to the hospital, said it might raise suspicions with me being banged up as well. So, I waited until I had some money stashed away. Then, we left.”

  Luke’s arms were wrapped tight around his mom, youthful indifference forgotten as they comforted each other. Looking closely at his hand, I saw that the fingers were crooked, unable to clench properly. That a man could do that to his own son?

  “Who is he?” I growled, wanting to track the son-of-a-bitch down and treat him to some of his own medicine.

  Amy flinched, reacting to the anger in my voice, seeming to shrink before my eyes. I quickly reigned myself in, shoving back the rage that threatened to erupt.

  “I wouldn’t hurt you, or Luke. I promise.” I pleaded with her to see the truth. I could never hurt her, or her child.

  “I—I know. But we’ve seen enough violence. I just want us to have a fresh start, a chance to build a life, away from him. I don’t want you to find him and bring him here, to us. We need to stay hidden, off the radar, or he’ll make us go back!” The words tumbled out in panic.

  Nobody was making them do anything. But she was so scared, the nightmares still so fresh in her memory. “What about registering for school? Work? Can he find you?”

  “New names. Amazing what you can find on the internet when you’re determined and desperate. They’ve held up so far.” She tilted her jaw in a gesture I was now growing fond of. It was her fuck you world expression. The same one her son had adopted.

  “So, you’re not really Amy?”

  She laughed, relaxing a little now that I had dropped the subject of tracking her husband down. “Amy and Luke are real. I only changed our last names, as Luke would probably forget to answer to a different name, and it seemed an easier adjustment that way. Amy Taylor, pleased to meet you,” she quipped, bending an arm around her back, and offering me her hand.

  I gripped her hand, rubbing my thumb over her knuckle. “Very pleased to meet you, Amy Taylor. And you too, Luke Taylor,” I added, when the boy peered over Amy’s shoulder, a bemused look on his face.

  Since it seemed like she was trying to lighten the mood, probably for Luke’s sake, I grasped my stomach, pulling a strained face. “I’m starving! Did someone mention food around here?”

  Luke’s watery smile brightened, and Amy twisted around again to smile gratefully at me. Shooing Luke away, she made to stand, but I pulled her back quickly.

  “I’m, uh, not wearing anything under here. And you’re shielding my modesty at the moment.”

  She blushed, her hands floating in mid-air, unsure of where to land. “Luke, could you start setting up the picnic on the other bed? The hamper is just over there, against the wall.”

  When Luke hurried to do as she asked, she scooted to the end of the bed, her eyes resolutely forward facing.

  “Thanks,” I whispered, jumping up off the bed and securing the towel a little tighter. “I don’t have any more clothes, and the ones I was wearing are a little wet.”

  “I’ll hang them out to dry,” she said in a hurry, dashing off to the bathroom.

  Returning with a robe, she threw the white terrycloth at me, her eyes darting to Luke, who was preoccupied with pulling out all the goodies he could find, his back to us.

  I couldn’t resist. Before she could turn her back, I snagged the towel, pulling it off and dropping it to the floor. Then, taking my own sweet time, I shrugged on the robe, belting it tight.

  Her eyes had widened, glazing over, and her mouth had gaped open.

  Feeling on top of the world, I sauntered over, and snagged her chin with my finger. Closing her mouth gently, I stole a swift kiss from those luscious lips.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Luke look up and sneak a glance at his mom, his eyes darting back and forth. I raised my eyebrows at him in silent question.

  His gaze settled on me, then he grinned, giving me a small thumbs up.

  Looked like I had the kid on my side, at least. I glanced at his hand, noting how he favored his good one, and my heart stuttered a little. I wasn’t going to let anything bad happen to him again, didn’t matter that he wasn’t mine by blood. He was family now, whether Amy knew it or not.



  I saw the way Ryan looked at Luke’s hand, concern clear on his handsome face. And when he went over, giving Luke a manly clap on the shoulder, nudging him out of the way to get at the food, the way Luke looked up at him, with near hero worship in his eyes…a crack in my heart healed over. If Luke had a role model like Ryan in town, someone to look up to and look after him while showing him how to be a good man, then I could maybe stop worrying, just a little. Just a close family friend, I reminded myself sternly. Luke came first. Always. There would always be time for me, later, when he was grown and had a family of his own.

  My mind made up, I settled on the bed next to Luke and started passing around plates. The boys would eat straight from the basket if I let them! Tutting and fussing, I made myself useful, listening to the conversation Ryan had started with Luke. It was about my son’s favorite topic, photography.

  Ryan was giving Luke his full, undivided concentration, listening seriously as Luke explained things like exposure and shutter speed with great enthusiasm, his hands flying and mouth chewing frantically around his words.

  “I could take you out into the forest, if you like?”

  My hand froze on its way to the basket, fear thrilling through me. “I don’t think it’s safe. Not with the wild animals out there.”


  “He’d be fine, if I showed him what to look for and how to watch out for himself. You’re living in the country now, the kid needs to know how to get around outside of town.” Ryan snagged another couple of slices of bread, piling them high with cold cuts and salad. Taking a massive bite, he chewed thoughtfully, seeming to measure his words. “Luke won’t have any trouble from the wild animals, not around here.”

  Luke looked at me, eagerness on his face. He was itching to get back out there, I could tell.

  “How can you be so sure?” I said slowly, watching Ryan carefully.

  He shrugged, reaching for an apple. “It’s hard to explain. Once you’re a local, the wild animals don’t bother you anymore.” He took a bite, his white teeth tearing into the crunchy flesh. “Ask around, everyone will tell you the same thing. We don’t have animals mauling humans in Craggstone.”

  “Must make your job a little dull,” I said dryly, watching as he finished the apple, then reached for a pastry. Good thing Connie had packed enough food for ten people! I nibbled at the sandwich in my hand, my appetite dulled.

  “Nah, my job is interesting enough. The humans keep me busy! Gets me out of the house, seeing people every day. Otherwise, I’d probably turn into a hermit!” He chuckled, brushing crumbs off his robe, and handed Luke an apple.

  Luke made a face but took it anyway, and I watched with surprise as Luke took a big bite, mimicking Ryan’s earlier relish. This man could come feed Luke any day! It took everything I had to get a little fruit and veg past Luke’s tightly clamped lips.

  “I can’t imagine you being a hermit,” I said, trying to imagine Ryan as anything but the large, sociable character he obviously was. “Whereabouts do you live?” Then I realized too late that I had asked a personal question. Probably too personal, one he would read into way too much.

  “Out in the forest. I have a small cabin. And, like I said, if I didn’t have a reason to come to town, I might never leave the house.”

  “Isn’t it lonely, out there in the forest?”

  “Most of my family live in the forest, dotted around, so I’ve always got company. That is, if I want it.”

  “Family?” Luke latched onto the word, tossing a picked clean apple core onto his plate.

  Ryan ruffled Luke’s hair, passing him a pastry. “Yep, Mom and Pa live out there. Craig, one of my brothers, lives nearby with his new mat—wife, Merrie. Ralph lives here, in town. He owns the steakhouse on Main. My two other brothers, they live in the city, but they’ll probably be coming home to live soon. It’s about time.”

  The last bit puzzled me. What did he mean by that? But my mind finally latched onto the most relevant piece of information. “You said your brothers live in the city?” If Ryan talked to his brothers and mentioned us… The city might be a big place, but it was small when you moved in certain circles. “What do they do there?” I tried to keep my tone light, but I was starting to think Ryan could read me much too easily, as he looked at me quizzically.

  “Jack is a surgeon and Max is a fire chief. In fact, I’d like to get Jack to come have a look at Luke’s hand. He, or one of his colleagues, might be able to do something for him. What about Will? What does he do?”

  I let go of the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding with a whoosh. It was highly unlikely that Ryan’s brothers knew Will. They wouldn’t move in the same, exclusive circles. Or so I hoped. “Do? Not much. Socializes with the elite of the city, most of the time.”

  “Do you really think your brother might be able to fix my hand?” For a minute I had forgotten Luke was here, listening with great curiosity.

  “He might. He’s a general surgeon at the moment, but he used to— Let’s just say, he has had experience in pediatrics and orthopedic surgery.”

  “Sounds like he’s changed specialties a few times?” I munched on a pastry, trying to ignore Will’s voice that still nagged inside my head, telling me I needed to lose a few pounds.

  “He has. You’ll understand, eventually, I promise.”

  Now that was a cryptic reply if I’d ever heard one! But if the man might be able to help Luke… All my son wanted was to be able to hold his camera properly again. Swallowing my pride, and my doubts, I replied, “That would be great. Thank you.”

  Clearing away the debris of our meal, we settled Luke onto the bed to watch some television, the snow still falling thick and heavy outside. Ryan threw himself onto the other bed, patting the space next to him invitingly.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I hissed, shooting a surreptitious glance at my son, who was curled up on his side, his eyelids already drifting shut, the excitement of the day catching up with him.

  “I don’t bite, and I won’t ravage you. Not unless you beg me to,” he whispered back, leering comically.

  His hair had dried and was back to its golden hue, the curls looping messily around his head. Thick, blond stubble dusted his jaw, and the terrycloth robe gaped, giving teasing glimpses of his broad, muscled chest.

  Relenting, I dropped down next to him, leaving as much of a gap as possible.

  I wasn’t one hundred percent sure I could trust myself not to beg.



  I needed to win her trust, and if that meant not jumping on her, then dammit, that’s what I’d do. But it was hard, and I mean hard, with her inches away on the inviting bed. Rolling over onto my side, I stared at her, my eyes tracing the lines of her face, the arch of her collarbone rising out of her shirt, the fullness of her breasts stretching the thin material across her chest.

  She rolled onto her side, and I had to bite back a groan as her collar drooped open, exposing the mounds of her breasts rising up out of her shirt. Inches of naked flash, begging to be tasted, licked and sucked. My mouth watered, my gaze riveted.

  “Can we just talk?” she whispered, and I snapped my eyes back to her face. She was looking at me knowingly, her lips twitching at the corner.

  “Yeah, sure. What about?” I wracked my brain for a safe topic. Now wasn’t the time to spring the fact that I was a shifter on her. She’d had enough shocks for the day.

  “I don’t know. Tell me about growing up in this town, what it was like to be a part of such a large family. I bet it was noisy, full of fun and laughter. I’d always wished Luke could have…but it wasn’t meant to be.”

  Her eyes dulled as memories reared their ugly head, so I started talking about everything and nothing, anything to put a smile back on her face. I told her about what it felt like to be the youngest of five brothers, how Mom had ruled us with a stern look and a loving smile. How Pa doted on his wife, and we had witnessed that growing up, much to our disgust and amusement. I entertained her with stories about the fights and mischief my brothers and I used to get into when we were cubs, but left out the fact that it was a long, long time ago. That the town had been a lot smaller, barely a settlement at that point, the land a lot harsher, and times crueler. I had to break off from time to time to modernize facts in my mind, and when her nose scrunched up in confusion, I quickly backtracked, sprinkling in modern amenities that made some of the stories sound ludicrous!

  When she had finally stopped laughing, tears streaming down her face, at the latest installment about the Everson brothers, she grinned, the first genuine grin I had seen her give. “Thank you for sharing. It sounds like you had a wonderful childhood. I’d like to meet your Mom and Pa, one day…” Her words trailed off as she yawned loudly, her eyes struggling to stay open.

  “You will. Now, go to sleep. You’ve had a long, trying day. It’ll all look better in the morning. The snow will have stopped and the land will look sparkling and fresh.”

  “A fresh start,” she muttered, already half asleep.

  “A fresh start,” I echoed, watching her drift off, her face slackening as sleep took her.

  We would all have a fresh start. Because I would find that husband of hers and make sure he never bothered Amy or Luke again.

  Come hell or high-water, she would have the new life that she wanted. I only hoped that it would include me.



  Waking the next morning, I stretched slowly, enjoying the long moment before real life grabbed me and forced me to get up and busy. We didn’t have enough lazy mornings like this, but in our new life, Luke and I could do whatever we wanted, including staying in bed until mid-day, if that’s what we chose. Grinning, I looked over at the other bed, which was cast in dark shadows. Luke’s small body formed a mound under the covers, but I could make out a mop of dark curls poking out of the top of the comforter.

  Maybe another ten minutes, I thought, snuggling down into the warm bed and rolling over.

  I smacked up against a warm, hard body and stifled a startled shriek.

  “Don’t scream, you’ll wake the kid,” a voice rumbled, low in the shadowy room.

  Ryan! The events of last night came rushing back. He was still here, and from the feel of the skin pressing up against me, very naked.

  Blinking rapidly, my eyes slowly started to adjust to the low light, and I could make out the outline of his face, his eyes open and assessing me.

  During the night I must have kicked off my jeans, because I could feel his warm legs pressing against mine, the hairs scratching and tickling when he shifted a little closer, the bed dipping with his weight, urging me toward him.

  With a large hand, he smoothed my hair away from my face and cupped my jaw.

  I should move, get out of the bed. Away from what I knew was going to happen. But I was having a hard time convincing myself that I didn’t want this. Didn’t want him.

  In slow motion, he leaned forward, giving me all the time in the world to bolt, and stopped, his mouth hovering next to mine.

  “I meant what I said last night, Amy. You’re safe with me. I would never hurt you, or Luke.”

  I stared into his eyes, the shadowed blue clear and calming, and I believed him. I felt it deep inside. I couldn’t explain it if I tried, but a part of me, an inner sense, was telling me this was right.

  And the new Amy took what she wanted, bold and fearless.

/>   So, I closed the gap.

  A rumbling sound erupted from his chest, vibrating against my lips as I explored his mouth, tentatively at first. He lay next to me, pliant and still, allowing me to initiate and lead. That a man like this, strong and confident, able to take what he wanted, whenever he wanted, would give up control to me? The thought shocked me, thrilling through me, and I dared to pierce his lips with my tongue, delving deep into his mouth, tasting him. He tasted of musk, spice and treacle, the taste intoxicating to my deprived senses.

  With a mind of their own, my hands danced over his body, flitting across his wide chest, stroking the soft, springy hair. I scraped my nails over his nipples, and he hissed into my mouth, his hips flexing forward against mine, pressing the thick length of him against my panties. The friction sparked a deep longing inside of me, a burning, one I had experienced in dreams, but never for real.

  Moaning, I parted my thighs, wanting more of the sweet burning, wanting more of him, closer, harder. I shifted against him, pressing closer, my lips attacking his with a ferocity that should have shocked me, but it felt right. Natural. Like breathing.

  His control snapped on a groan, his callused hands thrusting inside my top, reaching for my aching breasts. Mouth assaulting mine, lips grinding in time to the thrust of his hips, which were rubbing, teasing against my swollen clit. A thumb grazed my nipple, and my back arched off the bed, heat spiraling through me, connecting in a straight line to my pussy.

  In a swift move, he rolled over and pinned me to the mattress, pulling the covers up to hide us. A cry floated from my lips, his heavy weight teasing and delicious against my sensitized skin, and he froze.

  “Is this okay?” His voice rumbled in my ear, his breath sending shivers streaking up and down my spine.

  Why was he stopping? What was he asking? I couldn’t think, I just wanted to feel. I grabbed his head, bringing his mouth crashing back to mine, my hips thrusting under his, grinding shamelessly against him.

  With a growl, he pressed harder, his cock thick and straining against my panties, rubbing the now damp fabric back and forth, the friction growing.


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