The Shadow's Son (The Witch Hunter Saga)

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The Shadow's Son (The Witch Hunter Saga) Page 25

by Taylor, Nicole R

  "No," a small voice cried.

  Who was that? She felt the reverberations of power through her hands and knew she held onto a witch.


  Aeriaya? So, that's who she was. Alisandra. Matriarch. Kill yourself. End your pain. We don't want to see you suffer. The Original Witch would make the world suffer. The Coven was dead. Gone.

  Alisandra let out a blood curdling scream as Aya's fingers bit into her skin, but it was a sound that was too far away to be heard. Blood began to run through her fingers, warm and sticky. Coppery with the tang of something familiar. Home. Mother. Father. Brother. They had seen the bones of her family and what had they done? Conspired to kill her.

  With a howl of rage, Aya sunk her fangs deep into Alisandra's jugular and tore, blood spurting down her front like a waterfall. The bones of her family desecrated. Her home had been defiled. Her fingers dug into flesh and she felt bone. They had tortured and murdered their own. They had manipulated her and tried to kill Tristan. They'd taken her. They'd forced Zac to come here. Her fingers closed around bone. The Coven was dead. She twisted and felt a sickening pop as she tore Alisandra's head from her body.

  The Coven was dead.

  The dull thud of flesh against concrete was the only sound that filtered through her foggy mind.

  Then, everything was silent.


  Zac sat against the wall, breathing heavily. He thought he had seen anger in Aya before, but the rage that had seeped from her was unbearable. Annoying sound bounced around the room and he clamped his hands over his ears and sunk his head to his knees. This had all gone so wrong.

  He didn't know if it was one minute or twenty he sat there shell-shocked, but he dragged himself to his feet and stumbled into the hallway. That's when he realized that the annoying noise was screaming. Horrible, gut wrenching screaming.

  One thought passed through his mind before he snapped out of it and ran full tilt down the hallway towards the platform. Aya. One thing was certain, someone was in excruciating pain and when he found them, he wouldn't like what he saw. He steeled himself for the overwhelming stench of blood that was already filtering into the tunnels. But for all of his assumptions, nothing prepared him for the scene he was about to lay eyes on.

  Skidding to a halt just inside the main platform, he stifled a horrified gasp. Aya stood in the center of the abandoned station, covered head to toe in dark, sticky blood, surrounded by what was left of the Coven.

  At the sound of Zac's boots skidding across the ground, she turned slowly, hair hanging limply around her face. Her eyes seemed to meet his, but they were still white, her expression lax. He knew that if he wasn't careful, he might end up in pieces alongside the Coven. Anyone who saw her now would think she was some macabre devil, but all he saw was a star who'd lost her way.

  "Aya," he whispered.

  Faster than he thought possible, she was in front of him, their faces an inch apart. With a roar, she threw him clear across the station, his body colliding with the wall on the opposite platform with a boom that seemed to echo on forever. Zac landed face first, shattered tiles falling over him as dust clogged his throat. Cold hands flipped him over and he found himself staring into Aya's bloodstained face, which was etched with a twisted look of pain.

  Coughing up dust, he tried to flip her off him, but she buried her fingers into his hair and slammed his head back into the concrete floor. Pain shot through his skull as his vision was obscured with black spots. His tentative grip on his control waned and he felt his fangs grow in as blood flowed from the wound at the back of his skull. Clawing at her hand, he groaned in agony as the shattered pieces of his cracked skull pressed into his brain, desperately trying to hold on to consciousness. If he passed out now, then nothing would stop her.

  Wrapping his hands around her slender arm, he squeezed with all his strength and Aya let out a roar of anger as her bones splintered under the pressure. It had the desired effect; her grip loosened on his hair and he pushed her backwards. This time he was on top, holding her arms above her head, trying to restrain her. But, she was too much for him and had him flat on his back before he could open his mouth to calm her. Fingers wound around his throat and he knew that if she couldn't stop herself, he only had seconds left.

  Zac didn't recognize the woman above him, but he knew Aya was still in there. She held his life in her hands, her fingers biting into his skin, tearing into his flesh, but he didn't cry out. He trusted her. She wouldn't take his life. It was already hers.

  "Aya." His voice sounded scratchy and very far away. "Come back."

  He lifted a hand and traced her bloodstained lips with trembling fingers, hoping to god that she could see him through her blind rage. His vision blurred around the edges and the ringing in his ears was almost unbearable, but he didn't lower his hand from her face, trailing his fingers along her jaw, lingering on the spot below her ear. The one he'd kissed right before he'd left.

  Recognition flashed in her eyes and she let go of him, jerking back like she had been burned. Zac sat up, wheezing as he tried to draw in oxygen to his starved lungs, well aware that blood was seeping from the back of his head. Aya fell backwards off him and scrambled away like a frightened animal, a look of utter horror on her beautiful face.

  "Aya." He couldn't manage more than a whisper.

  She opened her mouth to say something, but the words seemed to die in her throat. Her gaze dropped to her hands, which were covered in a thick layer or blood and dirt, turning them over and over again like she couldn't comprehend what they were.

  He crawled slowly towards her through the broken tiles, his eyes fixed on her. Her head jerked up and her eyes met his, blue and clear and full of horror.

  "Stay away," she sobbed, pressing herself back into the corner.

  "No," he whispered, edging closer. What would he look like now if he just left her here in the middle of this? She'd just tried to kill him, but he knew she'd lost control and he knew all about that. He would never forgive himself if he left her now.

  Reaching out, his fingertips lightly grazed the skin of her arm and with a sob she fell into his chest. Zac rested a cheek against the top of her head, his arms wound tightly around her as they sat in the aftermath of the carnage she'd wrought.

  "I-I almost…" Her muffled sob was loud in the empty cavern of the station.

  "It's okay," he muttered into her hair, breathing in her familiar scent that was tinged with blood and dirt. "You came back."

  And what he suspected was the first time since she'd been turned, she cried. She really cried. He tightened his arms around her and rocked back and forth and he would stay for as long as it took. Even if it took forever.

  As soon as he was able, Zac took Aya back to the Ritz, where Tristan and Nye were waiting for them. There was no reason to move now that the Coven was gone. They would be safe. It was still the small hours of the morning, so they managed to get inside the hotel without anyone seeing them. Covered in blood and dirt as they were would have needed considerable compulsion.

  The entire way, Aya had clung to him like a frightened child, shell-shocked and numb. As soon as he coaxed her into the room, Tristan was on his feet. Zac transferred Aya to his arms with a grimace and stood back.

  "Got you some clean clothes, mate," Nye said, eyeing him with concern. Zac'd texted the spy as soon as he left the sanctuary, letting them know what had happened and to expect them.

  "Thanks," he sighed, watching as Tristan's head sunk into Aya's shoulder. He couldn't help but feel the pang of jealousy that stung his heart.

  "Coraline is downstairs in the bar when you're ready."

  "She's okay?"

  "Yeah. She said she'd wait for you. She's got news."

  Zac nodded, glancing back towards Aya. "I'm going to clean up," he said to the spy and disappeared down the hall to the bathroom.

  What the hell did Coraline want? He was a little glad that she'd gotten out of the sanctuary, but it was over.
There was no sign of the Original Witch and the Coven was destroyed. She would stay sleeping and would eventually be forgotten.

  Zac made short work of showering, a sickly feeling of dread building up in the pit of his stomach. If she was here to see if Aya was okay, then why did she need to speak with him? Something told him that this wasn't quite over.

  Zac didn't go back after leaving the bathroom. If he looked at Aya even once he wouldn't be able to leave her. He had to be strong for a little while longer and see this through. She would be okay with Tristan and Nye was there to make sure of it.

  Downstairs, breakfast was in full swing over at the restaurant, but the bar was quieter. Through the floor to ceiling glass, he saw only a handful of hotel patrons had stopped by for a coffee. Walking inside, he spotted Coraline at a table in the far corner, flanked by a worried looking Maximus. She looked up as he approached, sensing his presence and her eyes said it all. Something wasn't right.

  Sitting down at the table, he nodded at Maximus. "Good to see you in one piece, Coraline."

  "Never thought I'd hear myself saying it, but you too."

  "How did you get out?"

  "When I saw the Hunter tear through the inner circle, I knew I had to get out or end up right beside them."

  "Smart move," Zac said. "But there's more, isn't there?"

  "Yeah," she sighed. "When you put her out, did you know what the Coven could do to her?"

  Zac frowned, "What do you mean?"

  "The Coven knew how to end her. For good." Maximus said.

  "Shit," Zac hissed. Why had he been so stupid? That's why she had gone off at him like she did.

  "I'll take that as a no."

  "Of course not," he spat.

  "Told you, Corrie," Maximus murmured into the witch's ear.

  "Told you what?" Zac asked a little too forcefully.

  "He said that you were in love with the Hunter."

  Love. That seemed such a far fetched notion after everything they'd done. He and Aya? They were always hurting each other in the name of love. It wasn't right. Zac knew he would have to be the one to pull away if there was any salvaging their relationship. Aya had found herself, she was sure in her love, but he hadn't found what he was looking for. Not yet.

  "Zac?" Coraline poked him.

  He grunted, looking back up at them.

  "Is she okay?"

  "What she did," he faltered. "What she did was horrific. It'll take time."

  Coraline smiled thinly.

  "That's good," Maximus said, laying a hand on hers.

  "It's not good. It's the least of the bad scenarios," Zac sighed.

  "Zac," the priest started warily. "We don't think this is over yet."

  "We thought that the Coven was trying to revive the Original Witch," Coraline continued. "We're going to find out for sure. After we went through Alisandra's grimoire we found reference to the Original's resting place. Brú na Bóinne, in Ireland. There was nothing about who it's meant to be."

  "Regulus said it wasn't," Zac groaned. "He said it was something else. I thought he was bluffing."

  "That's why we have to go and see for ourselves."

  "If the ritual was successful, then we will soon know what they woke," Maximus said.

  Zac nodded. "And what about Gabby? Have you heard from her?"

  "No," Coraline said. "Last I heard, she was still in the Catacombs with Regulus' body. I left the grimoire with Tristan for her."

  "I'll go look for her," Zac said. "You better let us know the moment you get to wherever this place is. This time I'd like some forewarning if I'm going to have to fight another ancient psycho witch." He supposed they would need all the allies they could gather in case the worst happened. He didn't like it one bit, but he'd have to take Nye and look for the Three. And who knew where they were and even if they were still together. He was sure Pyke'd go to the Tower of London and they'd start there first. He'd hinted he'd spent most of his life there, after all, he was an executioner.

  "You have my number?" he asked.

  "Yeah," Coraline nodded and tapped her temple. "And a hard line to Gabby."

  "Good luck, Coraline, Maximus," he nodded and stood sharply. Out in the foyer, he pulled is cell from his pocket and dialed Gabby's number, hoping she could get signal down in those dank catacombs.


  When Zac could bare it no more, he went to her.

  He'd let Aya sleep for a day, alone, while Tristan guarded her like a rabid German Shepard. No one would get past him again, at least not without a few wounds to count for it. After he had apologized for going off at him like he did, his disposition towards the knight had softened somewhat. Tristan knew that he'd never win Aya's love, not in the way he wanted, but he was satisfied to be counted as a brother.

  Nye had kept an eye on the old apartment that once housed the Six, but no one had come back to it and probably never would. Soon enough, they would have to go and find the Three and win them over to their cause. Once Coraline and Maximus had confirmed the Original Witch still slept, then they would know what to do next. Either end the threat for good or fight like hell to take her out. If it even was the Original Witch.

  Zac opened the door to Aya's room as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake her if she still slept. But, she stood by the window, looking down at the street below. When he closed the door behind him, she sighed. It used to annoy him when she didn't acknowledge his presence, then suddenly saying hello without looking up, or coming out with some smart ass comment that took him off guard. He kind of missed it to be honest.

  "Zac." Her fingers were balled up into the curtain.

  He walked up behind her and pried her fingers away, pulling her against him. "You look exhausted. Have you…"

  He felt her head shaking against him.

  "Your power?"

  She shook her head again.

  "Take my blood," he whispered and pulled her towards the bed forcing her to sit in his lap.

  Without a word, she eased his head to the side and bit into the skin of his neck as delicately as she could. Closing his eyes, he relished in the feel of her lips against his skin and the pull of his blood as it left him. When she drew back, he felt oddly cold.

  "I've been hearing some outrageous things," she said, laying her head against his chest. "I don't remember much, but I do remember coming back to myself in the sanctuary."

  "It's okay. I know you're sorry for that. I know."

  She clutched onto him like she was afraid he would disappear. "What happened to Regulus?"

  "Aya, Regulus is dead. I told you..."

  "What do you mean?" The look on her face was confused at best.

  "I killed him. Coraline lent me her power and I killed him."

  She was shaking her head in disbelief. "But, the link. He links everyone to him. How?"

  "I don't know," he shrugged. "I thought I was."

  "You were just going to sacrifice yourself?" she exclaimed, standing up. The look in her eyes was wild and he couldn't fathom the breadth of it.


  "I don't know what happened, but you're still here. Thank god." She pulled him up and pressed herself against him, arms winding around his waist. "Never do that again. Not when I'm here to help you. You have to let me help you."

  "It was Gabby," he said, ignoring the last part. "She told me what to do."

  "She knew you were going to do this? Did she suggest it to you?"

  "Not exactly." He wound an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head to calm her. "She wanted to undo the link, but she wouldn't have gotten here fast enough. She turned up a few hours after it was done."

  "You couldn't wait a few hours?"

  "I didn't know."

  "Zac…" she began to scold him, but he placed a finger over her lips. She knew why he wanted to do it.

  "When the Coven took you…" he began, but she placed a finger on his lips this time, silencing him mid-sentence.

  "It's done. They're a
ll gone now."

  "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't know that they could..."

  "I should have told you. I will tell you," she said and he realized she was still stuck on the trust issue.

  "No," he stonewalled her. "Don't tell anyone. Not even me."

  Even though they had finally done away with the Romans and the Coven, deep down something was still missing. Something in his heart was still missing and he knew he wasn't there yet. He wasn't the man Aya deserved to love… not yet.

  "All this time," she began, eyes downcast, "I've been counting on myself... All this time I've had to bring myself back from the edge."


  "No, listen to me. After all this time, you were the only one who's brought me back. You."

  He wasn't sure what he was meant to say to that. How could he bring someone back when he couldn't find the way himself?

  "If you would forgive me, then..."

  "Then what?" Zac whispered, already knowing what she was going to say. Then they could be together forever and be each others anchor? He couldn't do that. Aya had learnt to control the wild parts in herself and if he wasn't there, it wouldn't matter. The other way around? He almost had it. Almost.

  "Regulus is dead. The Coven is gone. Don't you understand? I'm free."

  "And what about the Coven? What if they managed to awaken whoever it was?"

  "Then we'll fight it," she said, "like we've fought everything else."

  He turned his face away, not wanting her to see the pain that flashed across his features. "You'll always be fighting something and maybe I'll always be fighting my demons."

  He'd descended into something terrible again and again as a coping mechanism. He'd turned to the only thing he knew and that was being a true vampire. He turned into a monster to cope with his pain. It was so wrong on so many levels. He needed to do this on his own.

  "Zac," she turned his face back to hers. "What's wrong? There's something else, isn't there?"


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