
Home > Romance > Nameless > Page 34
Nameless Page 34

by Claire Kent

  “I’d have had to take you in the car.”

  Erin shivered at the erotic image his words conjured up and felt herself start to throb again. “That would have been all right, but this is better. Especially since we might need a towel.”

  Seth blinked, evidently taking a few moments before he realized what she referred to. Then, “Right.” And he kissed her again.

  The momentary lull had done nothing to dampen their ardor. Soon Erin was moaning into his mouth and tugging at his shirt in a clumsy effort to get it off. She managed to at least untuck it, so she slid her hands under the fabric to rub the warm, bare skin of his lower back.

  Seth was breathing so heavily that she could hear his intakes of breath—the sound of which only fueled her desire even more. He made better headway in his assault on her clothing than she had. He grabbed the bottom of her new sweater and yanked it up over her head.

  Their lips jarred apart as he freed the expensive sweater from her head and arms and then tossed it onto the floor, and Erin gasped as her exposed skin came into contact with the polished wood of the old-fashioned door.

  She’d been lifting one leg in an involuntary attempt to wrap it around his legs, and her position gave access to his hand as he slid it under her skirt, down the curve of her ass, and then between her thighs.

  He cupped her over her panties, and Erin knew he must feel how wet she was, even through the thin fabric.

  Seth made an appreciative sound at this discovery. The guttural sound sent jolts straight to her arousal, and her hips started moving instinctively, trying to rub her throbbing center against his hand, against his thigh.

  “Seth,” she gasped, never in her life feeling as tightly wound with need and desire. “We either need to move to the bed or you need to fuck me right here.”

  Seth had been mouthing her throat, but at this he pulled back. “Might as well use the bed.”

  “Good choice.” When Seth took a step back and released her, her body felt strangely naked and weak. She wore her skirt and underwear, and she could tell that her breasts had already leaked a little, the moisture captured by the pads in her bra.

  Rubbing her face with her hands in an attempt to clear her mind, she added, feeling the first hint of self-consciousness. “I’ll just get a towel.”

  Seth nodded and moved—a little awkwardly—toward the bed.

  Erin went into the bathroom and stared in the mirror for a moment. Her hair was a mess, her lips were a little swollen, her cheeks were blazing red, and her eyes looked a bit wild. She concluded she still looked pretty decent—if a little over-exuberant.

  But there was nothing to be done about that. She hadn’t had sex in six months, and she was so turned on right now that she was having trouble not reaching into her panties and getting herself off on her own.

  Snagging a thick, white towel, she returned to the bedroom to find Seth, shirtless, barefoot, and in the process of unfastening his pants.

  His body was gorgeous, and she just stared at it in awe for a minute, having forgotten how strong and graceful the subtly rippling muscles and flat planes of his chest were.

  With his hands holding his pants up, Seth glanced at her questioningly. “Changing your mind?”

  “God, no.” Something warm and amused kindled in her chest. “Just thinking you seem to be in a hurry.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “And I suppose that implies I’m alone in that?” His voice was an attempt at cool distance—but a failed one, since every word sounded like a husky caress.

  She took the few steps over toward him and stroked his chest with her palms. “Yes,” she lied. She tugged his pants out of his grip and pushed them down with his underwear over his hips, her eyes focused down at his hard cock. “I’m not in a hurry at all.”

  His smile told her that he knew this was an obvious lie, and for a moment they stared at each other—lost in a moment of kinship, affection, and shared irony.

  Then Seth seemed to realize he was completely naked while Erin still had a lot of clothes on. He pulled her into a kiss, and—at the same time—got rid of her skirt and panties by the simple expedient of pushing them both down her legs.

  Erin was totally into the embrace, so she wasn’t even self-conscious about any evidence of her added pounds from the pregnancy. But when she felt Seth’s fingers on the fastenings of her bra, she inhaled sharply and pulled her mouth away.

  With both hands curved around the back of his head, she whispered, “Seth. About that. They’re really full right now. It’s going to get a little...wet.”

  He knew exactly what she was talking about this time. “It won’t bother me, as long as you’re okay with it.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about leaking breasts in the middle of sex—this would be more significant than the few drops she’d leaked when she was pregnant—but at this point she was too far gone to spend any more time worrying about it. Her only choices were to try to express the milk in some way before they had sex or to not have sex at all. And neither of those were options she was willing to take. “Okay,” she said, smiling up at him, trying not to look self-conscious. “If you get weirded out, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  He frowned, unfastening her bra and pulling the fabric away from her breasts. “I think you have a skewed sense of my nature, if you think something so trivial is enough to unsettle me.”

  She giggled, ridiculously relieved at his response. “Weirded out. That’s different than being unsettled.”

  Seth’s eyes were on her breasts, and nothing in their hot attention hinted at any conflicted feelings about the fact that she used them to nurse his child. “Believe me. I’ll be neither unsettled nor weirded out.”

  Erin wasn’t sure what impressed her the most. The fact that he’d used “nor” in the middle of foreplay or that he’d actually said “weirded out.”

  “Well,” she replied with a predatory smile. “You are indeed a man among men.”

  Then, deciding they’d spent enough time chatting, she put the flat of her hands on his chest and pushed him, until he ended up on his back on the bed.

  She crawled over him, straddling his legs and caressing her way up to his shoulders. Her lust had once again taken over—and somehow his matter-of-fact response to the momentary distraction had made her even more eager to claim him.

  Leaning forward until her breasts were pressed against his chest, Erin kissed him, humming as his arms went around her and his hands stroked her back and the curves of her ass. As her tongue ravaged his mouth, she rubbed her wet arousal against his lower belly, humming even more at the delicious friction against her clit.

  Then suddenly she reared up, until she was upright above him. “Condom,” she gasped, horrified that she’d completely forgotten something so obvious, to the point of being about to fuck him without one.

  Seth’s face twisted slightly. “I brought some.”

  Erin exhaled in deep relief, but she noticed a lingering expression on his face. She leaned forward to stroke his jaw, feeling strangely tender despite the rather prosaic topic. “I’m sorry. I know you got to go bareback last time. But, even though I’m still nursing, I’m...fertile again. As much as I love Mackenzie, I really don’t want another one nine months from now.”

  “Good point. They’re in the back pocket of my pants.”

  With a groan of frustration, Erin pulled off him and scrambled off the bed again. Reaching down, she picked up his pants and pulled out a folded strip of condom packets from the back pocket.

  Her eyebrows shot up as she eyed the number he’d brought with him. “Feeling lucky, were y—”

  Her voice trailed off when her eyes returned to the huge antique bed. Instead of finishing her teasing question, she stared greedily.

  Seth was sprawled naked on the bed, where she’d left him. But now his eyes were closed, and he was giving his very erect cock a few relieving squeezes.

  When she stopped talking, however, he opened his eyes and released his erection. Gave
her a rather sheepish look, but managed to say with dry humor, “I believe this is a sign that my situation is getting desperate.”

  She laughed and crawled up over him again, straddling him over the thighs this time. “Tell me about it,” she said fondly. “I was hard pressed not to get myself off real quick in the bathroom.”

  They exchanged smiles, and again Erin felt that familiar warmth in her chest—which was so much more than just the animal lust that was also throbbing between them.

  “Our wild, spontaneous fuck does seem to be burdened with a lot of detours before it finally gets going, but I think we’re just about ready to go now.” She ripped open a condom packet to prove her point.

  “Thank God,” Seth muttered under his breath. It almost sounded like a prayer.

  Torn between more amusement and the renewed momentum of her desire, she stared down at his naked body, his hard cock, and his tense face. Then, deciding she might as well give him a little thrill, she checked out the condom quickly before she positioned it in the front of her mouth.

  Seth’s eyes widened as he watched her, his ravenous expression giving her a little thrill of her own. She pressed the tip of the condom against the roof of her mouth with her tongue and reached for his cock, holding it upright and steady with one of her hands.

  Then, leaning over all the way, she rolled on the condom with her mouth.

  Seth moaned and his hips twitched slightly, as he obviously held back his instinctive response to having her mouth envelope him.

  Being careful not to use her teeth, Erin pulled up, stroking the hard length of him with her wet lips as she released him.

  She used her fingers to make sure the condom was secure and then pulled her body up, scooting up his legs until she was kneeling above his pelvis.

  “Fuck, Erin,” he breathed, reaching to hold her by the hips. “You’re incredible. And so beautiful.”

  Something fluttery awoke in her belly at the awed expression in his eyes. For the first time in ages, Erin actually felt beautiful, even though she was naked and still couldn't fit into all her old clothes.

  She lined herself up over his cock, moving carefully until she was able to lower herself over him, sheathing his erection in the hot clasp of her body.

  She felt tight and full with him inside her, and she closed her eyes and breathed deeply, her hands splayed out on his chest and her legs folded on either side of his lean hips.

  Seth had closed his eyes as he'd entered her, and his fingers were now digging into her hips. “Yes. Fuck, yes.”

  Erin had been a little afraid that having a baby had changed her body irrevocably, so she was overwhelmingly relieved that he was still visibly affected by simply being inside her. Relieved that he still seemed to like it.

  She hummed in her throat—the last of her insecurities fading completely as she felt a wave of both power and need wash over her. Right now, she was straddling Seth, who was naked and prone and pulsing with leashed energy beneath her.

  That seemed to be the priority at the moment.

  She closed her eyes and rocked over him, experimenting with angles and sensations to decide what felt the best. She moaned softly as his hard flesh shifted inside her, evoking delicious tingles of feeling.

  Seth didn’t say anything but, when she opened her eyes, his gaze was hot and deep and speaking. Erin whimpered again, from the feelings in her chest as much as from the feelings between her legs.

  Instinctively, she squeezed her inner muscles around him, causing him to buck up in a jerky little thrust. “Fuck,” he gasped, his fingers tightening on her hips.

  Erin released a short, wordless cry in response to his thrust, and that jolt of sensation did away with the last of her control. The coiled tension couldn’t be held back anymore. Her body ached for him—all of her ached for him.

  She started to ride him for real, bracing herself with her hands on his chest.

  “Yes,” Seth hissed again, his lids falling halfway shut as he watched her moving over him. “Yes, Erin.”

  For the first minute, Erin rode him silently, only her accelerating breathing marking the building pressure at her center. Then she felt an orgasm welling up unexpectedly, far sooner than she would have predicted.

  “Oh, God,” she grunted, her bouncing growing more rapid as the friction pushed her closer to release. “Oh, God.”

  “Erin.” Seth hands slid up to cup her breasts. Her nipples were slightly damp from leaking earlier, but neither she nor Seth seemed to notice or care. “You feel incredible.” His pelvis moved in time with her motion above him, and his features grew tenser and tenser as together they shook the sturdy bed.

  Erin was already beyond complete sentences. “Yeah,” she gasped, moving her hands to her own thighs. Seth’s cock was sliding easily in her pussy, and she leaned backward a little, instinctively trying to feel him in a different way.

  She reached behind her so she could grab his strong thighs, leaning back even farther. “Yeah.”

  “Yes, Erin, come.” His hands moved down to her hips. His head was lifted off the bed, and his eyes shifted from her contorted face, to her jiggling breasts, to his cock sliding in and out of her body. “Come, baby, come.”

  She rode him as wildly as her thighs could manage, desperately needing the friction, getting more and more frantic as his cock moved in just the right way and the shaking of their erotic rhythm stimulated all the rest of her body. She kept trying to open her eyes, wanting to see him, wanting to share this with him as much as she could.

  Seth was grunting now too, and muscles were twitching in his clenched jaw and his right temple. “Fuck, baby,” he rasped, clearly nearing some limits of his own. “Come soon.”

  She was damp with perspiration, and it felt like her cheeks were scorching off her face. Her hair flew all over, stray tendrils sticking to her cheeks and her mouth. Her breasts felt overly swollen, felt tight and full and pulsing. And her body was moving on its own, driven by some kind of uncontrollable need.

  She couldn’t stop grunting, the sounds forced out of her throat, forming words whenever she could think of them.

  She was right on the edge, the pressure swelling up to an extent that was excruciating, that was some kind of sensual torture. But, despite her frantic efforts, she couldn’t claim her release.

  Her vocal responses grew louder and more agonized as she felt the energy in her thighs dwindling. She closed her eyes so she could concentrate more on pure sensation.

  Then she felt Seth release her hip with one hand. Felt his fingers fumbling in the vicinity of her clit. Despite her urgent motion, he managed to press into the throbbing, sensitive bit of flesh.

  And it was all she needed to come.

  The feel of his fingers rubbing her clit mingled with the desperate pressure beneath her belly. And for one endless moment she froze, with her back arched dramatically and her fingers gouging into Seth’s thighs.

  Then her pussy started to contract around Seth’s cock, and the spasms radiated out, causing her entire body to shake with pleasure. Her mouth fell open in a hoarse cry of release, and she leaned forward without thinking, needing to be even closer to Seth.

  As the throbbing pleasure enveloped her, she grabbed his shoulders and pulled her upper body down, hearing Seth’s strangled groan as the angle and depth of penetration shifted dramatically with her change of position.

  She tried to kiss him, her mouth clumsy and hungry. Realized that his mouth was clumsy and hungry as well.

  Then she was aware of something else. Could feel the spasms of her orgasm in her breasts.

  There was nothing she could do. It was happening on its own. The letdown reflex had taken over, so her breasts and Seth’s chest were wet with her milk.

  Seth didn’t even seem to notice. His face twisted with effort and pleasure. His grunts had turned into harsh, agonized exclamations. Erin was still leaning down over him, but she had to hold on as Seth’s body rocked uncontrollably beneath her.

,” she gasped, realizing he was on the verge of coming but was trying to fight against it. “Yeah, Seth. You come too.”

  At her words, he stared up at her face—just a few inches from his—and their eyes met. His eyes were wild, feral, almost pained in their need. But he held her gaze as he let out a muted roar and jerked his pelvis up into her a few more times.

  He came, and she saw the transformation on his face, in his eyes. The tension breaking and a flood of raw pleasure overwhelming him.

  It was like nothing she’d ever experienced, and the pleasure Erin felt from watching him almost rivaled the lingering feel of her own orgasm.

  She was slumped against him when his body began to relax at last. His arms had moved around her, clutching at her, holding her tightly against him.

  Erin realized she was whimpering a little, from fatigue and satisfaction and something even deeper that she couldn’t quite comprehend.

  “Erin?” Seth murmured.

  With great effort, she managed to lift her face from where it had been pressed into the nook between his neck and shoulder. She felt Seth’s hand in her hair, curving around her skull.

  Then he was kissing her again—this time soft, leisurely, tender. The sweetest thing she’d ever known.

  Her eyes burned when she finally pulled away, unable to handle any more of it. She was once more aware of the liquid all over her breasts, dripping down the sides of Seth's chest. She reached for the towel, wiping her breasts off and then Seth’s chest and belly.

  He kept watching her, and she tried not to wonder what he was thinking.

  Realizing Seth’s cock was starting to soften, she pulled off him, letting him grab the base of the condom to hold it in place until their bodies parted.

  “Well,” she said resignedly, collapsing next to him on the bed. “At least the milk didn’t spray all over, the way some women say it does for them.”

  Seth chuckled faintly and rolled off the bed to take care of the condom.

  Erin stretched out. Finished wiping herself off with the towel. Decided she felt pretty damned good and that the sex had been quite successful, despite the excessive leakage.


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