Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon)

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Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon) Page 18

by A. M. Hargrove

  “No?” Rayn asked.

  “No! Especially not yours!” the stranger insisted.

  “Who are you?” Maddie wanted to know.

  “I am Jurek Herdekian.”

  “Why are you here?” Maddie continued to question him.

  “Because this Guardian,” Jurek jerked his head toward Rayn as he spoke, “brought me here!”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Maddie said to herself. Then she continued, “That’s not what I meant and you know it!”

  “Answer my female!” Rayn demanded.

  “Oh, so now you want answers. Make up your mind Guardian. I attempted to supply you with some but you would not listen earlier.”

  “Do not speak to him thusly!” Rykerian shouted.

  This was turning into a “he said, she said” and I was quickly getting frustrated. I stepped closer to this Jurek person and spread out my arms yelling, “Stop! Will everyone stop? If this bickering continues, we’ll never learn anything!”

  Maddie stepped next to me and said, “January’s right. Let’s do this one by one. I’ll go first.”

  I glanced up at Rayn and saw him roll his eyes. I couldn’t stop my giggle from escaping. That caught everyone’s attention.

  “Sorry, but this whole thing is becoming sort of funny now,” I said.

  Everyone, including Rykerian gave me an exasperated look.

  Maddie began speaking once more.

  “Let’s start at the beginning. Why were you in your Space Traveler near Earth?”

  “It is a long story, one that I attempted to explain earlier but the Guardian wouldn’t listen.”

  “He’s listening now,” Maddie said. “Go on.”

  “I was hired by the Xanthians to steal the virus samples and infect Earth with smallpox. I believe the Xanthians want to claim Earth as their own. They’re a disgusting species,” he spat out.

  “You’ll certainly get no argument from me there,” Maddie said, “but if you hate them so much, then why are you assisting them?”

  “Good question,” I said. Everyone looked at me again and I saw some eye rolling. “What?” They all shook their heads and looked back at the stranger, Jurek.

  I guess that was my cue to keep my mouth shut. So I stood there and listened to them all.

  Jurek Herkekian answered, “That is a long story.”

  Rayn jumped in and said, “We have all the time in the world prisoner!”

  “I am no prisoner. I allowed you to capture me. I have been trying to get your attention for days and it took this long for you to even notice me. You Guardians think you are so smart and savvy,” he finished with a snort.

  “What do you mean by that?”

  He gave us an exasperating look and as we stared at him, the energy bands that bound his wrists together vanished into thin air. That even surprised the Guardians.

  As the stranger Jurek stood before us he began to move toward Maddie.

  Suddenly, Rayn extended his arm and shouted, “I Command you to stop!”

  I had seen Rykerian use this technique on my stepfather and it literally paralyzed him. I looked at Jurek and he just stood there, unaffected.

  “Your Power of Command is useless on me Guardian as are all your other Powers,” he stated nonchalantly.

  Everyone was speechless. Rykerian’s mouth hung open, Maddie’s eyes were like saucers and Rayn’s jaw was clenched.

  “How can this be?” I finally asked. “I didn’t think anyone was immune to these Powers.” I had intended this question to be answered by Rykerian, but Jurek started speaking first.

  “The arrogant Vesturions think they are omniscient and omnipotent. They and their Guardians think they control the universe, though there is so much they do not know. Take me for instance. They have no knowledge of the existence of my species. Yet, they go around and try to rule everyone and every planet with their outdated Council of Elders. They would be wise to go back to their ancient ways when they were seeking out new worlds and new forms of life.”

  “What are you?” Maddie asked.

  “I am a mercenary by trade. My work goes to the highest bidder,” he said with a deprecating smile as he bowed at the waist.

  “So you were paid by the Xanthians to release the virus that would destroy humanity?” I shouted.

  “Not exactly.”


  “The reason I wanted you to find me was because I recognize the errors I made with them. I should have driven a harder bargain with the Xanthians, but it is too late for that.”

  “I’m confused. You’re here because you regret not making a more substantial ‘bargain’ as you called it?” I asked.

  “No. I am here because, believe it or not, I do regret releasing the virus upon the humans. However, I had no choice in my actions.”

  “No choice? Would you care to explain yourself?” Maddie asked.

  Jurek Herdekian looked directly at Rayn before he answered.

  “It is a long and complicated story, but the short version is I had no choice but to comply with their demands. They hold my father and sister captive and have threatened to end their lives if I did not do as they said.”

  We all looked at each other. I wasn’t sure if I believed what he said and as my eyes held Rykerian’s, I was positive he didn’t either.

  Maddie broke the silence by saying, “So what do you expect from us?”

  “I came to see if you could find a way to get my father and sister out of their prison. I know you succeeded in getting your mate released a few months ago. You have knowledge of how their security system works. As primitive as the Xanthians are, they have a highly sophisticated method of securing their prisoners.”

  “I am quite aware of that,” Maddie said, her tone clipped. She glanced at Rayn and I knew they were speaking through their thoughts.

  “You can speak out loud. I have access to all your thoughts. Your blocking methods are useless where I am concerned.”

  “How are you able to circumvent our powers?” Rayn ground out between clenched teeth.

  Maddie placed her hand on his arm, intending to calm him. He looked at her and his eyes softened, but when he turned back to Jurek Herdekian, they again turned stormy.

  “I asked you a question,” Rayn barked.

  “My species is capable of things you cannot even begin to comprehend.”

  “If your species is so powerful, then why don’t you rescue your father and sister yourself?” Rayn ground out. It was apparent he was having great difficulty controlling his temper.

  “Yes! That’s a good question,” Maddie added.

  “I cannot because as you are well aware, and as I stated earlier, the Xanthians employ a very sophisticated method of security. I know how sophisticated it is because I designed the damned thing myself. Now do you understand?” Jurek asked.

  Maddie looked at Rayn first and then at Rykerian.

  “He’s correct about the complexities of their force shield. Remember Rykerian when we were devising our plan to get Rayn out?” she asked.

  Rykerian nodded and said, “Yes. Our ship’s teleporters were useless as were our shadars. Their systems can detect any weight changes and motion. Even if the prisoner jumps and leaves the ground for the briefest of moments, the cell implodes.”

  “That is correct. However, what you do not know is that it also can detect various life forms. For example, if you wanted to substitute one prisoner for another, the two of them would have to have identical DNA. And then there is heartbeat modulation, body temperature, composition and brain waves. As I said, I designed the bloody thing so I know it’s impenetrable. The only way in and out is to shut the system down,” Jurek said.

  “Why should we help you? You have done nothing but wreak havoc here on Earth,” Rayn said bitterly.

  “I am aware of that and I have regrets over it, but you misunderstand why I am here.”

  We all looked at him in confusion.

  “We thought you came to ask for our help,�
�� Rayn’s voice still taut with anger.

  “I do apologize for the misunderstanding. I am not here to ask. You have no choice in this matter,” Jurek said arrogantly.

  We all looked at each other and then Maddie said, “I think you are the one who is mistaken. We do have a choice and in my opinion, I think you need to leave.”

  Jurek’s unusual eyes, which were that odd blend of lavender and indigo, suddenly turned black. The flecks of silver that danced in his irises began to glow. One minute he was standing there and the next minute he was gone. I saw Rayn’s and Maddie’s eyes widen as they looked at me. Then I heard Jurek’s voice coming from directly behind me.

  “As I said, you have no idea of the things I am capable of...of the powers I have.”

  I jumped at his words and Rykerian’s head whipped around toward Jurek.

  “Now, either you devise a plan to free my family, or you will live to regret it.”

  “And what if we don’t believe you about this power you say you possess?” Rayn asked icily.

  One minute I was standing on the terrace, the next minute I was on the roof standing next to Jurek. He had his hand around my wrist and I felt like my arm was on fire. I tried to tug it out of his grasp, but he tightened his hold on me.

  “Release her!” Rykerian demanded.

  “In due time. As you can see, I have no need for a teleporter or a weapon for that matter.”

  I watched as his eyes turned black again and a single beam of light shot out from one, and made contact with a tree on the other side of the yard. In a millisecond, the tree had vanished, leaving behind a small mound of dust.

  “What are you?” Maddie inquired.

  “In your world, I am known as a shapeshifter, but most shifters take the form of another being. I am an energy shifter. My body transforms into energy not mass. I can harness this energy and use it in any way I see fit. What you just saw was a tiny demonstration of my powers. Now, if you would like for me to continue to destroy things here, I would be happy to comply. Or perhaps I can give you another type of demonstration, if you will.”

  He looked directly at Maddie and she fell to her knees and began screaming. Her hands were on her ears as if she was trying to stop some kind of noise. Rayn was instantly by her side and had his arms around her. Her screams stopped as quickly as they started and she fell to the ground, lying on her side.

  “What did you do to her?” I screamed.

  “I gave her another example of what I am capable of. Would you care to experience it as well?” he asked.

  Rykerian burst forth and started shouting hysterically, “Leave her be. Do not touch her!”

  Jurek Herdekian smiled wickedly and said, “Oh, and how do you think to stop me Guardian?”

  “Enough!” Rayn bellowed. “We will do as you say. Give us the information and we will find a way to get your family released.”

  “I thought my little demonstration might persuade you to change your mind!”

  I turned and looked at him saying, “I still don’t understand. If you have all this power at your fingertips, why can’t you use it to get your family out?”

  “Because as I told you,” his voice etched with irritation, “I designed their damned system and I did it to restrain all life forms, including my own. It also prevents all forms, including my own, from entering.”

  I looked at him and I don’t know if I was stupid or brave when I said this. “So you come here spouting about your special abilities and powers and look at us with great disdain and condescension. Then you admit that even you, the almighty energy shifter, can’t get your family out, so you coerce us into doing your dirty work! Have I gotten it right?”

  His eyes had turned black again and sparks were literally popping out of them. My remarks must have hit home.

  “Are you quite finished?” he ground out.

  “You’re a disgusting creep!” I shot back.

  Jurek ignored that statement and turned to the others and said, “In case you have second thoughts, this annoying female will accompany me as my hostage.”

  My vision turned hazy and I heard voices in the distance, but I couldn’t comprehend the words before everything turned black.

  Chapter 9

  When I awakened, I was lying on a platform bed. My confusion evaporated as I remembered the recent events on the back terrace. Jurek Herdekian had somehow transported me to this place using his power of energy.

  Everything surrounding me was, coverlet, walls, floor, etc. The sparse furnishings, which only amounted to a platform bed and small nightstand, were ultra modern. I sat up to get a better look at things. My head swam a bit, but only momentarily.

  The walls were plain and held no pictures or any kinds of decorations. Small glass panels that resembled built in iPads were scattered across one wall. I wondered if they were supposed to be some kind of decoration or if they actually served a purpose. It was all very unusual.

  There was a large glass window that looked out into a star sprinkled darkness. Was this outer space? I didn’t know for I had never been, but it looked like what I had imagined outer space to be.

  Where was the door, I wondered? There didn’t appear to be one anywhere. I thought that perhaps this chamber was somehow hermetically sealed. My heart began to thrum as I pondered where I might be. Maybe this was some type of prison and this Jurek Herdekian planned to keep me here until the task of rescuing his family was completed. My eyes jerked around, frenetically searching for some kind of sign of safety. I found none.

  I charged over to the wall to investigate the iPad look a-likes. Perhaps they held my answers. I roughly touched them to see if they came to life but nothing happened. I pounded them with the backs of my fists but nothing happened. Even though the bed had been comfortable, the starkness of it all made me feel anything but that.

  I ran my hand along the walls wherever I could reach to uncover any hidden areas that may indicate a door or an entrance. No such luck. I dove back down on the platform bed and tried to figure out a plan. I wrung my hands in frustration as I lay there. When I could no longer sit still, I arose and began pacing the small room. There had to be some way out of here and I aimed to figure it out.

  I headed toward the giant window to look out at the stars, hoping they would help me think. It was an amazing view. There must have been a million stars winking at me and under any other circumstance, I would have been giddy at the sight of them all. It made me think about how I wished Rykerian were here. He was the one that should be showing me this...not some cruel stranger. The thought saddened me...that this had been stripped from us by some strange being intent on forcing the Guardians into a rescue they wanted no part of.

  I closed my eyes, leaned in and fisted my hands against the window, more in anger than anything else. That’s when I heard the voice.

  “Is there something I can help you with?” a tinkling voice said.

  I lifted my head and found myself staring at an unusual looking girl. She seemed quite young and had large, almond shaped eyes that resembled Jurek’s. They were that unusual mix of violet tinged with indigo and I saw the same flecks of silver in them. When I looked at her closely, I thought her to be quite beautiful. At odds with her whole appearance was the fact that she was completely bald...but it did not deter her beauty in the least. In fact, it enhanced it.

  “Where am I? What is this place?” I shouted.

  “That is not for me to answer. Do you require food?”

  “No, I am not hungry! But, maybe something to drink.” My throat was so parched it ached.

  She turned her head slightly and I noticed she had a series of multicolored markings that ran from her temple to her jawline. They reminded me of some sort of tribal symbols, as they were somewhat geometric-like in their appearance. She smiled then and she was stunning.

  “I shall see to it.” The screen returned to its array of stars.

  I stared at the view before me, not knowing if was all an illusion. The
questions pounded in my brain. Where was I? How long would I be here? What would they do to me if the Guardians failed?

  I closed my eyes, massaging my throbbing temples. When I heard the pop and felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise, I knew he was in the room with me. Instantly I began trembling.

  I turned around and he said, “I will not tell you the exact location of where you are for no one knows of this place beside the few that reside here. It is my home and it is a safe house for us. I hope you find that my room meets your approval.”

  His appearance initially left me stupefied. His tousled dark hair was long, brushing his shoulders as he moved. His arms bore the same tribal symbols I had noticed earlier on the beautiful woman. He was dressed in tight black leather pants, but instead of the leather vest and criss-crossing bands, he wore a crisp white shirt. The sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and the top three buttons were undone. Lean, muscular and confident, he wasn’t handsome in the traditional sense, but he exuded a magnetism and a masculinity that was difficult to ignore. He was the epitome of what I would consider the “bad boy” to be.

  He cleared his throat, bringing me back to the conversation, while telling me he knew where my thoughts had been.

  My face spontaneously flushed. “Your room?” I asked in confusion.

  “Yes, these are my quarters. I thought you would be more comfortable here since it affords much more privacy.”

  “How kind of you,” I retorted sarcastically.

  “I can imagine how you must be feeling right now.”

  “I doubt it and don’t patronize me. How long do you intend to hold me hostage?” I didn’t know from where this foolish courage had come.

  “I hardly doubt that you are living like a hostage here.”

  “Liar! You took me against my will and now I am locked in this room like a prisoner,” I shouted, slamming my fist into my open hand. Oh how I wanted to punch him.

  “You can try, but you will fail,” he calmly said.

  “Tell me something I don’t know. Do you enjoy flaunting your power?”

  “I am not...”

  “Liar! Is your super awesome species also known for telling constant lies?” My anger had become palpable. Unfortunately, my stupidity had tagged right along.


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