Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon)

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Determinant, a YA Paranormal Romance (Book 3 of The Guardians of Vesturon) Page 24

by A. M. Hargrove

  “I will, I promise,” she said, standing. “Rykerian, you have my prayers.” I nodded as she turned to leave.

  Rayn’s words reached her before she made it to the door. “And Maddie...I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she said kissing two of her fingers and holding them out toward him. Then she placed her fist over her heart for a second and held her arm out to him. It was a gesture of love that was common to Vesturions.

  “I know how she feels...utterly helpless,” I said. Rayn nodded in agreement.


  Days passed before we heard something from Therron. Xarrid was in turmoil for he hadn’t heard from Saylan. They were supposed to have met up at a prearranged location, but she never showed. At first he was not too concerned because they were trying to get all of their equipment out for they didn’t want to leave anything behind the Xanthians might use against us. They were all assigned an abundance of tasks so Xarrid figured she had fallen behind in getting her list of things accomplished. That turned out not to be the case. Saylan had simply disappeared. No one could recollect seeing her anywhere.

  Xarrid and Saylan had become quite close. We even speculated they were romantically involved, though they did not speak of it to anyone. To those watching or hearing him now, it was clear the two of them were much closer than mere friends.

  We could not count on Xarrid now to help us in our mission of freeing Jurek Herdekian’s family. He had his hands tied with the evacuation and the investigation of Saylan’s disappearance. It was now up to Therron to coordinate with our next team we were sending in.

  The information we had initially received on the power generating stations had been incorrect. A Xanthian spy that had infiltrated the Guardians had supplied us with the wrong information. Therron now had the proper locales of where our men needed to go. We faced a more challenging task however, because after our last attempt, the Xanthians had now doubled their sentries. Getting to the stations would be much more difficult.

  The team opted to use drones as decoys. The devices could be programmed to do just about anything. They would send in groups of them at different locations for a distraction. When the Xanthian guards would be dealing with the drones, the Guardians would slip in and destroy the generators.

  If it didn’t work this time, we would be out of options.

  Therron sent us all the coordinates for the specific locations and our men began their mission. The only form of communication allowed was Telepathy. The team would take no risks. Xanthians did not possess that ability so that wouldn’t pose a threat.

  Rayn and I waited at the Compound for news of success. It was several days before we heard that they were only partially successful, but again suffering great losses.

  Evidently things went smoothly until it came to retrieving the prisoners. They found both the father and daughter, but as they were getting ready to teleport them to safety, a team of guards reactivated the security beams surrounding their location. They were out of their cells but they were trapped within the walls of the prison. The two Guardians with them could only stave off four of the five Xanthians. The elder Herdekian threw himself at the final Xanthian to allow his daughter to escape. He perished in the skirmish, along with another Guardian.

  Therron was able to whisk Zulietta away and they were now in hiding somewhere. We waited to hear from Therron with some sort of news, but nothing. The only thing we could surmise was that something must have malfunctioned with his shadars.

  “But that would not account for his silence. He should have reached out to us by now using Telepathy,” I stated.

  “That only affirms that something has not gone as planned,” Rayn commented.

  “What do you think it is?”

  “Perhaps he does not trust who he is involved with. Maybe it is one of the Guardians there and that is why he will not use Telepathy.”

  “Excellent point. It would have to be a Vesturion for Xanthians have no telepathic abilities.”


  Upon hearing this, the fingers of fear tightened upon and squeezed my gut. What would this mean for January? How could we get her back if we had to explain to Jurek that his father died and was not here?

  “At least we know that Zulietta is safe with Therron. He will protect her life at all costs,” Rayn said. That thought comforted me somewhat.

  “Rykerian, we need to get some rest. It has been nearly twenty four hours since we have slept.”

  “I know. Go to bed Rayn. I will try to get some sleep, but I doubt I will succeed.”

  Knowing Zulietta was safe with Therron, I fell into bed in an absolute state of exhaustion. Despite the fact I still harbored fears for January’s safety, I found I could no longer stay awake. I slept for fifteen hours straight, until Rayn came in my room to awaken me.

  “I wondered if you would ever get out of your bed at all today. Come, we have work we must do before we contact the Herdekian and fill him in on what has occurred.”

  “Any news?

  “Not yet.”

  I forced myself to get up and shower. My head was groggy from the long hours I slept, but the shower was helping to clear it. When I walked out of the bedroom, there was a tray of food waiting for me.

  I ate an enormous fluffy ham and cheese omelet, a bowl of creamy buttered grits, two large biscuits and a large bowl of mixed fruit. I drank a large glass of ice-cold milk and two huge mugs of coffee. I was feeling much better as I made my way down the steps.

  I made my way into the kitchen where I deposited my breakfast tray on the counter.

  Zanna was cleaning up the mess made from the morning meal. I grabbed her shoulders from behind and thanked her for leaving the tray in my room.

  “Ah but you should be thanking your brother. He is the one who brought it to you.”

  I turned to Rayn to thank him when he said, “If I had not woken you up, you would still be sleeping up there. I have never known you to sleep so many hours Rykerian.”

  “Too true. I have not been sleeping much these past weeks and it must have caught up with me. I finally feel clearheaded though.”

  I took a seat across the table from him.

  “So, what do we need to do before we contact Herdekian?”

  “I fear his reaction when he discovers his father did not make it out alive and that we know not where his sister is.”

  “As do I. Any news from Therron? If anyone can get her to safety, it is Therron. I only wish he would contact us.”

  “The sooner we notify Jurek the better,” I mused.

  “Thesta will be meeting us in the War Room in a few minutes. Since he was Team Commander, he will thoroughly brief us on all the details.”

  I nodded then asked, “What about Saylan? Any news?”

  Rayn shook his head, “Not a word. Maddie is contacting everyone Saylan may have been in touch with but so far there is nothing.”

  “And Xarrid?”

  “He is as you were when January was first taken.”

  “Shall I speak to him?”

  “You can try but I doubt he will answer at this point. He is tracking all of her last moves, hunting for some kind of clue. He is in deep water too for the Xanthians have closed ranks on us. If he does not leave soon, he may be trapped. Father is beyond upset over this whole debacle.”

  “Nothing has gone as planned, and that it the truth!”

  I absently rubbed the back of my neck, trying to ease the tension Rayn’s words brought. I hated that for Xarrid. I didn’t know at what state his relationship with Saylan was, but if he had any feelings for her he must surely be going mad right now.

  “Agreed. We better head over to the War Room where Thesta will supply us with all the facts.”

  Chapter 5

  Thesta was waiting on us as we arrived at the Command Center. We determined there was nothing the team could have done to prevent the turn of events. They were moving to leave the prison when two armed guards halted them. Boland Herdekian told the Guard
ians to get his daughter to safety while he intervened. It was just enough time for the last Guardian to get Zulietta to Therron, but Boland sacrificed his life in the process.

  Rayn and I decided to call Jurek here to the Compound and relay the information as such.


  My heart thrummed in anticipation as we waited for their arrival. I stood stock still, my fists by my side, clenching and unclenching them. Even though Talasi assured me January had been well cared for, a million questions still zinged through my mind. Had he treated her kindly? Or had he been cruel to her? What would her mental state be? Or her physical state?

  A few minutes passed when we heard a popping sound and they appeared across the terrace.

  My expectations left me unprepared for what greeted me. January was...glowing! I had expected her to be distraught and haggard, but instead she was beaming.

  My eyes quickly darted to him and I noticed a much more pleasant look on his face than the last time he was in my presence.

  What is going on between them?

  I tried to mind probe her but nearly staggered when I found she was totally blocking me! As I stared at her, her smile began to fade. She still clung to the Herdekian’s arm but what was nearly my undoing was when he patted her hand with his! What the bloody hell was going on here?

  Jurek Herdekian’s eyes drilled into mine as he said, “Calm down Guardian. Your female here is fine and you have nothing to worry about!”

  My brows shot up so high it felt like they left my head altogether. I could not have been more shocked by the interaction between them. I shook my head and stalked over to January. I latched onto her free hand and began towing her inside the house when I heard, “If you harm even one hair upon her head, I will destroy you and your family!”

  My body froze and without turning I released her hand and between clenched teeth I gritted out, “Go to him. If he is what you want... Go!” I burst into the house, and didn’t slow down until I reached the den.

  “Rykerian, stop!” she called. “You are wrong about this. You are so wrong. It’s not what you think!”

  I spun around and spat, “Then, by all means, why do you not enlighten me?”

  “I... I...”

  “Go on! I am waiting. I am waiting to hear an explanation from the female I have fallen apart at the seams over because I thought she was in danger. I am waiting to hear why, when she finally arrives here, she is glowing and behaving as if she were attending a bloody garden party. I am waiting because I want to hear from her lips how she can be having such a grand time when LIVES WERE LOST AT HER EXPENSE!” My voice had reached a thunderous level that I felt the floor vibrate. I was way past furious.

  Her eyes had become saucers and her lower lip began trembling. The blood had drained from her face leaving behind the ghost girl I had fallen in love with. I was so angry I could not stop myself from going in for the kill...the kill with hateful words.

  “Do you even realize what has taken place here? Do you know that Kennar, our most loyal Guardian whom I had trusted with my life many times, was killed? He was like my brother January! Do you know how my family contrived to retrieve you and that...that creature’s family? Do you know how much pain you’ve caused us?” I knew every word was a knife to her heart but I could not stop myself from inflicting more.

  “I thought I knew you. I thought you were a good, kindhearted and loving female, but I must have been wrong about you.” I tore my hands though my hair as I screamed out my frustrations.

  I heard her mumble in the smallest of voices, “I didn’t ask to be taken. I didn’t do anything wrong. I thought I was going to die and for the first time in my life I didn’t want to die anymore. Because of you. You made me love life and I had never loved it before. I thought about you every minute I was there. I didn’t know how much I...” I saw her throat working as she swallowed convulsively, unable to say another word. She looked down at the floor and in a rush she spoke again, her voice gaining strength and momentum. “I didn’t know how much I love you until he,” she jerked her head toward the outside, “made me look deep into my heart and admit the truth. I was afraid to admit it because I was,” she cleared her throat several times, “because I am so afraid of losing you when I just found you! I know it looks bad but I can explain if you’ll just give me a chance.”

  Then she lifted her eyes to mine and I noticed her cheeks were streaked with tears.

  “I am not falling for that ‘pity me’ attitude. You have no idea what my family has been through and the lengths they have gone for you,” I said in a scathing tone. “Do you even know how sick and twisted this all is? Ugh, I cannot bear to be in the same room with you!”

  I turned to leave when she screamed hysterically, “You can’t just walk away and leave without giving me a chance to explain!”

  “On the contrary. I can and I will.” I turned to leave.

  “Stop Rykerian,” she called. I did not dare answer for I was still seething inside.

  She called my name again and I continued to make my way to the front door.

  Then I heard her voice change, grow deeper, more intense, and thundering as she said, “I said stop!”

  Her Power of Command plowed into me, gripped me in its clutches and I turned into a heap of stone, unable to so much as twitch a muscle. I tried to breathe but it was impossible. My lungs were trapped in a vise. I was locked in Command’s grips...and then I became truly frightened. It was not fear of Command, but it was fear of her ability, or lack of it, to release me.

  She screamed my name, “Rykerian! Oh my God, Rykerian!”

  She was shouting at the top of her lungs, trying to release me, without success. I was no fool. I knew she didn’t know how and I knew this could spell disaster for me.

  I heard Rayn and Jurek rush into the room, questioning January. Then I heard Jurek’s booming laughter.

  “It serves him right, the pompous ass. January, shall I kill him for you?”

  “Shut up Jurek! Just make it stop!”

  “January, you are the only one that can do that,” Rayn explained.

  Jurek was still laughing. I wanted to murder him...slowly and painfully.

  “Herdekian, can you please be silent?” Rayn asked with annoyance.

  Oh how I wanted to scream out to Rayn, “Kick his ass! Kill him!” but I could not breathe, much less speak.

  “January, calm yourself. I cannot help you if you are wailing in hysterics!”

  “What! Wailing in hysterics? Are you crazy? Look at him!”

  “My vision is as clear as ever, so I know what he looks like. I am trying to guide you but you are in such a state, I cannot accomplish that.”

  Now I wanted to punch Rayn for his ability to remain levelheaded. Did he not know I was in acute agony here? What is wrong with you people? Help me!

  “Oh for the love of God, just DO SOMETHING!”

  Since my back was facing them, I could only assume Rayn was using Tranquility on January for the room was suddenly silent.

  “January, pull from within,” Jurek told her.

  I wanted to jump in his face and break his nose! I wished he would just shut his mouth!

  “Yes, January. Go to your place that you use for Telepathy,” Rayn instructed. “It is much the same with Command. You must access that part of your mind.”

  “I’m trying,” she said, “but I can’t seem to make it do anything.”

  “Extend your arm and perhaps it will flow from within.”

  Nothing happened. Command’s clutches made me want to writhe in agony, but I was frozen in my own body.

  “January, remember when you learned Telekinesis and you had to do the opposite of what you do for Telepathy? Maybe it is similar to Command,” Jurek suggested.

  Okay, now my mind was over the top reeling. January knows Telekinesis? How? When?

  Rayn’s thoughts must have mimicked mine for I heard him exclaim, “She knows Telekinesis? How?”

  “I taught her!” Jurek said
with unabashed pride. No doubt his chest was now so bowed out it would be near to exploding.

  I wanted to grind my teeth in frustration. It should have been me that taught her.

  “You did not teach me. You tried but failed. It was Tak who taught me!” January stated.

  Now I wanted to scream. Who the bloody hell was this Tak? Teaching my mate Telekinesis? UUGGHH!

  “No, you learned it on your own when Tak attacked you! But it was all my idea so technically, I was the one who taught you,” Jurek said smugly.

  No doubt about it. I was going to kill him. As soon as I was released from this, I was definitely going to kill him. I would find a way and I was going to make it a slow, tortuous, drawn out process. When I was finished, I would kill this Tak next, for attacking January. No...I would kill him just because he had looked at her!

  Rayn finally piped in, sarcasm lacing his comment, “I find it very disconcerting that you allowed someone to attack her when she was supposed to have been under your protection!”

  Thank you Rayn!

  “Oh, it wasn’t like that Rayn. Jurek did it to get me to harness my powers.”

  “Oh, I certainly am happy you cleared that up January, as that makes me feel so much better. It is comforting to know your species, Herdekian, treats their females so kindly,” he finished acidly.

  “Could you please just shut up and get me out of this?” I longed to scream.

  Jurek jumped in and said, “We need to get her angry. That’s what worked before. That’s why Tak did what he did. You know how hot tempered she is!”

  No, I didn’t know how hot tempered she is...because she’s been spending all her time with you, you bloody ass! Sweet Deity, get me out of this and soon. I do not know how long I can retain my sanity!

  The room became quiet again. Then I heard a crackling pop right before the booming laughter shook the walls.

  Another creature, that looked similar to the Herdekian walked around me and got directly in my face, his guffaws, following him.

  “I think we should just kill him Jurek, so ripe for the taking he is.” He had the nerve to poke his finger into my chest.


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