THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series

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THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series Page 20

by Shana Congrove

  Not that she was a big believer in true love. Of course, she loved romance and had dreamed since she was a little girl of finding that special one, her beloved, but she wasn’t getting her hopes up. There was no reason to sugarcoat the shit. It wasn’t easy falling in love. In the end, feelings got hurt and hearts got broken. That pretty much summed up her past relationships.

  The truth of it was she felt out of place here. All the couples in the Covenant only made her think of what she wanted but did not have. She always wondered if anyone here ever argued or got pissed off. If so, she’d never seen or heard it. The Breedline clan was all nothing but unconditional love and support. Damn it! She so desperately wanted that too.

  She was reaching for the door to her room when she heard a deep voice from behind.

  “It’s Angie, right?”

  When she turned to look, her stomach plummeted like a rock and her cheeks flushed red. She briefly considered making a break for it and hightailing it into her room.

  Why in hell was she contemplating hiding for? Hadn’t she been eager for this opportunity? Wasn’t she dying to get this man naked earlier, and in her bed? All of a sudden, she felt like a blushing teenager. What the hell? That wasn’t her style. She was always straightforward and Ms. “Get-down-to-business.” She had never been bashful in her life. Damn it, woman, get your shit together.

  Angie forced her nerves to calm before she made a complete fool of herself.

  She cleared her throat and said, “Yeah, but you can call me Ang.” Her lips curled up like a bow, and she had that awestruck look on her face. “And your name is... Bull?”

  He nodded. “Everyone calls me that, but my real name is Ben,” he nervously said. “Benjamin Calvero. If you want, you can call me Bull.”

  Angie cocked a brow. For some strange reason, she repeated his name over and over in her head. Benjamin Calvero, Benjamin Calvero, Benjamin Calvero...

  When he moved forward with his hand outstretched, she came back to focus, her heart pounding in her chest.

  “It’s nice to officially meet you, Ang.”

  She quickly reached out with a shaky hand. “It’s my pleas—”

  Before Angie could finish her sentence, she felt a balmy rush blooming out all over her skin. It even spread all the way down to her toes, and she found herself swaying.

  Bull did his best to steady her, as he too was experiencing the same effect. When their hands made contact, the word beloved rang loud and clear as though an elaborate musical composition was playing inside his head, soothing him... comforting him. It was the most wonderful feeling he had ever felt. For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to kiss her.

  Instead, Angie got her bearings and took over the reins. She tugged at his hand, pulling him closer. Bull immediately responded and sank his lower half into hers, trapping her with his massive body against the bedroom door. She released a gasp as their bodies meshed together in a heated fury.

  When their lips collided, her breath came out in a rush. Bull’s kiss was electric, his lips moving sensuously over hers until her knees shook and her heart pounded. Never, never in her life had someone kissed her like this.

  He curved his hand around her nape and dug his fingers into her silky hair as he held her in place. Inhaling a deep breath, he caught the scent of her arousal, a lovely sweetening in the air, and his body instantly reacted.

  “I want you,” he moaned against her lips, rubbing his arousal on her belly, increasing his ache and her desperate need.

  To show her approval and complete submission, Angie pressed into him. When her hand moved underneath his shirt and rubbed over his back, he growled low in his throat.

  She shivered at the masculine sound and wondered what he would feel like inside her.

  His head came down and his breath tickled the side of her neck. Then she felt a soft, moist stroke that created goosebumps all over her body. God, I want him, she thought. “I want you now,” she said with urgency, and tacked on, “naked, and in my bed.”

  Bull nudged her chin up and stared into her deep blue eyes with a burning intensity. “Are you sure?” he said in a hushed voice.

  “Yes,” she quickly replied.

  He followed as she took hold of his hand and guided him into the bedroom.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” Angie said, gesturing grandly toward the big king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

  He merely winked and looked at her with an unholy gleam in his eyes. “Ladies first,” he murmured. “Unless, of course...” He cocked a brow. “ need my help undressing.”

  A smile hovered at the corners of her mouth. “Oh, I definitely need help undressing.”

  As she moved past him, she sat down on the mattress and zipped out of her favorite pair of Christian Louboutin ankle boots. Then she gave him a look of pure desire, wiggling her finger in silence, beckoning him over.

  He wasted no time stripping off his shirt and shrugging out of his size fifteen leather boots and strode over in her direction, moving with powerful shifts of his muscular arms and legs.

  She eased back on the bed anticipating the feel of his hands all over her body.

  As the bed dipped, Angie found herself staring up at Bull while he loomed over her. He had both hands planted on either side of her shoulders and his knees were straddling her.

  His piercing green eyes mesmerized her. God, he is magnificent, she thought. Built like a brick house. All muscled, lean at the waist, broad at the shoulders, and his hips... damn, he made her mouth water. It was all she could do not to roll him over and take a bite out of his ass.

  He slowly closed the distance between them and brushed his lips against hers. His tongue came out and stroked over her mouth.

  Mindless, out of control, she grabbed on to his broad shoulders, and he changed the kiss, going in deep, moving in a rhythm that got her even more ready for him.

  With his lips hovering over hers, he whispered, “And just so you know, I want the last thing you feel before you go to sleep is me inside you, and the first thing you know when you wake up.”

  She sucked in her breath and licked her lips nervously. “Mmmm, that sounds wonderful.”

  When his hand slipped under her skirt and found the right spot, a moan broke out of her.

  He pressed his lips to the soft skin of her throat. “I want to make you feel good,” he murmured close to her ear.

  As her eyes closed, she gasped for air, realizing she was on the verge of losing it.

  His mouth found her lips again, and it was a while before his long fingers went to the bottom of her blouse. As he pushed it up and tugged the thin fabric over her head, her bare breasts rose and fell as his eyes took her in.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered and ran his tongue around one nipple.

  Angie was aching as Bull worked his way to the other breast and took it into his mouth.

  In a matter of moments, Bull had Angie and himself completely naked, his jeans and boxers gone, her skirt gone, and her panties tossed aside.

  Then he rubbed his thumb over her cheek and gave her a doubtful look. “Are you sure this is what you want? Angie, you know what will happen if we do this, right?”

  She smiled up at him. Angie could not believe she was looking into the face of her bonded mate, who at this moment was about to change everything, and yet at the same time, she had never been so sure of something in her life.

  “I know,” she said, swallowing the lump in her throat, “and I’m ready. I want this. I want this with you.”

  Bull started to speak, but she pressed her mouth to his to hush him.

  His breath escaped in a long hiss and every muscle in his body tightened as he slowly glided inside of her.

  She gasped and tensed at the instant fullness.

  His hips went completely still. “Are you okay?” he whispered, waiting for her response.

  “Please don’t stop,” she groaned.

  He leaned down to kiss her at the same time he pushed forward

  She panted frantically as his hips moved rhythmically, pushing her harder and getting her closer to the edge. With her eyes squeezed tight, she gripped the sheets and arched up as high as she could while his weight pressed down on her.

  Then the pressure that had built up within her finally gave way. It was like nothing she’d ever known—wave after wave of ecstasy splintering through her. It was good. Oh, so very good.

  The sounds she made brought him to his own release. As he shuddered inside of her, he gently grazed her shoulder with his teeth like he was a wild animal marking his mate. She was his, and he was forever hers.

  When he finally pushed himself up, he watched the series of emotions that flickered across Angie’s face. The purposeful look in her eyes told him she was close to shifting.

  He reached out to her. “It’s okay, honey. I’ll be right here with you every step of the way.”

  Every particle in her body was changing... changing in a way she had never experienced in her life. Angie’s entire body began to expand and stretch by the second. Her fingernails and toenails tingled, and her skin itched as soft, dark fur began to burst out of every pore, covering every inch of her bare skin. She could even feel her teeth descending and her mouth lengthening.

  As Angie’s transformation continued, Bull watched in amazement. There were no words to express her Breedline wolf. She was simply beautiful. God, it made such sense that he’d bonded with her.

  In her new form, Angie felt her throat open with a howl, but she did not give in to it. Instead, she moved toward Bull on teeter-tottering limbs and let out a light whimper.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart,” he said, smoothing his fingers through her soft-coated fur.

  Moments later, when Angie shifted back into her human form, she stared up at him and sighed in utter contentment at the look in his eyes. No words could simply replace the way he looked at her. It was as though there was no one else in the world for him.

  Words bubbled up inside her. She was grateful and amazed that a man like him actually existed. She leaned forward and kissed him warmly, pressing her mouth softly to his. “I don’t know what to say,” she said. Her voice grew shaky with emotion. “This is all so new to me.”

  Bull reached for her hand and laced his fingers through hers. “I know we’ve just met, but I’ll do whatever it takes to have you in my life.”

  Angie glanced down at their entwined fingers, watched as his thumb caressed the top of her hand. Then she raised her head back up and took a deep breath as she drowned in those intense green eyes of his. “I would like that... for us to be together.”

  A smile quivered on his lips. “You know what this means, don’t you?”

  She shook her head. “No, but please, do tell.”

  “You’re stuck with me,” he said with a light chuckle.

  Angie pretended disappointment. “Oh, I suppose I can learn to live with that.”

  After another round of intense lovemaking, Bull pulled Angie closer and murmured in her ear. “I’ve got a great idea.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

  “How does you, and me, and a tub full of hot water sound?”

  Angie was quiet for a minute, but he could tell by the way her hips surged against his that she was tempted.

  “I’ll wash your back,” Bull murmured, nipping at her earlobe. “And your front. Not to mention all the other parts in between.”

  She shivered at his touch and made a soft, breathy sound. “I’ll go run the water,” she said.

  Angie put out towels and arranged long-stemmed candles around the bathroom while the tub that would easily fit more than two people filled with water.

  Shortly after, she turned the water off and called out, “The bath is ready.”

  As he entered the bathroom, his eyes widened when he took in the huge tub on an elevated platform. “This is nice,” he said as he looked around, noticing all the candles.

  “Are the candles too much?”

  Bull turned to look at her. “Nope, it’s perfect.”

  She smiled and nodded toward the bath. “You first.”

  When he climbed over the edge and lowered himself in the water, she got a prime view of his backside. Damn. Even as large as the bathtub was, he seemed to fill every inch.

  He stretched out with an appreciative groan. “Damn baby, this feels good.”

  Her head cocked to the side in question. “It’s not too hot?”

  “Not yet,” he said in a husky voice, looking at her through half-lidded eyes. “I’m waiting for you to make it hotter.” He reached out to her. “Come here.”

  When Angie approached the bath, he held up his hand to help her over the edge. As soon as she eased into the steaming water, she moaned with sheer pleasure.

  Bull tugged her forward, closer to him... facing him, and between his thighs. There was a predatory gleam in his stare. And she loved that look. Like he wanted to devour her entire body and savor the taste.

  “I’m making you a solemn promise,” he said. “You will never doubt for one moment that you belong to me. I’m going to spend every day making sure you know that.”

  Angie leaned forward and kissed him, letting her lips melt over his. She breathed a sigh into his mouth and whispered, “I can’t wait.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  A golden hue peeked through the blinds of Yelena’s bedroom window as the sun gradually crept over the horizon. Apollyon lay on his side, his head propped by a pillow as he stared to where Yelena slept. Curled on her side, she faced him with her arms wrapped around her belly as though she was cradling the tiny life inside.

  While he watched her sleep, there was a sense of peace to her expression. Her features were relaxed and her lips slightly parted. Yelena had barely moved the entire night. He knew because he’d woken every hour to check on her, worried he’d wake up to find that all this had been nothing but a dream, or maybe just a figment of his imagination. Miracles like this didn’t happen to him, he thought. For all the horrible things he had done, he didn’t deserve a second chance in life, much less a family of his own.

  She released a breathy sigh when he reached over and smoothed a loose strand of her hair away from her face. He swallowed painfully, overcome by the newfound emotions he’d never felt in his life. Falling in love simply wasn’t him, until now. It was like Yelena hung the damn moon. He found himself hugely possessive and protective of her and their unborn child. There was no doubt there.

  When it came to Yelena, it was as if his soul had transformed overnight—from a savage killer, that lusted for human blood, to this mushy, softhearted fool. No matter what challenges they faced, it was all worth it when he looked into her eyes.

  As he leaned in to press his lips against her forehead, Yelena’s eyes opened and her amber gaze found his. When she smiled, warmth instantly spread through his veins.

  Apollyon was quiet for a moment before he cupped her jaw and feathered his thumb across her cheek and then her lips. “So beautiful,” he whispered. “You’re beautiful, Yelena. I’m so lucky you’re mine.”

  His words sent a blast of heat up her spine to her neck and over her cheeks. Yes, she thought. She was his, and he was hers.

  Yelena turned her face so that her lips brushed over his hand. Then she reached out and trailed her fingers across his cheek, glancing up at him to see his reaction. It was a mixture of desire and a state of fulfillment.

  Apollyon flinched when she put her hand close to the scar above his left eyebrow. When he tried to turn away, she said, “Don’t hide from me, Apollyon. Tell me. What happened?”

  His brow furrowed.

  Her eyes pleaded. “Please.”

  For a moment, he’d forgotten that Yelena could use her skills as a succubus to get inside his head. The thought of her seeing the ugliness of his past made him sick to his stomach. He wondered, how much did she already see? Shame immediately crowded in that she’d seen all his demons, his pain, and his moments of

  He hesitated, but then took her hand and slid it down to his chest, holding it firmly over his heart. “My father,” he simply said. “It was a form of punishment.” His eyes looked tortured, and to her shock, they glittered with tears and grief.

  Yelena sat up, holding the sheet over her bare breasts. “My God, Apollyon, what you went through.” Her expression was so fierce, almost angry. “I’m so sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago,” he murmured. “Now that I have you, and our child...” He paused, placing his palm over the swell of her belly. “...things have changed. You’re both the most precious part of my world. For the first time in my life, I have hope.”

  Apollyon stared in wonder as Yelena edged toward him, letting the sheet fall from her chest. The sight of her nipples, puckered into hard rosebud points, brought him to sudden arousal. Heat flushed from his body as she swiped her tongue over her swollen lips. Even though they’d made love not long ago, he still ached for her. It took all his restraint not to pull her into his arms and lavish her entire body. He wanted her more than he wanted to breathe.

  He sucked in a breath as she lowered her head and pressed her lips to the scar over his brow. Her kiss was so tender and loving.

  “I need you, Apollyon,” she whispered, craving his touch and remembering the first time they’d made love. He made her feel as though she’d been dominated and taken. “Make love to me again.” She moaned, her tone almost begging him.

  Unable to resist, he pulled her against him and kissed her hungrily. Shivers ran down his spine as her plump breasts pushed into his bare chest. She inhaled deeply and arched into him when his mouth claimed one of her taut nipples.

  Apollyon couldn’t get enough of simply touching her, yet he didn’t feel worthy, although he wanted it more than anything. No part of her was left untouched as he caressed, kissed, and licked up and down her soft, flawless skin. Apollyon could no more deny Yelena than he could deny the burning desire deep within himself.


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