THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series

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THE IMMORTAL: A Novel of the Breedline series Page 32

by Shana Congrove

  Micah pulled her into a hug. “I knew you’d come around.” When she pulled back, she said, “Admit it. This place is like a slice of heaven, isn’t it?”

  “Sure,” Krista said reproachfully and swatted herself on the shoulder. “I’ll tell myself that tonight while I’m itching from all these mosquito bites.”

  They both laughed, and then Micah reached for her sister’s hand. “Come on, girl.” She tugged at her. “Let’s go hiking.”

  * * *

  Hours later, he stood somewhere in the redwood forest that went on for miles under a cloudy sky, waiting there until the change came on. Not far into the woodland, as the wind started to pick up, he caught a whiff of human flesh. It was a good scent as he inhaled it deep into his nostrils. He then realized it was the distinctive smell of females. The perfumed fragrance mixed with sweet-smelling skin instantly brought forth his transformation. The hunger rose in him, and the instinct to kill whoever crossed his path took control.

  All of a sudden, he felt a heated rippling sensation growing beneath his skin. As his frame began to stretch and pull, the material of his shirt split down the middle of his expanding chest, and his pants ripped at the seams, exposing bulging, muscly thighs. In a matter of seconds, dark hair began to emerge from all over, covering every inch of his skin. He could feel his face reshaping and his mouth contorting into a long, beastly muzzle. His teeth tugged at the roots until sharp-pointed canines filled his mouth. He watched as his fingers lengthened with claws emerging from the tips and his shoes shredded by his enormous wolfish feet. As he ripped away the remnants of his shirt from his shoulders, his entire body expanded and hardened, growing stronger and stronger, readying himself to devour his prey.

  As he began to track them, a sharp snap of a twig spun him around. Every muscle was taut with anticipation and readiness. As he lurked on the perimeter of the trees and undergrowth, a howl emerged in the near distance that sounded as though it had come from something big. Then, to his surprise, a chorus of howls suddenly arose, seemingly moving closer in his direction.

  He held his stance and waited, flexing his powerful thighs. Then before his glittering eyes, out of the deep shadows came four giant, hulking, rogue wolves. At that moment, he then realized they too were hunting. However, it wasn’t humans they were after—perhaps deer or some other pathetic weak animal. He, on the other hand, was on the prowl for human flesh, and this time, nothing would stand in his way.

  As they caught sight of him, he made himself so still they grew bolder and crept forward on all fours. Pinpointing the largest one, he sprang in the air with one great leap as if he’d been launched from a catapult and slashed his razor-sharp claws into the rogue’s hide. It yelped and spun away. The other three turned to defend their furry companion, snapping at him with jaws full of lethal, sharp-pointed teeth. They appeared to him as nothing more than a pack of snarling dogs.

  He released a deep gargling roar, snapping back, daring them to engage in battle. But before the furry trio closed in, the sound of voices drew near, stopping them cold in their tracks. In fear of being exposed, they tucked tail and bolted away.

  In spite of his rivals’ retreat, he kept his feet planted firmly, readying himself for the kill.

  As they suddenly came upon him, their eyes rounded in sheer terror. Then screams erupted and echoed through the colossal of thick timber. In a heated rage, he sank his claws into one of his victims, slashing her carotid artery, unleashing a crimson geyser. The sharp scent of blood ignited his thirst and heightened his senses. When the other girl turned to flee, he snared her by the hair and yanked her head back, snapping her neck easily as if it were merely a twig. In a split second, both girls were dead. Their flesh and blood were his now.

  His hunger was undeniable, but there was no time to waste, no time to savor the feast, for he yearned to be with Jena.

  He wished that she could be with him, embracing the new life he had given her, a world filled with wonders beyond what the human eyes could see. Before he claimed what belonged to him, he had unfinished business with his brother to tend to.

  * * *

  Apollyon sat in an oversized chair next to Yelena while she rested in bed. With their son cradled in his arms, he simply watched as baby Tobias slept, content that all seemed well with his beloved and their child.

  After the big scare he’d just been through, worried he’d lose Yelena in childbirth, he should have felt on top of the world now that she and the baby were doing fine. But the nightmare wasn’t over. He still had a task to do. At dusk, he would be leaving with his sisters and the battle angels to meet with the Breedline Covenant. They were to prepare for battle against the creature God had tasked them to help destroy.

  Although he hated the thought that if things took a turn for the worse, this could be the last time he had with his family.


  He turned to see his mother peeking around the door as if she was waiting for his approval to enter the room.

  He nodded and silently motioned her in.

  As she moved inside, she whispered, “I don’t mean to disturb either of you. I just wanted to make sure Yelena and the baby were all right.”

  “They’re doing fine,” he said in a hushed voice. “Yelena’s resting, and your grandson seems very content.”

  Sonya put her hand on Apollyon’s shoulder and squeezed lightly. “He’s beautiful,” she murmured, peering down at the baby. “I’m so proud of you, and Yelena.”

  Apollyon reached up to cover her hand where it lay on his shoulder. “Thank you, mother.”

  They kept silent for a moment, watching as Tobias slept soundly. Then Apollyon looked over at Yelena, noticing the peaceful look on her face.

  “I love her, dearly. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.”

  Sonya smiled. “And she loves you too. Both of you have a bright future ahead. You have a family of your own now. Everything will work out just fine.”

  Doubt crowded Apollyon’s mind. “I pray that—”

  “Pray what?” Sonya asked as her brows tensed with worry.

  Apollyon sighed. “That you’re right. I can’t bear the thought of leaving them behind.”

  “Before you worry yourself over something that may not happen, have faith, son. I know you will watch your son grow up to be a man.”

  As he looked up at her, he shook his head. “You need to realize that I may not. This is going to be... risky. If I do not complete my task, I cannot return.”

  Her expression showed compassion as she stared down at him. “I know, son. And there’s something you need to understand. Love comes with sacrifices. You will do what is right and come back to your family. I promise.”

  “I love you, mother,” he simply said.

  She leaned down and kissed his cheek. “I love you too, son.” Then she reached down and gently caressed Tobias’s dark curls. “I do have to admit I never expected you would ever provide me with a grandchild. Although I’m grateful you did. He’s as precious to me as you are.”

  The corner of Apollyon’s mouth lifted. “I’m blessed to have you as a mother, and the grandmother of my son.”

  Sonya patted his cheek and cast one last look at her grandson. Then she looked toward the bed at Yelena and said, “Tell Yelena when she wakes, if there’s anything she needs for her not to hesitate to ask.”

  He nodded. “I will.”

  After a final pat to his cheek, Sonya quietly left the room, praying she was right about her son. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing him again.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Before Jena answered the door, she briefly closed her eyes and drew a deep breath. If she was going to help Nicolas, she had to come up with a way to get past the Covenant’s security. She only had until dusk, and time was quickly ticking away.

  “I’m coming,” she called out.

  When Jena rose from the bed, the journal slid from her lap and landed next to her pillow. She took another deep breath as she re
ached for the bedroom door. As soon as she opened it, she saw Tim Ross standing in the hallway with Tessa alongside him. She knew from the expression on their faces they already knew about Nicolas’s journal. At least Angie gave her enough time to finish reading it before she alerted the Covenant.

  “I take it you’re here about the journal,” Jena said, her eyes going from Tim to Tessa and back again.

  Tessa nodded and Tim said, “Jena, there’s a good possibility we may be able to identify the person who left it in your possession. Detective Sanchez and Detective Perkins are waiting downstairs. They want to check the journal for prints.”

  “But...” Jena’s voice faded helplessly as she looked at them confused. “H-how is that possible?”

  “The detectives believe they may know who the journal belongs to,” Tessa explained. “It might be someone from the police department. They have substantial evidence that might prove their theory. All they need is the journal. If they can find fingerprints that match, they’ll know for sure.”

  Jena stood there, slightly taken aback. Her mind couldn’t seem to process what she’d just been told or what she should do. It seemed as if she had let everyone down. Because of her, Todd and Sophie were dead. Now, Nicolas depended on her, and time felt as though it was getting away from her. She only had a few hours until dusk. How was she going to get past security to help him? To make matters worse, it was most likely that the creature was still killing innocent people. I have the power to stop all this... to end all the senseless and savage brutality. Everyone is counting on me.

  “Jena,” Tim said patiently, “where’s the journal?”

  His voice brought her back to focus. She slowly turned toward the bed and looked at the fragile logbook lying next to her pillow. “It’s...” Jena swallowed hard, seemingly disappointed with the decision to give up Nicolas’s memoir. “It’s on the bed. I’ll get it for you.”

  A second later, she retrieved the journal from the bed and offered it to Tim. As he held out a plastic bag for her to drop it into, Jena said, “Will you please let me know what the detectives find?”

  “Of course,” Tessa said, touching her lightly on the shoulder. “Angie told us you feel somehow connected to this person’s journal. I know this must be difficult for you. You’ve been through more than enough already, but it’s important that we gather as much information as we can before the angels arrive.”

  When Jena nodded an understanding, Tessa went on to say, “I promise, Jena, if we hear anything, you’ll be the first one to know.”

  Jena then gave her a half-hearted smile. “Thank you, Tessa.”

  As the door closed behind Jena, she leaned against it with her arms crossed and closed her eyes. She felt uneasy about giving up Nicolas’s journal. It was as though a piece of her was gone. It made her think of all the pain Nicolas had endured for so many years. Now that he had finally found a way to end his brother’s curse, had it been all for nothing if she couldn’t get to him? Then she wondered if she should wait for the battle angels. Their plan was to help her destroy the creature, but Nicolas had asked her to come alone.

  Jena opened her eyes and blinked away tears. As she looked across the room at the mirror above the dresser, she stared at herself for a long moment, not liking what she saw. It was the image of someone... weak. And she would be damned if she continued to remain this way.

  She wanted to scream, but she found the courage to remain strong. Whatever it took, she had to keep it together. There was no time to lose it now, and nothing worthwhile came easy, she thought. She wasn’t going to wait around here a moment longer. She had to figure something out, and fast.

  “Time to suck it up and deal,” she said in a quiet, determined voice.

  Despite her circumstances, she finally managed to keep a level head. Think, Jena, she silently told herself, trying to come up with a solution. How in the hell am I going to get out of here?

  Out of nowhere, she heard a faint whisper as if it was coming from a distant place.

  “Jena... my beloved, Jena. Come to me.”

  In an instant, Jena knew who it was. She had a sudden “awareness” that he was close. As she turned around and looked to the balcony, expecting to see him, there was nothing but the sun dipping below the horizon.

  Jena found herself breathless and shaking, staring at the sky as it darkened, resisting the urge to run to the bathroom and lock herself inside. It was then she remembered what had happened in this room, and how he managed to lure her onto the balcony, and how he had seduced her. Guilt crashed down on her. She had welcomed him inside this very room, and into her bed. Every place he’d touched her had stirred all those hidden desires and temptations she kept locked away—excitement... pleasure... lust...

  Please, God, she silently prayed. Help me resist him.

  Yet even as her self-control remained intact, Jena’s eyes were fixed forward, focused on the sliding glass doors that led to the balcony, and to him.

  A sweat suddenly broke out all over her body. Every inch of her skin was getting warmer and warmer by the second. Jena could feel the blood draining from her face and her heart racing. As the nerves in her hands and feet prickled like static electricity, she forced herself to take several slow breaths.

  Then the skin on her arms began to itch and tingle as though something was crawling beneath the surface, searching for a way out. As Jena looked down at her hands, dark hairs sprouted like wildfire and her fingernails grew into razor-sharp points. When she reached up to touch her face, she felt it contorting and reshaping as if it had a will of its own.

  “No,” she said, begging the transformation to go away. Her tone grew heavy, deeper than her own normal voice. “Please, not now.”

  Jena felt herself expanding and lengthening until the clothes she was wearing tore free from her body. In a matter of seconds, dark, thick fur poured out of her skin and down her shoulders, covering her entire body. When she looked down at her chest, her eyes rounded in amazement. Sleek fur extended over her breasts, completely concealing her nipples. Peering further down, she watched as hairy clawed feet pushed out of her tennis shoes.

  It was at that moment a feeling of euphoria surged through every cell in Jena’s body. And this time... it felt good. It made her want to go out into the night, to run and seek out things she had yet to experience in this new body.

  As the change completely took hold, an urge to howl rose in the back of Jena’s throat, but she swallowed, forcing it down. It wasn’t long before another intense craving broke loose. Her throat felt as dry as sandpaper and a gnawing sensation grew in the pit of her gut. The desire for blood burned deep in her veins. The hunger was almost unbearable. It was sickening to her, yet somehow tantalizing. Yearning for the taste called out to her in a strange way. And it terrified her.

  I must resist, she urged, pleading with herself. I have to stay focused.

  Although Jena’s bloodthirsty instincts screamed inside, she was determined not to give in to the curse. More importantly, she had to do whatever she could to get out of the Covenant and go to Nicolas before it was too late.

  Slowly, she made her way to the sliding glass door and reached out to pull the curtain back that was partially blocking her view. Tugging it aside, she could see the entire backside of the Covenant. Trees, shrubbery, and various assortments of flowerbeds landscaped the grounds, which would work perfectly as camouflage. Scanning the area below, her eyes caught sight of a humongous swimming pool and an outdoor patio practically big enough for an entire village. When her eyes averted from the large body of water, she noticed a small building next to the gated entrance and two men inside. It looked to be the Covenant’s security, going by all the cameras mounted above the door and windows. That’s when the hairs on her nape started to rise, worried she wouldn’t make it past the guards without being seen. It was definitely going to be challenging. The minute they figured out that she flew the coop, they’d alert the Covenant.

  “I can do this,” she whispered, tr
ying to convince herself.

  As soon as she pushed open the balcony door and stepped out, she felt the coolness of the light breeze against her newfound transformation. It drew her further out, driving her willpower to continue. When she inhaled the night air, all her senses came alive and drove her onward. Using all the courage she could muster, she looked over the edge of the balcony to gauge the distance. From her viewpoint, it looked to be twenty feet or so. Exhaling a deep breath, she dropped to the ground with one giant leap and surprisingly landed with ease. In an instant, as she sprang forward, she could hear heavy footsteps in hot pursuit.

  A man’s voice from behind shouted, “Hey, you there, stop!” Then there was the sound of a radio crackling to life as the second man said, “I need backup, now!”

  With her eyes locked on the wrought-iron gate, Jena kept running, praying that she’d escape before whatever backup arrived. Her mind raced, not knowing if the guards were gaining on her or if they had tranquilizer guns. Jena was too determined to make her escape to look back, but half-expected they would catch up to her any second.

  As Jena neared the gate, adrenaline shot through her, giving her the strength she needed to pick up the pace. Never in her life had she run this fast. With lightning speed, she hurdled high into the air and cleared the fence without difficulty. When her feet hit the ground, she had a one-track mind—it was to get to Nicolas before the curse completely consumed her. Time was running thin, and her lust for blood had reached its limits.

  Please God, she pleaded silently. Get me to Nicolas before it’s too late.

  * * *

  Angie’s lips turned down into a grimace when she overheard the guards reporting to Tim of Jena going AWOL. To make matters worse, Jena had turned. It was then she decided to search her room. Maybe Jena left something behind that would give her a clue to where she was going.

  When Angie got close to Jena’s room, she found Tessa standing outside the door as she was about to reach to open it.


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