Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)

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Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2) Page 6

by Marie, Amy

  “I was planning on telling you last night, Noelle. I asked Erin to get you there and everything just went to shit and when I saw Jace kissing you I fucking lost it. I watched him watching you and I watched him pursue you. How could you be kissing some guy that you just met when you should be kissing me?” He leans over kissing my exposed shoulder.

  “What if there’s no chemistry?” I joke.

  “No chemistry? I know we have chemistry but if you’re unsure I can remind you.”

  Trent props himself up and leans forward pushing my body down across the couch. Burrowing himself between my legs I can already feel how much chemistry we have. He rolls himself into me, and I whimper.

  “You’re a beautiful, smart and sexy woman, Noe.” His kisses shower down my neck as his hands grip my hair. “Choose me. Choose this.”

  I want to. I want to so badly, but I need time to think clearly.

  “Trent.” I push on his chest, and he lifts his body off mine. “It’s my turn to talk.”

  Stabilizing himself he grabs my hand and lifts me back up.

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “You need to move back more. I can only think with my lady parts if you are that close.”

  He lets out a full blown laugh but moves back.

  “We don’t just have us to think about, Trent. If we get together and something happens it can affect my friendship with Erin, my dinners with your family, time with Jason and your nieces and nephews. What if this doesn’t work out?”

  “Noelle, please stop with the ‘what ifs’?” His frustration is starting to surface. “Can you honestly tell me that you would regret it more if we tried and it didn’t work than if we didn’t see this through at all?”

  “I don’t know and I think that’s what the problem is. I need to think this through and figure all that out.” Standing up I grab my glass of wine and empty it. “I need to go.”

  He follows me towards the door but grabs me just before I reach it. “You promise to think about it? Do that entire ‘pro and con’ list shit that you like to do? Weigh all the options, Noe, because I have. I would rather you and I try it out and promise to stay friends if it doesn’t than the alternative.”

  “I promise to give some serious thought to this. You know I don’t do long term and I know you don’t want the short term version so just let me think,” I plead.

  “Go on a date with me then. Just one. You gave Jace today, I deserve the same don’t I?” He slides his hand down my arm and clasps my fingers around his.

  “Okay. Call me tomorrow and we can make plans.” I agree standing as high as my toes will allow and kiss him on the cheek. “Bye, Trent. We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Bye, Noe.” He opens the door and grabbing my face he places the gentlest of kisses on my forehead.

  Pulling my bag off my shoulder, I dig around for my keys. I don’t notice that Jace is outside leaning on his car.

  “You know the window is open?” He calls out pointing towards Trent’s house.

  I turn around and find the blinds pushed to the side so you can see directly into the house.

  “Listen, Jace. I know what that might have looked like but…”

  “You don’t have to explain it to me, Noelle. I saw you push him away.” He shoves off from his car and meets me in the middle of the street. “But I also saw you two kiss and I have to say that hurt. I just don’t understand why I feel so territorial over you. I don’t want him touching you. I should take you inside my house and erase every touch of his.”

  Looking down I feel guilty. If he only knew how he touched me earlier in the night.

  “Do you want him?” He asks bringing me out of my daze.

  “I still don’t know,” I say with conviction looking up because I don’t have a clue.

  “Do you want me?”

  “I don’t know that either.”

  He’s the safer choice. If things don’t work out with Jace, or he is just another notch on my long belt full of notches, there is absolutely no collateral damage. There is no possibility of losing a friend or people that I call family, and I’m attracted to Jace. I normally don’t feel so connected to someone right away besides physically but there is something about him that makes me want to know him better.

  But I can’t lose Trent.

  There is no denying the sexual chemistry between the two of us, and I know that we would be explosive in the bedroom. Deep down inside I’ve always wanted something with him but until today I didn’t realize it was there.

  Two weeks ago I was speed dialing Chase for our monthly screw and today I’m considering changing my casual sex dating life for one of two men who are offering me more.

  With a quick goodbye and a promise to call later this week, I head home to try to rid myself of this horrendous headache that has slowly seeped its way in. After I pop some medicine and take a bath I pour myself into bed.

  The light from my phone blinks with waiting text messages.

  Erin: Lucy, you have some ‘splainin’ to do!

  Sexy Jace: Sweet dreams, sweet thing.

  Trent: Choose us.

  I cry myself to sleep that night knowing that soon I’m going to have to break someone’s heart…and it might be my own.

  I’ve never been so nervous in my life. My palms are sweating, and my knees are shaking. It’s like the first time I took a girl on a date but this is more important. I’m not only trying to win her over, I’m trying to win her away from another guy. But I’ve got one thing going for me…I’ve known her a hell of a lot longer. I know what makes her tick, what pisses her off, and I’m pretty sure I know how to turn her on.

  The past week has been crazy with all the construction work that summer brings, and I haven’t had time to drink a beer let alone spend time with Noelle. She finally agreed to make plans today, and right now I’ve got her exactly where I want her…in my hands.

  “I can’t believe you’re taking me to Six Flags! I haven’t been there in forever. I’m so excited!” She giddily shrieks in the passenger seat, fingers locked with mine.

  A blood curdling scream comes from the back as Jason excitedly mimics Noelle’s enthusiasm. He won’t be tagging along so that we can freely ride the coasters. I’m scared of heights, but I love the thrill of a roller coaster. I haven’t been there in a while either, and if I’m going to fight for Noelle she needs my full attention.

  She spent most of the morning with us arriving just after breakfast. Every time I see her with Jason it takes my breath away. She loves him as much as I do, and I know her love for him is a big part of why she doesn’t know if we can give it a go. We’ve spoken on the phone or texted every night this week. She has expressed multiple times that she’s worried something will happen, and she won’t be welcome around Jason or our family. She has to know better, but I need to make her see that I’m in this for the long haul and not just a few months. That worrying about what happens after isn’t an issue when I know she is the one for me.

  After Alex left I didn’t do relationships. Our world was perfect in my eyes and to know that someone I loved and trusted could just leave me like that right around the time my father passed away guts me. I have trust issues to say the least.

  “You happy, baby boy?” She calls out to the back seat.

  “No!” he yells. That’s his new favorite word.

  I’d almost rather hear him say damn it all the time than no.

  “Well then.” Noelle laughs his mini rant off and mutters. “Temperamental like his daddy.”

  We both are silently enjoying the ride until Jason says, “Mama” as we get to his other grandparents house.

  “I wish, buddy,” I quietly say back to him and jump out before telling Noelle I’ll be right back.

  Bag and Jason in hand, I walk up to the house and ring the bell. Never once have I felt that I could walk right in, even after all these years I’ve spent coming here.

  Alex’s mom answers the door looking flushed and snatches Jason out of my arms with
just enough time for me to give him a kiss and hand over his bag.



  The park is huge. They added a water park next to the theme park a while back, and I wish I would have told Noelle to bring her bathing suit. From what I saw last weekend her cycling classes are doing her body some good.

  My dick starts to come alive when I think about me pulling loose the strings of the bottoms and watching them fall to the floor.

  “What are you thinking about?” She asks catching me mid dirty thought.

  “Just about how good your body felt under my touch.” I reach up sliding a finger down her cheek, and she blushes.

  Noelle isn’t a blusher, so I know she is remembering too.

  Once in the park, we walk to the right heading for the first roller coaster we see. She is unusually quiet and is looking everywhere but at me.

  “Noe.” I stop her from going into the turnstile. “What’s wrong? You were excited to come here and now you are so quiet.”

  She looks behind me like the answer is there. Apparently finding it she shocks me with her response. “I want to kiss you.”

  A smile crosses my lips as I grab the back of her neck and pull her svelte body towards mine as she closes her eyes. Patrons whistle walking around us, but I don’t give a shit. Our foreheads meet, and I can feel her jagged breathing caressing my skin but I don’t kiss her.

  “Let’s play a game,” I suggest. Her eyelids fly open and she pulls away.

  “A game?” She says looking disappointed. Maybe I should have kissed her first but this seems like a lot more fun.

  “Yea. A game. Truth or Dare.” I shrug. This seems to irritate her more until I see a tiny light bulb go off in that crazy head of hers.

  “Truth or dare?” She asks.

  “Truth.” I laugh out and she mutters, “Fuck.”

  “I wanted you to say dare! Ass!” Yelling she walks through the turnstile and stomps up the stairs.

  She is a pistol, and I love it.

  I catch up to her just as she gets to the top of the steps and push my front into her back making it flushed against the corner of the railing just out of sight.

  Her hair glides through my fingers easily as I push it aside and give her the gentlest of kisses on her shoulder blade. She’s wearing a green tank top and tight jean shorts that barely cover the bottom of her ass. My hands grip her hips and I whisper, “Ask me your question and I’ll give you that kiss you’re begging for.”

  Her head leans back exposing her neck to me and I take a tiny nip. “Ask me, Noe.”

  “Do you think of me?” She finally gives in.

  “All the fucking time.” I kiss just under her ear listening to her quiet moans escape.

  “I mean do you think of me…when you’re alone? At night? In the shower?”

  “When I stroke myself, Noelle? I told you. All. The. Fucking. Time.” I bite at the edge of her ear. “Now turn around.”

  She obeys, and I can see her nipples peaking through her top as her breasts rise and fall rapidly. She wants me and if we were in my bed, I would have her surrendering herself to me.

  “Do you want that kiss still?”

  Gripping my t-shirt she aggressively brings her lips towards mine. “Desperately.”

  “Truth or dare?” I stop her knowing that I could very well lose my nuts soon.

  “Dare,” she whispers.

  “Kiss me,” I command, and she doesn’t hesitate.

  Her lips meet mine with such urgency that I’m not sure I won’t just fuck her right here, right now. I’m not a man of exhibition. I like for what’s mine to be seen by me only, but she has me so worked up, I’m not sure I could stop myself.

  I pull away first causing her to let out the cutest huff. I have to. I don’t think I can stop if we keep going the way we are, so I grab her hand and we go on the first of many roller coasters of the day.


  “Truth or dare?” She asks as we walk past the games section of the park where dads try unsuccessfully to win oversized stuffed animals for their kids.


  “Okay,” she starts. “I know you hate heights. So how can you ride roller coasters?”

  Noelle has seen firsthand how much I despise heights. She and Erin wanted to go parasailing in Wisconsin and I all but threw myself off the boat to avoid going up there. I’d rather drown than fall to my death.

  I rub my chin between my thumb and pointer finger. “Well, I’m still nervous when we get in line but as long as I am strapped in I’m fine. I just love the thrill of the ride but the idea of not having something underneath you or the security of being tied down to something concrete freaks me out.”

  She contemplates my answer and nods.

  “Truth or dare, Noe?”

  “Truth,” she answers not looking my way.

  “Okay.” My body turns to her and she finally looks my way. “Have you ever had any interest in me before last weekend?”

  Her eyes grow wide and her trademark smirk crosses her lips. “Trent Decker. Are you doubting your appeal? What girl wouldn’t be interested in you? You’re an amazing father, you’re successful and not to mention freaking sexy.”

  “I’m not concerned about what other girls think about me. I couldn’t care less. I want to know what you think about me.”

  Her body gets closer to mine sending shivers down my spine. Anytime she is in the vicinity my body is aware.

  “Trent, ever since the first day you annoyed the shit out of me I have been attracted to you. I just never wanted to try to pursue anything. You’re my best friend’s brother.”

  I step closer. “I don’t understand why that matters, Noelle.”

  “Truth or dare?” She asks ignoring my statement, while dragging me to a table outside the Superman roller coaster and taking another bite of cotton candy.

  “Truth,” I reply licking off what didn’t make it into her mouth. That’s the third time and I’m beginning to think she’s doing it on purpose.

  “Why me?” The blue of her eyes turn a vulnerable shade. She looks exposed, and I have to admit that freaks me out a little. Noelle is far from weak.

  I contemplate my answer needing to tread lightly. After thinking for a moment I tell her my true feelings.

  “Why not you? You are the perfect package.” I scoot closer and grab her legs, turning her so she can look at my face and see I’m not fucking around. “I searched, Noelle. I searched high and low for a distraction after Alex left and that’s all I found. Distractions. But damn if you didn’t grab my full attention. How could I not want someone who is strong willed and sassy, and who drives me fucking crazy with the shit that comes out of her mouth? Someone who can break me down with one sentence but lovingly rock my son to sleep? I’ve tried so hard to stay away from you, I just can’t. Not when all I can think about day and night is the way you smile or the way you walk into a room like you own it. I want you to be mine. After getting fucking cut to the core by Alex, I know I want you and only you not some one night hook up. There has GOT to be something here to fight for. You make me come undone, Noelle, and I know you can bring me back together if you just give us a chance.”

  “Truth or dare?” She asks again not giving away what she thought of my speech.

  “It’s my turn now.” I lean in and kiss her quickly tasting sweet sugar.

  “Please, Trent. Truth or dare?” She asks flipping her leg over the bench and standing up.

  “Dare,” I state.

  The eyebrow above her left eye raises and her soft hand reaches out for mine. Taking it, she says the only thing that would make me cut a date with her short.

  “I dare you to take me back to my place.”


  No one hates traffic more than I do, which is funny because my construction company causes a lot of it. This time it’s keeping me from having my hands on Noelle.

  I can see she is fidgety and my normally feisty girl is, again, quiet. She never looks my
way and seems deep in thought.

  By the time we arrive to her house, we both practically jump out of my truck.

  “Where you going?” She asks when I follow her to the door hitting the lock button on my truck key.

  Maybe I read into this wrong. “To make sure you get to your door okay,” I say confused. As much as I would love to dive into her I am more than willing to wait.

  She slips her key in the door opening it and turns around, her tank top showing the top swell of her breasts.

  Leaning up on her toes, her mouth meets mine while her arms circle around my neck. Instinctively, my hands go to her waist pulling her into me. I love the way her kiss feels. Her tongue glides over mine never taking over but letting me direct them.


  When she pulls away I almost feel sad knowing I am leaving her. This happens every time she is around; as she walks away to leave I feel empty and all I want is to be close to her again.

  Both of our hands clasped around one another. We pull at each of them until we can no longer hold on. The crunching of the gravel seems loud underneath my feet as I walk backwards away from her, our eyes never turning away. That empty feeling comes crashing back in.

  “Trent,” she calls to me bracing herself in the doorway.


  A slow smirk spreads across her gorgeous face. “Can you make sure I get to my bed okay too?”

  I run as fast as I can pushing her into her house and slamming the door behind us. Flipping her around, I shove her against the wall and pick her up by her thighs, reaching higher so my palms cover her firm ass.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Noelle. If you want this I’ll give it to you,” I promise her.

  “I was kinda hoping I could fuck with you.” Her hands come up and grab the hair on top of my head so tight that I’m sure she’s creating a bald spot. “Now kiss me.”

  I tilt my head down to her and brush my nose across her jawline whispering, “That’s not how this will go. I’ll give you all the sappy shit you want and deserve outside the bedroom…but inside I call the shots. Understand?”

  Slightly pulling back she looks around as though she is looking for something and directs her attention back to me, blue eyes blazing. “Looks like we’re not in the bedroom. I think you should rectify that.”


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