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Undone (The Unexpected Series Book 2)

Page 21

by Marie, Amy

  When we exit he turns to me and kisses me chastely on the lips. “Don’t forget I have a something for you later.”

  I risk a glance at him, and I’m pretty sure he can see right through my calm façade. “How could I forget?”


  My feet are killing me. Usually I can pull off a couple inches of heel but these are the exception. They are damn sexy but I can’t wait until I can take them off. I figure after they cut the cake and we start dancing I can slip into my more comfortable shoes.

  Thankfully, we are sitting at the head table, so I can take a breather. The meal looks delicious and the venue is beautiful but I can’t look at anything except Trent’s fingers gripping his utensils. We are all sitting next to our bridal party partners and I think Erin did this on purpose. His foot keeps touching mine, his hand “accidentally” brushing against my own, his stare pinning me to my seat. Tonight I’m aware of every move, every breath he takes, and it’s going to be my undoing.

  Dinner ends and I’m starving since I couldn’t eat a damn thing. The DJ starts up the music and I make my way to the dance floor. The girls and I form a circle with Erin in the middle. I’ve had a few cocktails so I’m dancing like no one is watching, which is what I’m hoping for, when someone taps me on my shoulder.

  I whip around holding my hair up in a makeshift ponytail and find Jace standing behind me smiling.

  “Jace?” I ask like he isn’t right in front of me.

  “Hey, Noelle! You look beautiful.” He compliments me and I smile taking in his black suit clad body with a green tie that brings the color out in his eyes.

  On cue a slow song starts to play, and he reaches his hand out. I look around like maybe it’s not the best idea but decide to take it anyways. We start to sway to the music, but it feels awkward.

  I pull back. “So, it just dawned on me that you’re here. Did Erin and Walker invite you?”

  I already know the answer. I sent out the invites. He wasn’t invited and I know for damn sure that Erin wouldn’t invite him behind my back. She is team Trent all the way.

  “My brother’s girlfriend, Amber, is friends with Deliah, Walker’s sister. A.J. couldn’t make it so I told her I would go so she didn’t have to go solo. I didn’t know whose wedding it was until we were already on the way. This is the first time I could get your attention.” He brushes a hair off my sweaty forehead and pulls me tighter into him.

  “Jace.” I try to draw away from him but he keeps me in place.

  “I miss you, Noe.”

  I shake my head and am finally able to pull away from him. “I’m sorry, Jace. I don’t miss you.”

  It all happens kinda fast, just like the day I met Jace. I see Trent behind him. Jace plants his lips on me. Trent pulls him off of me and then punches him square in the jaw. Jace falls to the floor and just like in the movies the music stops with all eyes on us.

  Noelle opened the door to Erin’s suite at the hotel, and my heart skipped. It literally forgot to beat for a fleeting moment. Her golden hair hung loosely around her shoulders and the sexy red dress accentuated every damn curve the woman owned.

  I couldn’t help but grab her hand in the limo. I just needed to touch her, to feel her skin on my skin. Any chance I got tonight I had to take the opportunity to physically connect to her.

  It’s been a long couple of weeks. Alex’s death affected my little family so much. Jason started rebelling, refusing to listen to anything I said. I found I was spoiling him, giving him things he didn’t need just because I felt that I needed to make up for the fact that she was gone. Then, yesterday morning, I found another note inside Jason’s sippy cup in the back of the cabinet. I guess she figured it might take me a while to get my ass in gear and what perfect timing.


  If you’ve found this and still have yet to make Noelle a part of this family, remember one thing…you lost her once, it can happen again. Don’t let another day go by with regrets. I love you boys.

  Love, Alex.

  And like that, the sun rose and the darkness set. I wanted Noelle to be mine and she had to be as soon as possible. I just wanted to let Erin and Walker have their day. Now that it was coming to an end it was time to claim what has always been mine and give her my gift.

  The music started, and I ran to get a drink and take Jason to the bathroom. I had the perfect plan to have him lead her to the surprise. We walked back into the reception, and the entire room comes to a halt. My happiness shatters and anger rises like the bile in my throat. Jace’s hands are on Noelle, and his lips are nearing her face.

  I race to keep it from happening but am too late. Without thinking I whip him around and hit him harder than the first time, making sure neither Jason nor Noelle was in the way.

  The room grows quiet, and I hear Noelle scream my name. My mom rushes over and grabs Jason, shielding him from what is sure to be a blood bath. I’m still seeing red when I notice he isn’t going to fight me. He just stands up and backs away like the pussy that he is.

  I can’t take it. I stalk to the exit, hearing Noelle’s heels click behind me. I speed up and with every step I feel like more and more of an asshole.

  “Trent, stop!” she yells from behind me. My body complies like it doesn’t have a choice. I stop where I am.

  I don’t turn around. “What?” I ask.

  I can hear the defeat when she asks, “Where are you going?”

  Not being able to help it any longer, I look at her. “I need to go.”

  My feet move me forward towards the doors, but her voice stops me again.

  “You can’t leave, Trent!” she screams. “You always leave when things gets rough. I’m sick of it. Do you know how hard it is to be in love with someone that keeps walking away? I’m tired of seeing the back of your head.”




  The hairs on my body stand at attention as her words seep into my skin. She’s in love with me?

  I don’t hesitate. I dash her way picking her completely shocked and confused body up.

  “What the hell, Trent?” She asks squirming her way out of my hold.

  I slide her down making sure every inch of her touches mine on the way. “Do you know what you just said?”

  The blue of her eyes remind me of a daytime storm. Clouded and full of desire. Her gaze darts from one side of my face to the other to what I assume is figure out what she said. “That I’m tired of seeing the back of your head.”

  I lower my mouth to hers quickly. “Before that.”

  A light switch flicks on and I know she remembers. “You always leave when things get rough.”

  “After that, Sunshine,” I whisper against her lips. When she doesn’t respond I remind her. “You’re in love with me,” I state.

  She blows a breath out like she can finally breathe again. “I might have said that.”

  I nip at her lip. “You might need to say it again, you know, just to make sure I heard you correctly.”

  Her body melts into mine. I take her to the cushioned seat that sits just inside the door and pull her to straddle my lap, not giving a shit who walks by.

  “Tell me, Noelle,” I command my hands rubbing over her hips. “I am desperate to hear those words again.’

  She leans back and looks directly at me. “I’m in love with you, Trent. Madly.”

  I grab the back of her neck and smash our lips together. “Too,” I whisper.


  “Where are we going?” She pulls on my hand making it harder to take her to my surprise.

  “Noelle, quit it!” I tug on her. “It’s a surprise.”

  “I don’t like surprises,” she says tugging on my hand again.

  “Surprise.” Jason repeats me.

  She relents as he grabs her hand. “Okay, but only because Jason is going.”

  “I see how it is,” I joke as we walk to our destination.

  I can still hear the music from the wedding filtering throug
h the air. I spoke with Erin and she was okay with us leaving for a while as long as all the big wedding things were done before we left.

  Just before we get there I turn to her. “Before we get there I just want you to know that this is only the start of the acquisition we negotiated at your office. Not a full blown takeover.”

  Her eyebrow quirks up. “Merger.” She corrects.

  “Okay, merger, then. It’s just the start…we’re still in negotiations.”

  “So,” she starts. “Not a proposal of marriage?” She jokes.

  I laugh knowing that what I’m about to ask might freak her out just as much as a proposal. “No, not yet.” I halfway joke because I plan to acquire her as soon as possible.

  I know when she sees it because her free hand flies up to her chest and a loud gasp escapes her lips. “Trent. Oh my God, it’s beautiful.” She gushes.

  I look at the handiwork that Hadley did for me in just a few short minutes.

  A large, soft blanket is spread out on the ground next to the water. A small speaker is playing music through a wireless Bluetooth speaker and “no flame” candles hold the sides of the blanket down. Jason tries to run to the water but Noe and I both tighten our grip on him and he comes flying back, creating a lot of giggles from all around.

  His fascination with the water is short lived when he sees what else is there…cake.

  I know having him here isn’t romantic but in order to build this relationship we all need to be here at the start of it.

  Jason lets go of my hand but continues to latch onto Noelle’s and pull her to the dessert. She picks him up so that she can carefully place him in the middle. Setting him down, she takes her place next to him and pats the seat on his other side.

  I can’t help but smile at another vision of Noelle taking care of Jason like he is her own. She’s kissing his cheeks and tickling him. He loves it. He loves her. I love her. She loves me.

  I take the spot she graciously offered and pull the saran wrap off of the wedding cake. Hadley brought some pieces out after Erin and Walker cut it. I reach back to grab the mini bottles of wine and twist hers open handing it over to Noelle.

  She starts laughing. “What’s this? It looks like an airplane bottle of wine.”

  I take the top off mine and turn it in my hand, looking at it. “They do, don’t they. Well, I didn’t want to waste an entire bottle and I found these at the liquor store.’

  “Okay, then,” she says as I pass Jason a juice box.

  “So,” she starts. “When did you plan this?”

  I look out towards the water thinking of the first time I realized it was time to stop screwing around and make Noelle officially mine. “I planned this last night, but the end result has been a long time coming.”

  Stopping just as her first bite of cake hits her lips; she tilts her head in confusion. “End result?”

  “Yes, the merger.” I take a sip of my wine and reach into my pocket for the gift. I pat Jason on the shoulder telling him it’s time and he looks up at me, white frosting all over his face. I wipe it with a napkin and lift him up to his feet. “Ready, buddy? Do you have something to ask Noelle?”

  He takes the long rectangle box from my hand and gives it to Noelle, wrapping her up into a hug and loudly whispering into her ear. She starts laughing and then looks over his shoulder at me.

  “Grilled cheese?” She asks shaking the box back and forth.

  “Jay,” I call him attempting to pull him off of her. “You trying to steal my woman?”

  “My grilled cheese!” He claims.

  “Come here, buddy. If you want her to be your grilled cheese you need to say it the right way.”

  He swings his arm at my outreached hand and continues his strong embrace on Noelle. She loves every minute of it. I haven’t seen her smile like this in a long time and I’m sad to know that it’s because of the craziness that is my life.

  “It’ll be a secret. I’ll tell you in your ear.” I try to intrigue him. He loves secrets.

  He immediately lets her go and runs to me, stomping on his cake. Erin is going to be pissed when I return his little tux like this, but it’s so worth it. I whisper the right words in his ear and he nods, looking back to Noe.

  His words come out crystal clear this time. “Girlfriend, Sunshine.”

  I know that she isn’t a fan of labels, and I haven’t had a steady girlfriend since Jason was born, but I won’t go another day without asking her to be mine. I’m fighting for what I want with no regrets.

  We all sit there for a moment, except Jason who slurps his straw, before she looks down at the box in her hand. When she brings her gaze back up she is smiling like she won the lotto. “You want me to be your girlfriend?”

  “For now.” I correct.

  A chuckle escapes her perfectly plump lips. “For now?”

  “Until I can make you more.” I wink.

  She lifts my gift up. “Can I open this now?”

  “That depends.”

  Jason walks over and sits in her lap taking it from her. “On what?”

  I crawl over and sit beside her. She looks over her shoulder at me and I kiss her quickly. I look down at Jason whose blinks are getting longer. “On your answer, Noe. I want us to be exclusive. For you to be off the market and mine. Only mine.”

  She reaches over, grabbing the nape of my neck with one hand and brings our lips together, then slipping her tongue into my mouth. My dick twitches with excitement for the first time in a month. “Abso-fucking-lutely,” she whispers.

  “Ahem.” The clearing of my mother’s throat breaks us up, and I look behind me finding her with hands on her hips. “I thought I would come get my grandson so you two could have alone time.”

  She winks and reaches down for a now sleeping Jason. Noelle kisses him on the head and lifts him into my mother’s waiting arms but keeps the box from leaving with them. Once she is out of sight Noe shakes it in front of my face.

  “This is killing me. I want to open it.”

  I draw her into my lap and situate her between my legs so she is lying against my chest. I take the box and flip open the top displaying it in front of her.

  “It’s beautiful!” She compliments grabbing the necklace out of my hand.

  I saw it in a little boutique that Erin took me to last week when she was looking for bridesmaids’ gifts. It’s a white gold circle necklace with the words “You are My Sunshine” engraved into it. I had a jeweler put a sun charm with a diamond in the middle of it, hanging from the top.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” I tell her taking it back and clasping it around her neck.

  Her hand comes up to glide over it and I can feel the smile on her face. I push her hair aside and kiss the crease of her neck. “I love you, Noelle.”

  “I love you too, Trent.”

  An hour later we walk back into the reception and it seems like no one even noticed we were gone. I scan the room looking for Jace, hoping he took a hike and find him still sitting at a table with a brunette. I let go of Noe and start to walk towards him, but he shakes his head and smiles in understanding. I nod in appreciation and attempt to resume my place connected to Noelle.

  I hear a whole slew of women screaming and am on high alert until I see that it’s Erin, Noelle and Nicole. Walker is standing between all of them shaking his head and looking at me. Noelle is beaming with excitement and showing them the necklace.

  Walker leaves the group and I watch him head towards the DJ. After a few words the DJ hands Walker the microphone. His voice booms inside the large room.

  “Attention Prescott wedding!” He yells excitedly and very drunk. “Not only have you witnessed the union of my beautiful, sexy wife, Erin and me and watched me become the luckiest guy in the world, but today is also the day my new brother in law, Trent, got his head out of his ass and finally got the woman of his dreams. So, let’s all raise a toast to Erin and me as well as Trent and Noelle, the new happily dating couple.”

  The room
erupts in mock cheers and drinks from their glasses but Walker just has to add, “It’s about damn time!”

  I start laughing and walk the final few feet necessary to have Noe in my arms again. She senses me and turns around throwing herself into me.

  “Hey, little bro!” Erin says patting me on my shoulder.

  I turn Noelle and my body around. “Erin. I’m sorry if I added drama to your wedding.”

  “No need to apologize.” She leans up and kisses me on the cheek and walks to her husband.

  Noelle stares up at me, her eyes filled with need and in those sexy as hell shoes she doesn’t have to reach up to whisper in my ear, “I have a present for you too.”

  I tilt back to look into her stunning eyes. “Oh yea?”

  “Yea, but you can’t unwrap it until later.”

  I kiss the side of her mouth breathing into her. “Can you give me a hint?”

  “Well,” her voice oozes seduction. “It’s wrapped tightly in red and may have a little black on the bottom.”

  “Hmm, I like things tight.” I flirt. “But I’m going to need more clues,” I say tapping my chin as though I’m trying to figure out what it is.

  Her arms come up my arms and rest on my shoulders as she pushes us closer. “And,” she adds. “It’s fucking soaking wet underneath.”

  I’m half asleep when rough hands slip underneath my shirt and between my legs.

  “Are you awake, Sunshine?” Trent whispers into my ear. I wiggle at his touch and feel his dick push into the back of me.

  I groan and try to turn. His arm has me in a vice grip so I can’t move my back from his front. “Depends on which sunshine you’re referring to. The actual sun or me because one of us for sure is still fucking tired from being kept up all night tied to the bed.”

  His fingers glide into me and curl in hitting the spot that instantly soaks them. He swirls them around and my hips match their pace. At this point he knows my body inside and out. “You loved every minute, Noe.”


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