Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 9

by Jennifer Snyder

  Then I remembered Dex telling me Randal and Natalia had been together for over half a century. How could something have happened between Sage and Randal if he was with someone else? Maybe he was a cheater.

  “I would still enjoy walking you all out.” He shifted to look me directly in the eyes. “Especially you. Is that all right?”

  “Um, sure.” Damn it. I was in a bad position here. Sage was growing more pissed at me by the second, and I was finding it harder and harder to resist this guy’s charms. I couldn’t wait to leave.

  I muttered goodbye to the others sitting around, focusing mainly on the two women who had been sitting with Randal all night, before walking way. Sage dismissed Cliff with a muttered, “See ya around.” He didn’t seem to mind. If he’d dated her in the past as I thought, then he probably knew how she was when it came to relationships, especially those with other supernaturals.

  As we weaved through the club, I noticed people nod and say hello to Randal. He never paused to talk with them, and his hand never moved from my lower back. This garnered more curious looks than I was comfortable with.

  “I hope you all had a good time,” Randal said the moment Sage’s car came into view.

  “Definitely.” Dex shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and smiled wide. “I’m sure I’ll be back some other time to take in the festivities again. It’s a nice place.”

  “Better than Moonbeam?” Randal arched his brow. His full lips quirked into a mischievous smirk when Dex didn’t answer right away. “I’m teasing. Honestly.”

  Dex chuckled. “I can’t say whether it’s better than Moonbeam, but I will say that it’s comparative.”

  I knew Moonbeam was another nightclub in the city for supes only, but I had never thought of it as being targeted toward werewolves before. Ethereal, the other supernatural club Sage and I frequented, popped into my head. The general population there had always been fairies. There was one more nightclub at the edge of the city that I knew was for supes as well, but I couldn’t remember its name for the life of me. I wondered what secret was hidden within it though, what supe ran the place. My thoughts branched out further wondering if somewhere there was a club targeted toward succubi.

  “I would say it was good seeing you again, but I’m not sure the feeling was mutual,” Sage muttered, pulling me from my thoughts.

  “You know I enjoyed seeing you again, Sage.” Randal’s eyes softened, but his words seemed calculated and carefully chosen. Whatever chip had been on Sage’s shoulder seemed to dissolve at his words. “You’re doing well here. I can tell. This pleases me.”

  Her facial muscles relaxed. “I am.”

  “I’m in town for a few days, I promise to catch up with you at some point.” He slipped his hands into the pockets of his slacks. “Besides, I’m sure you and Arabella have already planned a get together soon.”

  “We have. You know her and I always got along the best.”

  A small smile graced his lips. “I know.”

  “Well, see you later.” Dex started around the car and climbed into the backseat.

  It looked like I would be riding shotgun home. This scared me. With the way Sage drove I was positive the backseat was the safest place to be.

  Randal’s hand touched my forearm for a split-second, surprising me with its intimacy. “I really enjoyed chatting with you tonight, Kenna.”

  My eyes locked on his intensely gray ones. “Thanks, it was nice.”

  “Is there a possibility I could see you again?” His words stunned me, causing my voice to tremble like a nervous little girl. “You want to see me again?”

  “Yes, I would like to.” Amusement danced through his eyes. “Maybe we could have coffee some evening?”

  “Um, sure.” The words were out of my mouth before I thought about them.

  Sage stiffened beside me, and I hoped she wouldn’t ream me once we got in her car for accepting. I was treading on thin ice with her.

  “Can I have your number then?” Randal asked.

  Sage muttered something under her breath I couldn’t make out, but from the way Randal lifted his brows, I got the impression he had heard her fine. She slipped past me and into her car, slamming the door shut. I had a feeling the ice I’d been standing on had broken. Sage was beyond pissed.

  Randal ran a hand through his hair. “I guess we had better exchange numbers quickly. It looks like Sage is ready to go.”

  I dug in my purse for my phone, wondering if exchanging numbers was even worth all the hell I was sure to get from her.

  “What’s your number?” I gripped my cell.

  After rattling off his number, Randal flashed me a sly smile. “Aren’t you going to hit call so I can have yours as well?”

  I hadn’t planned on it, but now that he had called me out I felt obligated. While he was gorgeous and exactly my type, I wasn’t interested in pissing off the only female friend I had in this city. Not only did I consider Sage a friend, but she was also a coworker.

  “Sure.” I pressed call and waited for his cell to ring. When it did, I hit end.

  Sage started her car and rolled down the window. “We should get going.”

  “I’ll talk to you soon, Kenna.” Randal smiled. He leaned down to look through Sage’s window. “Goodnight. I’m glad you all enjoyed yourselves. Thank you for coming to the opening.”

  “Bye,” I said as I moved around the front of the car.

  Once I slipped into the passenger seat, I glanced through Sage’s window and locked eyes with Randal. He flashed me a small, poised smile and gave me a slight wave.

  Sage shifted into reverse and backed out of our parking space in a quick gesture, her irritation from tonight’s events obviously fueling her movements. Her headlights illuminated Randal; they also captured the silhouette of a woman peeking around an SUV behind him. I attempted to zero in on her as Sage sped away, trying to figure out who she was, and why she seemed to be staring at us, but all I glimpsed was a flash of red before Sage was out of the parking lot and zooming down the street.

  Chapter 12

  Bright light streamed in the bay window of my bedroom. I rolled over, my eyes not ready for such harshness. As I tangled myself further in my sheets and blankets, last night flipped through my mind. I couldn’t deny I’d had a blast, but the Randal and Sage tension had dampened my fun. Sage refusing to speak to me on the ride home had made my blood heat. I assumed she would have explained why she was pissed, or at least have told me he was an ex or something. Instead, I’d gotten the silent treatment. I wondered how long she would be angry with me.

  Something similar had happened between Bree and me when we were in high school. We had given each other the silent treatment for three solid days. Eventually something stupid brought us back together. I wasn’t sure things would work out as easily between Sage and me though.

  I rolled over to glance at my alarm clock. It was a little after one in the afternoon. I could sleep at least until three, and then I would get up and work more on some book covers. I nuzzled deeper into my sheets and blankets. When I closed my eyes, an image of Randal and how he had looked when he asked if he could see me again played behind my eyelids. My lips twisted into a smile. Seeing him dressed in his stylish suit with that cute, embarrassed smile pulling at his mouth was the image I latched onto as I fell back asleep.

  Spines in a variety of colors and sizes were all my eyes seemed to focus on at first. Books. So many books. My eyes traveled upward, taking in the height of the shelves they lined. The wall of dark wooden bookcases towered above me, reaching to the ceiling. I glanced around, struggling to take in more of my unfamiliar surroundings. Masculine furniture, dark paneled walls, and long, narrow windows were what my mind grabbed onto.

  An office. This had to be an office, but whose? Where the hell was I?

  Hands smoothed over my hips from behind me at the same time as an intoxicating scent I would recognize anywhere filled my nose. Warm lips pressed against my bare shoulder, but I
didn’t slink away. I closed my eyes as they began making a torturous trail along the side of my neck.

  “I’ve been waiting for you to think of me,” a velvety voice caressed my ear. “Hoping…wishing…willing you to think of me so I could do all of this to you,” he muttered against my skin between kisses.

  I licked my bottom lip. “Why?”

  Randal’s teeth nipped at the sensitive area below my earlobe, causing a hiss of air to expel from my parted lips. “Because I want you, Kenna. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything or anyone.”

  My breath hitched in my throat as his hand dipped to the hem of the short dress I was wearing. Dress? Where had this dress come from? My train of thought derailed as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric and caressed the heated skin along my inner thigh. The air around me grew thick with lust; it pushed against me from all sides, flaming the desire burning within me until it was nearly combustible.

  Was this what it felt like to be seduced? This heady, sticky passion that expanded throughout my body, dulling every sense except touch? No wonder guys turned to putty in my hands.

  Randal pressed against me, erasing the last few inches between us as he toyed with my pantyline. His lips grazed my throat. His hot breath moistened my skin. I hung my head back, giving into the sensations sparking through my body like tiny bolts of lightning. My fingertips trailed over his masculine arms, tracing the grooves of his defined muscles. Once I reached the nape of his neck, I scrapped my nails across his skin, silently willing him to do something more to me—to release the fervor he was causing to ebb and flow through my body. I widened my stance, hoping he would take notice and realize where I wanted his fingers to find themselves next.

  “Do you want me too, Kenna?” His voice was a whisper against the damp skin of my throat. “I can tell that you do…” His fingers brushed against the silken fabric of my panties in a teasing way.

  The sudden friction made my stomach coil with pleasure, and a soft pant spurred from my lips. Never in my life had I wanted someone as much as I did in this moment. Chill bumps erupted across my skin as his tongue trailed along the outer edge of my ear.

  “Tell me, Kenna,” he breathed. “Let me know what I’m feeling isn’t just me. Let me know you feel it too.”

  My panties were pushed to the side as he stroked the pad of his thumb against the bundle of nerves he’d caused to plump and pulsate with want. I withered against him, letting the sticky heat of passion flowing through me fuel my movements. His teeth nipped at my earlobe as he teased my entrance with his smooth fingertip.

  “Tell me,” he whispered.

  “I…want…you,” I panted as I reached around and locked my fingers through his hair.


  A sharp pain spliced through my neck as Randal’s fangs pierced my skin.

  I bolted upright in bed and captured the side of my neck with my hand. The memory of Randal’s fangs piercing me still danced on the edge of my thoughts. The area was tender to the touch, which freaked me out a bit. I pulled my hand away, searching for any traces of blood as though what I’d just experienced hadn’t been a dream, but some twisted, erotic hookup of the randomly strange kind.

  Thank goodness, there was no blood to be seen.

  The shrill sound of my cell ringing echoed through my apartment, causing my heart to pound in my chest. I flung my covers off and hurried to retrieve it from my dresser. If it was Randal calling, I was going to freak out. My eyes dropped to the screen to see who it was as soon as I scooped it up.

  It wasn’t him. It was Bree. “Hey, what’s up?”

  “I didn’t think you were going to answer. Is everything okay? You sound out of breath, or weird or something.”

  I tucked my cell into the crook of my neck, and then reached for a hair tie from on my dresser. My skin was clammy and hot from the sexy dream. “Yeah, sorry. I was sleeping. You calling sort of woke me in a panic.”

  “You were still in bed?” There was a high level of doubt etched into her words. “It’s after one, on a Sunday, and you’re trying to tell me that you were still in bed? I’m not buying it. You’re always an early bird, even with those strange hours at Spark. Are you sick?”

  I chuckled at her obvious shock. “No, I’m not sick. I had a late night.”

  “Late night?” The level of skepticism in her voice was hilarious. I knew she was ready to pounce on me for some juicy details as to why.

  A smile spread on my face as I thought about her reaction to what I was about to tell. “Yeah, I went to a club with Sage and this guy I met the other night named Dex.”

  “Dex? Is he single and cute? His name makes him sound single and cute.”

  I’d completely forgotten to mention my blind date to her. How was that even possible? “Yes to both, but he’s not my type really.”

  “Single and cute? Jesus, Kenna, what more could you ask for?”

  She had no idea, but I wasn’t about to get into it with her. Bree wouldn’t like what I had to say about all the things I had to consider nowadays before dating someone. While Dex did fit the bill for most of them, it didn’t feel right. We were definitely better suited as friends.

  “That’s all beside the point. I sort of met someone last night.” I chewed my bottom lip, wondering if mentioning Randal was a good idea. I couldn’t tell her much about him without wondering if she would catch on. Bree had always been inquisitive.

  “Oh, okay. Skimming over Dex and moving right along to this guy then. Tell me all about him!” The enthusiasm in her voice made me smile; I’d missed her so much.

  “His name is Randal, and he’s the owner of the club I went to last night.” I headed toward my kitchen, suddenly hungry for something to eat.

  “Cryptic much? Give me some specifics. What does he look like? Was he super interested in you?”

  I exhaled a long breath, wondering what details about him I could give her without rousing more questions.

  “Dark hair, weirdly hot charcoal-colored eyes, and taller than me by about a foot.” I grabbed a yogurt out of my fridge.

  “Sounds promising.” Her tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth, and I knew she was thinking of another question to ask. “How old is Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome?”

  I fought back a chuckle as I thought of the real answer to her question. “I think he’s a few years older than me, maybe twenty-five.”

  “You didn’t ask?”

  I peeled the top off my yogurt. “Nope.”

  “I would have,” she muttered. “So, did you sit and talk the night away like long lost lovers? Did you dance all chemistry charged until you thought you were going to orgasm on the dance floor? Did you even give him your number?”

  I laughed at her boldness. Dear God, I had missed her.

  After answering all her questions as best I could, we somehow jumped to the topic of her wedding. While I was happy for her—she was my best friend—it was still strange how different our lives were now. In the span of a year, I felt like everything about our lives had changed. Bree had gotten engaged and moved away while I had become something I thought only existed in books and on TV. It was sad how fast the changes had happened.

  Before long, our conversation had ended, and we were hanging up. I was left with the same hole inside my chest I always seemed to harbor when I got off the phone with her, the one that made me nearly cry because I missed my best friend. I missed the way we used to be, how I never had to edit the things I wanted to say, because I wasn’t hiding anything from her. It would be nice to go back to those days, but I knew it wasn’t possible.

  A succubus was who I was now and forever.

  After I finished my yogurt, I made myself something to eat and a cup of tea, and then began picking up my apartment. Around four, I decided to take a shower and get ready for work. When I got out, there was one missed call on my cell. It was from Randal. My heart pounded when I noticed he had left a voicemail. I tapped play and then put the phone to my ear.

p; Randal’s sexy, authoritative voice flowed through my speakers, making my heart pound in my throat. He had a real man’s voice. It was deep and rich without trying. It pulled me to him like nothing I’d ever felt before.

  “Hello, Kenna. This is Randal. I was calling to see if you might be interested in having coffee with me tonight?”

  He sounded so refined and suave. My cheeks heated as a goofy grin plastered itself on my face. After the dream I had of him, I wanted more than just coffee with him. Sage would just have to get over it. I was going to give this guy a shot and see where it went. I deserved to.

  “Please feel free to call me at this number when you get a chance. I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.”The message cut off then. Chewing the inside of my cheek, I stared at my cell screen. Should I call him back? Would I seem too eager? If I made him wait at least an hour or so, would I seem too busy and unattached? I didn’t date, not like this, not for real, so I wasn’t sure what the protocol was for this situation. Before I could debate anymore with myself, my thumb tapped on his number.

  The sound of ringing filled the silence of my apartment, and I quickly put my phone to my ear. I bit my bottom lip while I waited for him to answer. My heart palpitated in my throat.

  “Kenna.” He answered after the fourth ring. “I’m so glad you decided to return my call.”

  “Hi.” This man’s voice was like velvet caressing my skin. I would have been stupid not to call him back. “I’m sorry I missed it. I was in the shower.” Ugh. Why couldn’t I have just left it at sorry I missed your call?

  He chuckled and I felt my knees weaken. “Like I said in the message, I was wondering if you would like to meet up for coffee tonight. Do you have any previous engagements planned for the night?”

  Previous engagements? The words floated around in my head for a bit, stroking at my desire to be in his presence.


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