Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 19

by Jennifer Snyder

  “No. Wait.” He reached out and grabbed my wrist. The sudden contact made the coldness of the wraith go haywire. “Please, I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I only meant you don’t look like you’re feeling well tonight. I’m sending you home to rest.”

  I glanced at where his hand was wrapped around my wrist. It was the first time he’d touched me. While I wanted to relish in the sensation of warmth it caused to spiral through my core, I couldn’t because the damn wraith was freaking out inside my chest.

  “It’s okay. I get it.” I forced my lips into a small smile, one I hoped looked genuine. “You nailed it. I’m not feeling well. Thanks for noticing and letting me dip out early.”

  “You’re welcome.” He moved behind the bar. “Take tomorrow night off too.”

  My smile widened. He’d done me a favor without my having to ask. Now, if I got Lexy’s whereabouts out of Luke tonight, I wouldn’t have to ask for time off tomorrow so I could find her.

  “Okay. Thanks.” My grin disappeared as a sudden onslaught of nausea from my hunger hit me. I swallowed hard, thinking there was a good possibility I might lose my last meal right in front of him. “I’ll see you Wednesday night then.” I grabbed my stuff from under the bar and rushed to the restroom, hoping I would be able to make it in time.

  Chapter 5

  A cool breeze swept through the rolled down windows of my car. It soothed my hot face and eased my nausea. I had been sitting in the parking lot of Spark, waiting out the rest of my shift, because there was no point in going home when Dex was supposed to be meeting Sage and me here to carpool to Love Potion #9. Plus, I felt horrible. There was no way I was driving anywhere.

  I hugged the steering wheel, enjoying the cool sensation of it against my skin. This would be the one moment when the wraith’s coldness would be welcomed, and where was it? Dormant inside me somewhere.

  I pressed my forehead into the crook of my elbow and sighed. A few seconds later, my eyes closed and I slipped into a peaceful state somewhere between sleep and awake.

  “Hey, um, are you okay?” A male voice drifted through my consciousness, and I bolted awake. I sat up too quickly, causing my head to spin.

  “Yeah. I’m fine.” I rubbed my temples.

  “I just wanted to check.” His voice was low and sweet. I looked up at him through my lashes. His hands were in front of him in a submissive pose. “Have you been drinking?”

  “No.” My answer didn’t seem to subdue his worry. I could still see the speckles of muddy yellow dancing through his aura.

  “What are you doing out here all alone then?” The raw concern in his voice threw me.

  Who was this guy? “I’m waiting for someone.”

  “When is he supposed to be here?” His voice was calm and soft, as though he were speaking to a small child. It was clear he didn’t believe I hadn’t been drinking. Why would he? After all, he had found me sleeping in my car outside a nightclub.

  I glanced at the clock on my dash, even though it wasn’t lit with numbers. My car wasn’t even turned on. “Any minute now.”

  Dex was supposed to be here at two-thirty. It had to be close by now. Plus, Sage should be walking out any second.

  “I don’t think he’s coming. The club closed about twenty minutes ago.” He squatted down until he was eye level with my open window. “Do you need a ride or anything? Maybe I could call someone for you?”

  I caught traces of his natural yellow aura. He was upbeat and optimistic, friendly and easy-going—everything I needed right now. It was the perfect aura to rid me of this sickness festering in my gut.

  “No, but would you sit with me until my friend gets here?” It was a long shot. I wasn’t sure I harbored the type of pull anymore to make my request happen, but I prayed there was at least a single thread of it left that would force him to stay. I needed him. I needed his aura. And in order for me to get it, he needed to climb into my car.

  “Sure. Uh.” He glanced around. “Let me tell my friends what I’m doing real quickly.”

  I followed his stare to a small group. Two guys laughed as he walked up to them. I heard one of them say something along the lines of, “Sam the savior strikes again.” Pats on the back, smiles, and a few more jokes were exchanged between the guys, and then Sam was opening the passenger door of my car and climbing in.

  He smoothed his palms across the thighs of his jeans once he’d closed the door and situated himself in the seat. “So, I’m Sam. What’s your name?”

  “Kenna.” My voice sounded small and unsure. I could tell from the way Sam relaxed and softened his features that he had taken my tone to mean I was second-guessing allowing a perfect stranger to sit with me. This was far from the truth. I was second-guessing feeding from someone I could potentially run into again at Spark.

  Normally, I shied away from feeding from men I ran the risk of seeing again. It wasn’t because I feared they would remember what I had done to them; it was because my conscience couldn’t handle seeing them a second time after I’d stolen a helping of their energy.

  A hollow ache spread through my stomach, reminding me that I didn’t have much of a choice this time.

  I positioned myself so that I was facing Sam, and tucked one foot beneath me. There was a slight shift in the color of his aura now that he was able to look at me completely, but it wasn’t one I wanted. While I could tell he was attracted to me, concern for me was still prominent in his aura.

  “If you haven’t been drinking, then why are you waiting for someone out here in your car? Is the person supposed to take you home or ride with you?” His brows squished together when he spoke. The situation obviously seemed bizarre to him. If only he knew the truth.

  “Because I might have lied.” I leaned forward and ran my fingertip along his forearm.

  My insides cringed from the gesture. Generally, I wasn’t this forward with guys of his type, but this situation called for me to put a rush on things.

  “You might have lied about what?” His lips twisted into a nervous smile. Sam apparently wasn’t the most confident guy. I liked that about him. It also served as a reminder that I needed to take a little time with him; he wasn’t the type to enjoy it when a woman lip-locked him from out of nowhere;unlike my more egotistical meals had in the past. The problem was finding a balance that would benefit us both.

  “I might have had a little bit to drink.” I trailed my fingertip up his arm and along the side of his neck. My breathing ceased as I waited to see if he would lean away from my touch or remain where he was. It was important that he either remained where he was or leaned forward. “Have you been drinking too?”

  He shook his head. “Nah, I don’t drink. I only came because some friends asked me to.”

  I leaned closer. I needed to get this over with before Sage or Dex came. There was no way I was going to feed in front of them, and it wasn’t possible to hold off for another night. “What’s the fun in that?”

  “I don’t need alcohol to have a good time.” He shrugged.

  I thought he would shift away from me, but he didn’t. His aura was suddenly splattered with the deep, lustful color of red I wanted to see. Apparently, my succubus allure wasn’t totally tapped out.

  “That’s a good way to go through life.” It was, it truly was, and any other time I would have been completely moved by his admittance and words of wisdom, but right now all I wanted was to kiss him.

  Unable to control myself any longer, I erased the remaining inches between us and grazed my lips across his cheek, making my way toward his mouth. I hovered above them, my lips trembling from the closeness. I could see his heart thumping wildly against the flesh of his neck. Its erratic beat brought his aura to life. It pulsated with a mixture of all he was feeling—desire, worry, confusion—calling out to me even more. Without thinking for a second longer, I pressed my lips against his.

  The wraith made itself known. I could feel its sub-zero temperature burning me as it traveled up my throat to meet the sl
ow trickle of Sam’s energy flowing into my mouth.

  A thought occurred to me: My succubus side wasn’t hungry; it was the wraith.

  Fear coincided with the pleasurable sensations Sam’s aura sent through me, and my head swam with dizziness. What would happen after this feeding? Would the wraith be a larger presence inside of me?

  I pulled away, releasing Sam for a moment. Words formed along the tip of my tongue, shaped out of habit.

  Sam opened his eyes. A hooded look of lust sparked through the greens and browns that made up his eye color. He seemed to be waiting for me to make my next move. Guys like him let girls hold all the cards. A small smile graced my lips, because I loved sweet guys like him.

  “Can I kiss you again?” The words floated from my parted lips laced with so much seduction and yearning that it heated the air around us. I blinked, unsure of when I had decided to speak.

  “Sure, if that’s what you want.”

  Anticipation I couldn’t deny or fight surged through me. “It is.” I climbed over the arm rest and situated myself on his lap.

  His hands went to my hips. I could feel their warmth through my jeans. It was a stark contrast to the coolness swirling through my chest and climbing up my throat.

  Pushing away any feelings of apprehension, I reached up and intertwined my fingers with his thick, curly hair. I crushed my lips against his again and devoured his aura.

  My mouth slanted across his as the sticky heat of his lust for me coated my tongue. Spices filled my mouth while I continued to siphon Sam’s energy. Tendrils of iciness met with the heat on my tongue, creating a strange sensation I had never felt before. How my mouth could be cold and hot at the same time was mind-blowing. Sam’s tongue encircled mine, sending shockwaves of heat spreading through me that seemed to chase away the cold. The move had me feeling more turned on than I ever remembered while feeding.

  Usually, I was the one with all the power. I called the shots, even if that meant letting the guy think he was in control. Sam was different. The sensations he was eliciting from me only made me want more of him, so much more.

  The sensation of someone watching me prickled across my skin. Slanting my face, I glanced out my open window, but didn’t see anyone. Movement out of my vision line caught my attention, but Sam stroked his tongue against mine, winning the battle for my undivided attention hands down.

  My hands slipped from his hair and down the length of his torso, feeling the ridged muscles beneath his clothing. His arousal pressed against my inner thigh harder as his hands came around to cup my ass. I ground myself against him a little to see what reaction I would get out of him, enjoying myself more than I should be. A groan passed through his lips, breathy and hot. It charged the sensations flitting through me and caused me to kiss him even harder. Sam groaned again, but this time it sounded different. Less turned on and more agonizing. My eyes snapped open to find his aura shaded by large, wide spots of gray. My stomach grew rock hard, because I knew exactly what the spots meant.

  I was killing him.

  Chapter 6

  My heart thundered in my chest as I stared at him. His eyes, hooded with lust, held a dreamy quality. I had already taken too much energy from him. I released my grip on him, ignoring the ice-cold rage festering inside my chest, urging me to continue pressing my lips to his.

  The wraith was not in control. I was. This moment needed to serve as a reminder not only to the wraith, but also to myself.

  Sam’s head lulled back against the seat, lips parted. His eyes closed and his facial muscles grew slack. Typically, I would use this moment to mention something I felt might better my prey after our encounter. However, this situation had played out differently. Instead, I had taken what I needed most without thinking of giving anything in return.

  My stomach turned as guilt from my actions barreled through me.

  Slipping off Sam’s lap, I shifted back into the driver’s seat. The warmth rolling off him I had been soaking up died down to nothing the moment I did so. The coldness in my chest became more prominent, the urge to press my lips to his again nearly overwhelming. I wanted to scream. This was not me. This was not how I did things.

  “What happened in your car? Did you hyperventilate or something?” a familiar voice asked, startling me from my thoughts.

  Sage was walking toward me, her purse and jacket draped over her arm. I could pinpoint the exact moment she spotted Sam, because her right brow arched and a tiny gasp slipped past her lips.

  “Oh, I see,” she muttered in an accusatory tone.

  Embarrassment submerged my face in heat. As if her tone wasn’t enough to redden my face, I realized the windows of my car were completely fogged up from the heated make-out session. I turned the key in my ignition so I could roll up the driver’s side window, and then stepped out, slamming my car door shut behind me. There was no way we were taking my car to Love Potion #9. I would have to leave it here so Sam could find his way home when he came to.

  “Let’s not talk about it.” There was nothing to say. The old adage ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ seemed to fit fine.

  “Okay.” There was concern in her voice—something I didn’t deserve—as she eyed me.

  A heavy silence lingered between us. Running my hands through my hair, I attempted to pull myself together. The iciness of the wraith slithered through my chest. I pressed the palm of my hand there and attempted to rub the sensation away.

  “So.” Sage broke through the silence. “I’m guessing we’re taking my car then, right?”

  “Like you’d have it any other way,” Dex teased from somewhere behind me.

  “Well, considering Kenna has a guy that’s practically comatose in her passenger seat and you can’t drive worth a shit, I’d say you’re right.” Sage smirked.

  Dex pinned me in place with his chocolate-brown eyes. One of his brows arched upward as he continued to stare. “You have a guy who’s practically comatose in your passenger seat? Geez, I’m ten minutes late and I feel like I’ve I missed all the fun stuff.”

  “It’s not what it sounds like.” I grimaced while smoothing my fingers across my forehead. The beginnings of a tension headache stabbed above my brow.

  Dex crammed his hands into the front pockets of his worn jeans. “You okay?”

  “No. She’s not,” Sage blurted out before I could answer. “She has a freaking wraith inside her, Dex. Of course she’s not okay. Who would be?” There was almost too much venom in her words, but I chalked it up to Sage being her melodramatic, center-of-attention self.

  We started toward her car, which was a few spaces over, in silence. I could feel the tension surrounding the three of us, sucking all the air from my lungs and weighing on my shoulders. Gripping the handle to the back door, I glanced at my car. Sam was still in the passenger seat. From where I stood, it looked as though he had fallen asleep while waiting on someone to drive him home. The guilt-ridden emotions I’d been feeling were already shifting into the liveliness of Sam’s energy. There was still time for them to pierce me before every trace of remorse was devoured though.

  After I climbed into the backseat, I took inventory of myself, searching for anything different. The coolness that had been centered around my heart since the wraith entered me had swelled to new proportions in my chest. Worry it would spread further the next time I fed sliced through me.

  The next time? I mentally kicked myself.

  There would be no next time with this thing, because I was going to force Luke Bloom to tell me the whereabouts of his sister. Even if it was the last thing I ever did.

  My cell rang. I prayed it wasn’t Bree again as I dug through my purse for it. She’d called earlier, but I hadn’t answered. While I loved her to death, she was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. My heart kick-started when I saw it wasn’t her; it was Randal.

  “Aren’t you going to answer that?” Sage locked eyes with me through the rearview mirror.

  “Yeah.” I swallowed hard, and
then put the phone to my ear. My mind was racing a mile a minute, flipping through what Randal would offer for an excuse. “Hello?”

  “Hi. I was just preparing to leave a message. I didn’t think you were going to answer my call.” Randal’s voice was low and flustered; something I had never heard before. It brought a small smile to my face. “How are you feeling?”

  That was where he wanted to start? How was I supposed to answer that question? I couldn’t say I was fine, because I was far from it. I hope that he wanted the truth, because that was what he was getting. “Scared, confused, angry.Those would be the best words to describe me at the moment.”

  Dex turned in his seat to face me and whispered, “Randal?”

  I nodded in response.

  “That’s understandable, especially with the way I reacted to the situation.” Randal said.

  There was a pause I wasn’t sure how to fill. Part of me felt bad for him, while the other wanted to be a raging bitch.

  “I owe you an explanation.” Randal nearly whispered the words. I could hear all the heartbreak held within what he was preparing to say. I thought I knew where he was going with the conversation. The desire to stop him, to tell him Sage had already filled me in on the situation, rushed to the tip of my tongue, but he spoke before I could say anything. “My knowledge of wraiths stems from a situation involving my baby sister.”

  Hearing him label the sister who had been overcome by a wraith as his baby sister startled me. Sage had left that part out.

  “As I’m sure you can presume from my behavior, the incident with the wraith did not play out in my sister’s favor.” He paused and inhaled sharply before continuing. “She was reluctant to feed at first the way the wraith wanted her to. When she finally gave in to the temptation, it was as though she couldn’t quench the hunger raging inside of her. The wraith forced my baby sister to become a monster.” His last words cracked with emotion. I swallowed hard, hating he was choosing to tell me this over the phone. “While there is still no excuse for the way I reacted to your traumatizing event, I hope you can understand that it dredged up painful memories I would rather have never resurfaced.”


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