Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 31

by Jennifer Snyder

  Randal and Dex were already opening their doors and slipping inside the car when I walked up.

  “Are you okay?” The concern in Randal’s voice nearly pushed me over the edge. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes, but I refused to let them. I wasn’t one who cried often. Instead, I used the emotions to motivate me toward a goal. In this case, the goal was getting rid of the wraith so nothing of this nature ever happened again.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I’m fine.” I climbed into the passenger seat, ready to head to Avalon Bay and find Lexy. The wraith was not in control of me, I was.

  Ice spread through my center as though the wraith was uncurling and stretching its limbs inside of me. He had gained more power after that stunt, and this was surely my reminder. Wrapping my arms around my middle, I made a vow that I would do anything to rid myself of this evil.

  Randal cranked the engine of his car and pulled away from the rest stop, leaving behind one of the most horrible moments of my life. Relief should have been trickling through me, but it wasn’t. All I felt was a numbness I couldn’t shake. Shifting against my seat, I locked my gaze out the window. A warm hand clasped my knee. Randal was staring at me. I flashed him a small smile before turning to stare out the window again. He squeezed my knee, and the tears I had been struggling to keep at bay slipped from my eyes.

  As the sensation of numbness and emptiness continued for miles, I wondered if it was an aftereffect of the drugs the guy had been high on. Was that what he strived to feel while using?

  When I thought about addicts, I associated a desire to feel screwed up and incredibly high with them, but this was as if he didn’t want to feel anything, as though he wanted to escape from his emotions. I could relate, and for a split-second, felt I understood the need to feel nothing.

  Two hours later, we entered Avalon Bay. I scanned the lush green trees and large, historic buildings, enjoying the change of scenery. A few of the buildings I remembered from online, which perked my mind up. My eyes zeroed in on the street names as we passed. Sandbar Drive was the name of the road Lexy’s shop was on. I remembered it was a little street between two of the larger ones in the middle of the town, but I had yet to see it.

  “I booked us rooms at an inn instead of a hotel. I hope you are both okay with that.” Randal turned the radio down. “It was the closest I could find to Bloom’s Garden.”

  “Great. Thanks. So, how much do I owe you for the place?” Dex pulled on my seat, his head poking up from in the backseat. “I can pay you now or later; it’s up to you.”

  Randal came to a stop at a light and switched his blinker on. “You don’t owe me anything.”

  “You sure?” There was relief in Dex’s voice. While I was sure he had the money to cover his room, I bet he hadn’t planned to use it for something like this.

  “Absolutely.” Our light turned green and Randal turned onto Douglas Avenue.

  Two more turns later, we passed the road sign for Sandbar Drive. The desire to talk to Lexy bubbled through me. We were so damn close to her.

  “Rest,” Randal muttered. He placed a hand on my knee. “We each could use an hour or two to rest and gather ourselves before visiting Lexy. Besides, I think it would be best if we caught her as her shop is closing and is more likely to be devoid of other customers so that we may speak freely with her.”

  My lips pinched into a frown. I understood that he needed to get out of the sun, but I didn’t. Impatience twisted my insides. I wasn’t sure I could wait another ten minutes to talk to her, let alone a couple of hours.

  “But what if she closes her shop early?” I demanded, wondering if he had thought of the possibility. I needed to see her as soon as possible. Hadn’t he been the one stressing that issue the entire time? Why was he suddenly changing his tune?

  “She won’t.” He squeezed my knee once before letting go so he could cut the steering wheel to the right. “And if she does, I promise you we will track her down at home.”

  I blinked, taken aback by the determination in his tone.

  “We’ll find her, Kenna.” Dex placed a hand on my shoulder. There was so much loyalty in his words, in both of their voices, my chest expanded with warmth.

  How had I gotten so lucky to have these two enter my life?

  Randal came to a stop in a gravel parking lot in front of a large white house and cut the engine on his car. I slipped out of the passenger seat and moved to stretch my legs while taking in the place. It was a two-story white house with black shutters. There was a weather worn sign staked in the front yard that read: Welcome to the Historic Sea Breeze Inn.

  “Damn, that ocean smells good.” Dex inhaled deeply. “Clears my sinuses right out.”

  I smirked at him. “I’m guessing that’s a good thing.”

  “Sure is.” He grinned.

  “I’ll head inside and check us in. Dex, would you mind grabbing the suitcases? My time in the sun is coming to an end, I’m afraid,” Randal muttered.

  “Sure.” Dex moved to pop the trunk. “Not a problem.”

  I remained where I was, taking in the scenery. What little bit of Avalon Bay I had seen so far was beautiful. I could understand exactly why Lexy had moved here. A tiny piece of me hated that I was here to screw up her paradise by asking her to do something she had strived so hard to hide from. Clips of Sam and the janitor shifted through my mind, and suddenly, her paradise seemed worth screwing up for a little while.

  Chapter 24

  The room Randal had booked for us was large and luxurious. Light maple floors and soothing blue walls created a relaxing atmosphere. The furnishing and décor was minimal, but I felt it added to the relaxing vibe the owner was shooting for. A king-sized bed with a white down comforter brightened the area. There was a chaise lounge near the large window and a circular table beside it. The yearning to curl up with a mug of hot cocoa and a good book simmered through my veins.

  Randal dropped our bags beside the door and walked to the window. I watched as he gripped the thick navy blue curtains along either side and pulled them closed. Blackout curtains—I wondered if that was the real reason he had requested this place. The hint of a smile played on my lips as I thought of having to mention such an odd request each time you traveled. Surely, it wasn’t as common as asking for a pet-friendly room.

  “I apologize for depriving you of the view, but the sun is draining me.” Dark circles rimmed his eyes. I wasn’t sure how I had missed them.

  “It’s okay.” Guilt snaked through my gut. Obviously, I had been too preoccupied with my irritation about the delay in finding Lexy to see that the sun was taking a toll on him. “I have the entire time we’re here to enjoy the view.”

  I slipped off my shoes and crossed the room to climb onto the bed.

  It was soft and plush beneath me. The light scent of lavender wafted through the air. I felt the tension in my shoulders from the trip and everything that had happened along the way melt away.

  Randal shucked his shoes near the chaise lounge, and then loosened the buttons on his collared shirt as he walked toward the bed. “Are you tired at all?”

  I rubbed my right eye. Of course I was tired, but I wasn’t sure I would be able to sleep. There was too much zooming through my head from the trip, and besides, if I went to sleep, I would be sucked into another hellacious nightmare the wraith seemed to control. “I am, but I don’t think I’ll be sleeping anytime soon.”

  Randal sat on the bed beside me. “I can walk you into a safe place away from the wraith, if you would like, so you could rest for a while safely.”

  “Don’t you need to rest though?” While his offer was tempting, from the circles beneath his eyes, it was clear he needed rest. Creating a mental safe place for me to take a nap in seemed as though it would only exhaust him further.

  “The type of rest I need is not the kind you are thinking of, I can assure you.” He leaned back against the pillows and situated himself so that he was facing me with his head propped up by his palm. “I only need
a few hours out of the sun to recharge. Sleep long ago became something I do out of habit instead of necessity.”

  I was fascinated by this new knowledge. While Sage could move around on a cloudy day with the right clothing and a good pair of sunglasses, she still needed to be out of direct sunlight, similar to all the vampire legends I had heard. Maybe that was because she could be considered a young vampire when compared to Randal. His abilities must come with age. I wondered if his sisters were the same way.

  I shifted so that I was facing him with my arm tucked beneath my head. “Do Bianca and Arabella handle the sun and sleep the same way you do?”

  “Of course, but we only need an hour to two at most.” His lips curved into a small smile.

  My body relaxed into the pillows and mattress as exhaustion made my limbs grow heavy.

  “You need to rest.”

  He was right. I would need a level head when I finally confronted Lexy and asked for help. Rest was the only way to ensure that.

  “Take me someplace peaceful.” I peeled the covers back and slipped underneath them. “But, if the wraith works its way in, wake me up.”

  “Close your eyes.” His voice was low and gentle.

  I closed my eyes while wondering what I would feel and where he would take me.

  “Relax. You’re safe with me, Kenna.” His lips pressed against my forehead, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  I snuggled deeper into the blankets, inhaling the scent of lavender. Randal cupped my cheek, the pad of his thumb brushing along my jaw in soft motions. I yawned, and in seconds, I was drifting to sleep willingly.

  Fields of lavender swayed before me in a gentle breeze. I inhaled deeply, filling myself with the calming scent. Warm, strong arms wrapped around me from behind. I leaned into the hard body, knowing it was Randal without having to look.

  “Sit, and enjoy this peaceful moment with me.” His voice teased at my neck as he lowered us to the ground. “Is this a place you like, or would you rather I created something else for you?”

  A warm breeze blew through the tall stalks of lavender and caressed against my skin. I stared up into the pristine sky, taking in the clear blue that was broken up sporadically by large white, puffy clouds. “This is perfect.”

  “I’m glad you approve. My first thought was to create a beach scene, but you seemed to be enjoying the lavender scent across the blankets so much I decided against it.”

  “Lavender and vanilla are my favorite scents.” I shifted so I could look at him. “And now that we’re at the beach, I’m sure I’ll make time to take in the scenery at least once before we leave.” I nuzzled into his side, and closed my eyes. “This is nice. Thank you.”

  Randal wrapped an arm around me, pulling me closer and tucking me into his side. He hummed a tune that was soft and calming, a sweet lullaby. Another warm breeze drifted over me, and I sighed with contentment. This was the first time I had been able to rest without fear in days.

  Randal combed his fingers through my hair and continued humming as I enjoyed my moment of peace.

  My eyes fluttered open the moment he brought us out of whatever dream sanctuary he had created. I wasn’t sure how long we were there for, but I felt more rested than I had in forever.

  “Do you feel any better?” He smoothed a hand against my hair, and I realized we were lying in bed the exact way we had been in the field. There appeared to be more reality to these dreamscapes than I’d initially thought.

  “Yes, refreshed.” I stretched my arms above my head. “I needed that. Thank you.”

  My stomach grumbled through the silence of the room. I struggled to remember the last time I had eaten. When we stopped at the rest area, I bought chocolate, but I never did eat any. I had been too disturbed by what I’d nearly done to think of food.

  Randal chuckled, obviously having heard my ravenous stomach.

  “We should look for a place to eat along the way to Lexy’s shop.” He sat up in bed and reached for his cell phone.

  “Okay.” I pulled my hair down from the bun it was in. Using my fingers as a comb, I piled it higher on my head and then secured it with my hair tie again. “What time is it?”

  “A little after four.”

  My heart leapt to my throat. “Screw the food, we can eat after. I want to make sure we catch Lexy at her shop.”

  “Are you sure?” Amusement clung to his words.

  “Positive.” I slipped out of bed, and headed straight for my shoes.

  Five minutes later, we were standing at Dex’s door, which was two rooms down the hall from ours. I knocked and waited for him to answer.

  “Hey, I was wonderin’ when you two were gonna stop by. I was actually about to text you.” Dex shifted his gaze to me. “I thought y’all forgot to let me tag along.” The corners of his lips curved into a sly grin.

  “We would never,” I teased.

  “Didn’t think so.” Dex winked. He gripped Randal’s shoulder and squeezed. “You’re lookin’ better. Feelin’ okay now?”

  “Of course, I merely needed an hour or so out of the sun to recharge was all,” Randal said. “We were planning to get something to eat before visiting Bloom’s Garden. Are you hungry at all?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “We aren’t eating until we’ve found Lexy’s shop and spoken with her first.”

  “Whoa.” Dex tossed his hands up in surrender. “Simmer down there, darlin’.”

  “Sorry.” I tucked my hands into my back pockets. “I’m just ready to talk to her and find out if she can help me.”

  “Right. I got it.” Dex tossed an arm over my shoulders and steered me down the hall. “Let’s go find this witch, then.”

  Chapter 25

  My palms were sweaty as I gripped the handle on the door to Bloom’s Garden. We’d been standing along the sidewalk for the past few minutes, because I wasn’t ready to step inside yet. The place was open—there was a flip-card sign hung on the door—but I couldn’t bring myself to enter. How would I start the conversation with Lexy about why I was here? Would she be able to look at me and know there was something vile inside of me, and somehow be able to spare me the awkward moment?

  “Whenever you are ready.” Randal smoothed his hand along my back. “We will both follow your lead.”

  I nodded. Inhaling, I decided it was now or never, and pulled the door open. The scent of peppermint wafted through the air as I crossed over the threshold. A fluttering feeling passed through my stomach as my heart pounded hard and fast inside my chest. My eyes swept around the place, taking it in as I stepped farther from the entrance. The pictures I had found online sprang to mind. While everything was virtually the same, they hadn’t done the little shop justice.

  White cabinets and shelves lined the walls. Each shelf was stocked with vials and potion bottles in various sizes. All of them were the same dark shade of brownish black. White labels with green print wrapped around their middles. The only bit of color I noticed was the light maple hardwood floors and a few pictures of vibrant green herbs hung on the walls.

  “Hi, welcome to Bloom’s Garden,” a soft voice called. “Can I help you find anything?” Lexy was standing behind a cabinet, refilling containers of dark green leaves on a shelf. I wondered if it was loose-leaf teas.

  She brushed her hands against the sides of her denim capris and eyed us. It was clear she knew what the three of us were the moment she laid eyes on us. Her shoulders straightened, making me wonder what was going through her mind.

  Her head tipped to the side, and I realized then that none of us had answered her question. Randal and Dex seemed to be waiting for me to speak, but my vocal chords were frozen. I couldn’t think of a way to begin the conversation. There wasn’t a simple answer for her simple question.

  “Is there something you’re here for specifically?” Her words were still soft, but they had a sharp edge to them as well. She was becoming uneasy. “Okay, so I’m gathering you’re not here for natural cough medicine or tea to help you sleep.”
Her blue eyes darted between the three of us.

  “No.” I shook my head. “I came to ask for your help, and they came for moral support.” I nodded to Randal and Dex.

  Lexy walked behind the counter where the cash register sat. My eyes skimmed a wooden bowl filled with granny smith apples beside it. The apples and the dried herbs in the pictures were the only pops of color in the little shop, but somehow it didn’t feel sterile. It was calming, soothing somehow.

  “And what would you need my help for?” She picked up a bottle of water and twisted the cap off. “It must be something serious. I doubt you would need so much moral support accompanying you otherwise.”

  “It is.” I watched as she fiddled with some sort of diffuser sitting on the edge of the counter. She poured water from the bottle into it, and then added two drops of something from a brown bottle like the ones lining her shelves. The light scent of vanilla and patchouli mixed with something else floated to my nose the moment the machine turned on. It calmed my nerves and allowed me to say what needed to be said. “I’ve been infected with a wraith and need your help to get rid of it.” I thought about tacking a please on the end of my sentence, but thought better of it. It wouldn’t help sway her either way, so what was the point?

  Lexy arched a brow, but didn’t speak right away. “I’m sorry.” Her bright blue eyes looked pained. “Wraiths aren’t something that should be taken lightly, but I am afraid I can’t help you.”

  A lump formed in my throat. She had flat-out denied helping me.

  “If you understand the severity of situation, then you must know she will die if you do not help her.” Randal spoke before I could. His tone was low and controlled, nothing like what mine would have been if I had opened my mouth.

  “And she might still, even if I chose to help.” There was a serious air about Lexy I hadn’t noticed until now.


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