Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 47

by Jennifer Snyder

  Chapter 18

  To my surprise, I still had a job at Spark. Landon had called two hours before my shift to ask if I would go in a little early with Sage to help get everything up and going. He wasn’t feeling like himself, for obvious reasons, and preferred to stay as far away from thumping arteries of the human variety for the time being. I decided a little one-on-one time with Sage was exactly what I needed. No one besides his sisters knew Randal as well as she did. In my quest to come up with a solid reason to toss at Randal for why he couldn’t sacrifice himself for me, Sage might be the only one who knew of something that would hold any clout.

  When I stepped into Spark, I realized Sage wasn’t alone. She had brought Luke with her. Disappointment crashed through me, because I had hoped to be able to pick her brain in private. Now I would have to deal with all of Luke’s snide remarks or rude commentary.

  “Hey, there you are,” Sage said. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought an extra set of hands to help us out.”

  “No, that’s fine.” I didn’t see why she had brought him along, but okay.

  Abruptly, my mind jumped back to the party at Randal’s place. Sage and Luke had been there together. Were they a couple now? A smile stretched onto my face. Even though I found him to be annoying, I still saw humor in the situation. It looked like I had been right about him being her type after all. I wished I could ask her about it, but there were more pressing issues I wanted to discuss with her first. Time for catch up would come later. Hopefully.

  “Here is one of Landon’s many anal checklists.” Sage handed me a clipboard. “I’ll go over the other one while Luke restocks the liquor for us. Everyone else should be coming in soon, maybe an hour tops.”

  “Okay.” I took the clipboard from her and skimmed the list. It was for basic things like toilet paper in the bathroom stalls, trash cans emptied, and lights in the break room having been switched on. “This shouldn’t take too long.”

  “Mine either. I think Landon overreacts about things.”

  “How is he doing?” I hadn’t asked if he was okay when I spoke to him earlier, and now I wished I had. The words never made their way to my lips though. Plus, there was the fear his accepting his new fate so easily might have worn off in the light of day.

  “He’s dealing.” Sage leaned against the bar top. “Come one o’clock he was ready to claw at the walls, but that’s to be expected. Once he gets into a new rhythm, he’ll be fine.”

  “Yeah, doing things that avoid the sun,” Luke added with a smug smile as he moved some bottles of rum around. “He might as well deem himself a PMLE.”

  “What’s that stand for?” I hated it when people used acronyms. It was lazy and confusing.

  “Polymorphic Light Eruption. It’s when a person is allergic to the sun.” Luke winked. “What? Just because I’m attractive doesn’t mean I have to be dimwitted as well. Sometimes people are born with it all.”

  “Who would have thought there was a smart streak inside you?” Sage scoffed.

  I guess the old adage of ‘never judge a book by its cover’ was true, at least in Luke’s case. While I didn’t think he was completely senseless—how could he be when he created such amazing drinks targeted toward each supernatural and ran a thriving club—but I didn’t think he was a genius either. He surprised me, and from the look on Sage’s face, I wasn’t the only one.

  “So…why don’t we talk about those suction cup lips of yours, Kenna?” Luke had turned to face me with his arms folded across his chest. “I knew a succubus kiss could be deadly, but you really did a number on poor Landon.”

  And there was the arrogant ass that always came to mind when I thought of Luke. “It wasn’t me; it was the wraith. You know that.”

  “Ouch. Someone is a little touchy.” A grin slipped across his face. “Is it because you’re having issues choosing who you prefer to be with now that your crush has become a true candidate for your heart?”

  My brows furrowed. “What are you talking about?”

  How the hell did Luke know about my feelings for Landon? My eyes flickered to Sage. She was still leaning against the bar top, but she wasn’t looking at me. Instead, she was picking at her cuticles. Was Luke Sage’s walking diary now? What the hell?

  “Nothing.” Luke shrugged, and then crammed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “It was mentioned to me that you have had the hots for your boss, but never dazzled him with your succubus charm to get what you wanted from him because of certain fears. Now that you’ve crossed the line, and the worst is already behind you, will you dump the stuffy, old vampire for a young one?”

  “How is that any of your business?” I snapped. Luke was not a friend. He was an acquaintance, who happened to start dating my friend and was related to someone whose help I desperately needed. My love life should be of no concern to him.

  “It’s not.” Luke smirked. “I’m just intrigued, I guess you could say. Your situation has captured my attention.”

  “I have to say. I’m curious as well,” Sage added.

  My eyes narrowed as my jaw tightened. What was this? Why was I being put on the spot? “No. Randal and I are still together. There is nothing going on between Landon and me.”

  “I figured you would drop Randal and move in on Landon,” Sage said. “I never understood how the whole sire bond thing worked, but I’m getting the hang of it now. I can feel things Landon does. Earlier, when you called him, there was a sense of excitement that raced through him before he answered. It turned to tiny embers of desire once he heard your voice.” The persuasive tone to her words irked me.

  “Thanks for the info, but I’m not interested in Landon.” I gripped the clipboard to my chest and headed toward the bathrooms. This conversation was over. In fact, I couldn’t believe it had even taken place. “In fact, he’s been the last thing on my mind today.”

  “Right, the waning moon is coming.” Luke raised his voice so I could hear him. “Is Lexy making a trip here to do the spell, or are you going to her?”

  Curiosity hung in his words, but I was too pissed from the previous conversation to address it with the delicacy it deserved. “If you weren’t such an ass all the time, maybe your sister and you would be talking and you’d know the answer to that question for yourself,” I shouted over my shoulder, my feet still moving forward. “I’m not taking part in the spell, so I doubt she will be coming here.”

  Sage was in front of me in a flash, blocking my way to the women’s room. “What do you mean you’re not doing the spell?” Panic and concern flared within her words, but it never made it to her eyes. For a split-second I doubted her feelings were genuine. “That spell is the only way to save you.”

  Sighing, I shifted on my feet. There was no better time to drop the bomb of what the spell called for than now. “I can’t go through with the spell; it calls for someone to willingly sacrifice his or her life for mine, which is a cost I want no part in.”

  “Whoa, must be one potent spell.” Luke was right behind me. “And Lexy agreed to go through with it?”

  I spun to face him. “She did.”

  “Did she happen to tell you how it would affect her?” The worry in his voice was palpable.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I can see why she left her magic behind and decided to use natural healing instead.”

  “Natural healing?” Confusion furrowed his brows.

  The hint of a smile pulled at the corners of my lips. Luke and I hadn’t gotten a chance to discuss my trip to Avalon Bay or the well-being of his twin sister. “She opened her own natural healing shop called Bloom’s Garden. It’s filled with essential oil blends, specialty mixed teas, and loads of handmade items. Lexy might have chosen to discontinue her use of the magic she was born with, but that doesn’t mean she gave up helping people. She just found a new way, one that she can use without taking in anyone’s aliments.”

  “Wow.” Luke’s gaze had become glossy as he took in what I was telling him. It was a similar look to the
one that had been on his sister’s face when I updated her about his life after five years of being apart. The two really needed to reconnect. “That’s great.” His words were sincere and lacked their usual sarcasm. It was refreshing, coming from him. His hand came up to smooth along the back of his neck.

  “Back to the sacrifice of life,” Sage interrupted, cutting the moment Luke and I were sharing in half. “Have you not asked anyone? I mean, they don’t have to really die do they? Can’t she just place the wraith inside someone else?”

  I closed my eyes, remembering the way Lexy had worded things. “The wraith has already tasted my soul; if she were to pass it into someone else once it finished with them, it would come searching for me again.”

  “So you’re saying the person has to die, so that the wraith dies?” Alarm sparked within Sage’s question. All I had to do was look into her eyes to know her brain was on track with Randal’s decision. “You said you decided to not go through with the spell, but has someone said they would help you?”

  I nodded. Without having to utter his name, Sage’s fears were clearly confirmed. She smacked her hand against the wall.

  “No!” she shouted. It echoed through the narrow hallway that we were standing in. “You can’t let him, Kenna. You have to tell Randal he can’t do this for you.”

  “I did.” My words sounded hollow. “He won’t listen. It’s the same wraith who took Clara from him. He has it in his mind that by doing this he will not only save me, but her as well.”

  “Who’s Clara?” Luke asked.

  “Why would he think that?” Sage narrowed her eyes, completely ignoring Luke’s question.

  “Why wouldn’t he think that?”

  A growl of frustration spurred from her. “Damn him and his hero complex.” Sage smoothed her hand over her forehead and sighed. “You have to find someone else, someone Randal will allow to take his place, someone more deserving to give his or her life for yours.”

  “There isn’t anyone. That’s why I’ve decided not to go through with the spell. Even if there was, I couldn’t ask that of anyone.”

  “Okay, I’m going to ask again. Who’s Clara?” Luke inched forward. “And then I’m tossing this out to you: Why haven’t you asked your mom?”

  My mom? How did Luke know about my mom, and why hadn’t I thought of her yet?

  “Yes! Your mom!” Sage shouted. “You have to ask her to take his place. Randal won’t be able to deny her the right to give her life for yours, because he knows how validating the feeling of being able to save a loved one is. Luke, you’re a genius!” Sage lunged forward and kissed him.

  A large grin sprang onto his face when she released him. “I have waited so long to hear you say those words.” His smile grew. “Although, I had imagined them coming out in bed, while I was pleasuring you like no other ever has.”

  “Anyway.” I shifted my attention back to Sage. “I don’t know where my mom is. It’s not like I can just call her. We have never had a relationship that was remotely normal. I don’t even know where she lives.”

  “Try Club Lure,” Luke offered. “Succubi tend to frequent it while in the city.”

  “Where is that?” I’d never heard of the place. Was it another supernatural-only club?

  “I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it either,” Sage said.

  “That would be because it’s an underground club.” Luke smirked taking pleasure in knowing something we didn’t. “Which makes it incredibly illegal and devastatingly tempting.”

  “How do you know about it, then?” Sage was quick to ask.

  “Sometimes a man needs a little naughty fun to keep his creative embers flaring when in my line of work,” he answered.

  “Then Club Lure is a cookie-cutter version of your place?” Love Potion #9 had been almost too much for me to handle with all the fondling and half-naked people parading around, intoxicated by his Passion Potion concoction.

  Luke grinned wickedly and shook his head. Pink stained his cheeks a color I have never seen before on him. Luke wasn’t one to blush. “Oh, sweetheart, you are in for a big surprise if you think Lure is anything like my place. I wish I could be there when you visit, but I feel this place is one best taken in when you venture there alone.” He leaned forward, his lips nearly brushing against my ear. “Origin, don’t forget it.” His words were barely audible, leading me to believe they were something he didn’t want Sage to hear. Although, I didn’t understand why. Was this place that top secret?

  Chapter 19

  2271 West Ashton. Origin.

  I stared at the random text Luke had sent me. It must be the address for Club Lure. He had also added the strange word at the end he had mentioned. Again, I wondered why he hadn’t wanted Sage to hear it. Was it a code word to get inside? If that was the case, what happened within the walls of the place they were trying to keep people from seeing?

  The memory of Luke’s pink-stained cheeks floated through my mind all night. The place had to be crazy if it caused the owner of Love Potion #9 to blush like that.

  My cell chimed with another text as I continued through the parking lot. I glanced at the screen and noticed this one was from Randal.

  How was your evening? Did Landon make an appearance?

  I leaned against the driver-side door of my car, thinking of how to respond.

  It was interesting, to say the least, and yeah, he did come in. ~ Kenna

  The urge to mention Club Lure and see what he knew of the place burned through me, but I didn’t want to clue him in to the search for my mother and my reasons behind it. I had decided earlier in the night that keeping it a secret from Randal until I found my mother and talked with her would be best. If I could get her to agree—out of the goodness of her heart, which seemed like a long shot, but worth a damn try—then I would mention something. Until then, there was no point in getting him worked up or starting an argument.

  How did he seem to you?

  Obviously, he hadn’t seemed himself to me, but that probably had something to do with my knowledge of what occurred the other night.

  Okay, I guess. He didn’t stay long. I think all the people got to him. ~ Kenna

  An image of Landon’s pained face flitted through my mind. It must have been hard for him to be in a room with so many pumping hearts at once this early on. At the same time, it was probably just as difficult for him to stay away from Spark considering his perfectionist, detail-oriented personality traits.

  “You okay?” Sage had snuck up behind me. “Did you lose your keys or something?”

  “Yeah. No, I’m fine.” I waved my cell at her. “I was texting with Randal. He was asking how Landon did tonight.”

  “Oh.” She moved to lean against my car beside me. “He did okay, don’t you think?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “There were a few times when I was a little worried, but everything turned out okay.”

  “Tell me about it.” She tucked a strand of hair that had fallen free from her ponytail behind her ear. “I could feel his hunger bubbling through him at one point. Honestly, I thought I would have to rip him off someone before the night was over. I was glad he decided it was too much and went home.”

  I’d nearly forgotten he and Sage had such a close bond now. I could see where it would come in handy. “Me too.”

  “He’s supposed to come back in about an hour or so to make sure we finished everything on his checklist.” She chuckled. “I wonder what was harder for him tonight, dealing with the bloodlust or handing over complete control of his club to us.”

  I laughed, because I had had a similar thought. “I’m not sure.”

  Another text came through from Randal.

  Am I still invited to spend the night at your place?

  A smile twisted my lips. While I would be more than happy to spend time with him tonight, I would definitely have to have that talk with him about feeding the wraith with our raging libidos.

  Sure. See you soon? ~ Kenna

  Absolutely. G
ive me about an hour to finish up here.

  Okay. ~ Kenna

  “Randal again?” Sage nodded to my cell.

  “Yeah. He’s finishing up with a few things at Red River.”

  “Figures. Don’t let him turn into a workaholic. I think that is one of the most unattractive traits in a person.” She shifted away from my car. “That being said, I’m going to head back inside and wait for Landon to get here.”

  “Be sure you keep your own advice in mind.” I chuckled while moving to open my driver-side door.

  “Pssh, no worries there.” She waved my words away. “I’m not actually working, just sitting and using his Wi-Fi.”

  I climbed in my car and started for home. If I had an hour before Randal came over that gave me plenty of time to Google Club Lure and see if I could find anything on the place.

  I made it home in record time. After changing into something more comfortable, I curled up on my couch and brought up the search engine on my phone. Based on what Luke had told me of Club Lure, it didn’t come as a surprise when my search drew a blank.

  Apparently, the place was as underground as he claimed.

  Chucking my cell on the couch beside me, I abandoned my search after only three tries. With forty minutes remaining until Randal was supposed to stop by, I reached for my laptop and decided to focus on creating another pre-made for my website. Those seemed to be a hot commodity. I assumed there was an ease in purchasing covers the author didn’t have to get creative with. Writing a novel seemed as though it would tap out a person’s creativity. While my paranormal pre-mades seemed to be doing well, I knew there was a market for contemporary covers I would love to tap.

  Opening a new template on my photo manipulation program, I decided I would give it a go and see what I came up with. I already had numerous images of couples saved on my computer. While I had purchased them to use in a few paranormal covers, I was positive with the right coloring and background I could create a beautiful contemporary with them as well. Tucking my feet beneath me, I got down to work.


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