Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 50

by Jennifer Snyder

  His lips pressed against mine.

  My hands running through his hair.

  Our hands clasped together as we left Club Lure behind.

  My car, glistening in the moonlight.

  The backseat.

  Skin against skin.

  The feel of him inside me.

  His aura turning solid gray as I kissed him, unrelenting to release.

  A body slumped in front of me, devoid an aura, motionless.

  Chapter 5

  My eyelids fluttered open. Confusion spellbound me as I struggled to pinpoint where the hell I was. Last I remembered, I was in my kitchen. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear a haze from my eyes. The floorboard of a car came into view, followed by the sight of a guy sprawled beneath me. I pushed myself off him, my heart beating frantically. Fear clenched my gut, making my limbs shaky. I pressed my back against the door behind me, wanting to be as far away from the guy as possible.

  This was my car, but I had no idea who he was.

  My trembling fingers found their way to my lips; they were tender to the touch and swollen. I struggled to remember details from how I had gotten here, who he was, and what happened. It was a solid blank. I couldn’t pinpoint an answer to any of my questions.

  Risking a glance at the guy, I took in his features in an attempt to jog my memory. His eyes were glossy, his face pale, and his lips were swollen and parted as though I had given him the kiss of death. There wasn’t a smidge of his aura remaining. Bile rose up the back of my throat.

  He was dead.

  I had killed him.

  Whoever he was, I had ended his life with a simple kiss. Clips of memory cut through my panic.

  His lips pressed against mine.

  My hands running through his hair.

  Our hands clasped together as we left Club Lure behind.

  My car, glistening in the moonlight.

  The backseat.

  Skin against skin.

  The feel of him inside me.

  His aura turning solid gray as I kissed him, unrelenting to release.

  A body slumped in front of me, devoid an aura, motionless.

  Saliva pooled in my mouth as nausea rolled through my stomach. I had slept with him, and then drained him of his essence. My vision grew unfocused as it blurred with unshed tears. I placed more distance between us until the hardness of the door dug into my spine as deep as it could. The need to get out of here, to get away from the guy, burned through me. What was I supposed to do now? My mind raced as my heart thundered out of control. Where was I? Cell phone, where was my cell phone? I needed to call someone for help.

  Shifting to my knees, I prayed I had brought it with me. I riffled through clothes tossed around my backseat while being sure not to touch the guy. My bra, dangling from the back of the passenger seat, caught my attention. It swayed from my frantic movements. The sight of it had me focusing on the fact that I was naked.

  I’d screwed him, and then killed him with a kiss.

  I was a fucking black widow.

  Sobs shook my body while remorse and disgust for what I had done barreled through me. I struggled to pull my clothes on while wiping away my tears. Once I was dressed, I slung the backdoor open, and fell out of the car into the chilly night air. Gravel dug into my hands and knees, but I didn’t care. I was away from him. I could breathe.

  I inhaled a few shaky breaths and gathered myself. Glancing around, I took in my surroundings. It was time to decide my next move. I couldn’t sit here and cry. I needed to pull it together.

  Figuring out where I was seemed like the best place to start. Making my way to my feet, I glanced around. I was in a parking lot, but I wasn’t sure where. An abandoned building stood in front of me. After seeing the magic concealing Club Lure, I didn’t trust my eyes. The place could be anything. How could I explain to someone where I was if I didn’t even know?

  Who could I even call?

  911 was out. The guy was already dead; nothing they could do would bring him back. I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing I could call Randal, but he was still missing. I ached for him. He would know exactly what to do, and his rich voice would soothe my frazzled nerves. Another sob fluttered past my lips. I missed him.

  A rusted sign that read Trader’s Mill caught my attention. I didn’t know what road I was on, but Trader’s Mill had to be a good starting place. I clamped my lips together, thinking of whom I could call for help. Sage and Dex came to mind.

  I needed a phone first though.

  I yanked open the driver’s side door and ransacked the front of my car, searching for my clutch or cell phone. Sickness sloshed in my stomach at the sight of the guy in my peripheral vision. He was dead. I had killed him. The wraith stretched out inside my body. I could feel him, pulsing through me with an icy sensation. I could taste his satisfaction on the tip of my tongue. He was pleased with his work tonight. My throat burned with the threat of more tears. I hated him. I was unclean now, tainted by death, thanks to him. The impurities of the night polluted not only my soul, but also my aura and the essence of who I was. I would never be the same again. Something inside of me had changed, and I was positive it wasn’t for the better.

  You are right, my sweets, the wraith cooed. After tonight, you will thank me because of what I have done for you.

  No, I thought to him. I’ll never thank you for anything. Ever.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I focused on placing my brick wall between the two of us. There was enough going on, and I didn’t need to have the wraith’s commentary adding to my panic. My fingertips brushed against my purse beneath a pair of crumbled jeans. Any concentration on the wall disintegrated as relief surged through me. I pulled it out and fumbled with the clasp to open it. The second my fingertips brushed the coolness of my cell a loud sigh of relief escaped me.

  I scrolled to Sage’s number, but hesitated before calling. I wasn’t sure I should bother her this time. Fear she would think I was using her to clean up all of my messes rippled through me. I didn’t want to piss her off. Instead, I scrolled until I found Dex’s name, deciding maybe it would be best if I split my screw-ups between the two of them.

  All the breath left my lungs. How could I think of what I had done to that poor, innocent guy as nothing besides another screw up? What the hell was wrong with me? Nothing was wrong with me because it wasn’t me. It was the wraith. This entire situation was his fault. I would never have hurt that guy intentionally.

  If that’s what you want to believe, the wraith whispered.

  Ignoring him, I tapped on Dex’s name and pressed my cell against my ear.

  My heart kick-started in my chest as the phone continued to ring. I couldn’t breathe. Dizziness swept through me. I was on overload.

  “Hello?” Dex’s sleep-ridden voice caused the tears I had been forcing back to flow from my eyes. I couldn’t find my voice to answer him. “Kenna, darlin’, is everythin’ okay?” There was raw concern etched in his voice.

  “No.” I sobbed.

  “Did you find Randal? Is he all right?”

  I closed my eyes and hung my head. A deep sigh expelled from me. “No. No one has found him yet.”

  “Okay, so what’s the matter then, sweetheart?” His tone was alert, letting me know he was one hundred percent awake now.

  “I did something horrible.” The words rushed past my lips without hesitation.

  “What did you do?” He pressed when I didn’t give him anything more.

  “I let the wraith take over.” My heart pounded so hard I was sure he could hear it through the phone. “I killed someone tonight because of it.”

  “You did what?” Traces of disbelief leaked into his words.

  “I killed a guy. I’m a murderer.” Sobs choked off my words, the reality of the situation finally sinking in. “I don’t know what to do.”

  “Okay, calm down, darlin’, and tell me where you are.” His voice was steady and strong. How he had managed to gather himself so quickly I wasn’t sure, but I wa
s glad he had.

  “I don’t know.” I sniffled, as I attempted to pull myself together. “Some rundown building with a sign saying Trader’s Mill.” I spun, searching for anything else that might give him a clue as to where I was, but there was nothing. This place was in the middle of nowhere. I was lost, and I had a dead guy in my backseat. How was this my life right now?

  Prickles of heat rippled along my skin, sending alarm buzzing through my chest. It was such a different sensation then what I had grown accustomed to since being infected with the wraith.

  “Trader’s Mill. I know where that place is. It’s outside the city. I used to meet with some other wolves there sometimes during the full moon.” The rustling of denim being slipped on carried through the phone. “I’ll be there as soon as I can, sweetheart. You’re okay, and remember, this wasn’t somethin’ you did. It was that damn wraith.”

  “Okay.” I exhaled a deep breath, trying to calm my pounding heart.

  Once I hung up, a white hot sensation slipped along my spine. The pain from it was so strong that it caused my knees to buckle. Fear darkened my thoughts. Was this what it felt like for the wraith to take over completely? Shouldn’t there be coldness instead of heat?

  Each time I had allowed myself to envision this moment, I imagined it would feel as though I were drowning in frigid water, same as when I had been infected. Heat was something new and unexpected.

  By the time the blinding pain had subsided, a fine mist of sweat coated my clammy skin. I gathered myself and moved to lean against the hood of my car. The heat I’d felt rippling along my spine returned, this time heightened. My teeth clenched together as I rode out the next wave of pain. I imagined this was what it felt like to give birth and decided right then I was never having kids.

  Another slow burn danced along my spine and between my shoulder blades beneath my skin. Something was happening. I prayed Dex hurried, because I was about to freaking lose it. I hunched over the hood of my car, pressing my face against the cool metal.

  Time passed slowly as I waited for him. Clouds rolled in, and a light mist formed through the air. It felt wonderful against my skin. I slipped to the ground beside my car as another spasm of pain nearly caused me to cry out. What was happening to me, and why wasn’t the wraith gloating about it in my head? He was eerily quiet.

  Headlights swept over me as the loud roar of an engine met my ears. I prayed it was Dex. It had to be. I knew he drove an old Bronco, but I had never taken in the details of it until now. It was dark blue with a glossy black stripe around the middle. The wheels were too large for the vehicle, but I assumed from the heavy mud caked in them he had them for a reason.

  Dex cut his engine and was out of the vehicle in seconds. He dashed to me and wrapped me in his arms. I didn’t lean into him. I couldn’t. He shouldn’t be consoling me; he should be disgusted by me and what I had done.

  “You all right?” His lips pressed against my forehead in the softest of kisses.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think I will ever be, not after this.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.” He pulled back and met my stare. “It was the wraith’s doin’, not yours. I want you to remember that.”

  My insides twisted as I debunked his words in my head. “I’ll try,” I whispered, knowing it was what he wanted to hear, even if there wasn’t any truth to the words.

  “Let me see what we have here.” Dex released me. My body fell slack, as though he had been what was holding me up. My bones were Jell-O, my soul shattered. “We can fix whatever it is. I promise.”

  There was no way to fix this. Nothing was broken. A person had been murdered. I swallowed the argumentative words clawing their way up my throat. Dex couldn’t turn back time; all he could do was get rid of the guy. Before I could think too much on if that was what he had meant, the burning sensation throbbed along my spine and bit at the area between my shoulder blades again. My teeth clamped together as the pain nearly brought me to my knees.

  “I know a guy. He helps in situations like this.” He was so calm. Why was Dex so calm? How could he be? “It’s sort of his job,” he muttered, oblivious to what I was feeling.

  His demeanor irked me. I didn’t deserve calm. I didn’t want calm. Loud, crazed yelling was what I wanted. I wanted to hear him say this was horrible. I wanted him to be sickened by me. My conscience could handle it a hell of a lot better than this soft-spoken, kind-hearted treatment I was receiving.

  The distinctive pop of my backdoor opening pulled me from my thoughts. A wave of nausea crashed through me, making my mouth water with the promise of vomit. An urge to flee powered through me. Pain radiated along my spine again, this time feeling closer to knives slicing through the skin from the inside out. Heaving breaths pushed past my parted lips, and I had to lean against the side of my car to keep myself standing.

  “I’d say the guy died havin’ the time of his life,” Dex joked. “But, then again, it might not make you smile the way I hope.”

  His words were distorted and far away, even though I knew he was close. My breath caught in my throat as darkness feathered the edges of my vision. A rippling sensation spread down my back, causing my teeth to grind together. Skin moved along my spine. It shifted and rolled as though it were harboring a creature attempting to bust free.

  Abruptly, the pain hit a whole new level, and I wasn’t sure if I was going to puke or pass out. My knees buckled, and I felt myself fall to the gravel. The sharpness of the rocks stabbed into my palms as I caught myself before landing on my face. A scream pushed past my lips as the sharpest surge of pain I had felt yet ricocheted through my insides with a blinding force.

  “Kenna, what’s wrong?” Dex was at my side. His face pinched with worry.

  I opened my mouth to answer him, but no words came, only a bloodcurdling scream as whatever was inside of me tried to get out. It clawed at my spine, pinching, pulling, and tearing it to shreds in its attempt.

  “You’re freakin’ me out, sweetheart. Talk to me. Tell me what’s goin’ on.” Dex’s voice was distant, morphed, and distorted. I could feel him touching me. If I forced my eyes open, I could see he was close, but his words sounded too far away. Everything was muffled by the sound of my heavy breathing and thundering heart.

  Someone stabbed me between my shoulder blades, or at least that’s what it felt like. The ring my mother had given me glowed, its bright red color throbbing in sync with my erratic heartbeat.

  Something was happening to me, and while I had no idea what, I knew it had everything to do with my being a succubus. The ring confirmed it.

  Chapter 6

  Starbursts danced behind my eyelids. I was seconds away from blacking out when relief decided to grace me with its presence. Shuddering breaths pushed past my quivering lips, as I opened my eyes. I blinked, trying to focus on the bits of gravel beneath me.

  “Holy hell.” Dex’s startled voice cut through the heavy silence. The sense of wonder in his tone piqued my interest. I glanced at him. “I’ve never seen a succubus demon transform before.”

  My breath ceased. Transform? What was he talking about? Was someone else here, or did he mean me? Surely he didn’t mean me.

  Fear prickle along my skin. Holding my breath, I twisted to glance behind me.

  A pair of large, black, feathered wings was spread above me, fanning out into the cloudy sky. I pushed myself up until I was resting on my knees. The wings moved with me, pressing against my car as they conformed to the tight space. An uncomfortable pressure built along my back, and I shifted away from the car. Instantly, the sensation eased.

  The wings were mine. They were attached to me.

  My hand trembled as it moved to touch along the base, where they seemed to be protruding from the area between my shoulders. The same area had burned and rippled with blinding pain earlier. Everything I’d felt had been them bursting free. I was sure of it. How was that possible? Had I always harbored a set of gigantic wings beneath my skin? Coldness shifted through my core.

  You’re welcome, my sweet succubus. The wraith’s voice was louder and clearer than ever before. My stomach grew rock hard as I realized he had gained more power than I thought by killing the guy.

  The guy.

  How could I have forgotten about him? What kind of person was I if I could forget him so easily? My eyes drifted toward my car as I stood. All I could see was his bare foot. It was pale, bluish even. The ground spun below me, and I gripped the car door for support.

  “They’re beautiful,” Dex muttered from behind me. His tone made him sound as though he were mesmerized by the sight of them. When I shifted to look at him, an expression of awe was plastered on his face. “You’re beautiful in your transformed state, darlin’.” He stepped toward me.

  My teeth sank into my bottom lip. How could he be so awestruck by this? I was petrified. After all, this meant I was a full-fledged succubus demon now.

  “I’ve never seen a succubus with her wings exposed.” He reached out and brushed his fingertips against my left wing. His touch could be felt all the way to my core. It was a strange sensation, one that made the fine hairs along the back of my neck stand on end. “Don’t be pissed at me for sayin’ this, but damn, sweetheart, you’re even hotter with these things.” Wonder and excitement merged in the flecks of green and gold within his eyes. I hated the sight of it. He should fear me, not be enticed by me.

  If I hadn’t thought of myself as a monster before, I surely did now.

  No, sweet succubus. Marvel in awakening the entirety of your succubus powers. I know I am. The smug sense of satisfaction hanging in the wraith’s words sickened me.

  Gripping my stomach, I continued to stare at Dex. I needed him to stop looking at me as if I was some beautiful fallen angel and instead see me as the monster I was.

  “Dex.” My voice was riddled with emotion. “What am I going to do?”

  “It’s okay, darlin’.” He blinked, as though my words had finally snapped him out of whatever trance he had been in. “I’ll call Jasper and see if he has time to swing by to clean this up for us.”


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