Succubus Kiss The Complete Series

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Succubus Kiss The Complete Series Page 54

by Jennifer Snyder

  “Breathe, little succubus.” Jasper coaxed me. “We don’t need your wings releasing and slapping us in the face.”

  My stomach dropped to my toes. Apparently he wasn’t as professional as I’d thought.

  “What is he talking about?” Bianca eyed me.

  I averted my eyes to the floor. This was not a discussion I wanted to have. “I have wings now.”

  “Really?” Arabella asked. Awe ran through her tone. “Succubus wings are beautiful.”

  “The way they obtain them is not.” Bianca tacked on. Her tone was anything besides awestruck.

  Warmth danced along my spine. I focused on slowing my rapid heartbeat while trying to think of something more to say. Bianca judging me bothered me. I knew I shouldn’t care what she thought of me, but I did.

  “No, it’s not, but it happens. Let’s move on.” Jasper instructed. Obviously he had caught on to what a mistake it had been to mention my wings and was trying to end the moment. Thank goodness. “Kyra must have put the cloaking spell in place the moment they pulled up. She’s clever and strong enough to extend it with ease to the moment they leave.” His hands rested on the desk. “And there it is, exactly what I’ve been waiting to see.”

  My attention snapped from him to the screen. I didn’t notice anything at first, but as I looked closer, I spotted something odd about Randal. He was staring straight ahead with a dazed expression on his face as though he were in some sort of a trance.

  “What did she do to him?” The words fell from my mouth.

  “It has to be a spell.” Bianca rewound the tape. “Look.” She pointed to the screen.

  I watched as Kyra reached into her pocket and pulled out a dark satchel. Randal didn’t seem to notice; he was focused on whatever Sage was saying. My stare shifted back to Kyra. She had the bag open now and was dumping the contents into the palm of her hand. It appeared to be a powder the color of rust. When she lifted her hand and blew it in Randal’s face, my heart deflated.

  Kyra had placed a spell on Randal, and it was all Sage’s doing. I knew it was.

  “What is that?” Arabella beat me to asking.

  “Piper, does it look familiar to you?” Jasper asked the young girl. I clenched my jaw tight and fidgeted where I stood. Now was not the time to play teacher again. Didn’t he understand that? Where the hell was his compassion?

  “I have no clue.” Piper shrugged.

  “It’s a spell used to subdue someone. They call it a Static Spell.” Jasper ran a hand through his hair. “It’s pretty powerful stuff. The effects can last for days, sometimes even longer, depending on how fresh the ingredients are.”

  “But I thought magic didn’t work on supernaturals.” I knew the lines blurred, but I didn’t think they blurred that much. I’d never seen anything like this before.

  “In most cases, that’s true,” Piper informed me, drawing everyone’s attention to her. So far she had remained mute, as though she were soaking everything in. “But the type of magic Kyra uses doesn’t stem from something supernatural; it comes from somewhere else.”

  “I still don’t understand.” I didn’t. Wasn’t magic magic no matter how you sliced it?

  “As I’ve said.” Jasper took control of the conversation. “Kyra’s magic is something darker and different than our magic. Think of it as an entirely different race of magic dwellers than witches of the supernatural world. I can’t tell you the differences or even the similarities of the two, because I don’t know them myself. They stay to themselves, and so do we.” His words were said in such a simple way, as though there should be no room for question afterward.

  “It’s obvious whatever she used had an effect on Randal. Let’s just finish watching the footage,” Bianca insisted as she pressed play.

  Sage didn’t seem to flinch at the sight of the rust-colored powder floating into Randal’s face. She most likely had expected it. I watched as Kyra folded the baggie back up and tucked it away in her pocket. Sage reached out and gripped Randal’s forearm, pulling him with her toward her car. She said something, but without any audio I couldn’t be sure if she was talking to Randal or Kyra. Once Randal was situated in the backseat, Kyra and Sage climbed in the car.

  Then they were gone.

  “That little bitch,” Bianca hissed. She cut the screen off, and leaned back in her chair. Venomous anger radiated off her. “She abducted my brother, and then pretended to be as devastated about his disappearance as the rest of us.”

  “Why?” The confusion in Arabella’s voice was palpable.

  The room grew quiet, allowing the answer to form in my mind. Sage was trying to save Randal. She didn’t want him to sacrifice himself for me. Her reaction to the cost of the spell and to when I had mentioned how Randal offered to be the sacrifice consumed my mind. I was almost positive that was why she’d done it. She’d set up a meeting with him to try to talk him out of it. She must have known he wouldn’t change his mind, so she brought along Kyra to help her by any means necessary.

  I bit my bottom lip, realizing I was the only one privy to this information. Neither Bianca nor Arabella knew about Randal’s decision. Hell, I didn’t think they knew anything about the spell either. My hands trembled as worry from how they might react—mainly Bianca—shifted through me.

  “I think I know why.” My voice was low as I spoke. “I think it’s because of the spell Lexy plans to use to get rid of the wraith.”

  “Wraith? I’m not following.” Jasper narrowed his eyes on me.

  “I was infected with a wraith a while back.” My eyes shot to Bianca, and then back to Jasper. I still wasn’t sure if she was the person responsible for sending it after me, but if she was, what I was about to say next should make her feel like shit. “After tracking down Lexy Bloom, who I was told happens to be the only witch who can help me get rid of it, she told me of a spell she could perform that called for something precious as payment.” The remainder of my words seemed to have lodged in my throat.

  “Which would be?” Bianca pressed.

  I shifted my gaze to the smooth edge of the desk, unable to meet anyone’s stare. “Someone to willingly die for me.” The energy in the room grew tense, managing to suck all the air from my lungs.

  “No!” Arabella gasped.

  “Randal agreed to be this person for you, and Sage found out,” Bianca stated, able to jump to the conclusion I had just as quickly.

  I studied her, trying to determine what she was feeling. “Yeah.”

  “Well then, I guess I can’t be angry with her anymore.” She surprised me by saying.

  “Why is that?” I wasn’t following her.

  “She did exactly what I would have done.” There was no menace in Bianca’s words, only pure honesty.

  My lips pressed into a thin line, because she had a point. I wasn’t angry with Sage either. She was only trying to protect Randal.

  Chapter 12

  “Well, if that’s all we can help you ladies with we’ll be on our way.” Jasper once again broke the silence suspended between us. “Piper, why don’t you head to the truck and get me the paperwork I left behind.”

  “Sure.” She squeezed past me and headed toward the exit.

  “We still need to find Randal,” Bianca insisted. “Sage shouldn’t be allowed to contain him the way she is, regardless of her intentions. She should have come to either Arabella or myself before handling the situation on her own.”

  “I can’t help you there.” Jasper leaned against the wall behind him and crossed his arms over his chest. His eyes fixed on Bianca as a wry smile curved his lips. “But, I might know someone who can.”

  “And who might that be?” Bianca shifted her attention to him. I could be wrong, but I swore I noticed a tiny level of chemistry sparking between the two. I wondered if Jasper was Bianca’s type, or if she even had a type. I was positive she was a woman who intimidated most men.

  “Lexy Bloom.” Jasper’s smirk grew, as though he found the situation comical. “Not only is she
a pro at getting rid of things, but she can also draw shit out…or in your case, someone.”

  An audible sigh escaped me. By the end of all this, the thought of me would bring hatred bubbling to the surface of Lexy’s mind. I was positive. I’d flipped her entire life upside down by bringing magic back to her doorstep because of this stupid wraith and her inability to turn me away.

  “I’ll call her,” I offered. I needed to let her know I had decided not to take part in the spell anyway. I wouldn’t allow someone to give their life for mine. The only way I would be getting rid of the wraith was if she transferred it into whoever had sent the thing my way.

  “You should. My brother will not be following through with his promise to you, if that is what has you so lost in thought,” Bianca spat at me. “I will not lose him because of you.”

  “Bianca!” Arabella scolded. “Randal made the decision on his own. Kenna did not force him to agree to anything.”

  “Details of the conversation are of no importance to me. He will not be going through with the spell. Period.” Bianca narrowed her eyes at me further to accentuate her point.

  “I’m not going to argue with you. Contrary to popular belief, I never wanted him to go through with it in the first place.” My emotions were getting the best of me again. I could feel heat prickling along my spine and dancing between my shoulder blades. I exhaled a long breath before continuing. “I don’t intend to allow him to go through with it. He didn’t know anything about the cost of the spell until a few days ago. I kept it to myself and have had Lexy searching for another way ever since she mentioned the details to me during our trip.”

  “I take it she hasn’t found another way?” Jasper asked.

  “No.” My lips twisted into a frown.

  “That’s because there isn’t one,” he said. “Not unless Lexy is willing to work with a hoodoo practitioner.”

  My heart kick-started. What was he talking about? “Why hasn’t Lexy mentioned something about that?”

  Piper came breezing into the office carrying a booklet of papers. “Here you go.” She passed it to Jasper.

  “Which one of you ladies wants to foot the bill on this one?” He acted as though he hadn’t heard my question and shifted his stare between the three of us.

  “I will,” Bianca offered. Relief slipped through me. I couldn’t afford another bill from Jasper, not after the hefty price tag of the last one.

  “Great.” He handed Bianca the clipboard and a pen. “Just fill out the information and sign on the line.”

  Bianca took the clipboard from him and set it on the desk in front of her, her stare never wavering from his. “After you answer Kenna.”

  My heart thumped in my chest. I was learning quickly Bianca was the person to have on your side during times like these. She was intimidating as hell, which meant she got answers fast.

  Jasper’s gaze flicked to me for a split-second before shifting back to Bianca. “Absolutely.” There was a smirk twisting his lips that gave me the impression he enjoyed a woman with a little attitude, at least one who was as beautiful as Bianca anyway. “Working closely with a hoodoo practitioner would merge their magic for the length of the spell. It would result in one of two outcomes, either Lexy would lose her magic to the hoodoo practitioner in its entirety, or her magic essence would become altered in some way. I’m betting that’s why she hasn’t mentioned it to you before.”

  “How do you know so much about it?” Bianca asked, her intense stare unrelenting.

  Jasper shrugged. “People talk. I listen. End of story.”

  “Then you don’t know whether either would happen for sure?” Arabella chimed in.

  Jasper shook his head. “No, I don’t, but I’m pretty sure the risks involved are the reason Lexy hasn’t mentioned it.”

  The room fell into silence. Bianca picked up a pen, and began filling out the information on the clipboard. When she was finished, she held it out to Jasper.

  “Thank you for your services.” Her tone was professional, almost as though she were trying too hard to make it sound that way.

  “My pleasure.” Jasper winked as he accepted his paperwork. He draped his arm around Piper’s shoulders and headed toward the door. “Well, let’s get out of here, kid. Our job is done. You did great by the way.” He praised her as they pushed through the door.

  “Not bad for a first-timer?” The pride in Piper’s question was clear.

  I couldn’t hear Jasper’s response, but I didn’t need to. I knew he would tell her she had done well. Jasper was a decent guy with a wonderful knack for cloaking, and he seemed as though he had a large big brother streak when it came to his little sister. I knew Piper would become successful at cloaking because of it.

  Abruptly, my mind filled with thoughts of another big brother who cared deeply for his little sister. Thoughts of Randal and Clara shifted through my head. All he wanted to do was what he had felt he failed at so long ago. He wanted to save his sister’s soul from the wraith. The same wraith that was inside of me.

  I clamped my lips together. Arabella and Bianca didn’t know the semblance of this particular wraith. At least, I knew Arabella didn’t. I still wasn’t sure when it came to Bianca, but with how pissed she was at Sage for abducting her brother, I didn’t think she was the type to cross such a horrific family line in that way. Now I was back to thinking it was Natalia who had infected me with the wraith.

  “You need to call Lexy.” Bianca’s voice startled me from my thoughts.

  My eyes snapped to her. A serious expression had etched its way into her features. “Okay. And tell her what?”

  “Tell her we learned of another way to terminate the wraith.”

  “And if she doesn’t agree to use the new spell?” I knew where Bianca was going with this, the answer to my question burned through her eyes, but I asked anyway.

  “Tell her it is not up for discussion.” Bianca smoothed her hands over her hair as she leaned back in the overstuffed desk chair. It was clear tonight’s events had taken a toll on her as well. “This is the only way no one will die to save you. You should be happy about this, Kenna.”

  I was, to a certain existent. Sure, no one would die while performing this new spell, but Lexy might lose her magic. For good. Or worse, it might become altered somehow. There seemed to be a cost no matter which way we went. Maybe I needed to view this in terms of which spell’s consequences would weigh more on my conscience.

  “What do you plan to do to her?” Arabella piped in. Fear at what lengths her sister might go to make sure Lexy agreed to the new spell seemed to weigh down her words.

  Bianca’s eyes blazed. “Letting Randal sacrifice himself for Kenna is off the table. If there is no one else willing to take his place, and no other way Lexy can find to eradicate the wraith, then this is the only option. I have no issue doing whatever it takes to see that it happens.” The raw determination reflected in her brown eyes was frightening. “First, Kenna needs to call to ask if Lexy will be willing to help us track down Sage. We can discuss the new spell with her after.”

  “Why? Wouldn’t it be best if we track Sage down after the wraith issue has been taken care of?” Arabella asked. I understood where she was coming from. It seemed as though Sage having Randal locked away somewhere would keep him at bay until we could get rid of the wraith.

  “I don’t trust Sage.” Bianca glared at Arabella. “If she could go as far as kidnapping Randal, even if I do feel it was for the right reasons, I fear what else she may be capable of.”

  Sage could be unpredictable at times, but I didn’t think she would harm Randal.

  My stomach twisted with nerves. I pulled my cell out from my back pocket and dialed Lexy’s number. I needed to ask for her help. Again.

  Chapter 13

  I stared at the burnt orange I’d chosen for the title of the project I was working on, trying to decide if it meshed well with the other colors in the cover. With everything that had happened over the last few days, I had negle
cted Designs by Kenna. If I was ever going to be able to follow my dreams and become my own boss, then I needed to stop slacking. Besides, focusing on a new cover creation was the best way to distract myself from watching the clock in anticipation of Lexy’s arrival.

  The conversation with her last night hadn’t gone as well as I hoped. She’d mentioned she was running a business and couldn’t come and go as she pleased if she wanted it to be successful. I’d understood, especially when she’d tossed in the reminder that she was taking time off soon to come here and preform the spell for me anyway. I used that moment to let her in on my decision to not go through with her spell. While she’d understood my reason, she also stressed the outcome of deciding against it. I’d resorted to dropping the bomb on her about the spell Jasper had mentioned then. It wasn’t one she was familiar with. I caught her up to speed, believing she deserved to know all the details up front, which had been what she had done for me, but I was disappointed when she proclaimed to not want any part in the hoodoo spell. I’d understood her fear. Walking away with twisted hoodoo magic did not sound appealing. I was deflated after the call though. Bianca had taken her number from me shortly after, and I knew she would use something to persuade Lexy to agree to both.

  I was right because later that night, Lexy sent a text, asking if she could stay with me while she was in Newvale. Money was an issue due to the length of time she would be here, and rooming with her brother was out of the question. Apparently, they still had yet to reconcile their differences, whatever they may be. I told her she was welcome to stay in my spare room for as long as she needed. While I knew there had to be some sort of a motivating factor behind her quick change of heart, I didn’t ask. My heart couldn’t handle any more stress for one day.

  My eyes dipped to the clock in the bottom right corner of my laptop. Two fifteen. Lexy should be here any minute, and then I could ask her personally.


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