by Don McCullin
Fowles, John 310
Fox, James 143, 197, 198, 220, 288, 362
French Foreign Legion 3, 68, 143, 357
Frith, Francis 346
Frontline Club, Paddington, London 364
Frontline Freelance Register 364
Gaddafi, Colonel 144
Gale, John 47, 80
Gall, Sandy 193
Gaza, Palestinians in 234
George, Mark 317
Giap, General 87, 111
Giles, Frank 98, 195, 260, 277, 287
Glass, Charles 143, 310–14, 327, 330, 332, 333, 334, 336, 343, 344, 349; The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary 343
Glastonbury, Somerset 90
Golan Heights 103, 204–7
Gowon, General 123
Granta magazine 289, 290
Graves, Robert 116, 246
Gray’s Dancing Academy, Finsbury Park 40–1, 44, 49
Green Berets 162
Greene, Graham: The Quiet American 84, 337
Griffiths, Philip Jones 47, 52
Guardian 187, 290, 331–2
Guatemala 142, 170–1, 172
Gulf War, 1991 331, 332
Guv’nors, The (gang) 27, 28, 29, 38, 39, 39, 40, 41, 42
Hackett, Denis 49
Hadrian’s Wall 209
Hagen, Mount 141
Hamid, Dina Abdul 236, 237, 245
Hamilton, Denis 104, 108, 195
Hammersmith School of Arts and Crafts and Building, London 24, 25, 26
Hamza, Abu 341
Hannibal (Biafran colonel) 125, 126, 127, 128
Harding, James 351
Hargreaves, Roger 339
Harper’s Bazaar 327, 338–9
Harrington, Myron 116, 120
Harris, Kenneth 65–6
Hart, Alan 198
Hasanabad, India 173
Hastings, Max 279
Hausa, the 122
Havana, Cuba 97
Hearts of Darkness (McCullin) 243, 244
Hecht, Ben 237
Helvin, Marie 262
Henley, Paul 213–14
Heren, Louis 195
Hermann, Frank 204, 205
Herr, Michael: Dispatches 84
Hewa, the 141
Highway 13, Vietnam 198, 199
Hill, Jack 360
Hitler, Adolf 6, 10, 11, 154, 237, 239
Hoagland, John 265, 268–71
Hoare, ‘Mad’ Mike 73, 77–8, 79
Holden, David 186, 308
Holocaust 238, 361
Holy Joe’s, Highgate 26
Homecoming (McCullin) 242, 262–3; television version 292
Hopkinson, Cliff 42
Horst (German reporter) 87
Hue, Vietnam 87, 109–17, 110, 118–21, 137, 337
Hughes, Dick 244
Hussein, King of Jordan 160, 163, 164, 235, 236
Hussein, Saddam 310–11, 312, 313, 314, 331, 333, 334, 335
Ibo tribe 122–3, 137
Ihrt, Fred 207
Illustrated London News: DM’s Vietnam assignment for 83, 84–6
Imperial War Museum, London 278–9, 343
Independent 311–14
India 88, 138–9, 172, 173, 251, 261, 316, 320, 321, 362, 366
India (McCullin) 321
Indo-Pakistan war, 1965 172
In England (McCullin) 341
International Center of Photography (ICP), New York 357
IRA, Provisional 178–9
Iran 243, 246–52, 253, 311, 313, 314
Iraq 252; Gulf War, 1991 and 310–14, 330; invasion of, Allied, 2003 331–6, 344
Irgun 102, 237–8
Isington Mill, Hampshire 107
Isis 354, 360
Islamic Front 361
Ismailia: DM’s national service 34–5
Israel 237; Beirut bombing, 1982 280–5, 284; Six Day War, 1967 98–103, 104, 107, 115, 161, 204, 207, 234; Yom Kippur War, 1973 3, 204–7
Jack, Ian 261
Jackson, Peter 276
Jacobson, Philip 207, 265, 267, 271, 288, 362
Japan 22, 209, 363
Jerome’s, Holloway Road 27
Jerusalem 3, 99–103, 111, 115, 161
Jeunesse see Simbas
Jihad, Abu 237
Johnson, President Lyndon 86
Jonathan Cape 310, 329, 338, 341, 343, 345, 347
Jordan 3, 101, 102, 160–3, 221, 235, 236, 245, 339, 345; Palestinians in 160, 234–7
Julio (Paraguayan teacher) 211
Kadiweus, the 168
Kamairos, the 170
Kampala, Uganda 183–4, 195
Kan Tow, Vietnam 85–6
Kano, Nigeria 122, 123
Kashmir 139
Keenan, Brigit 345
Kennedy, Father 131
Kenya: DM’s national service in 34–5
Khartoum: DM’s national service in 37
Khashoggi, Adnan 220
Khashoggi, Soraya 220
Khe Sanh, Vietnam 87, 109, 111, 119
Khmer Rouge 149–58, 202, 203, 216, 218, 320, 355
Khomeini, Ayatollah 246, 249, 251, 314
King, David 92, 96, 288, 362
Kinshasa (Leopoldville) 71
Kirkuk, Iraq 311, 312, 313, 314, 334
Knightley, Phillip 98, 276–7, 344
Ku Klux Klan 93
Kurdistan 332–5
Kurds 248–9, 250, 310–14, 332–5, 344, 353
Ky, Marshal 154
Larkins, W.M. (animation studio) 26, 38, 42, 44, 45
Law, Roger 92, 362
Lebanon: Christians/Christian Falange 222, 224, 223–31, 232–3, 235, 280, 285–6; Palestinians in 221–2, 225, 229, 230, 232–3, 234, 235–9, 280–5; see also Beirut
le Carré, John (David Cornwell) 49, 236, 244–5; The Honourable Schoolboy 244; The Little Drummer Girl 236, 245
Leese, General Sir Oliver 105, 106
Lennon, John 96, 343
Leopoldville, Congo 71, 73, 76
le Reynier, Jacques 238
Leroy, Catherine 120
Lewis, Norman 166–71, 167, 172, 210–15, 246, 285, 360
Libbert, Neil 99
Life magazine 44, 84, 103
Life Interrupted (McCullin) 338
Limassol, Cyprus 36, 54, 55
Linklater, Magnus 209
Liverpool police 261
LMS dining cars 25
Loc Ninh, Vietnam 162
Lon Nol, General 149
Low, Alex 92
Loyd, Anthony 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 360
Lucan, Mr (pawnbroker) 19
Lumumba, President Patrice 71, 79
McCartney, Paul 96
McCooey, Meriel 96
McCullin (documentary) 350
McCullin, Alexander (son) 299, 300, 301, 307, 358
McCullin, Christine (first wife) 48, 60, 61, 107, 244, 248, 279; Biafran war and 135; DM first meets and starts relationship with 40–1, 44; fears DM killed in Uganda 183, 194; illness and death 298, 299–303, 307, 310; marital difficulties 262, 263, 275, 283, 285; marriage to DM 44–5; Paris and 47
McCullin, Claude (son) 293, 295, 307, 316, 337, 345, 358
McCullin, Don 33, 46, 51, 52, 296–7; reflections in old age ix, 361, 364; post-traumatic stress, response to questions concerning ix; on the meaning of experiences of war 3–5; childhood 6–25, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 23; wartime evacuation 10, 11–12, 13; dyslexia 13, 244; wins scholarship to Hammersmith School of Arts and Crafts and Building 24, 25, 26; father’s death and 24–5; railway job 25, 26; job at cartoon animation studio, W.M. Larkins, Mayfair 26–7, 29, 38, 42, 44, 45; Guv’nors gang and
27–9, 28, 38, 39, 40, 41–3, 44; national service 29, 30–7, 31, 32, 38, 53; cameras 37, 38, 43, 45, 47, 50, 65, 82, 138, 152, 356, 363; meets first wife 40–1; first Observer pictures 42–3, 44; becomes freelance photographer 45, 47, 49–50; marriage, first 45 see also McCullin, Christine; Berlin pictures win British Press Award and lead to regular contract with Observer 47, 50, 56–7; children see under individual child name; Observer assignments see Observer; Quick magazine assignment to Congo 71–81; on photography under fire 82, 85; World Press Photo Award, 1964 82, 357; awards, attitude towards 82, 357; Illustrated London News Vietnam assignment 83, 84–7; Quick magazine Vietnam assignment 86; leaves Observer 90; projects for Sunday Telegraph 90–2; joins Sunday Times 92; Sunday Times assignments see Sunday Times; visits to home of General Montgomery 106–7; India travels with Newbys 138–9; camels and 143; malaria 129, 131; and exotic food 124–5, 139, 141; injured in Cambodia 155–9; The Destruction Business 172; first family holiday, Cyprus 172; in Ugandan prison 183–94, 364; Bishop’s Stortford farmhouse 194, 241, 302, 303; The Palestinians (Dimbleby and McCullin) 238, 251; Nazis, encounters old 239–40; Homecoming 242, 262–3, 292; Victoria and Albert Museum retrospective exhibition 243; Hearts of Darkness 244; Press Council reprimand 261–2; affair with Laraine Ashton 262–3, 275, 283, 288, 293, 295, 299, 300, 302–3, 307, 310, 316, 319, 358; breaks ribs in El Salvador 270–1, 275; Batcombe, Somerset house 283, 290, 293, 294, 303–4, 307, 310, 316, 318, 319–20, 322, 329, 331, 339, 345, 357, 358; cerebral malaria 288; leaves Sunday Times 287–91; advertising work 208, 292, 294, 310, 316–17, 321; TV version of Homecoming and 292; first wife’s illness and death and 299–303, 307–8, 310; trip to Sumatra with son Alexander 299–301; discomfort with label of ‘war photographer’ 308; still-life photography 308, 338, 341; landscape photography 308, 309, 338, 341, 359, 363–4; ‘hermit’ phase 307, 310, 316, 321; Open Skies 310, 338; autobiography, writing of original version, (published 1991) 310; Kurdish uprising against Saddam, Iraq, 1991, covers for the Independent 311–14, 332, 335; second marriage 317–21, 322; CBE 318, 357; ‘Sleeping with Ghosts’ 321; ‘Sleeping with Ghosts’ Exhibition, Barbican Galleries 321; India 321; Aids in Africa, photographs for Christian Aid of 322–7, 323; exhibition of Aids in Africa photographs in UN building, New York 327; third marriage 327–8; Ethiopian tribes of Omo valley, photographs 328–9; Don McCullin in Africa 329, 338; Allied invasion of Iraq, 2003, attempts to cover 331–6; holiday to Vietnam with son Claude 337; Cold Heaven 338; Life Interrupted 338; National Portrait Gallery, work for 338–40; Trafalgar Square: Through the Camera 339–40; portraits of ten British religious leaders 340–1; In England 323; A Day in the Life of the Beatles 341; ‘Shaped by War’ retrospective exhibition, Imperial War Museum 343; The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary (Glass/McCullin) 343–4; Southern Frontiers: A Journey Across the Roman Empire 344–7; fall, broken rib and collapsed lung in Syria 346; stroke 348; quadruple heart bypass 349–51; McCullin documentary and 350; Arab Spring assignment for The Times 351–6; success of peer group (mainly from Sunday Times) in later life 362–3; tip for photo-journalists 363; documentary photography presented as art, concerns over 363–4; on state of press photography 364
McCullin, Frederick (father) 6, 8, 10, 13, 19, 20–1, 22, 24, 25, 26, 58
McCullin, Jessica (daughter) 298, 307, 358
McCullin, Jessie (mother) 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 19–20, 21, 22, 25, 37, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45
McCullin, Kitty (granddaughter) 358
McCullin, Lila (granddaughter) 358
McCullin, Marie (sister) 16, 9, 10, 358
McCullin, Max (son) 329, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339, 341, 347, 358, 365, 384
McCullin, Michael (brother) 3, 6, 10, 14, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 45, 66, 67, 68, 143–8, 299, 302–3, 350, 357, 358
McCullin, Paul (son) 50, 120, 302–3, 303, 357–8
Makarios, Archbishop 53
Makindye jail, Uganda 183, 185, 187–94, 364
Marines, American: in Vietnam 4, 86–7, 111–13, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120
Markpress (PR firm) 128, 134
Marseille, France 209, 344
Marwood, Ronald 41–2, 44
Mashhad, Iran 248
Mau Mau, the 34, 35
Mayfair, London 26–7, 29, 38
Mbeki, Thabo 325
Médecins sans Frontières 132
Mekong Delta 85
Mekong River 154–5
Melby, Judith 324, 325
Mentawei Islands 296–7, 300, 328
mercenaries 3, 146–7, 176, 270; in Biafra 127; in Congo 71–81
Meredith, Martin 228, 229, 230
Miami, Cuban exiles in 93
Ministry of Defence 211, 277, 279, 343
Mississippi River 93
Mitchell, Alex 209, 288
Mobutu, Joseph Désiré 71, 73, 74, 80
Monaghyr, India 88
Mongo, Chad 144
Montgomery, Bernard Law, Viscount Montgomery of Alamein 104–8
Moore, Commander Jeremy 278
Morris, Jacqui and David 350
Morocco 328, 345
Mossadeq (Iranian ruler) 247
Moussa, Abu 237
Moynahan, Brian 165
Muir, Jim 332, 334
mujaheddin, Afghan 253–9, 256–7
Munich massacre, 1972 235
Murdoch, Rupert 260, 276, 287, 288, 311
Murphy, Alan 73–4, 75, 78, 80
Mursi tribe 328
Muswell Hill, London 40
Naipaul, V. S. 44
Nairobi, Kenya 34–5
Nasser, President Gamal Abdul 105–6
National Geographic Magazine 24
National Portrait Gallery (NPG) 338–9
national service 29, 30–7, 41, 42, 43, 104
National Socialist Party 339
Natural Nylon Film Company 338
Nazis, old 239–40
N’Djamena (Fort-Lamy), Chad 144–5
Ndola, Zambia 324
Necker, British Virgin Islands 91–2
Nehru, Jawaharlal 138
Neil, Andrew 287, 288, 289, 290, 311
New Guinea 140, 141–2, 280
New Orleans 93
New Tribes Mission (NTM) 210, 213–14
New York Herald Tribune 237
Newby, Eric 138–9, 321, 360; Slowly Down the Ganges 138
Newby, Wanda 138–9
News Chronicle 44, 45
Newsweek 162, 265, 280, 281
Nicholson, Michael 197, 200, 219, 279
Nicosia, Cyprus 36, 53, 58
Niger 139, 144
Nigeria: and Biafra 122–37
Nikon cameras 82, 152
Nixon, President Richard 149, 195, 197, 199
The Northern Front: A Wartime Diary (Glass/McCullin) 343
Northern Ireland 175–9, 177, 221
Norton St Philip, Somerset 10
nudist camp, nr Sunningdale 89–90
Nyerere, President Julius 186
Obank, Ken 66
Obote, Milton 186
O’Brien, Edna 97
O’Neill, Terry 316, 342
Observer 68, 73, 77, 80, 90, 92, 96, 143, 339; colour magazine 90; DM leaves 90; DM’s assignments for 53–64, 65–6, 89–90; DM’s first pictures for 42–3, 44; DM’s freelance work for 44, 45, 47, 49; DM’s freelance work for other publications whilst contracted to 89; DM’s regular contract with 50; reaction to DM’s Wilson photographs within 65–6
Octavie, Monsieur (hotel owner) 84
O’Donovan, Patrick 49
Ojukwu, Lt-Col Odumegwu 122, 123, 137
Okpala front, Biafra 129–30
Ono, Yoko 96
Open Skies (McCullin) 310, 338
Orangemen 175
Orgosola, Sardinia 138
debe, Captain Steven 129, 130–1
Paigah, Nawab of (‘Owly’) 139
Pakistan: Civil War, 1971 172–5
Palestinians; in Jordan 160, 234–6, 236–7; in Lebanon 221–3, 229, 230, 232–3, 234, 235–9, 280–3
Palestinians, The (Dimbleby and McCullin) 234–9, 251
Palmyra, Syria 344, 345, 346
Pan-American Highway 266
Panare Indians 166, 213–15
Papua New Guinea 141
Paraguay 210–12
Paris, France 47, 141, 143, 223, 262, 343
Paris-Match 47
Paul’s Park Primary School 10, 17
Paulus, Congo 81
Peking 195–6
Pentax camera 47, 50, 139
Pentagon 321, 333
Perón, General Juan 212
Peshmerga 311, 312, 313, 314, 334
Philby, Kim 220
Photography magazine 44
Phnom Penh, Cambodia 149, 150, 154, 156, 156, 157, 159, 159, 202, 203, 216, 217, 217, 218, 320, 355
Pilger, John 218
Pol Pot 216, 218
Porgaiga, the 141–2
Port Harcourt 122, 123
Prague, Spring of 1968 161
Press Council 261–2
Prey Veng, Cambodia 150–1, 152–3
Provos see IRA, Provisional
Puerto Barrios 171
Pyramids, the 30
Qom, Iran 247
Quang Tri, Vietnam 197–9, 200, 200, 219
Quarantina, Beirut 225–30, 234, 238, 280
Quartet Books 234
Quick magazine: DM’s Congo assignment for 71–80; DM’s Vietnam assignment for 87
Ramlan massacre 238
Rand, Michael 92, 96, 104, 105, 173, 275, 276, 277, 291, 362
Reagan, President Ronald 264
Red Cross, International 81, 216, 238, 282
Roberts, David 346
Rogerson, Barnaby 345, 347
Rolleicord camera 37, 47, 50
Rolleiflex camera 45
Roman influence in Mediterranean 344–7
Royal Air Force: DM’s national service in 30–7, 31, 32
Royal Anglian regiment 178
Royal Ulster Constabulary 176
Russian occupation of Afghanistan, 1979–89 253–9, 256–7
Sabra (Palestinian camp) 281–3, 284
Sachs, Peter 26
Sahara desert 143–4, 145
Saigon, Vietnam 83, 84, 109, 121, 149, 150, 218, 337
St Jorré, John 81
San Salvador 264, 268, 271
Sardinia 138
Savak (Iranian secret police) 247, 249
Sayle, Murray 99, 160–5, 236, 288, 311, 363