My Nights With Kate

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My Nights With Kate Page 8

by M T Stone

  “She wants a crack at being a model.”

  “Done. I couldn’t figure out why she wasn’t one already until you mentioned her mother.”

  “Really? You can get her a shot, just like that.”

  “Seriously, it’s done. She can have a six figure income working for us with a snap of my fingers.”

  “Awesome! She is going to freak!”

  “What the hell, Kate? You were nervous about asking me that?”

  “Well, no, there’s something else.”

  “Okay, hit me with it princess!”

  “She wants to sleep with us,” I blurted out. I didn’t know how to sugar coat it, so I just slung it out there. The look on Jack’s face was priceless! You would’ve thought I had just told him I was pregnant.

  “With us?”

  “Yeah, you know… a three way thing.”


  Okay, first of all, I almost burst out laughing as Kate said, “you know, a three way thing.” That was just too damn cute coming out of her mouth. This has to be something these two have discussed in the past; they probably have some kind of pact. There’s no way this just came out of the blue. For a moment, I didn’t really know what to say, but I knew it was best to simply throw that ball back in her court. I was married for long enough to know that was my best play.

  “Are you okay with that?” I asked with a smile, thinking it was going to get her squirming again.

  “I’m a little curious actually.”

  “Really? Kate Westby, I never would’ve guessed you to be a swinger!”

  “Do you want me to change my mind?”

  “No, sorry. You’re not a swinger. Just a little bi-curious apparently,” I replied, to which she slugged me in the arm.

  “I take it you are open to it as well?”

  “Whatever my little Kate wants is fine by me.”

  I was 49-years-old and had never once found myself in such a situation. Actually, this is the type of scenario I used to read about in Penthouse Forum as a kid. What the fuck? Why have I been living under a rock? I love this younger generation of women!

  “Alright cool! I’m going to send her a text and tell her it’s a go. Friday night or Saturday?”

  “Let’s do Saturday. We’ll take her out for dinner and a club first, one that she couldn’t possibly get into on her own. We might as well make a night out of it.”

  As I turned out the lights, Kate confessed that she had a small ulterior motive. It seemed that she wanted to expose Jackie to a small dose of my bedroom skills so she would know exactly what she was missing. I took that as a huge compliment obviously. As if spending the last few days with Kate hadn’t been exciting enough, now I could look forward to a night with the two of them. Even though I didn’t approve of the way Jackie had behaved, Kate was right about one thing. She was incredibly hot!

  Is it Saturday yet?

  Chapter 10 – Seeing Stars & A Reboot


  Jack seemed to take the whole ménage à trois idea in stride. Maybe his penchant for French food had put him in the mood to try other things French as well. French fries, French kissing, French dressing…. Those French have it all figured out. I'm glad to hear that Jack wants to dazzle Jackie with a night on the town. Jackie is a blast to party with, and I don’t mind her seeing exactly what she’s missing. I’m just a little leery of unleashing that tigress on him. Hopefully she won’t give him a heart attack!

  Tuesday January 10 – 6:00 A.M.

  Even though this was my third morning waking up at the St. Regis, it still felt as if I was living in a dream. I was going to spend a second day with top designers creating prototypes for our fall line. That was absolutely ridiculous for someone with my background and lack of experience. I probably should’ve spent a little time snuggling Jack, but honestly I wanted to sketch out a couple of ideas before they slipped away.

  “Don’t tell me you’re a workaholic, too,” Jack said, as he came out of the bedroom at 6:35 to find me drawing everything out for designs seven and eight.

  “I’ve never been accused of that, but I’m definitely excited to get these prototypes finished. We only have four more days to complete them, so I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m thinking of running a couple of modifications by the team for those last two.”

  “Nice clean lines, I like the simplicity,” he replied, looking over my work. With a quick kiss on the forehead, he ordered a couple of lattes and jumped in the shower. It appeared our relationship was moving past the “sex at every opportunity” phase.


  I can’t believe how revved up I’ve become. I really want to nail Kate again this morning, but she’s so wrapped up in her work I better let her focus. It was my hope that a nice hot shower would be enough of a distraction to clear my mind. The thought of my 8:00 meeting with Jayne and Kristen also helped refocus my energy a bit. What would be their reactions if they found out what had been going on the past few days? Kristen wouldn’t say a thing, but she would be thinking it was quite “adolescent” of me. I’m positive that Jayne would be fine with me having a romantic relationship at this point, as she’s been worried about me. She wouldn’t be pleased, however, if she found out it was with a 22-year-old. What the hell am I getting into here anyway?

  Just as my urges had begun to subside, two soft little hands slipped around my waist from behind, “How’s it going in here?”

  “I was just thinking about you actually.”

  “Anything good?”

  “Truthfully, I was kind of proud of the fact that I was able to make it here without jumping you.”

  “Only three days and you’re already losing interest huh?”

  “Yeah, I guess we’re done here.”

  “Alright, well thanks, Jack, it’s been fun,” she said, as her hands left my sides and I continued shaving.


  Listening to Jack tell me we’re done, while seeing his cock growing at the same time reminded me how Mom would tell me my nose was growing whenever I lied to her. After removing my hands from his sides, I ran them along his shoulders and down the length of his back. As he pretended to focus on shaving his chin, I kneeled down behind him and reached up between his legs.

  “If we’re done, why is this thing getting excited?” I asked, as I pulled it down and began stroking him from behind.

  “Whoa, take it easy, Kate,” he said, as he suddenly ditched the razor and leaned forward against the wall.

  Jackie had once shown me the “Trombone Girls” web site, and at the time I found the whole thing disgusting. There was no way my tongue was going where those girls' went, but I was determined to do a more tasteful version of it! I was pretty sure that my version would be wild enough to make Jack’s day.


  Okay, the thought of Jayne and Kristen was completely flushed from my mind. After being momentarily proud of my restraint, it appeared that Kate was determined to test my resolve. Who was I kidding, there was absolutely no resisting the young vixen between my legs. As if feeling her slippery hands stroking my rock hard cock weren’t enough, she began teasing my balls with the tip of her tongue. The initial contact literally sent shockwaves up the full length of my spine.

  “Oh my god, Kate…” I moaned, unable to protest.

  As soon as I regained a minimum level of composure, she immediately sensed it. She tightened her grip, pulling my unit almost straight down, stroking relentlessly, and began sucking in earnest on the back of my balls. I began to see stars as she continued her intense assault down under. Much to my relief, the dizziness began to pass as I closed my eyes and rested my forehead against the wall. I honestly couldn’t remember the last time anything like this had happened to me. God this is fucking amazing!

  “I’m almost there, Kate,” I said, hoping she would lighten up just a bit.

  It was as if she was reading my thoughts and purposely doing the opposite as she once again increased the intensity. If she was determined to teach me a lesson in n
ot taking her for granted… the message had been received loud and clear. As that glorious moment of climax drew near, I felt my legs begin to tremble uncontrollably beneath me. This was definitely another first, as I had always prided myself in being the one who caused the trembling. Kate wasn’t about to cut me any slack though. She continued to work me like a hand maiden milking a dairy cow. I gave out a loud groan as I felt the inevitable surge coming from deep within. Again, Kate surprised me with one last trick up her sleeve. I felt her slippery, wet shoulders pass between my legs and realized that her mouth was about to pick up where her hands had left off.

  As I came into her hot mouth, she continued to suck with all the passion and persistence she had been using on my balls. My legs were so weak that all I could do was close my eyes, lean into the wall, and let her have her way with me. It made me laugh later when I thought about how she persisted until my every last drop had been surrendered.

  “I’m going to have to go back to bed now,” I said, as she finally released me and I staggered from the shower.


  I was sorry, but I had to laugh as I watched Jack stumble out of the shower. I also heard him groan and mumble something about the two lattes sitting on the counter. He really hated the idea of the butler coming into our room and hearing something going on. I knew he had put in the order, so it had only enhanced the excitement when I heard the knock on the door. Jack was so distracted that he probably wouldn’t have noticed if he had delivered them right to us in the shower.

  “Great, our lattes are here,” I said, rejoining Jack in the bedroom.

  “Yeah, Gerard’s gonna think we’re sex maniacs. We’re going at it every time he brings us something!”

  “I’m sorry; I should’ve let you shower in peace.”

  “Oh yeah, I didn’t enjoy that at all. It was only one of the most intense orgasms of my life, Kate. Where the hell did you learn that?”


  “Okay, I don’t even want to know how she taught you that.”

  “That’s probably best. Are you alright? You look a little pale.”

  “I’ll be fine, Kate. I just need a few more minutes to collect myself. You better get dressed. Tim will be here in less than half an hour to pick you up.”

  “No worries, I’m quick. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Relax, Kate. I’m fine.”


  As Kate left the room, I really didn’t like the way I was feeling. It honestly felt like I was going to pass out in the shower, and the light-headedness hadn’t completely gone away. Maybe I’m just too old to handle a 22-year-old; but if that’s the case, how in the hell am I going to handle two of them Saturday night? Especially considering the other one was Jackie. I began to wonder what else Jackie knew. It had the potential to be quite an enlightening evening.

  “I’ve got to run,” Kate said, as she came back in the room to give me a kiss.

  “Wow, I must’ve fallen asleep again.”

  “Well, at least the color is back in your face. Sorry I was so rough on you this morning. I’ll make it up to you tonight,” she said, giving me a kiss goodbye.

  “Have a great day, Kate. I look forward to seeing you at 6:00.”

  After being a sexual hermit for the past few years, except for a mandatory jerk once in a while, it shouldn’t have been too alarming that my body was retaliating a bit. As I walked into the living room I found it truly ironic that the song “What’s My Age Again” by Blink 182 was playing. Enough said.

  I think I’m going to call Jayne and Kristen. I would much rather take them to lunch than meet at the office in forty minutes.


  Instead of going in, I pulled up the Kindle app on my iPad and began reading a book called The Life Plan that I had purchased before starting testosterone therapy. At the time, I was really starting to feel old and felt that my depression might have been affecting my hormones. The author of the book seemed like the guy who could lead me back to youth. After all, he had gone from having a fat, flabby 70-year-old body to one of a 35-year-old body builder in just twelve weeks. Unfortunately, I’d been so busy that I hadn’t implemented the diet and exercise part of his plan. Besides, I had always looked good for my age. At that time, no one was seeing me naked anyway.

  After feeling so lightheaded that morning, though, I decided a good cardiovascular exam was the first order of business. Calling my personal physician, I was able to get a couple of hours blocked off Friday afternoon. I was interested in having a full cardio workup, as well as rechecking my hormone levels, to make sure I wasn’t overdoing it. After all, I seemed to have the sex drive of a teenager lately.

  The doctor scheduled a CNA to stop by my office Thursday morning to do a blood draw. That way he could review the results prior to our appointment. If my cardiovascular system checked out alright, I was determined to follow the rest of The Life Plan once my schedule eased up. In fact, by 11:00 I was fired up and ready to get back in great shape. The thought of a physical reboot to go along with my burgeoning freedom and rekindled sex life seemed exciting. Since starting hormone therapy, I had already had a miraculous resurgence in my vigor. If I started working out regularly, maybe there wasn’t any need to worry about getting older!


  Chapter 11 – Grilled At Lunch & Thrilled At Dinner


  “Where have you been?”

  Those were the first words out of Jayne’s mouth. Nothing brings you back to earth quicker than your 25-year-old daughter scolding you as if you were a child. “I’ve stopped by the last two evenings to talk with you. Matilda didn’t even know where you were.”

  “Matilda’s the housekeeper, not my personal assistant. Am I under surveillance, Honey?”

  “No, Dad, but this isn’t like you. What’s going on?”

  “Well dear, that’s what I want to talk to both you and Kristen about. I see she just walked in.”

  As Kristen joined us, she too had plenty of unanswered questions, “I’m glad to see you’re okay, Jack; it wasn’t like you to call in and cancel on us. Is everything alright?”

  “Yes, everything is great. I was just telling Jayne that I have some news to share with the two of you.”

  As I began to speak, I could tell they both expected me to confess that I was seeing someone. I could see it in their eyes as they sat in utter suspense of my forthcoming words. After careful pre-consideration, I chose to talk business instead of getting into anything regarding my personal relationship with Kate.

  “First, as you know the sale of Ryker Fashion Merchandising will close on Monday, January 30. That will be my official last day on the job. Jayne, as promised, you will resume the role as the VP of Purchasing. Kristen, you will have the choice of early retirement or a couple other options.”

  “With how shaky the markets have been lately, I’m not too certain I would be comfortable retiring at this point, Jack.”

  “Okay. I wanted to wait and tell you once everything was completed, but I included you in the key employee clause in the buyout agreement.”

  “Key employee clause?”

  “Yes, under the terms of the agreement you will receive $5,000,000 in cash and 100,000 shares of common stock which is currently worth $49.50 per share. So yes, I think you’ll be comfortable enough to consider retirement.”

  “Oh my…” was all she said, as tears began streaming down her face.

  “Congratulations, Kristen! You deserve it,” Jayne said and reached over to give her a hug.

  “Does anyone want to hear my other surprise?” I asked, after giving Kristen time to regain her composure.

  “I don’t know if I can handle anything more,” Kristen replied, still drying her eyes.

  Jayne’s expression went back to the initial one. She was waiting for me to spill the beans on who I had been spending my time with.

  “I’m starting a new company,” I announced instead.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” Jayne commen
ted, rolling her eyes. “I knew you couldn’t quit, Dad! You’ve always been a workaholic.”

  “This was just too good to pass up. It’s literally going to take me less than thirty days to put together. I wanted to tell you two before putting together the management team. I’m not going to be involved in day-to-day operations.”

  As I explained the idea to them, they both saw the potential. “American made fashions for the American working woman is what’s rolling around in my mind,” I told them. “The industry has almost been completely outsourced in the past twenty years.”

  “With you leading the charge!” Kristen rebutted.

  “True, in the early days I taught a number of designers how to source their manufacturing overseas, but you and I both know that’s how we gained their loyalty. I’m thinking it might be nice to give something back to the good old USA at this stage of the game.”

  Jayne on the other hand, was preoccupied searching for Kate Westby on her phone since I had made the mistake of mentioning her name.

  “The only Kate Westby I can find is one that’s a student at Fashion U,” she informed me.

  “That’s her, Jayne. She’s wise beyond her years though. I want the three of you to have lunch after we get back from visiting potential manufacturers.”

  “Something tells me I just had the shortest retirement in history,” Kristen replied. “But, Jack, I have to tell you; I would really like to take some time and get out of the city.”

  “Actually, neither of you are under any obligation. All I ask is that both of you take a look at the whole package once it’s complete. If we can profitably manufacture the entire line in the U.S., this will definitely be something quite unique. Women will pay a fair premium for high quality American made fashions.”

  “If the name has cache, some women will pay anything. You of all people know that, Jack,” Kristen responded.


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