Fraser 03 - Highland Homecoming

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Fraser 03 - Highland Homecoming Page 21

by B. J. Scott

  Bryce rolled on the ground and sucked in several short, sharp breaths. He managed to rise to his knees, but shoved Jayden hand away when he tried to help him up. “Leave me.” He stood, using a nearby tree stump for leverage, then staggered forward, clutching his wounded shoulder. But rather than apologize or retaliate against his older brother, he began to chuckle. “I told you I could get the big ox tae open up. Why he must act like such a stubborn arse is beyond me. It is clear you’re yearning for Edina, so why not marry her and have at it?” he goaded then gave Alasdair a shove.

  In spite of his brother’s injury, Alasdair lunged forward, but Connor blocked the way and held him at bay. “You know better than tae pay Bryce any mind when he is prodding you. We gave him some whisky to dull the pain and mayhap we gave him too much.” He glared at Bryce. “Our younger brother may not have a tactful way of making a point, but he is right. If you are in love with the lass, you should fight for her.”

  “I’m not in love with anyone,” Alasdair snapped. He turned his back to his brothers, least he give away his true feelings. He ached for Edina with every fiber of his being. Constant thoughts of her were about to drive him mad with longing.

  “Jayden said she loves you and not Sutherland. Why not go back and claim her afore it is too late? Speak tae her da and ask for her hand,” Connor continued.

  “It is not that simple. I am not worthy of Edina and I’ve done and said many things she may never be able tae forgive. Besides, you’re forgetting, she is the daughter of one of the most powerful lairds in northern Scotland. For that reason, she must marry well and in accordance with her father’s wishes.”

  “We’re forgetting naught.” Bryce threw his good arm up in the air. “You’re a Fraser and that should be enough for any lass or her da. A finer husband she willna find. No better clan with which tae form a bond.”

  “I’m na a wealthy man. I hold no title or land and have naught tae offer but myself.” He lowered his head and blew out a heavy sigh. “Nay, I willna make her choose between me and duty tae her clan.”

  Connor slid his hand over Alasdair’s shoulder and squeezed. “Do you love her?”

  “It matters not. She is promised tae a powerful man and the king has sanctioned the marriage in order tae unite the clans. There is naught I can do to stop it.”

  “You’re wrong, brother. Speak to Robert and tell him you wish tae ask for Edina’s hand. You’ve served him well and I have no doubt he will consider your request,” Connor said.

  “And if that doesna work, I say you steal her away and marry her anyway,” Bryce added.

  “Aye and end up losing his head because of his impulsive actions,” Connor interjected. “He must first speak with Robert and then with Laird Sinclair.”

  He had no doubt his brothers meant well, but Alasdair wished they would leave him to make his own decisions. “I told you afore, I’ve naught to offer that can rival the alliance or wealth that will come from her joining with Sutherland. Is there naught the two of you could be doing aside from pestering me?”

  “An alliance with the Clan Sutherland would prove beneficial, but so would a stronger bond with Clan Fraser.” Connor pointed out. “Laird Sinclair was one of our father’s closest friends and allies. I’d wager he would be pleased tae have you as a son-by-marriage.”

  “I’m willing tae speak tae my father on your behalf. I dinna wish tae see my sister marry Sutherland any more than you do. An arranged union might be customary and suitable for most women, but not a free spirit like Edina. She willna be happy living with a man she doesna love,” Jayden said.

  “Is no one listening tae me? Sutherland will soon be a laird, I am naught, and I have naught.” Alasdair held out empty hands, then balled them into fists. “Edina is better off with Duncan.”

  “If the lack of a title and land is all that stops you from fighting for the lass, I will stand down as laird. I am certain the clan elders would not hesitate tae appoint you in my place. As the oldest living son, it is your birthright after all,” Connor announced.

  “I’ll not hear of it. You are a fine chief, Connor.” While the gesture touched his heart and might be a solution to his problem, Alasdair would not allow his brother to make the sacrifice on his behalf. “The clan thrives under your leadership and you have proven yourself a great leader many times over. I willna see that change tae suit my own selfish needs. It was my choice to relinquish the title of laird when asked, but you dinna hesitate tae accept the responsibility.”

  “The situation was different then,” Connor argued. “You dinna feel you possessed the qualities necessary tae lead the clan at the time, had no plans or the desire tae settle down in one spot. Marriage and heirs were the last things on your mind. You were driven by anger and the need for revenge. You acted first and asked questions later.”

  “What makes you think I am a different man now?”

  “Whether you are ready tae admit it or not, you’ve changed in many ways, Alasdair. You have always been a brave warrior. No one would dare challenge that point. I’ve stood beside you in battle more times than I care tae count. The men look up tae you and will follow you without question,” Connor began.

  “There is far more tae being a chief than brawn on the battlefield,” Alasdair countered.

  “True, but in addition tae those attributes and the alteration in your overall appearance, I’ve seen you with my bairns, have noticed the glimmer in your eyes and the longing on your face when ever Edina’s name is mentioned. And if that were not enough, your patience with Bryce’s constant banter had been that of a saint . . . for the most part anyway.” Connor laughed.

  “It does take more than brawn tae lead a clan. It requires, dedication, quick wits, temperance, and a cool head in the face of adversity. You possess all of those qualities and would make a fine laird. What you dinna know, you will learn. I will be proud tae serve under you, as will my sons.” Connor bowed before his brother.

  “Think about it, man. This would solve a lot of your problems, and I am confident my sister will forgive you for being a buffoon . . . in time.” Jayden thumped Alasdair on the back. “Best you decide quickly. The hour grows late, and it will be a long hard ride if we wish tae make it back tae Sinclair Castle in time tae prevent the wedding.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” Alasdair replied harshly.

  “Are you planning another trip?” Robert the Bruce joined them. “Or am I interrupting a private conversation.”

  “You are interrupting naught,” Alasdair answered.

  “The big ox is in love with Jayden’s sister. He wishes tae ask for her hand, but is too thrawn tae do so,” Bryce blurted out.

  Alasdair retaliated with a sharp jab of his elbow into Bryce’s ribs. “Mind your tongue and your own affairs.”

  “If what Bryce says is true, why did you not ask for the lassie’s hand when you were at Sinclair Castle?” Robert asked. “Tae be honest, I never thought you would marry, but if the woman is agreeable, it would be a fine match.”

  “You have already sanctioned her marriage to Duncan Sutherland,” Connor said as he slid his hand over Alasdair’s shoulder. “Alasdair did not tell the lass about his feelings because he dinna think himself worthy and had naught to offer her. I have since told him I will step down as laird and allow him to take over, but he refused to give it any thought.”

  “This does pose a problem.” Robert rubbed his bearded chin and hesitated for a minute before he continued. “What of the lass? Does she share your feelings?”

  “I’m certain she does,” Jayden interjected. “She just might not know it yet.”

  “You canna speak on Edina’s behalf. Besides, Duncan arrived at your clan’s castle with the intention of honoring the pact made by his father on his behalf. Arranged marriages have been our way for centuries and I have no right tae interfere,” Alasdair snapped.

  “My sister loves you, Alasdair. But, like you, she is just too thrawn to declare it. Edina has never been one to grovel or admit wea
kness. Growing up with four boisterous brothers, she dinna have much choice. If forced tae marry against her will, I pity the poor sot.”

  “She sounds hard-headed like someone else we know,” Bryce commented snidely and glared at Alasdair. “If you decide tae marry the lass, it will prove an interesting match tae be sure.”

  “I may not have a right tae reveal what is in my sister’s heart, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, Edina doesna wish tae marry Duncan. When last we spoke, she still held out hope he would change his mind. If I know my sister, she will remain optimistic until the bitter end.”

  “And you think Duncan is too blind tae see she isna pleased about the union?” Connor asked.

  “Edina will do her duty regardless of how she feels. Duncan is a man of honor and dedicated to his clan. He will do what ever it takes to fulfill his obligations. He willna disgrace his father, or defy the king’s decree.” Jayden lowered his eyes and shook his head. “Unless someone steps up and convinces him otherwise, I believe he will go through with the marriage.”

  “Then there is no need tae continue this conversation.” Alasdair turned to leave, but his youngest brother grabbed his arm.

  “If Robert were to withdraw his consent and sanctioned the union between you and Edina, would you then declare your intent?” Bryce asked.

  “I would still have naught tae offer her, so there is no point tae this discussion. Now, if you value your good arm, let go of me.” Alasdair glared at his brother.

  Bryce released Alasdair’s arm, then approached the Scottish King. “My brother has been steadfast in his support of the cause. Could you not see fit tae give him land and a title so he can ask for the lass’s hand?”

  Jayden stepped forward. “That willna be necessary. Nor will Connor need tae give up his position as chief. I will someday be laird of Clan Sinclair. Our holdings are vast and growing all the time. For one man tae oversee it all is a difficult task, and I am not too proud tae admit I could use some help. Were Edina and Alasdair tae marry, I could have a castle built on the western border of Sinclair land and supply an army large enough tae defend the territory around it.”

  “That might be a viable option had you asked tae have one of your brothers assist you, but Alasdair is no relation,” Robert replied. “However, if your da would agree tae the change of husbands, and Duncan was prepared tae step aside, I would consent to the union between Alasdair and Edina.”

  “My brothers perished in battle, but if Alasdair married my sister, he would then be my brother-by-marriage. Besides, there are rumors Duncan is still in love with a lass from the Mackenzie clan. Apparently, they had plans tae marry until his father decided otherwise. An alliance between the Mackenzie and Sinclair clans would also prove beneficial to the cause. I am certain if you were tae order it, my father would be agreeable.”

  “Why would Edina’s father permit a change of suitors when Sutherland has so much more tae offer? I dinna believe Laird Sinclair will change his mind or break the pact made with Duncan’s da,” Alasdair replied.

  “You willna know unless you try, brother. If you truly love Edina, then fight for her hand,” Connor said. “It is time you found happiness. I’ve already told you that I will turn the leadership of the clan over tae you, Jayden has made you a generous offer, and if Robert agrees to sanction your union, the final decision will be yours tae make.”

  “You appear tae have my life all figured out, but have omitted one verra important thing,” Alasdair replied.

  “What might that be?” Connor frowned.

  “Edina. She will be the one tae have the final say who she marries, not me.”

  “You see. He already knows what it will be like tae have a wife. As long as they believe you care about what they think, you will live in bliss.” Bryce threw back his head and roared with laughter.

  “If Fallon hears you talking like that, you will wish you’d held your tongue.” Connor laughed.

  “I willna allow you tae relinquish your seat as clan leader, Connor, no matter what the cost,” Alasdair said adamantly, then raked his fingers through his hair. Mayhap his brothers were right. He did love Edina and he had always felt at home on the northern shore of Scotland. The thought of never seeing her again caused his heart to ache. Jayden’s suggestion was looking better and better.

  “What say you?” Jayden badgered. “If you wish tae stop the wedding, I’d suggest we leave right away. I received a missive from home prior tae the battle. A priest has been summoned and the nuptials between Duncan and Edina are set tae take place three days hence.”

  “I will go with you, but I willna take Connor’s place as laird.” Alasdair faced Jayden. “If you are serious about needing my help, I can think of nowhere else I would rather live.”

  “About time you did the wise thing.” Jayden slapped Alasdair on the back and grasped his forearm, giving it a hardy shake. “But if you dinna make haste this will all be for naught and my sister will be a married woman.”

  Connor reached for his brother’s forearm. “We will miss you, Alasdair, but you canna deny what is in your heart. Godspeed and good luck.”

  After exchanging embraces with both his brothers, Alasdair turned to face Robert. “You will sanction the union?”

  Robert nodded, picked up a piece of vellum, and penned a note. “Give this tae Laird Sutherland. But if he doesna choose tae honor it, you must abide by his wishes, and allow the wedding tae take place as planned.”

  Alasdair took the document and bowed. “Hopefully that willna be necessary.” After tucking the missive into his sporran, he turned on his heel, and jogged toward his horse. “If you are coming Jayden, make haste.”

  Jayden trotted to his mount and climbed into the saddle. “I will see him married and would be honored if you and your wives could pay us a visit in the near future.”

  “Try and stop them,” Bryce chuckled. “Once Cailin and Fallon learn of Alasdair’s marriage, there will be no appeasing them until they have seen it for themselves, and have offered their best wishes.”

  “Safe journey, brother and we will see you soon,” Connor added.

  “Enough chatter, we must be off.” Alasdair dug his heels into Odin’s sides and the horse lunged forward.

  “We’ve made guid time, much better than I had expected.” Alasdair reined in Odin and brought him to a walk. “We should be at Sinclair Castle well afore the noon meal and in time tae stop the wedding.”

  “Aye, but we’ve ridden nonstop for two days and three nights. I’m exhausted, covered in dirt, and we have nearly run our horses intae the ground. My arse is numb and I have no feeling in my legs, not tae mention we havena eaten since yesterday. But I guess for a man with an important mission time is of the essence and the necessities of life, like food and sleep are not an option.” Jayden dismounted by a stream.

  “You complain worse than Bryce.” Alasdair jumped from the saddle and strode toward the water. “We dinna have the luxury of time. Mayhap Edina is already wed.” Alasdair shuddered at the thought and balled his fists at his side. “I hope we are not too late.”

  “You really do love her.” Jayden patted Alasdair on the back.

  Alasdair grunted and squatted by the brook. He dipped his hand in water and scooped out enough water to quench his thirst, then began to fill his wineskin. He was not accustomed to talking about his feelings and when it came to Edina, he had no idea what to say or think. He’d never been truly in love before.

  “I am positive my sister will be elated tae see you. I’m not sure my da will be as pleased. He can be a verra thrawn man. But once I tell him you are willing tae stay and help me to oversee Sinclair land, I am sure he will be agreeable.”

  “I pray you are right, my friend. The more I think about Edina being married tae Duncan, the less I like the idea.” Alasdair took another drink, then capped his wineskin, and hung it at his side. “Is it much farther?”

  Jayden threw his leg over his horse’s back and hauled himself into the saddle. “While we
are on the Sinclair land, we still have a wee way tae go. Best we be off.”

  Alasdair didn’t need any prompting. He could not wait to see Edina and hoped Jayden was correct in his assessment. The thought that she might say no troubled him, but his worst fear was that she might already be wed. He dug in his heels and Odin lunged forward.

  They covered the next few miles at breakneck speed, both of their mounts frothing from the mouth and nose as they entered the bailey. Alasdair barely allowed the destrier to come to a stop when he flung himself from the saddle. “See that someone tends tae Odin,” he shouted over his shoulder as he raced toward the castle.

  “Walk the horses for a bit tae cool them down, then see them well fed and watered,” Jayden instructed a lad who approached. He handed over the reins, then hurried after Alasdair. “Haud on, man, you canna rush in like the castle is afire. That is no way tae make an impression on my father.” Jayden paused, doubled over at the waist and sucked in a deep breath. “You are going tae be the death of me.”

  “I canna help it if you have the stamina and strength of an auld woman,” Alasdair said as he stopped to open the castle door. “There is no time tae dally.”

  “I’d not be so quick to pass judgment or to rile me, Alasdair. You need an ally when speaking tae my da, not an enemy.” Jayden climbed the castle steps and joined his friend. “It might be wise tae clean up afore we talk to him.”

  “There isna time for such things. I must see your father afore the wedding.” Alasdair yanked open the door.

  “Look at yourself, man. You’re covered in dirt. Anyone would think you’ve been dragged by your horse, not riding him. It is still early. I dinna expect the ceremony tae start until just afore noon. That is when the messenger told me it was tae take place.”

  Alasdair dragged his hand across his beard-stubbled chin, then glanced down at his dust-covered trews, muddy boots and sweat-soiled tunic. “Mayhap you’re right. Clean and shaven I could stand a better chance with both Edina and your da. But we must hurry.”


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