Common Enemy

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Common Enemy Page 2

by Sandra Dailey

  Jordan sat up and shook the images from her mind. If she kept up this fantasy, she wouldn’t be able to face him in the morning.

  The next thing she knew, Jordan woke to the ringing of her new telephone. The bedside clock read 9:15. Lizzy didn’t usually sleep so late. She quickly pulled jeans on under her nightshirt and went to the table in the hallway. As her hand touched the receiver she remembered that she hadn’t called Holly to give her the new number. She hadn’t called anyone.


  “Are you and your little girl all settled in, Jordan?” a low male voice asked.

  “Who is this?” Jordan’s heart started pounding so hard her chest ached.

  “I’ll be watching you,” the man added. “I wouldn’t get too comfortable if I were you.”

  When the dial tone indicated the caller had hung up, she lowered the receiver back onto its cradle with a shaky hand. Bobby Ray was still in prison. It had only been a horrible joke. She had to believe that or go back to the insanity of her past.

  From the bottom of the stairs she saw movement on the front porch. Then she heard the sound of Lizzy’s voice. Lizzy was outside with someone! Fear tightened in her stomach as she took the steps two at a time. She found Lizzy and Connor sitting in the old rocking chairs. On an upturned crate were a quart of milk and a box of donuts.

  “What’s going on out here? You can’t just abduct my daughter and give her this-this junk food.” Jordan scowled.

  “She came to me,” Connor stated. “She said you didn’t have any milk. I figured, as long as I was going to town anyway, I’d load her up with sugar, too, just to keep you on your toes. I also got the parts for your car so stop being so grumpy.” He looked down at Lizzy. “Jeez, does she always wake up like that?”

  “No. Sometimes she doesn’t even wait to get dressed.” Lizzy giggled with chocolate-coated lips.

  “I don’t need you two ganging up on me this early. I’ll talk to you after I’ve had a cup of coffee.” She brushed back the hair that had fallen into her eyes.

  “Are you okay?” Connor asked. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

  “Of course I’m okay. It just scared me when I woke and found my five-year-old daughter outside.” She gripped Lizzy’s hand and pulled her to the door. “Don’t ever do that again, young lady. From now on you’re to wake me before you go downstairs.”

  “I’m sorry, Mommy,” Lizzy cried.

  An hour later, Jordan had calmed her ragged nerves. She walked out to the porch to find Conner was sitting in the same chair as before with a cup of coffee and a notepad in his hand.

  “Are you ready to give me the bad news?” she asked.


  “It’s not as bad as it looks.” He snuck a nervous glance her way. “The house is sound, good foundation, plumbing, wiring, and roof. I didn’t find any infestation or mold, which is amazing in this area, especially after the house has been closed up for so long. It needs work, but actually, your car is in worse shape than the house. Your water pump is shot and the hoses look like they could split at any moment. I’ll have to replace the antifreeze, too. You shouldn’t drive it until I’m finished. You’d be stranded on the side of the road. I guess that should be the first thing I work on.”

  “I need the car, living way out here. I’ll give you the money for the parts you bought. Can you pick up some groceries in town before you get started? I just have a short list.”

  “I guess I can do anything you like if I’m working for you.” He peeked out from under the brim of his hat again.

  “But, you haven’t told me what the house needs yet.”

  “You need new caulking around the windows, new paint inside and out. A good chimney sweep, repairs on the existing shingles and shutters, better locks on the doors, a security system—”

  “Hold up a minute. A security system? This is our home, not a fortress.”

  “Welcome to the twenty-first century,” he laughed. “If you were to have any trouble out here, who would know? I really think it’s something you should consider. I bet half the people in town know you live here alone. I don’t imagine you have gossips in a town this size, do you? Besides that, it would let you know if Lizzy escapes again.”

  Her brow furrowed with indecision, but she hung on to her tough stubbornness…just barely.

  “I’ll think about it, but we’ve never had any problems here before. I grew up in this town. It’s always been a safe place.”

  Connor decided to leave that idea for another time and went back to his list. “The barn is in really bad shape. You could do an awful lot with a space that size. We’ll talk about it after the necessary things are done. I just can’t see how it got so bad, though, considering how the rest of the house was kept.”

  “My pop, I mean grandfather, used to write his column for the paper out there. That’s where he was when he died twelve years ago.” She looked out at the barn with a haunted expression. “Gram couldn’t make herself go in there much after that. It was a really special place for them.”

  “I was sorry to hear about your grandmother. I heard she was quite a special lady.”

  “Thank you.” Jordan smiled. “Mr. Coleman must have told you that. I think he was sweet on her.”

  They both fell quiet for a few moments. Finally, Jordan asked, “What are you going to charge me for this work?”

  “I can’t lie to you, ma’am. Materials aren’t cheap.”

  “I worked for a construction company for the last seven years,” Jordan said. “I know exactly how much materials cost. I want to know what your fees are.”

  He looked down at his feet. This was the deal breaker. “I live in my van. I could park it behind the barn, or wherever you want. I work from sunup to sundown, no Sundays. After work I could use a place to shower and a good meal. Besides that, I would need about fifty dollars a week for gas and such. I’d stay out of your way, but I would be here until I know that you and Lizzy are safe and sound. It may take a few months.”

  “Mr. Coleman tells me you have references.”

  “You’re a smart lady. You must take after your grandmother.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I’ve seen her house.” He rose and hopped down the porch steps.

  Something was wrong in this house. He’d seen the haunted eyes and defensive body language before. Ms. Jordan Holbrook had secrets she wasn’t sharing. The question was, how involved did he want to get? He had plenty of problems of his own.


  That evening Connor had finished repairing the car. He had even changed the oil and filters. Jordan watched him from the kitchen window as he washed his hands with a bar of soap and the garden hose. To her surprise, he pulled his T-shirt off and sprayed the water down over his head. As he stretched to let the water cascade down his body, she saw the scar that crossed the left side of his massive chest and another across his stomach. Whoever hurt him had intended to kill. Her heart ached for the pain it must have caused him. Still the ropes of muscle and light covering of honey colored hair on his body fascinated her. If she were in the market for a man, he would definitely fit the bill. However, a man was the last thing she needed.

  A half hour later, he walked through the back door dressed in the dirty T-shirt again with a small bundle of clothes wrapped in a towel. “Is it okay to use your shower now?”

  “Sure.” She smiled. “Help yourself. Dinner will be ready by the time you’re finished.”

  “I generally take my dinner to the van to eat. I don’t want to get in your way.”

  “Lizzy’s been looking forward to having company. She had to leave all her friends when we moved. It would mean an awful lot to her if you’d stay.”

  “I guess it would be okay for today, if you’re sure you don’t mind.”

  Connor returned to the kitchen a short time later looking fresh and smelling of soap. He set his bundle of dirty clothes on the floor next to the back door. He looked over at Jordan pouring milk into glasse
s on the table as Lizzy waited impatiently to begin eating. He hesitated for a moment before removing his hat and placing it on top of the bundle. A place was set for him across from Jordan with Lizzy between them. It had been so long since he’d had a home cooked meal with a family. He hoped he would remember how to behave.

  “Mom always lets me say grace before we eat.” Lizzy’s little fingers closed around his and Jordan reached out for his other hand. As they touched he felt a skip in his heartbeat, he looked up to see Jordan’s eyes on his. Both of them looked away instantly. At the end of Lizzy’s childlike prayer she added, “Thank you for sending Connor to be our friend. Amen.”

  Lizzy did most of the talking during dinner. Connor responded to her with short answers, watching his plate. When the meal was over, he offered to help with the dishes.

  “I don’t have anything to do tonight but the dishes,” Jordan told him. “Please don’t take away my night’s entertainment. As a matter of fact, you could leave those clothes by the washing machine.”

  “I usually take them to the Laundromat in town on Sunday. I can’t have you washing my clothes. It wouldn’t be right. I work for you.”

  “You know I could be paying someone else a whole lot more to do the same work you’re doing. Don’t argue with me on this. I have to run that washing machine anyway. Your clothes won’t be any trouble. And, like you said, I’m the boss”.

  “Yes, ma’am.” Connor shrugged and tipped his hat before leaving.

  Chapter Three

  The whole first week was filled with hard work. Jordan scrubbed down each and every room. Her grandmother’s clothes and personal items were donated to the church. Her papers were sorted and filed. It was a sentimental experience, pieces of her childhood hidden in every closet and corner. The trip down memory lane caused a rollercoaster of emotions. She’d laugh when she found little clay pots and crayon drawings from grade school. She’d cried when she found one of Gram’s earrings or lace handkerchiefs. Inside the bible was a picture of her grandparents looking into each other’s eyes on the day they were married. She wondered if she would ever feel the love she saw between the two of them.

  Jordan set the picture out where Lizzy could see it. Maybe someday it would bring her the luck that Jordan and her mother had never had. She propped the picture against the wall on the table at the end of the hall. The telephone by her hand rang and startled her.


  “Hello, Jordan. I just wanted to let you know I’m still watching.”

  “Why are you doing this? Who are you?”

  The line went dead.

  It was the same man who’d called before. It had to be a prank. Bobby Ray was still behind bars. He had no idea where she was.

  Maybe it was a kid with a mature voice, but how did he know her name? Her number wasn’t published. Maybe it was someone she’d known in school. She scanned her memories to come up with anyone who’d given her a hard time back then, but couldn’t think of a single person.

  The only people who had her number were Mr. Coleman and Holly. Mr. Coleman was a private person. He’d rather die than give anyone information about her. She’d ask Holly after her friend got off work tonight. When she found out who was harassing her, they’d have hell to pay.


  Now that the car was finished, Connor set to work on the lawn. He was afraid of the creatures that could be concealed under the tall weeds and debris. Lizzy needed a safe place to play. This part of Florida could hide snakes, rats, and even small alligators. The trees and shrubs were cut back and shaped. The flowerbeds were edged and filled with colorful annuals. Already it was starting to look brighter. He couldn’t resist hanging a wood plank swing from the magnolia tree in the back yard.

  Jordan and Connor stayed to themselves until dinnertime when Lizzy insisted he eat with them. He and Jordan were quietly polite to each other. Both enjoyed Lizzy’s animated tales of her daily adventures.

  After helping him carry a sofa out to the lawn on Friday morning, Jordan flopped down on it exasperated. “I don’t know how I’m going to get all of this stuff clean again. Everything is so full of dust it’s falling apart. Nothing had been covered to protect it before Gram left. She probably didn’t realize she’d never be coming back. I don’t even know if it can be recovered.”

  “Why don’t you just replace it?” Connor asked. “If money is a problem, we could look at some secondhand stuff that’s in better shape than this, and it would probably be newer.”

  “I could never do that.” Jordan looked at him as if he had lost his mind. “These are Gram’s things. They belong in her house.”

  “Do you mean to say your grandmother never replaced any of her furniture? Was all this here when she moved in?” Connor fought to suppress a smile.

  “Well, of course not. As a matter of fact, I remember her redecorating the whole house a few times while I lived here.”

  “What do you suppose she would do with this stuff if she were here now?” he asked.

  “She’d probably drag it all out to the center of the yard and set fire to it.”

  “But you think she’d be offended if you don’t keep it forever?”

  “I didn’t say forever.”

  “This is your house now. She gave it to you. She wants you to be happy in it. Keep the pictures and books and china, but let the rest go. We’re going to paint every room anyway. We may as well go all the way with this makeover. Can you afford to make a few changes?”

  “You’d be surprised what I can afford,” Jordan scoffed. “Gram left me enough money to live on for years. However, I plan to get a job when Lizzy starts school. I’m not a lazy person.” She frowned in thought at her folded hands. “You know something? You’re right. Let’s go shopping!”

  “I have work to get done.”

  “Who’s the boss, Connor?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “You’re the boss.” He bowed and smiled.

  On the way to town, they discussed the items that could be kept. Tables and bookshelves, bed frames and dressers. At the hardware store, they pored over paint samples and supplies. They systematically planned each room in the downstairs area of the house. After picking out drapes and rugs, they moved on to furniture. Finally, Jordan was satisfied for the day. “While you finish setting up the deliveries, I’m going to pop over to the grocery and say hello to a friend.”


  Jordan found Holly stocking canned goods on a shelf at the back of the store.

  “You sure look a whole lot better then you did last week,” Holly remarked. “I guess you’re settling into the old house all right. Can you bring Lizzy over for that barbeque this weekend? Maybe I can have Charlie invite one of the guys from work, if you’re interested in meeting someone.”

  “I’m only interested in meeting your husband and sons. All other men are out of the question.”

  Lizzy tugged on her sleeve. “What about Connor? He’s a man.”

  “Who’s Connor?” Holly asked with a sly smile.

  “He’s the handyman Mr. Coleman sent over. He really is a godsend. He fixed my car and cleared the lawn. He’s in the middle of getting the outside of the house ready to paint. Today we’re shopping for the things we need inside. We’re just doing the downstairs for now. I’m totally exhausted.”

  “He sounds like quite a man.”

  “He is,” Lizzy chimed in again. “He’s my friend and he eats dinner with us every night.”

  “Maybe you should bring him along this weekend.”

  “I could ask him, but I wouldn’t expect him to come.” Jordan shrugged. “He’s really shy about being around strangers.”

  “Well that’s just silly. No one stays shy around my tribe for long.”

  “I guess he doesn’t feel that he looks presentable.”

  “Do you feel that way about him?” Holly asked.

  “Of course not.”

  “Well, you can ask him anyway and call me when you know. Everyone is welcome. Maybe I could
have him look at a few things around my house. Charlie is a wizard on the barbeque grill, but he’s no good with tools.”

  “I’ll call you.” Jordan ushered Lizzy toward the cashier.


  Connor had stayed behind at the furniture store arranging delivery dates and giving directions to the house. The shipping department was at the back of the store at the big bay doors that led out to the alley. On an impulse, Connor took a shortcut through the alley to get to the grocery.

  Three young punks wearing old leather jackets were hiding behind a dumpster. The smell of marijuana was strong. The smallest of the group had spiked black hair. The other two must have been brothers. Both looked like underage wrestlers with shaved heads. They were laughing at a dirty white plastic bag lying on the ground. The bag moved.

  “What’s in the bag, boys?” Connor scowled at them.

  “What’s it to you, Frankenstein?” The smaller boy wasn’t intimidated, and his friends laughed harder.

  “Give me the bag.”

  “If you want it, get it yourself.” One of the others boys kicked it away.

  “Give me the bag,” he repeated.

  “You think we’re scared of you just because you’re big and ugly? You can’t take all of us on,” the third boy boasted.

  “I don’t intend to. I intend to beat the shit out of you and your brother.”

  “Oh yeah? What am I supposed to be doing while you do that?” said the smallest.

  Connor looked him in the eye. “You’re what I intend to beat them with.”

  The laughing stopped.

  The door across the alley opened from the beauty salon. A big buxom blonde woman walked out. “Hey! Aren’t you two boys the Donahue twins? Your momma is coming in tomorrow to have her hair done. I’ll be sure to tell her that I saw you. I’ll be sure to tell her what I smelled out here, too.”

  “We were just taking a shortcut home. We’re not doing anything,” one said as they turned and jogged away.

  “So what’s going on here?” The woman gazed at the remaining boy.


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