A Billionaire for Breakfast

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A Billionaire for Breakfast Page 5

by Mila McClung

  “She did. Diamond offered to watch her. He told me who she was with and how she used them. I told him to stop. I didn’t want to hear anymore, to know anything about her.”

  “How did he not see what was going on with Patrick?”

  “He did, the tip of it anyway. He didn’t know about the beating.”

  “Angel, who else did he see her with? I mean, if there’s a list they could all be suspects.”

  “I guess that’s true. Well, there was Mercer and Leonardi …”

  “Jack? You’re kidding?”

  “No, she was thick with him for awhile. Then there was that lawyer guy, Fielding, and me …”

  “You shouldn’t be on the list.”

  “Why not? I could’ve killed her, once I found out what she was.”

  “Did you?”

  “What do you think?”

  She peered deep into his eyes; they were steady, staring straight back into hers with an honesty that was unmistakable.

  “I know you didn’t. Maybe we should get all these men in the pool room then badger them somehow until the killer breaks?”

  “Who are you now, Hercule Poirot? But I do like the idea of getting them all together, without anybody else around. Say, the old man never had a bachelor party, did he?”

  “No, he hasn’t even thought about it. But after five marriages I don’t imagine he’d want one.”

  “Get your friend to corner him and the other guys. I’ll bet she could draw them in.”

  “Kylie? You want to use her as bait? Isn’t that dangerous?”

  “I won’t let anything happen. I failed with Gayle because I let someone else take responsibility. This time I’m going to be right here, with you!”

  He kissed her, swept her up into a fever again.

  The afternoon had settled into a warm, sweet cadence. The guests were either sunning down at the beach or napping or tinkling ice in colorful drinks in the pool room.

  Tess had rounded up Kylie and delicately explained the situation to her. The woman seemed far more interested in Tess’ relationship with the handsome Angel than in playing a game of chase with the suspects in a murder.

  “I knew you’d be after that guy, I could tell he did something to you! Some girls have all the luck!”

  “Will you help us, Kylie?”

  “I don’t know. Where are the police in all this?”

  “They didn’t have enough evidence to arrest anyone. And Angel thinks some of them were paid off, anyway.”

  “So why would they listen to us even if we did find a killer?”

  “He has a friend on the force, a Captain Pettigrew, who will take any new evidence we can show him.”

  “And what do I have to do again?”

  “Just talk all of these men into meeting you in the guest house out back for a mini bachelor party. Say you have a surprise for them.”

  “What kind of surprise?”

  “There isn’t one. That’s a ruse, to get them out there.”

  “Oh, I see. Well, what makes you think they’ll meet me?”

  “They’ll meet you, if you put all that Kama Sutra stuff to good use.”

  “Whoa, girl, I’m not signing on for that!”

  Tess grinned. “I was kidding. Just be yourself, you know, and lure them in.”

  “All right, I’ll do it! Goodness knows it’ll bring some excitement to this dull afternoon! I can tell you, darling, I’ve about had it with the Caymans and their cruel, dreary men!”

  “I thought you and James Fielding …”

  “Oh, God, Tess, don’t mention his name! What a creep! I think I’d take old Jack over him! At least he’s good in bed!”

  “Poor Kylie. This hasn’t been the best experience for you. I’m sorry your plans fell apart.”

  “Oh, I’m not. Who was I to think I could come down here and wrap up a billionaire like a stuffed fish and take him home? Trouble is, the ones round here smell like stuffed fish!”

  They laughed. Tess had been worried about Kylie but she saw then she had no reason to be afraid. Kylie would pick herself up and start over yet again. The woman was as resilient as a willow, and just as enduring, too.

  Angel and Tess watched silently through a partition in a bedroom closet as the suspects entered the guest house. It had a shell-shaped roof as well, but was much smaller than the main house, with open screen walls that let the breeze flow through at will.

  Jack Leonardi came in first then James Fielding and Diamond Scott and finally Patrick Mercer, who seemed very annoyed at his companions.

  “What’s going on here?”

  “I heard it was a private bachelor party,” Jack said.

  “Well, if it’s private, what the hell are you doing here? I never would have invited you!”

  “Somebody did.”

  “You mean Kylie Preston did! I’ll have her fired for this!”

  Tess was wounded at the tone of Patrick’s voice.

  “I thought there’d be some music here,” Diamond sighed. “What kind of party is this?”

  Just then Angel pulled a string which let drop a huge poster of Gayle Stewart. The four men jumped.

  “Someone’s playing a morbid game! Who did this? Was it you, Jack?”

  “No, I … I’d never …” He seemed genuinely shocked.


  “No, man. I ain’t the playing kind.”


  “Of course not!”

  “I did it, Mr. Mercer!” Angel called from the closet. He stepped out into the main room in spite of Tess’ quiet pleading.

  “Who the hell … oh, it’s you! That bum Tess was asking me about. What do you want here?”

  “The truth, about Gayle Stewart and how she died.”

  “What business is that of yours?” James Fielding asked.

  “She was my fiancée at one point in her life.”

  “Join the club!” James shrugged, raising a glass of scotch.

  “I’m calling the police!” Patrick shouted.

  “Wait! Don’t!”

  Tess walked out of the closet. Patrick lost his cool.

  “Tess, I don’t believe it! What are you doing here? Is everything I’ve heard true? You are involved with this bum?”

  “I’m involved all right! I love him, but he’s no bum!”

  “Diamond, I thought you said you would handle this?”

  Tess and Angel glared at Diamond. He shrank away from them, hung his head.

  “I am really confused here,” Jack stated. “I’m going back up to the house!”

  “No, you’re not!” Angel barred his way. “No one leaves this room until we hear the truth about what happened to Gayle.”

  “The cops dealt with this. They were satisfied with Mr. Mercer’s theory that Gayle committed suicide.”

  “No, they weren’t, Fielding. They were paid off to say that. But not all of them. One, in particular, is waiting for me to find some evidence so he can reopen the case.”

  Everyone became silent; eyes darting from face to face. It was like a Western showdown without the guns.

  “Well, if we must be interrogated, get it over with! I have to attend a wedding at sunset!”

  “Fine. I’ll start with you. Where exactly were you at 10:45 the night Gayle died?”

  “As I told the police I was in my room, changing shirts. We’d had an argument earlier and she threw champagne all over me.”

  “What was the argument about?”

  “It isn’t important.”

  “Yes, it is, Patrick,” Tess disagreed. “Please answer.”

  He stared at her then nodded. “She was angry because she wanted to marry me and I refused.”

  “Why did you refuse?”

  “I wasn’t about to become one of her victims! Just ask the other men here. They all had relationships with her.”

  “Even Diamond?” Tess asked.

  “Yeah, I did, after she dumped Angel I got sucked into her schemes. She paid me well to investi
gate potential husbands. She said she needed somebody on the side, to keep her happy in bed, and she picked me. But I called it off pretty quick once I realized she’d never care about me. I’m sorry, Angel.”

  “In the past, man. But why did you keep watching her?”

  “I guess you could say I’m a double agent. Mr. Mercer paid me to spy on her.”

  “Why, Patrick?”

  “I wanted to know everything that was going on with her. For a brief moment I fancied myself in love with Gayle Stewart. But then Diamond told me about her affairs with half the men in the Caymans! That snapped me out of it. That’s why I was so disappointed when Jack said you were like her, Tess. I didn’t want my own child to end up like that. But I’ve realized you aren’t like her at all.”

  “Did you kill her, Patrick? If there was a scuffle during your fight and she fell accidentally wouldn’t it be better to own up to it and face the consequences?”

  “But she didn’t fall while I was there! I swear it!”

  “Diamond, where were you that night?”

  “In the kitchen, flirting with the new sou chef; Bernadine is her name. She told the police about it.”


  “I was at the bar as usual.”

  “Did anyone see you?”

  “Sure but they were all drunk, so no one remembers.”


  “I was in the den, going over some papers.”

  “What kind of papers?”

  “I don’t recall.”

  “Yes, you do, James. They were Diamond’s reports, about Gayle.”

  “Of course that’s right, Patrick. You asked me to read them.”

  “You were one of Gayle’s lovers?”


  “There’s no maybe,” Diamond said. “He was mad for her, kept pestering her to marry him. She refused, told me he was a rough boy, you know, getting his kicks off hitting girls.”

  “That’s a lie!”

  “No, it isn’t!” a female voice countered. Kylie Preston came hurrying through the door.

  “Kylie, how long have you been listening?”

  “Long enough, darling! And it’s true about James! Night before last we were together and he smacked me so hard I hit the floor. I’ve been covering the bruise with make-up, see?”

  She took a tissue, stroked her chin with it, revealing a nasty purple splotch. When Jack Leonardi saw it his eyes lit up with an anger Tess didn’t think he was capable of. He lunged for Fielding, wrestled him to the floor.

  “Whoa! Hold off there, man!” Angel tore into them, separated their grasping hands. He took Jack, Diamond took Fielding. “Kylie, will you tell the police about this?”

  “Sure, I should’ve gone to them yesterday but I guess I was too humiliated. Deep down inside I think I felt I deserved it, for coming down here and acting like a whore. I’ve never been so casual with so many men! It isn’t like me at all!”

  Jack walked over to her, gently touched her chin. “We all make mistakes, Kylie. I made the worst one in my life when I said you weren’t good enough for me. I’m not good enough for you!”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that, Jack. You’re a jerk when you’re tight, but who isn’t? If we both stay off the booze I think we might have a chance together.”

  “You mean it?”

  “I do.”

  He kissed her. Fielding chose then to make a break for it. He turned, kneed Diamond in the crotch and took off like a bullet out the door.

  Angel shot off after him; chased him down to the beach while the wedding guests watched in awe. He caught up to him easily, swung him round for a hard punch in the gut.

  “How’s that feel, you bastard? Is that how you did it to Gayle? Huh? Tell me?”

  “Leave me alone!” the man wailed. “Stop him before he kills me!”

  Tess arrived, pulled Angel off of him.

  “Don’t, Angel! Let the cops take him!”

  He looked up; saw a police car headed their way.

  “How’d they get here so fast?”

  “I called them,” Tess’ mom stated as she came towards them. “Kylie told me to, once we’d talked it over and agreed.”

  “You were talking to Kylie, Mom?”

  “Yes, she told me everything that’s been going on since she got here. She cried like a baby. I realized she was a good person. And I told her she should tell the cops about Fielding.”

  Patrick joined them; followed by Kylie and Jack and Diamond.

  “Meg, I think you need to meet this young man.”

  “Do I? Kylie told me about you, too, Mr. Angel, was it?”

  “Just Angel, Ma’am.”

  “Do you have a last name?”

  “I do. Why?”

  “I thought it might be useful if you decide to marry my daughter.”

  They smiled at each other. Tess was about ready to freak out.

  “Now I know I’m dreaming. But please don’t let me wake up!”

  The police handcuffed Fielding and dragged him away after Patrick explained everything to Captain Pettigrew. The cop nodded to Angel.

  “Good work, old boy. Of course, I’ll need all of you to come in tomorrow to give your statements.”

  “As long as it doesn’t interfere with our honeymoon,” Patrick said.

  “It won’t sir. Good afternoon!”

  The cops left and the party resumed. A buffet supper was served on the first floor veranda, a veritable feast of local seafood, ribs, jerked chicken, fresh and steamed vegetables, wild rice and au gratin potatoes, elegant desserts and gelato.

  Once the sun began to set, everyone took their seats and the ceremony began. Meg came lilting out of the double side doors, dressed in a white lace cloud with her short auburn hair curled and teased like a 50s movie star. Her face glowed with a light Tess had never seen before. It brought mist to her eyes. She glanced at Angel; he squeezed her hand and winked at her.

  A preacher asked the usual questions, the couple replied in time. Everyone cheered as they kissed and Meg threw the bouquet. Kylie leapt like a dolphin and caught it.

  “You’re in trouble now, man!” Diamond yelled at Jack.

  “She’s worth it!” he smiled as he whisked Kylie away for a private kiss.

  “I’m sorry you didn’t catch it,” Angel whispered to Tess.

  “I don’t mind. We’ve got plenty of years ahead for ceremonies. Right now I want to go back to the little cottage behind the waterfall and lie naked with you on that tattered cot.”

  “I could buy a bed, if you want me to.”

  “Maybe later. Come on.”

  She took his hand; he grinned. They made their congratulations to the happy groom and bride. Angel ushered her into the black convertible and they sped out to his skiff, docked at a nearby marina.

  The trip to the island was a dreamy, hazy, deliciously agonizing journey. Tess was twitching and breathing like a wild horse ready to break its bounds and fly. Angel’s furtive glances only increased her need for him.

  She closed her eyes, thinking of all he would do to her. That night, and every night after, hopefully for the rest of their lives, would be paradise.


  If you enjoyed this story and would like to see more short romances in the MAN SEASON series please email me at [email protected] and tell me so. I’d love to hear from you!




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