Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9)

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Sinner's Possession (Chaos Bleeds Book 9) Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “No!” She yelled that word.

  “Beg me.”

  “Please, don’t stop. I want it, Sinner. I want you.”

  He pressed against her ass and removed his fingers from her pussy at the same time. Picking up the dildo, he rubbed it against her wet slit, coating it. When he was sure it was nice and slick, he began to ease it inside her.

  With his thumb, he pressed it past that tight ring of muscles, and began to pump inside her.

  “Oh, fuck!”

  He paused, making sure she was okay, and only when he was certain that she was fine did he begin again.

  Thrusting the dildo inside her, he pulled his thumb from her ass, and used a finger instead, and started to stretch her.

  “Do you like this, babe? Do you like having my fingers inside your pretty ass?”


  “It looks so pretty, opening up to me.” The thrusts with the dildo increased, and he worked a second finger into her ass, spreading her open. In and out, he worked her ass and her pussy. All the time, his cock got a little bigger, getting harder with each second that he was watching.

  Lola was submitting to him in ways that she had never done before. There was still a barrier, something holding them apart, but together they were going to work through it. At least while they were apart they were going to do it.

  She belonged to him, and she owned him. There was no other word for it. There was no one else in the world for him but her. He loved her more than anything, and would do whatever it took to make her feel safe.

  When her ass took his fingers without any restraint, he eased the dildo out of her ass, and pressed it against the slight opening of her ass. Slowly, he eased his fingers out of her anus, and pushed the dildo, inch by inch, inside her. The fake cock was a lot bigger than his fingers, and she moaned, pushing back against the dick.

  He pushed the cock inside her ass until she had taken it all.

  Grabbing his own cock, he placed the tip at her entrance, and began to sink inside her sweet pussy, and it was nice and tight. When all of him was inside her to the fucking hilt, he grabbed her hips, and basked in the feel of her tight cunt squeezing him.

  Closing his eyes, he relished every second of pleasure until she began to wriggle on his cock. He couldn’t hold on any longer, so with aching tenderness, he started to slowly make love to her.

  “Do you feel full, babe?” he asked. A cock was in her pussy, and one in her ass.


  “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No,” she said with a little growl, which he found to be so adorable and so damn sexy. He wouldn’t ever get tired of fucking her, of needing her. “Please don’t stop, Sinner. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I’m not going to.”

  He filled her pussy, taking his time, making it last, going slowly, making love to her. When that wasn’t enough, he moved her onto her side so that he could look into her eyes as he spread her thighs, sliding back in deep. The cock was still in her ass, not going anywhere. “You’re all mine. This pussy is all mine.” He began to increase his thrusts, going as deep as he could, and knowing in his heart, that he wanted to claim every single part of her, forever.

  “Touch yourself, baby. Let me see you come. I want to feel it all over my cock.”

  He watched as she stroked over her clit. Her pussy tightened around him, making him groan, and he didn’t stop with his thrusts. He kept up the pace loving the feel of her body opening up beneath him.

  This was how it was always supposed to be. The two of them together.

  “Come for me, Lola. Come all over my cock.”

  She fingered her pussy, and within seconds of his giving the command, she came over him, spearing him toward his own orgasm. He loved the squeeze of her pussy wrapped around him, and collapsed down beside her, panting for breath.

  His cock still inside her, he held onto her.

  Neither of them said a word as they caught their breath.

  Sinner kissed her shoulder and stared around her bedroom. “This is totally you.” It was light colors, feminine, and beautiful. “Why didn’t you ever decorate our room like this?”

  She chuckled. “You’re a guy, and you’re in an MC. I don’t know. I just thought, you know, that you’d like dark colors. Blacks, browns, reds.”

  He laughed along with her. “Let me take this out.” He eased the dildo out of her ass. “Come on. Let’s go wash up.” He pulled out of her pussy, taking hold of her hand, leading her toward the shower. While the water was heating up, he washed the dildo, and then followed her right into the shower. Taking the soap from her hands, he started to massage the lather against her pale skin. “You didn’t catch enough sun.”

  “I was so busy. Computer work doesn’t always allow me to go out in the sun.”

  “We’ll have to rectify that, won’t we?”

  “Not right now. Fall is here, and winter is just around the corner. There is going to be no chance of us catching anything but death.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, settling his chin on her shoulder. “What about a sun bed?”

  “They cause death,” she said. “I’m fine. Honestly.”

  He handed her the soap, and she started to wash his body. He held his hands up, giving her unlimited access to him. When she slapped his ass, he playfully did the same to her, loving the little yelp of surprise.

  “I love your juicy ass.”

  “I’d be careful if I was you. Your ass is getting just as juicy.” She then further surprised him by giving his ass a little bite.

  This is what she needs.

  You both need this.

  “Be careful with those teeth, baby. You bite, and I’m not afraid to bite back.”

  With her eyes glinting up at him, she bit his ass again. He caught her arms, hauling her up off the floor, and pressing her against the shower, and his body. “You’re playing with fire, little miss.”

  “I may be playing, but I’m the one that has more bite than bark.”

  He stared into her eyes, and he couldn’t read exactly what was going on in her head, but he knew she wanted to play, and seeing as they had been together for a couple of years, and she had never done this, he wanted to. He’d been wanting this for as long as they had been together.

  Their lives were what brought them here, and he was going to see to it that their paths brought them back together again.

  He caught her hands, locking them together with his. Leaning forward, he pressed a kiss to her neck, and then gave it a little nibble. “Is this what you’re wanting?”

  She shook her head.

  “How about this?” He kissed down her body to her breast. The breaths she was taking suddenly got deeper. The points of her nipples hardened, and she pressed against his touch, clearly wanting him, needing him. Flicking the tip of her nipple, he watched as she closed her eyes. Her hands squeezed around his, and he knew he had her. “You like that?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good.” He took her nipple into his mouth and gave it a little bite. Moving across the valley of her tits, he went to her other one, and did the same. He loved when she cried out, and didn’t fight to get away. If anything, she fought to get closer to him.

  He teased her breasts, playfully nipping, biting, and licking. Sinking down to his knees, he nibbled on her rounded stomach, and then down, lifting one of her legs over his shoulder, opening up her sweet pussy. Pressing his lips against her clit, he sucked the hard nub into his mouth, loving the way she cried out his name, wanting him, begging for him.

  “You want me, don’t you, babe? You want my mouth on your clit.”

  “Yes. Please, Sinner.”

  Sliding his tongue across her clit, he gazed up, watching as she held onto the wall, trying to use it for support. He had released her hands a little while ago, so that he could hold her thighs and hips. Damn, he loved her body. It was so ripe, so ready to be fucked. He had spent many times, many hours, dreaming of having her sw
ollen and pregnant with his kid. Even now, the thought of it had him hard as fucking rock. He was desperate to see her like that.

  “Please, Sinner.”

  “Do you want to come, babe?”

  “Yes, yes, please.”

  He smiled against the curve of her stomach. With a finger, he worked it inside her still tight pussy. Adding a second, and then a third, he sucked on her clit, giving it a little bite as he did. She loved a little bit of pain, and it was a revelation that was only now coming through. He fucked her pussy, licked her clit, and as he did, his cock got harder. Their time away had only made his feelings for her grow stronger.

  “Sinner, please,” she said.

  Smiling against her slick pussy, he focused on her clit, and gave her the orgasm that she was craving. When it hit, he marveled at the power of her release as her cream flooded his fingers. He licked it up, savoring the taste of her.

  When it was over, he stood up, licking his fingers. Her cheeks were flushed, and it had nothing to do with the warmth of the water.

  “You taste so good.”

  She licked her lips and then sank to her knees on the floor.

  “Lola, what are you doing?” he asked.

  In all the time they had been together, Lola had tried to give him oral. It had always failed horribly. She hadn’t been able to complete it and had often ended up in tears. It wasn’t a good experience for either of them, and after it had happened twice, Sinner had stopped her from ever doing it again.

  “Baby, you don’t need to do this.”

  “I want to.” She wrapped her fingers around his swollen cock. “I want to do this. I’ve been dreaming about it, Sinner. Being on my knees, holding your cock, tasting you. I want to try this.”

  “The other time—”

  “Forget the other time. I don’t care about that. I’m trying here. Please, Sinner, let me do this for you.”

  He saw in her eyes that she wanted to. Nodding his head, he watched as she looked at his cock. He was nervous. There was no denying it. Seeing Lola in tears, in any kind of pain was a turn-off to him. He didn’t want to spoil their time together, but if this was what she wanted to try out, then he was more than willing to give it to her.

  She ran her hands up and down his length, working from the base up to the root, then down again. Her touch set him on fire, in all the right ways. The feel of her hands drove him crazy. The arousal just built when he was with her. Everything else faded away, and could wait for another day.

  Then she moved closer, and his heart seemed to stop as she flicked the tip with her tongue. She took a pearl of pre-cum. A second later, she covered the tip, and only took the tip of him, sinking a little more onto his cock. She pulled off and moaned. She fucking moaned, and not with disgust either. It was pleasure. She was enjoying it.

  He wanted to fist pump the air, but instead, he held still as she continued to work his cock. Not only was he aroused because his woman was sucking his dick, but he was so proud of her. Each step they had taken this morning working its way into the evening had shown him that this time apart was essential. He hadn’t wanted it to be true, but how could he not see the truth that was right in front of him?

  She was growing stronger every single day, fighting her demons while he was finding himself again. After everything they had been through, this was what he needed to do, what he needed to search for, himself.

  She took half of him into her mouth, stopping when she reached her hand. This time she didn’t pull away from him. She began to bob her head, setting up a pace that was driving him closer to orgasm.

  “I’m close, Lola.”

  He didn’t want to ruin this moment by taking her by surprise. She didn’t stop, and she kept on sucking his cock.

  “Babe, if you don’t stop, I’m going to come in your pretty mouth.” She moaned in response, and it was just too much. The vibration from her mouth, and the pleasure of it on his cock, and he came, filling her mouth. She swallowed his cum, and kept on doing so until he was shaking from the pleasure. Finally, he pulled out of her mouth, sank to his knees, and stared into her eyes. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

  Once they had finished getting washed, he carried her back toward her bed, where they snuggled in.

  “You’ve got to go soon, don’t you?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’ve got a friend who needs me.”

  She nodded.

  He held her hand, bringing her fingers up to his lips.

  “We’ve still got so much to do,” she said.

  “People to help, lives to change, and to grow.” He agreed. He had to help Roxy, and he had to be there for Lucius. Sinner didn’t know if the other man would care when Roxy passed, but something in his gut was telling him that Lucius would care, only he’d hide it. It was up to Sinner to make sure he found peace.

  He pressed a kiss to her lips again, knowing that their time together was coming to a close.

  “You know we could go back to Piston County. The two of us, and pick right back up where we left off,” she said, sounding hopeful.

  “We could do that without even a thought. We both know we could settle on that, babe. In a couple years, we’d be right back to the start, like we always are. We can’t change who we are, or what we’ve become. Think about our future, Lola. I don’t want a couple of years, or five or ten. I don’t want to have to go through this again. I want forever with you. Don’t you want that with me?” he asked.

  “Of course, I do. I want it more than anything.”

  “Then know that I don’t do this lightly. I’m not trying to be an asshole to you. I love you. That will never change. You were taken as a teenager, Lola, and you’re a woman now. You need a chance to grow, and you can’t do that with me breathing down your neck.”

  “This is not the happily ever after I envisioned.”

  “I know, babe, but this is how our happily ever after has to go for now.” He pressed another kiss to her head.

  When he made to pull away, she caught his hand, and tugged him close.

  “Please, hold me. Don’t go just yet.”

  He stared into her pleading eyes, and knew he couldn’t deny her. Settling back down on the bed, he wrapped his arms around her as she moved, settling her back against his. Kissing her neck, he watched as the hours started to pass.

  It took her a long time to fall asleep, and only when he was sure she wouldn’t wake up, did he pull away. He took his clothes, changed in her sitting room, and then left.

  Chapter Nine

  One week later

  Lola was finishing up the programing for a client who had found some problems in setting up his business. She spoke to him on the phone, at the same time she was connected to his computer, and was talking him through everything as well as fixing problems he’d created. It had been a week since she had last seen or even heard from Sinner. Her phone calls and text messages went unanswered, and she didn’t want to worry.

  So, she’d gotten in touch with Devil, and asked for him to get in touch with Sinner. It would seem that Devil also couldn’t get in touch with him either.

  Working was helping her try not to get distracted. At least, for the past week that was what she kept telling herself.

  “Thank you so much, Miss Sparks. I appreciate all the help. Honestly, you’re amazing.”

  “Just doing my job, sir. Do you need anything else for today?”

  “No. I’m good.”

  “Have a nice day.” She hung up the line, and immediately there was another call. She saw it was a little after two. Hunger, and the need for a break stopped her from answering another call. There were over thirty cubicles filled with experts like her.

  How Whizz made her feel special was beyond her. She had to wonder if all of them were hackers, or just expert in reading computer code.

  Her lunch was stored in her filing cabinet. She took it out, grabbed her jacket, and made her way down toward the cafeteria seating area. She took he
r lunch outside. The weather was cold but manageable. She stared up at the sky. There were blue skies, gray clouds, and just a feeling that it would be raining by the end of the day.

  She chewed her sandwich watching the sky, all the time wondering about Sinner. He had sneaked out of her apartment.

  The moment he moved away from her, she had woken up, and she had lain there, pretending not to hear him.

  She closed her eyes, eating, not really tasting anything.

  “You’re deep in thought,” Sarah said, disrupting her peace.

  “I’m just thinking. It’s nothing.”

  Sarah took a cigarette and lit it. “You don’t mind, do you?”

  Yeah, but what is the fucking point in telling you? You lit up anyway.

  “It’s fine.” She finished her sandwich, and stared inside at the non-smoking zone. It was strange. Sinner was a smoker, not a heavy one, but she didn’t find it offensive to be around him. Maybe it was just Sarah’s complete lack of care. Why ask if someone minds after lighting up?

  “I’m going to head in.” She didn’t wait to hear Sarah’s response.

  Entering the cafeteria, she went and bought herself a coffee, and took a seat in the corner.

  Sipping at the hot liquid, she wondered about Sinner.

  Putting her cell phone on top of the table, she texted Devil once again.

  Lola: Any news?

  Devil: Stop worrying so much. I’m in contact with him. Sinner’s battery died. He told me to tell you he’ll be in touch.

  Sinner’s battery had died. Why not text from someone else’s phone? She didn’t say anything, and instead, went back to drinking her coffee.

  “Hey, so I’ve got a question for you,” Sarah said, taking a seat at the table opposite her.

  “What kind of question?” Lola sipped at the hot liquid, really not caring about Sarah or her question.

  There were loads of ways of getting in touch. Why didn’t Sinner contact the club and then get them to tell her? She had been so worried about him, and he was fine.

  He’s part of a different club now. You can’t keep expecting the same treatment. He’s out there because you put him there.


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