Hittin' the Bricks: An Urban Erotic Tale

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Hittin' the Bricks: An Urban Erotic Tale Page 15

by Noire

  “Can I lick that candy girl? Come let me taste…the sticky part of your world…”

  “He’s been running with that cat Brody…”

  Mello licked around the inside of her ear. “Lemme lick that candy…lick it till you sweat…”

  Eva moaned. “They were locked up on Rikers together…”

  Mello dropped his kiss down to her breast. He caught her stiff nipple between his teeth and swirled his tongue around it right through her shirt. “Make that sweetness overheat…get it as hot as it gets…”

  He slid his hand down the back of her shorts and cupped her phatty ass cheek.

  “Fiyah said dude saw me on a visit and started wanting me…”

  Mello stabbed her in the stomach with his hard dick. His fingers dug their way toward her pussy. “I wanna be your candy licker…”

  He unbuttoned the front of her shorts and tongue-fucked her mouth.

  Eva moaned, then pulled away and whispered, “Fiyah made a deal with Brody, baby. Fiyah got some kinda hook-up in the joint, and as a trade off…Brody got me.”

  Mello stopped suddenly. His body went cold.

  “Fiyah tried to snatch me up and take me across town to Brody’s crib. He said them cats ain’t gonna stop until Brody collects what’s due.”

  Mello took a step back and stared at her. Eva’s lipstick was smudged and her thong was showing through her unbuttoned shorts. Without a word, he turned away and slammed out the door.

  Eva zipped her shorts and ran out behind him. She didn’t catch up to him until they were outside on the street.

  “Mello, wait! Mello!”

  He turned around, and the look on his face made her shake with fear.

  “You fuckin’ playing with me?”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” she yelled. “I didn’t even do nothing!”

  “So that’s how your family rolls? Your own cousin tossin’ you off like a fuckin’ bird or a chicken? I’ll cancel his fuckin’ ass…”

  Eva ran behind him. “Mello, wait!”

  He turned again. “Wait, hell. You ain’t nobody’s fuckin’ property Eva. Not mine and not your weak-ass fuckin’ cousin’s neither.”

  “I know, baby. But a lot of stuff went down in the past that you don’t know about!”

  Mello smirked. “Like what, Eva? What the fuck don’t I know that could make me swallow some shit like this?”

  Eva breathed hard. There was no way in fuck she could tell him everything. Not everything. “It was my fault that Fiyah got knocked. He went to jail because of me. That gun was my business. If I hadn’t passed it to him he wouldn’ta had it on him. My cousin took the fall and never even thought about snitching. He did it because he loves me.”

  “I luh you and you don’t see me trying to peddle your ass off to no maniac.”

  “I know. But me and Fiyah were into a lot of stupid shit when we were younger. Both of us fucked up a lot. But when it really counted Fiyah went down alone. When he coulda taken me down with him. I guess I do owe him something for that.”

  Mello chuckled. “So what you expect me to do? Turn my back and let that niggah trick you off, and when Brody tosses you then I’m supposed to act like shit is all good and nothing happened?”

  “No,” Eva cried out. “I ain’t saying that! I just don’t want my cousin to get hurt.”

  “See that’s where we different. I don’t give a fuck what happens to his grimy ass.”

  “Mello…” Eva moaned. “Baby please don’t—”

  “Sorry, Mami. Your cousin gets no respect over here. He rolled around on a bunk with Brody and now he gotta handle that shit. He shoulda took the dick-down in the joint. Instead he carried his debt out on the streets and dumped it in your lap. Let that bitch pay the costs like a real fuckin’ man!”

  Eva sniffled. “And me? What about my ass? I gotta pay the costs for every shitty thing I did in my life too?”

  Mello shook his head. “Nah, baby.” He reached into his pocket and took a key off his ring. “You, I got covered. Go to my crib and rest. I don’t know about your cousin, but your shit is gonna be straight. Believe that.”

  Bricks was almost on fire by the time Mello and his boys arrived. He walked straight over to the VIP section where Brody was reigning supreme in his special booth, holding court with his crew.

  Fiyah was sitting on Brody’s left, and even from a distance Mello could see the little pussy was shook. Mello rolled straight up on him and smashed his bitch-ass without saying a word.

  For the second time in one night Fiyah was on the receiving end of an ass-kicking. Mello came straight from the streets and beat him down with his bare hands. Brody’s boys jumped like they wanted to make a move, but Brody checked them with one raised finger. Mello’s goonies stood tall and on the ready too, and nigs on both sides were heavily strapped.

  “Chill,” Brody said. He backed his cats up with a look. “Let this fool handle his.”

  He nodded at Mello’s crew, then kept on watching as Mello and Fiyah went at it in a brutal fashion. Tables were knocked over and drinks were spilled, but in the end Mello was standing on his feet like a winner, and Fiyah was fucked up and bleeding from his nose, and once again on the floor.

  “You’s a pussy, man!” Mello raged over him. “A straight-up bitch! You give a fuck about your fam ’cause you too busy looking out for ya self!”

  Mello pulled his murderous gaze off of Fiyah and put it dead on King Brody. He held it there hard for a few seconds before raking it across the rest of Brody’s crew.

  “Fiyah…” Mello’s words were directed at the man who was wheezing and rolling around on the floor, but he grilled Brody again with straight contempt. “Man I don’t know how you gone get squared up with this grimy muhfuckah right here, but it ain’t gone be through Eva.” He spit down at Fiyah and barked, “Both of y’all best stay the fuck away from her. Your weak ass ain’t got the muscle to dish her off!”

  Mello turned back to King Brody and made shit real clear. “I don’t give a fuck what you offered this chump-bitch, or what he promised you. Eva don’t belong to him. And she sure as fuck don’t belong to you. She belongs to me. Anybody want her? Then step up on some of this shit right here and try to get her.”

  Brody was amused like a muhfuh. He nodded at Mello with big respect in his eyes. He’d enjoyed the show and appreciated all the violent entertainment.

  Daddy Dre ambled into the area. Fiyah was still rolling around on the floor holding his ribs. Dre gave him a disgusted look and persuaded Mello and his boys to go chill at the bar so he could treat them to some free drinks.

  Fiyah struggled to stand as Mello walked away. His whole face felt like a mass of swollen meat. He touched his nose and lip and blood was all over his hands. He pulled himself up by the edge of the table, and tried to fall back into his booth seat again.

  Brody checked that shit.

  “Nah, muhfuckah,” he said, throwing out a straight arm and blocking him. “Stand ya fuckin’ ass up, homey. You can’t be getting fucked up like that in public then think you gone cozy up next to me. It ain’t happening.”

  “He didn’t fuck me up,” Fiyah muttered, humiliated.

  Brody threw his head back and laughed. “Oh he fucked you up all right, ese. I know that kid real well. He’s from the streets. You better watch ya back ’cause Ice Mello ain’t no fuckin’ joke. You gotta respect a cat who rolls up to handle his. It shows he’s hardbody and got loyalty. A gangsta like that would never pass his fam off on no deal. He’d go down in the gutter fighting for her first.”

  Brody’s face got hard. All the laughter was gone.

  “Here,” he said, reaching into his waistband. He tossed Fiyah a gat with a shiny silver handle. “Mello is holding a heavy tool and he ain’t got no problem using it. You can believe that shit. Strap up, homey. And make sure that crazy niggah don’t get you first.”

  A whole week had passed and Fiyah was still sore as fuck. The red lumps and bruises on his face had darkene
d to blue and his ribs still hurt bad if he moved the wrong way. Fresh from the shower, he came out the bathroom wrapped in a towel. He stepped into his room and checked out his face again before brushing his hair and getting dressed.

  A lot of shit had gone down in a short amount of time but tonight was Friday and it was Fiyah’s night to shine. That is, if he lived long enough. He walked out of his room and ran into Milena, who was coming out of the kitchen.

  “You finally washed your ass and put on some clothes?” his mother sneered, dragging on a cigarette. “You been hiding out in your room all week. You might as well get out there on the street and deal with your problems ’cause you can’t hide from them in here forever.”

  “I wasn’t hiding, Ma. I was writing. Creating shit. Working on my flow.”

  “What you should be working on is a job, Fuego. Try that shit. You eat here and use up all my water and electricity. Where do you think I get the money to pay for all this shit? Huh? Where do I get it?”

  “I don’t know, Ma. But I’ma have a little something for you soon. That’s real. I promise.”

  She waved him off.

  “You’re just like that shiftless-ass father of yours. Can’t keep a job and full of all kinds of promises that don’t help pay the damn rent.”

  “I said I’ll get you something, Ma! Damn! What’s up with this shit? You been riding me ever since I got the fuck home! Eva’s been gone all week and I don’t hear you bitching about her! I been right here with you and you can’t stop fuckin’ with me! What’s wrong with you?”

  Milena dragged on her cigarette. She crossed her arms and stared at her son with bitter sorrow in her eyes. “It’s still about you, huh, Fuego? From the time you was a kid it’s always been about you. Did I make you like that? You’re a selfish ass. And when you get it in your head that you want something for yourself, nothing and nobody else matters.”

  “That ain’t true, Ma. I care about all of y’all. You, Rosa, and Eva. I’m about to make shit happen for all of us. I promise.”

  Milena smirked. “There you go again. I’m through with you and all your tired promises. I’ve heard them all before and you never deliver.”

  Fiyah opened the front door and stepped out. Tonight was his fuckin’ night. Not even Milena was gonna rob him of that.

  “I’m sorry, Ma.”

  He bounced.

  Fiyah entered Bricks like he owned that bitch. Reem had left his name on the guest list, and unlike a slew of other cats who were standing outside begging the bouncers to get in, he had no problems sliding past the velvet ropes at all.

  He strolled through the crowd feeling strong and determined. He was tired of running, tired of being scared, and tired of getting his ass kicked. Tonight he was ready to face the music in more ways than one.

  Bricks was packed out with ballers and fine honeys. Reem was on the stage emceeing the reggaeton competition, which from the sound of things had already begun. Fiyah scanned the crowd. He spotted ill Nino with his entourage balling in the VIP section, but King Brody’s usual booth was empty.

  His cell phone vibrated in his pocket and Fiyah pulled it out. He had a text message from the King. It was real short too. Only one line. Where’s the bitch?

  Shook, Fiyah looked around, but he couldn’t spot nobody. He walked over to the bar and stood next to his old friend Sasha as she waited for an order of drinks to come up.

  “Sash, slap me with some Yak, baby.”

  She gave him a shot and Fiyah downed that shit in two gulps.

  Daddy Dre walked up and patted Sasha on the ass. He nodded toward Fiyah’s empty shot glass. “That one’s on me, baby.”

  He looked at Fiyah. “’Bout fuckin’ time you got here. Reem thought your PO mighta got hold of ya ass.”

  Fiyah nodded. “Oh, somebody’s gone be on my ass tonight. I can feel it.”

  “Then bust your nut real quick and break out. Go stand where Reem can see you. These cats been spitting nursery rhymes all night and my customers ain’t handling it well.”

  Fiyah moved toward the stage with his balls all up in his chest. This was his moment and all he could do was pray he lived through it. ill Nino was in the house and so were about ten A&R’s from various major labels, including Daddy Yankee’s. If somebody was scouting for Hispanic talent then they had come to the right fuckin’ joint tonight, because Fiyah’s time had arrived.

  The new-jack reggaeton rapper on the stage had just finished his set. It was weak and played, and the crowd booed like a muthafuckah to show just how much they didn’t like it.

  Reem spotted Fiyah waiting, and waved him up on the stage.

  “Aiight, show some love for our next performer, a hardbody homeboy fresh off the tiers of Rikers Island! My son, Fuego ‘Fiyah’ Perez! Give it up, y’all!”

  Fiyah took the stage and immediately he started earning his name. His shit was so hot that cats watching from the bar started sweating. He waxed lyrical on they asses, every single move, every single gesture, was perfectly choreographed and timed. The audience was feeling him. They was responding. They were practically nutting on his dick.

  He spotted Dre standing off to the side pointing at his watch, but Fiyah ignored his ass. Fuck that PO and fuck King Brody too. This was his moment, and Fiyah was busy fuckin’ up heads, to include his own. Then suddenly two things happened at once. ill Nino stood up from his seat in VIP to get a better look at the wonderment on the mic, and King Brody stepped into Fiyah’s frame, surrounded by his crew.

  Fiyah stumbled. Just a little bit. But that was all it took to throw him off his well-rehearsed game. But then the beat changed and his game became nonexistent. Ice Mello had barged up on the stage behind him, tryna steal the show.

  We get it in, my team pack the club out!

  Straight to the bar, no Cris, Yak the cup out!

  Fiyah’s head whipped around and his mouth fell open. Ice Mello was standing there spitting crack into his own fuckin’ mic.

  Niggahs talk slick, we pull straps and bug out!

  Step on the kicks? We might black the fuck out!

  Fiyah was stung. It was a total bitch-slap. He stood there and watched, helplessly infuriated as Mello moved to the edge of the stage and shit all over his flow. The chicas in the crowd were screaming and pulling up their shirts, and Mello grinned and rapped to their panties as he put on Fiyah with his words, the same thing he had already put on him with his bare hands. A muhfuckin’ beat-down.

  Mami’s in the dugout,

  Big breasts and butt out…

  Mello’s rap game was toxic. It filled the air with his personal brand of funk, and even as he stood there looking and feeling stupid, Fiyah had to admit that shit. The kid was everything they’d said he was. Larger than life. His flow game was furious, brilliant.

  No names needed,

  That takes the fun out!

  Fiyah stood there on boil, gripping a dead mic. He felt dumped on, like he shoulda been wiping shit off his face. It was reggaeton night. Not fuckin’ hip hop! This cat had violated an unwritten club rule that demanded retribution, so when Mello started in on his third verse for his final kill, Fiyah stole up behind him and power-smashed him over the dome with his fuckin’ mic.

  It was the fight of the century.

  Fiyah caught a glimpse of Brody and his boys knockin’ people down in the crowd as they moved toward the stage charging toward him. Fuck Mello. These cats were coming to clock his ass out and he knew it. But then a group of pissed-off cats from Spanish Harlem rushed the stage and caused chaos to descend on the club. It took Dre, Reem, and a whole cast of muscled-up bouncers to drag Fiyah off the stage and to protect Mello from the mad reggaeton-loving muhfuckahs in the crowd.

  Dre pushed both of them down the hall and out the side door. Fiyah and Mello grilled each other for a quick second, then both of them broke the hell out.

  Out on the streets, Fiyah took off running toward home, furious as shit. Mello took off running too. In the opposite direction. Grinning lik
e a muhfuh. Hyped as hell.

  The crowd was still wildin’ inside Bricks. Spittin’ urban rap on reggaeton night was a good enough reason to toss shit up.

  Brody stood guzzling straight Bacardi as he watched Dre and Reem push the two rappers down the hall and out the side door. His eyes stayed locked on Fiyah’s retreating back until he was gone from view. Brody twirled a toothpick in his mouth and looked relaxed and comforted by the atmosphere of random violence that was in the air.

  He leaned into his younger brother. “Follow that bitch,” he ordered.


  “Nah, follow ya fuckin’ dick, stupid ass!”

  Bullet boiled. “Man, fuck you. You follow him.”

  “What the fuck did you say?”

  “I said fuck you, B. I ain’t no nervous bitch you can bend over and ass-fuck. You need to chill the fuck out with that shit.”

  Brody grunted, then smashed his glass into the side of his brother’s head. It was a fast and vicious move that was meant to be disorienting and humiliating, and it worked because Bullet was definitely both. Blood ran down his face and he staggered. Brody slammed him up against a nearby pillar and got up in his face.

  “You lucky I dig your fuckin’ moms, man. Or I’d smash your bitch ass up for real.”

  Bullet slumped over in pain and embarrassment as Brody released him and stormed off into the wilding crowd. His eyes burned like deadly lasers into his brother’s body. It took all his control not to pull out his tool and blast that psycho-bitch in the back of his dome. Instead, he leaned against the pillar trying to recover as he stared at his brother and wrestled with his mounting rage.


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