Mended Hearts (Lost Memories Book 1)

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Mended Hearts (Lost Memories Book 1) Page 3

by May Gordon

She's been giving me kisses and touches all day, as if it's the most natural thing in the world. I love it, but it's severely testing my control. Right now, she looks like this perfect wife, cheeks flushed from cooking and a little blue apron, and I desperately want to make love to her, every day and night, forever.

  We finish eating and talk about the house, how she wants to collect new memories and take lots of photos. She's also going to start painting. I bought her all-new stuff. Once she said she felt in her bones that she was an artist, I had to buy her everything she needed.

  I told her about the garage and asked if she could help in the office until I hire someone. I want to keep her as close as possible. She seems more than happy to and even sounds excited about it. I can't help but hope it's like this for the rest of our lives.

  I don't know why I'm so nervous, I feel like a virgin on her wedding night. I guess if it could grow back mine would have. It's been well over 13 years since I even looked at a woman, let alone had any interest in one. Grace makes me think of a lot of things. Things I never thought I could have, but now I want them all more than anything with her. A real marriage, kids, this house, family dinners, lazy Sundays, all of it.

  I look around our bedroom and notice it’s full, the whole house is. Couches, decorations, and clothes. Jesus, she picked out so many for me I don't think I can wear them all. I'm so used to prison life, the simplest life possible, but now I have so much more.

  Taking a deep breath, I try to relax. I'm only wearing a loose pair of sleep pants, sitting on the bed while I wait for Grace to exit the bathroom. I wanted her to be comfortable, and it seems like she has been this whole time. She hasn’t stopped touching me all day, and it’s been driving me crazy. So is the thought of Grace in the shower right now. I readjust the monster in my pants, not wanting to scare her half to death.

  The door opens, and Grace walks out. She's wearing one of my t-shirts, even though I know she bought sleep clothes. She's drying her hair with a towel; her curls showing more when it's wet. Her legs are long and pale. She looks like a goddess. It doesn't help my hard-on any. Grace gives me a breathtaking smile that makes my heart ache. She throws the towel in the laundry basket near the bathroom door and walks toward me.

  With Grace being so close I can see her beautiful breasts, and God help me she's not wearing a bra. I'm itching to take her, but not now, not until she loves me and gets her memory back. I gaze into her beautiful green eyes, wondering what she sees in me. I'm not all that handsome, I have scars all over my body, and am in desperate need of a shave and haircut. I must seem like a mess. I want to be more for her, look better for her. I stand, making her distance to me shorter and hug her tightly. I know what she might be expecting tonight, and she doesn’t look the least bit nervous. I must stall her.

  "Gracie, can you do me a favour?" I murmur into the top of her head.

  She pulls back and looks up with a smile, pushing her luscious breasts closer to me. I hold back a groan. "Anything," her sweet voice burns through me.

  "I want you to clean me up, give me a shave and haircut," I say running my hand through my untamed wet hair.

  She looks confused "Hun, you're so handsome, why would I change you?" She asks, her tone serious. My heart melts even more, as if I wasn't already gone for my Gracie. I'm glad she doesn't want to change me, but I know I look more like a beast than a man.

  "Just a trim, whatever you think I need." I walk to the bathroom and pull out the clippers I bought today. I turn around to see her standing there, giving me a curious smile.

  "Come on, Gracie, time to take care of your man," I say, passing her the buzzers with a grin.

  She laughs as she promises, "Anything for you, hun, but I'm warning you, I don't know how this will turn out."

  I chuckle. "I'll take my chances."

  “I don’t think anything could make you more attractive,” she says then winks at me.

  “That’s my line,” I tell her before giving her a kiss.

  Chapter 6

  Grant- Two weeks later

  The last few weeks have been like a dream, except for the constant anxiety that Grace's memory is going to come back and she’d run away. Every morning we wake up in each other arms, my raging hard-on between us, ending up in a heated make-out session. Grace has become bold. Her lips soft and her hands in my hair, it's getting incredibly hard to control myself, especially when she gets pouty when I make us stop.

  Our days have been very domestic. We make breakfast together, then I take her to work. She's been a godsend. She's figured out my mess of paperwork and organized it. Hell, she even put the men in order. But I've had a pain in my gut this whole time. I know I should tell her the truth, and do it before she remembers on her own.

  We went to see Dr. Anders yesterday. Grace is healing fast, and now her memory is his only concern. He told us he was going to make some calls to a specialist. That tore me in two. I want Grace to get her memories back, of course, but I need more time. Luckily, he said it would take a few weeks to get a response.

  No one's come looking for her yet, and her cell was damaged in the accident otherwise I would have looked at it. I Googled her, but there was nothing much except an article about her father’s law firm. She isn’t on Facebook or other media platforms. Anyone she cared about she would have told where she was going, and they’d have been here by now, and since they haven’t, that means she's not in a relationship with anyone, right? I'm just trying to make myself feel better at this point.

  Shaking my head, I pull myself back to reality. I'm working on an engine; Grace is in the office dealing with today’s invoices. She’s done wonders to this place. Miles, David, and Joe are her biggest fans. She brings them homemade baking every day. The guys have joked that they are gaining weight because of it. I just laugh, telling them they should work harder then.

  I look over to see Grace talking to Mrs. Bedfin. She owns the homemade jam store in town. She hugs Grace and leaves the shop. All of a sudden Grace comes flying out and towards me with a huge smile.

  "Careful," I warn her as she jumps into my arms. I catch her quickly as she locks her lips on mine. The kiss is full of passion, and the love I have for her, and what I hope she has for me. Reluctantly, I release her and gently put her down.

  "What's got you in this mood, because whatever it is I like it?" I tug her body close to mine, needing the connection.

  "I sold my first painting." she squeals, jumping up and down. Her paintings are fantastic, and she's been doing them nonstop at home.

  I pick her up and swing her around, making her laugh, the sound music to my ears. "I'm so proud of you, Gracie. That's amazing."

  She beams at me. "It's the view I painted in front of her shop. The view is the reason she bought that location and she said it would be nice to have it inside as well." She can't stop smiling.

  I swell with pride. I'm so happy for her. I smooth her beautiful red hair around her ears and place a scorching kiss on her lips. This one seems different; controlled and passionate. When I pull back, I see happy tears in her eyes.

  "I love you," she says, her voice full of emotion and I feel it slam into me. I stare at her like a deer in headlights, speechless at her words. This is what I wanted to hear from her.

  Finally, my brain starts to function again, and I cup her face in my hands, then look right into her beautiful green eyes. "I love you too, Gracie." I've never said that to anyone before, in any capacity. My love for Grace is the strongest thing on this earth. Nothing could break it. I just hope she remembers how she feels about me when she gets her memory back. That her love for me is strong. And that it’ll be greater than the hate she’ll feel for me lying to her.

  "Hey, boss." We’re interrupted by Miles calling out to me.

  "What?" I grunt over my shoulder, Grace still in my arms.

  "Some guys in suits just parked out front." I tense at his words. We never get city folks unless its vacation season. The only reason I can see them being here now is Grace
. Oh god, I need to hide her, keep her safe, and put anyone down that threatens to take her from me.

  "Gracie, why don't you go back to the office and finish the paperwork for today? That way we can leave early," I tell her with some urgency, trying not to show how scared I am. I hope she does exactly what I say without question.

  "Okay, hun." She seems uneasy, maybe picking up on my feelings. I kiss her on the forehead and watch her walk to the office, closing the door behind her.

  Taking a deep breath, I head out front, as far away from Grace as possible. I barely get to the garage doors when two men walk up. I could quickly take them, it’d be easy with my 6’4” height and full frame. One looks to be in his 40s, tall but well-built, the other is younger with more of a swimmer’s build.

  "Can I help you?" I ask, blocking their entry to the garage. I stand firm, arms crossed over my chest, my voice not warm or welcoming.

  The older one pulls a picture from his suit pocket and hands it to me. It’s Grace, and I tense up. In the image she’s all made up, makeup not that she needs it, hair pulled back hiding her beautiful mane of red in a tight bun, classy blouse. She looks like a lawyer.

  "We’re looking for this woman, Grace Tabbeth. Her father, Thomas, said she came here two weeks ago, but hasn't checked in. Have you seen her?" He gives off a no-nonsense attitude. I think on my feet, needing them to get the fuck out of town. I try my hardest to play it cool.

  "Yeah, her car broke down. It was an easy fix, then she left. Said she was over our small town" I pull off a casual tone.

  "Did she say where she was headed?" The smaller guy asks.

  "Main city, heading back home is my guess" I shrug in indifference. They both nod like what I said makes sense. Good.

  "Thanks for your time." I hand back the photo of Grace, and they leave. I stand and watch, hoping they don't take the road that leads to the main street to ask more questions. I finally release a breath when they take the way that leads out of town.

  "Who were those guys?" I mumble to myself.

  "That’s Allen and Trevor. They work for my father." Grace's voice makes my heart stop.

  She remembers.

  Chapter 7


  I remember everything. But to be fair, I did the morning after we moved into our house. When I woke up, it was like a switch flipped. The accident, the hospital, and Grant. Oh, god Grant. Maybe I should be mad. He lied to me, some might say he even took advantage of me, but I didn't feel that way. I felt at home. Safe, protected. Grant is sweet, understanding, and spoils me. I didn't want it to end, so I continued to play along. And each day that went by I realized how much I love this life, and him.

  Being with Grant, the garage, my painting, our house, it’s everything I truly ever wanted. I was worried if I told him my memory was back, he’d feel different. When I first met him, I’m sure I gave off a city bitch impression, but that's not who I am. And I didn't want him to judge me as that woman he met for two minutes on the side of the road. This is apparently not the best time for this to all come out. As much as I’ve loved my time with Grant, I still need answers about my mother, and now I need protection from my father.

  I take a deep breath, ready to face Grant. Looking at him now I see his body is tight, and his eyes wide, he looks shocked and scared. I wish he knew I felt the same way. I take a small step toward him. "My father is looking for me. I left without really telling him. He was agitated because of it." I don't know what else to say, he’s still staring at me. I guess I should come clean, let it all out, then we can build from there.

  "About a month ago, I tracked down my biological grandparents. They lived in this town their whole adult lives. They died in a house fire a few years after my mother disappeared." I pause, giving him a second to digest it all. I see still a little confusion in his eyes.

  "I've never met my mother. My father said she ran off not long after I was born, but I didn’t believe him. I knew she wouldn’t just leave me. I’ve been searching for any trace of her for years. So, when I got this lead, I rushed here. On my way, my car broke down, and well, you know the rest." I give him a small, shy smile.

  "How long?" Is the only response he gives me. He seems angry now and I don't blame him.

  "The morning after we moved in." Grant visible deflates, giving his head a little shake.

  "Why…?" He trails off. I know what he's asking. Why pretend this whole time?

  "Because I'm Grace Grant, and I love you!" I practically yell at him. "All my life I've been my father's puppet, becoming who he wanted me to be, but all I ever wanted was to be myself, my choice, someone I am proud to be. Becoming Grace Grant was like a dream come true. She has everything I want and need in life; the biggest being you." I say that last part with my whole heart. I want him to know I'm serious. That getting my memory back doesn't change anything. Suddenly Grant rushes toward me and has me in his arms. His lips brush against mine; his tongue aggressively slips into my mouth consuming me, owning me. He pulls back and looks right into my soul.

  "I love you too, Gracie. I know I should feel guilty lying to you, but I don't. It made you mine, and I'm never giving you up." He reattaches his mouth to mine and it's different now because I realize that he'd been holding back before, but now it's like the dam has broken.

  Grant steps back, takes my hand and starts walking to his Nova. "Where are we going" I ask, still breathless.

  "Home, so I can finally make you mine, in every way," he practically growls out.

  "Yes," is all I get out before he tosses me into his car and peels out of the lot.


  I break every speed limit during the short drive, but I need to get home. She needs to be mine, only mine, forever. I toss Grace on the bed, and she giggles when she bounces. God, I love that sound. I grab her ankles and pull her to the end of the bed and crawl on top of her. I look down; her miraculous red hair is spread across the pale green bedding. Her face is bright with a smile, her eyes filled with passion. She looks like a fucking dream come true, a dream I’m about to devour, a dream that is now mine.

  "I need to make love to you, Gracie, I need to make you mine, I growl against her lips.

  “I’m already yours, Grant. As soon as you claimed me as your wife I was yours.” She whispers, then slams her lips on mine.

  With a groan, I pull her shirt over her head in one smooth motion. She's wearing a white lace bra and I can see her tight red nipples through it. They mesmerize me. I feel Grace's hands reach up and cup my face.

  "Grant, I've never done this before." Her voice is timid voice. Knowing she's untouched, that I'm the only one who will ever be with her makes me feel like a fucking king.

  "Good," I growl, kissing her plump lips "That means you’re all mine, forever," I tell her sincerely. Not breaking her gaze, wanting to make sure she knows I'm not just saying shit.

  She gives me the brightest smile that makes my heart beat like a fucking freight train. "Yes, forever." She leans up and kisses me, running her hands through my hair and down my back.

  I take over, caressing her body, feeling every aspect of her before undoing her bra and peeling it off her. Her breasts are large pale globes, more than a handful; they look magnificent. I lean down and take one of her perfect nipples into my mouth. Grace jerks with arousal.

  "Oh, yes Grant," she moans and tugs on my hair. I let out an animalistic growl and switch to the other side while unbuttoning her pants. I pull back and trail kisses down her body, she’s practically vibrating underneath me. I feel her hands clutch my shirt trying to tug it off.

  “I want to see you, feel you." Grace’s voice is breathless and desperate. Her face flushed, eyes bright. I rip the rest of my clothes off, and lay on top of her again, making sure our naked skin presses together.

  "You can for the rest of our lives, Gracie. I'm yours, body, mind, and soul." I kiss her deeply, pouring all the passion I have in me and more into it, tasting all of her. I slowly move down her body, making sure to lick, ki
ss, and touch every inch of her.

  I get to her belly button and use my shoulders to spread her legs further apart. I look down and see her pussy is dressed in a small patch of red that matches her beautiful hair. She has a perfect pink pussy, dripping wet for me. I lower my head and devour her. She tastes fantastic, my new favourite flavour. I don't let up, I want Grace to lose control, and more than that I want her to cover my face with her pleasure. I feel her nails dig into my hair as she comes. She gloriously screams my name as I drink her up like I'm a starving man on death row. I take a few moments to enjoy her release and being between her legs. Slowly I move above her, our faces just barely apart. Her cheeks are flushed, there's a slight sheen of sweat on her forehead, and her hair is wild. But her eyes, god, her eyes are radiating green with love. I knew I loved her, but I need to tell her again. I need to say it to her every day. I lean down and kiss her, making sure she tastes herself on my lips.

  I pull back a little, resting my forehead on hers. "I love you so damn much, Gracie" I feel like my heart is about to burst from all the love in it.

  Grace kisses me lightly and pulls my head back so I can see her. "I love you too." I can't contain myself anymore. I line my cock up with her entrance.

  "Gracie, this might hurt, but I promise it will get better." I feel sick knowing I’m about to cause her pain, but my need for her is strong.

  "Grant, I'm ready. Make me yours." Then she runs her hands down my arms before gripping my biceps.

  Not wanting to prolong it, I push forward in one motion, feeling her shield pop against my cock. The sensation gives me a rush of pride and satisfaction. Grace tenses, digging her ankles into my back and her nails into my arms. "Shhh, you're so amazing, Gracie" I pepper her face with kisses. "God, you're so tight." I kiss her, pushing my tongue in, trying to distract her from the pain.

  Grace pulls away to catch her breath. "Grant, you need to move," she whispers. Not wanting to deny her, I do. Her grip on me is so arousing it takes all my control not to take her hard and fast. "Oh, Grant," she moans, and I increase my pace.


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