Teach Me Tonight

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Teach Me Tonight Page 8

by Jacquelin Thomas

  Portland, Oregon

  It had been a long night.

  After the concert in Vancouver, Tamara went back to the hotel. Marty and the others invited her to go clubbing with them, but she begged off. Instead, she spent her evening watching television.

  Sleep did not come easy for her, mostly because Micah dominated her dreams. Tamara believed it was because of the anticipation of her need for physical intimacy. As much as she tried to ignore the truth, it was there. She wanted Micah to make love to her.

  Micah called her again last night, but they did not talk on the phone that long. He only wanted to make sure things were going well with her and Justice Kane.

  Tamara woke up several times during the night, and finally at 6:45 a.m., she got up.

  She worked on her article until room service delivered her breakfast.

  When she finished eating, Tamara showered and put twists into her hair.

  Every so often, she would check the clock. Micah’s plane was scheduled to land at 10:05 a.m. Tamara was really looking forward to seeing him.

  She swung open the door to her suite and into Micah’s arms two and a half hours later.

  His lips pressed against hers and then gently covered her mouth.

  His masterful kiss turned her legs into jelly as tantalizing tremors undulated through Tamara. She never believed it possible to derive so much pleasure from merely kissing a man.

  Micah’s lips brushed against hers as she spoke. “You’re the man who’s been dominating my dreams at night. You know that, don’t you? I’m glad that you’re here, Mr. Ross.”

  “I’m actually happy to be here, too.” After a brief pause, he added, “More than I thought I would be.”

  “So does that mean you really really missed me?” she asked with a chuckle.

  Their eyes met and held.

  “More than you can imagine,” he told her.

  Micah broke their lust-filled trance by saying, “Any idea what you want to see in Portland?”

  Tamara nodded. “Rose City Park. It sounds like it’s similar to Woodland Park Rose Garden in Seattle.”

  “It is,” he affirmed.

  They left the hotel in a rental car.

  “You seem to know your way around this place,” Tamara stated. “How often do you come here?”

  Micah laughed. “A GPS system is a wonderful thing.”

  When they arrived at Rose City Park, Tamara picked up a brochure for the self-guided tour.

  “Micah, according to this pamphlet, there are over six thousand, eight hundred rosebushes that present over five hundred varieties,” Tamara stated. “This is Rose City.”

  He took pictures with her digital camera.

  “The next stop is the Royal Rosarian Garden,” she announced as they followed the brick path around the garden. “The brochure says that Royal Rosarians are ambassadors of goodwill for the city. They participate in many festivals throughout the Northwest and plant a rose at each site. A rose was planted for each prime minister.”

  Micah and Tamara completed their tour and ate lunch at a nearby restaurant.

  “Where to now?” she questioned when they finished eating.

  “The Japanese Gardens aren’t too far from here,” he told her.

  Tamara found the walk uphill from the parking lot to the garden somewhat steep. Micah grabbed her hand and led her up to the top where they saw a set of stairs.

  “Okay, I’m working off my lunch today,” she murmured with a short laugh.

  Five separate gardens made up the Portland Japanese Garden. Tamara snapped pictures of Micah strolling along the pond garden. He took pictures of her with the tea garden as a beautiful backdrop.

  A couple nearby offered to photograph them together in the natural garden.

  “We look like lovers,” Tamara told him when they reviewed the photo on camera.

  Micah nodded in agreement.

  She gave him a sidelong glance. “Does it bother you?”

  “No,” he responded. “Because we know the truth.”

  Tamara stopped walking. “So are you saying that you don’t want to be my lover?” She folded her arms across her chest.

  Micah laughed. “Sweetheart, I’d be lying if I said that.”

  She grinned. “Just checking.”

  He pulled Tamara into his arms, holding her close.

  “What’s gotten into you?” Tamara asked. “You are not the type of man who is openly affectionate.”

  Micah gave her a tender look. “You’re right, which is why this should convince you of how much I really care about you, sweetheart.”

  She cleared her throat, pretending not to be affected by his words.

  In a surprise move, Micah covered her lips with his in the middle of the garden.

  Tamara put her arms around his neck, giving herself freely to the passion of his kiss.

  “Wow…” she murmured as they parted.

  He smiled. “Would you like to see the rest of the garden? We still have the stone and the flat gardens to explore.”

  She nodded.

  Tamara and Micah made it back to the hotel shortly after four.

  She lay down to take a nap before she had to meet him for dinner. Tonight they were planning to attend the after party and would be out late.

  Tamara believed that Micah was beginning to trust her again and it thrilled her. Their friendship was still on the mend, but she sensed that it was also changing. She had strong feelings for him and from that kiss that Micah laid on her earlier she felt conflicted. There were times she was almost positive that he returned her affection, but then other times, Micah acted like there was nothing more between them than friendship.

  Perhaps Micah was acting this way because of his relationship with Sunni, Tamara decided and made a mental note to ask him about his relationship with the model. If they were involved, then there was no place in his life for her.

  As much as it would break her heart, Tamara knew she would have to move on with her life.

  “Would you like to dance?” Micah asked her. They came over with the band and Justice Kane for the concert after party at a local club in downtown Portland.

  She nodded. “I love dancing. I just haven’t done it in a long time.”

  Micah eyed her in amazement. “What? Not the party animal herself…”

  “Ha-ha…” she muttered, taking him by the hand. “I hope you’ve learned something other than that two-step you used to do.”

  Micah pretended to be offended. “I know you’re not talking about me. Girl, I was too cool back then.”

  Tamara stood up, waiting for him to escort her to the dance floor. She walked slowly, her body swaying to the music. “This is my song.”

  He took her to the middle of the front of the dance floor and began dancing to the music. One song ended and another began while they were still on the dance floor.

  Justice Kane tapped Micah on the shoulder. “Hey man, can I dance with the pretty lady?”

  Marty sashayed toward them. “Tamara, I’ll take Micah off your hands. I love this song.”

  Some of the partygoers stopped dancing to take pictures of Justice.

  “This is the part of my life that I’m not feeling,” he told Tamara. “The lack of privacy. Sometimes I just want to leave my house and just kick it with my boys or my girl, you know?”

  Tamara broke into a smile. “The price of fame, huh.”

  He nodded. “But you know what? I’ma have to just deal with it. I wouldn’t be Justice Kane if it wasn’t for these people. I can’t forget that.”

  “It’s a nice way of looking at it,” Tamara responded. “It shows that you appreciate your fans—that’s what will keep them buying your albums. Besides the wonderful songs you sing, anyway.”

  When the music stopped, Justice escorted her back to the table in the VIP lounge of Avalanche, a hot, hip new club. Micah was talking to the cocktail server when they arrived.

  “I just ordered you a glass of white wine,” he tol
d Tamara.

  She met his gaze and smiled. “Thanks.”

  They sat down.

  “You look like you’re having a good time,” he stated.

  “I am,” Tamara confirmed. “I have to share this with you, Micah. I’m not trying to sound corny, but the best times of my life were when I was at Hollington College, with my grandmother and with you.”

  Micah shook his head in denial.

  “It’s true,” Tamara insisted. “You didn’t just teach me math—you taught me how to hope. When you used to tell me about the things you went through growing up, Micah, you were always so optimistic. I wanted that kind of peace. That same kind of hope for the future.”

  “Each day that we wake up is another chance for to better our lives. We only have to keep our heads to the sky.” Micah reached over and took her hand in his. “Tamara, it’s been great seeing you again. I feel like I’m getting my best friend back.”

  “I’m glad you said that,” she murmured. “Because I feel the exact same way.”

  “I know that we’re not looking to the past, but Tamara, I hope there’s no hidden agenda here.” He was not ready to tell her how he really felt about her because he was not a hundred percent sure of her motives. Micah had allowed her entry back into his life but until he knew that Tamara was legit—he would keep his heart protected at all costs.

  It wasn’t always easy to keep his emotions under control. Micah wanted Tamara in a way that he never wanted another woman. Whenever they were together, he found it difficult to keep his hands and his lips off her. Micah hoped that he wasn’t sending her mixed signals but it was too soon to let down his guard.

  San Francisco, California

  Micah rode with Tamara on the crew bus for the ten-hour drive from Portland to San Francisco.

  She was willing to give up the executive suite, but Micah would not hear of it. He insisted on bunking with the crew if he needed to rest.

  He knocked on the door before sticking his head inside. “Busy?”

  Tamara shook her head no. “What’s up?”

  “We’re about to play spades,” Micah announced. “Interested in playing?”

  “Sure,” Tamara responded. “I haven’t played in a while.”

  “It’ll come back to you.”

  For the next hour, they played as partners, winning all but one round.

  They didn’t arrive in San Francisco until after three.

  “How is the article coming along?” Micah asked.

  They checked into the hotel almost an hour ago and were now sitting around the pool.

  “I have so much material for my article,” she told him. “Micah, I think I’m going to have to break it up and do a series. At least that’s the way I’m going to pitch it to my editor.”

  His BlackBerry handheld started to vibrate.

  “I need to take this call,” Micah announced, excusing himself. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  When he left, Marty ran over and sat down in the lounge chair he had just vacated. “I know it’s not my business, but something’s jumping off between you and Micah. Girl, I’m happy for you. Micah Ross is fine.”

  Tamara broke into a grin. “Really, we’re just friends, Marty.”

  She shook her head in denial. “What he and Sunni are—that’s friends. When Micah looks at you, it’s like a man in love.”

  Tamara smiled but did not respond. She was not about to say anything about their relationship. If Micah wanted his people to know anything, he would have to be the one to tell them.

  Marty rose to her feet when she saw Micah coming in their direction. “I know what I’m talking about.” She winked, strolled off in her skimpy-looking bikini and jumped into the Olympic-size pool.

  Tamara’s cell phone started to ring. She saw that it was Kyra calling and answered it. “Hey, girl. What’s up?”

  “Nothing,” Kyra answered. “I was calling to see how things are going on your trip. Are you and Micah having a good time?”

  “We are,” Tamara responded. She gave Kyra a quick rundown of the tour and her time spent with Micah.

  They chatted for a few minutes more.

  “I just got off the phone with Kyra,” Tamara announced. “She told me to tell you hello.”

  “I haven’t seen her in a while,” Micah said with a smile. “I saw Chloe once, but the only person I talk to on the regular is Kevin.”

  “Are you planning to come to homecoming this year?” Tamara asked. “It hasn’t been the same without you.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it.” Micah checked his cell phone one more time before laying it down on the glass table between them. “Justice will be performing so I might show up.”

  “Micah, I hope you’ll come,” Tamara commented. “I have really missed you not being in my life. This week has been wonderful but I want our friendship back. When you’re in Atlanta, I expect to get a phone call, dinner or something.”

  “How about you cook me dinner?” he suggested. “Oh yeah…you can’t cook.”

  “See, you don’t know anything,” Tamara shot back. “I am a pretty good cook. I took cooking classes.”

  He laughed. “What can you cook?”

  “Everything,” she stated. “I have an impressive collection of cookbooks.”

  He was watching her so intently that she asked, “Why are you staring at me like that?”

  “You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you.”

  She felt her skin become flushed and heated. “It wouldn’t bother me if you did.”

  Just then, a photographer snapped a picture of them.

  Micah released a sigh of frustration. “Are you ready to go upstairs?” he asked.

  She nodded.

  “I wish people could get a glimpse of the man that I see,” Tamara said in a low voice. They were inside the hotel waiting for the elevator doors to open.

  “I know this is a part of the life I choose, but there are some things that I feel should be left private.”

  “I agree with you,” Tamara stated. “I think you need to address this with the media. By not talking, they are left to form their own opinions, but if you put it out there they will know how you feel about it.”

  Micah seemed to be considering her words. “I haven’t thought about it in that way.”

  “Just think about it.”

  She and Micah were alone during the ride up to the twelfth floor. He reached for her. “I’ll take that kiss now.”

  Tamara leaned into his embrace.

  “There’s something I need to ask you,” Tamara said, stepping away from him. “What exactly is your relationship with Sunni?”

  “We are nothing more than friends. We hang out but we’re not a couple—that’s just the media’s spin on it.”

  Tamara gave him a look. “Does she know this?”

  “Why?” Micah asked. “What did she say to you?”

  “She didn’t really say anything to me, but it’s pretty obvious to me that Sunni’s in love with you. I can tell by the way she looks at you.”

  “Tamara, I’ve been very honest with her,” Micah stated. “I don’t know what else I can do. She knows that we are friends. Now let me ask you something—does my friendship with Sunni bother you?”

  “Yeah, it does,” Tamara confessed. “I’m not real crazy about the woman.”

  He laughed. “A lot of women feel the same way about Sunni. I have no idea why.”

  “Yeah, right,” she grunted.

  “We haven’t really talked about your love life,” Micah stated. “What’s up with you? Do I have to worry about some man coming to break my nose?”

  Tamara shook her head. “For some reason, I can’t seem to find a man who isn’t interested in anything other than money, social standing and sex. I’m to the point that I need to run complete credit, criminal and health background checks on a person before I go on a date with him. My sister just got married two weeks ago and so you know my mama.” She stared up at him. “Why haven’t
you gotten married? I’ve always thought of you as the marrying type—a family man.”

  “I guess Miss Right just hasn’t come along.”

  Tamara grinned. “So are you saying that Sunni isn’t the one?”

  He chuckled. “I told you already that Sunni and I are just friends although she is convinced that she’s the right woman for me.”

  “I’m not surprised,” Tamara uttered. “It’s obvious that Sunni truly believes her own press.”

  Micah had to agree. “She has a good heart though.”

  “I’m not saying she’s not a good person. She just likes herself a lot.”

  He laughed.

  Chapter 7

  The crew buses arrived back in Los Angeles a couple of hours ago.

  Micah invited Tamara to spend the following week at his house. Neither one of them was looking forward to their time together ending.

  “Well, you have your interview,” Micah stated.

  “Yeah, I do,” she responded, sitting on the passenger side of his BMW X5 luxury SUV. “Thank you so much for the opportunity.” She chewed on her bottom lip a moment before saying, “Micah, I’ve been thinking about something—another feature for the magazine. I have a huge favor to ask.”

  He glanced in her direction. “What is it?”

  “I really want to be a feature writer with Luster magazine and this article on Justice Kane was my trial run, but if you would allow me to do an exclusive feature on you, that would seal the position for me.”

  The car was filled with a pregnant silence.

  Tamara began to consider that she had crossed some imaginary line until Micah told her, “If you want to interview me, that’s fine. Since you’re spending this week with me—now would be a good time. I’m taking some time away from work.”

  “That’s actually perfect, Micah. People want a chance to get to know the real you. They want to see you when you’re not at the office.” She broke into a smile. “Thanks, Micah. I owe you big time for this.”

  “You don’t owe me anything. You know I’m only agreeing to do this because it’s you, Tamara.”

  She could tell that Micah was not totally comfortable with the idea even though he had agreed to do the interview. “I know and believe me, I don’t take this lightly. I’ll only write what you want in print.”


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