Professor Matthews

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Professor Matthews Page 5

by Lolita Lane

  “Mommy, you said you would sleep in my bed tonight,” she said. “I woke up and you weren’t there.”

  Mark patted my ass as I walked over to our sleepy child. I kneeled to get to her level and pushed her long light brown hair away from her face.

  “I was just checking on Daddy,” I said. “I know you’re not used to having a big girl bed yet.”

  Ignoring me, she looked over at Mark as her brow wrinkled. “What’s detention?” she asked.

  Mark’s eyes widened. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I wanted to laugh at his embarrassment, but I knew it would just keep Elizabeth up even later.

  “Detention is like a time out that happens in school,” I said.

  I could see Elizabeth’s brain working while she thought about what I said.

  “But I heard Daddy say you had to stay for detention. Why?” she asked.

  “That’s a good question, sweetie.” I looked up at Mark and tilted my head to the side. “So, why did you say that?”

  “Because you were naughty. I…uh I mean,” he stammered, “I thought we could try something new.” He covered his face, realizing what he said before blinking at Elizabeth who was nodding.

  “Mommy was naughty,” she said with conviction. “She was supposed to stay in bed with me.”

  “No, no, I wasn’t naughty. I was exactly on time,” I said as my eyes met Mark’s. I tried to hold back my laughter as I steered Elizabeth towards the door. “Daddy’s just being silly.” I bit my lip to stop a giggle from escaping.

  “Is that true, Daddy? Because Mommy promised she’d sleep in my bed tonight and she wasn’t there. She needs a detention,” she said with a big yawn as she finally turned to leave the room.

  “Mommy’s right. I was just being silly,” Mark said. “Sweet dreams, honey.”

  As I started to close the door behind Elizabeth and I, Mark took the door from me and gave me a crooked smile.

  “Go ahead to your room, sweetie,” I said to Elizabeth. “I’ll be right there.”

  I watched her continue down the hall towards her bedroom. She wasn’t adjusting to her new bed very well and I was hoping my spending the night with her would make it better.

  “Detention in an hour?” he whispered as he waggled his eyebrows.

  “Yes, but I need to work on my dissertation later.”

  “I know, I’m so proud of you. Soon you’ll be Professor Matthews, too.” He wrapped my hair around his fingers as he pulled me in for another kiss. “I know how important it is to you. Detention can wait for another time.”

  “It’ll only wait thirty minutes,” I said as I stood up on my tip toes and gave him another kiss. “I’ll be back as soon as she’s out.”

  “I love you, Professor Matthews,” he said as I turned to walk down the hall.

  “I love you more, Professor Matthews,” I said before blowing him a kiss.

  He cleared his throat before speaking, his voice stern. “Remember, don’t be late.”

  As he disappeared into his office, I couldn’t help but smile. Life with my husband and daughter was more perfect than I could ever imagine.

  The End

  Thank you for reading Professor Matthews! I hope you enjoyed it.

  If you love vacation romances, I think you’ll enjoy my story STRANGERS ON A TRAIN.

  It was supposed to be just a vacation fling…

  With her sister’s wedding quickly approaching, Leah decides it’s the ideal time for her to get away. A European vacation with a train to Valencia sounds like the perfect escape. And when a sexy man with a seductive accent sits across from her, things can only get better.

  But Leah’s plans for a one night stand quickly derail. Enrique isn’t just capable of giving her multiple orgasms, he’s much more than that. And when she returns home she realizes that she not only left her heart in Spain, but there’s a new one beating inside of her.

  **This steamy standalone story is chock full of Instalove, No Cheating, and a Happy Ending. You’ve been warned.

  STRANGERS ON A TRAIN is free with Kindle Unlimited!

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  Continue reading for the short story


  About Stepbrother’s Baby

  “You owe me, so now you’re mine.”

  There’s only one person who can help me, but he’s the last one I want to call—my stepbrother Connor Matthews. Sure, he’s so hot I want to bite him to find out how good he tastes, but he’s always been such a prick to me. Calling him means that I’m going to owe him big, but I don’t have another choice.

  This sexy short story contains instalove and a stepbrother with only one thing on his mind.

  Stepbrother’s Baby

  Sitting in a police station at one in the morning wasn’t my idea of a good time. The bench was hard and cold and the pale tile floor didn’t look any more comforting. Above, a florescent lamp buzzed annoyingly filling the cell with a sobering clinical light.

  Dressed in my after work clothes of purple sweatpants and a white baby doll tee, I wished I was wearing something else, or at least a bra for crissakes. I didn’t dress like this normally, but after a night of drunks spilling their drinks, I always changed before heading home. My after work clothes were also my collapse into bed clothes. I didn’t think I’d run into anyone dressed like that.

  Why couldn’t I be lucky enough to wear something that would make the cops listen and take me seriously?

  At twenty-three, I didn’t own anything serious like that though. And I didn’t have the money to start buying clothes like that either. It didn’t matter though. Even if I had serious clothing on I’d still have my makeup and hair done like a stripper. Cops didn’t take strippers seriously. It didn’t matter that I wasn’t a dancer, I was guilty by association.

  A door opened down the hall and the soft shuffle of shoes on the tile floor grew louder until their owner was standing on the other side of the bars. Detective Lowenstein was dressed in brown slacks and a tan button shirt, making him look like a walking Mr. Potato Head. He wheezed while unlocking the door that separated us.

  “You’re entitled to one phone call,” he said gruffly. “Make it count.”

  “But I didn’t even do anything,” I said, immediately hating the whine in my voice. “It’s all a mistake.”

  “If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, sweetheart. I’m telling ya, I’d be rich.”

  He brought me over to his desk where earlier he took all my information down and took my fingerprints. He roughly spun the dirty, grey telephone towards me and slammed it down. As I looked at the phone, my mind went blank. Who could I call?

  My mother and stepfather were away for the weekend. It was bad enough they already thought I was a fuck up. This situation wasn’t going to change their mind about that. Chewing my bottom lip, I picked up the receiver with the tips of my fingers, not wanting to touch the smelly phone too much. There was only one person I knew who might help me out of this mess, my stepbrother.

  “Hello?” Connor said as he groggily answered the phone.

  “Umm hey there, bro, its April,” I said, trying to sound cool while I nervously twisted my dark hair around my fingers.

  “April? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you have any idea what time it is? Where are your parents?”

  “Of course I know what time it is. I’m not stupid, you know. And they’re away, remember? I just…I need help, okay?”

  “Help? At two in the morning? This better be good.”

  Looking up, my eyes met Detective Potato Head’s and I wondered how long they would keep me there if no one came for me. Maybe I could stick it out and no one would have any idea that resident fuck up April Taylor was in jail.

  As my finger came closer to the phone’s base with plans to hang up on Connor, a drugged out prostitute was dragged into the building and tossed into the cell I was just in. That place was cramped enou
gh when it was just me.

  “I’m in jail and I need you to bail me out,” I blurted out. There was silence on the other end and I moved the receiver off my ear and looked at it for a moment wondering if he hung up. “Connor?”

  “Fuck April, what did you do now? I’ve never heard of a nineteen year old getting into so much trouble before.”

  “I locked my keys in my car.”

  “That’s bullshit. They can’t arrest you for that.”

  “Well they did. There’s been complaints about breakins at the club and when they found me trying to break into my car, they hauled me away. They wouldn’t listen.”

  Detective Potato Head snorted and rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his creaky chair. He didn’t believe me, none of them believed me. All everyone ever thought of me was that I was just another fucked up stripper.

  “What can I do?”

  “They impounded my car and wouldn’t even run the plates to see it’s registered to me. I need you to go home and get my title and my spare set of keys.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I stepped out of my car as Connor headed up the walk to the house. I was parked in the driveway while Connor’s car was at the curb after following me home. The front porch light was on, but otherwise the neighborhood was dark.

  “Thanks for saving my ass,” I said.

  The cops let me go after Connor showed up with title. When they balked, he pointed to my keys being locked in the car’s ignition. They didn’t seem like they wanted to let me go, but Connor made it clear they had no choice. It was hot watching my stepbrother get all alpha with the cops. And when he told me he was going to follow me home to make sure I got there safely, I practically swooned.

  “Let’s go in the house,” he said.

  As I followed Connor into the brick colonial house I grew up in, I couldn’t help but check him out. It was a habit I got into back in high school when he was the captain of the lacrosse team and I was a theater geek.

  Back then he wasn’t my brother so it was ok. I was just another lowly freshman who thought senior Connor Matthews was a hottie. When my mother married his father last year, I initially thought it was great because I’d get to see him more, but I had to put all my fantasies about him on hold. He made it obvious he couldn’t stand me anyway.

  Now Connor was just my step brother. My tall, muscular, sexy brother with brown short hair that stood up just right at the top and begged for me to run my fingers through. My brother with his ass fitting so perfectly in those jeans, I wanted to bite him to find out if he was as tasty as he looked.

  As we entered the house, we went to the family room where he turned on the lights and opened his dad’s wooden liquor cabinet. He pulled out an open bottle of scotch and a couple of glasses. Holding a glass up to me, I shook my head, and pointed to a bottle of water.

  “You owe me,” he said gruffly as he poured a couple of fingers of scotch into a glass. “I’m surprised you didn’t call your mom.”

  “No way, are you kidding me? That’s all I need. They’d have to come home early from their trip. Or worse, they’d leave me there to learn my lesson,” I said. “I know everyone thinks I’m a fuck up, but I’m really not. I only work at the club because they pay their bartenders so well. And the more I look like a stripper, the better tips I get. What else am I supposed to do to pay for school? I can’t help it if I do stupid things like forget my keys in the car.”

  “You’re nothing but trouble,” he said after taking a sip.

  He gave me a crooked smile as he sat in his dad’s easy chair. I couldn’t help but wonder if he was flirting with me. Could he be? No way.

  “Whatever. Just please don’t tell them what happened. They’ll kill me.”

  “I know,” he said, “that’s why I said you owe me.”

  Connor’s green eyes darkened as he sat back in the chair and eyed me up and down. If he was any other guy, I would think he wanted sex, but Connor never seemed anything but annoyed by me before.

  His eyes followed me as I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the bar. I felt a little self conscious and insecure with his staring at me so I folded my arms over my chest, trying to cover up. For the second time that night I wished I was wearing something else.

  The house was too quiet. I stood up and turned on the jukebox and chose his favorite CD by the Foo Fighters. His eyes didn’t leave me and the realization that he twice said I owed him, slowly dawned on me.

  What did he want?

  “So what do I owe you, big brother?” I asked.

  He laughed. “I’m not your brother. We’ve never even lived together. Hell, we were both adults by the time our parents got married.”

  “Your point?”

  “Just that we’re not really brother and sister.”

  He rubbed his bearded chin with his hand as his eyes looked me over again.

  “And what you’re thinking of as payment would be bad if we were?” I asked.

  Grinning at me, his foot tapping to the music he nodded his head at me slowly.

  “I’ve always wanted to see you dance,” he said. “When my buddies heard you were a dancer they wanted to see you, but I wouldn’t let them.”

  “But I’m not a dancer.”

  “Whenever someone hears you work at that club, that’s all they think. It didn’t matter though, there was no fucking way I’d let any of those guys get near you.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re mine.”

  “Yours?” I asked. “As in your sister?”

  “No,” he said, grinning. “I already told you we’re not really related. Mine as in you belong to me.”

  My eyes widened with surprise.

  “I belong to you? But I thought you hated me.”

  “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to visit my dad and see you strutting around looking all sexy?”

  “I don’t strut. And I am not sexy.”

  “You have no fucking idea how hot you are. Now shut up and listen to me,” he said. “I’ve wanted to fuck you since you were standing across from me at City Hall in that ridiculous pink dress your mother made you wear. Why do you think I don’t visit much? Just thinking about you gets me hard.”


  “It’s not like our parents would understand. So yeah, maybe I’ve acted like a dick at times, but only because I was trying to ignore how much I want you.”

  “And now?”

  “Well, you owe me,” he said with a mischievous look.

  “So that’s it?” I asked.

  Taking another sip of his scotch, he nodded.

  “How about you dance for me? I know it’s not what you do, but pretend I’m a customer,” he said.

  I stared at him for a moment wondering if he was bullshitting me or if he really did want me to dance for him. Was that it? Would dancing for him settle my debt? I had to admit that after hearing he wanted to fuck me, I was hoping for that.

  I dimmed the lights in the room and turned the music up louder as the next song started. Swaying my hips to the music, I shook my hair like I had seen the girls in the club do a million times.

  He set his glass down on an end table and placed his hands on the arms of the chair. I made it my mission to make him move them. He could pretend we were in a club if he wanted, but I wanted his hands on me.

  With my hands on his knees, I pushed them apart and stood between his legs as my hands ran up his thighs and over the zippered bulge of his jeans. I waited to see if he would stop me. I felt like it was a dream come true. Never in a million years did I ever think Connor Matthews would think I was sexy. And I never thought I’d ever get to see his dick.

  With my eyes on his, I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans where his large cock was waiting for me to release it from the confines of his pants. Remembering he was asleep when I called him from the police station, I couldn’t help but imagine him sleeping naked and it turned me on even more.

  Turning around, I
leaned back against his chest as I rubbed my ass over his erection. His hands clutched onto the arms of the chair and I knew I had to do more.

  As I stood, I lowered my sweatpants slowly, revealing my pink thong. I heard him let out a long breath as I kicked my pants off. I was so wet I was sure he saw the wet spot on my panties as I bent over. But he still didn’t touch me.

  There was something about knowing how much I was turning him on that made me brave. I had never done anything like this before. The few guys I had dated thought I was a prude. But being there with Connor, made me feel wild. I couldn’t believe how much not getting touched could turn me on.

  Turning to face him again, I pulled my shirt up slowly knowing I wasn’t wearing a bra underneath. My erect nipples were already pushing hard against the fabric of my shirt. Lifting my shirt over my breasts I let my breasts bounce as I released them from the tight shirt.

  Sliding my fingers over my breasts, I tugged at my nipples as I bit my lip. I hoped he would take the hint and jump me, but still no luck. His hands didn’t budge.

  “Aren’t you going to touch me?” I said as I pouted.

  “I’m not supposed to. No touching the dancers,” he said with a laugh.

  “Well the dancers aren’t supposed to be naked either,” I said, feeling brave enough to remove my thong.

  I couldn’t help myself, I liked a challenge. And hearing how he felt about me and seeing my effect on him, made me do things I wouldn’t dream of doing.

  I kneeled in front of him and slowly slid my body over his hard cock, feeling it throb between my breasts before moving my body up further.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

  “But you still won’t touch me,” I said, noticing his hands still hadn’t moved.

  I unbuttoned his shirt quickly and touched his muscular chest like I always dreamed about. I grinned at him as I slowly moved my hand over his fleshy knob.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking for,” he said. “Remember, you owe me. What I say goes.”

  “Then what do you want me to do?” I asked, uncertain.

  He tapped the arm of the chair. “Put your leg up here and show me that pretty pussy of yours.”

  As I lifted one of my legs over the arm of the chair, his hand slid up my thigh.


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