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Insatiable Page 5

by Daniele Lanzarotta


  I had to get out of there. That was all I could do to keep myself from doing something stupid.

  As soon as I step outside, I feel like I can think clearly again. My thoughts get tangled again as soon as I catch the scent of seawater. It reminds me of Arianna in a way that makes me crazy. I sit on the sand and stare at the sea wondering once again how she even got here.

  I don’t understand what’s going on. Meeting someone like her was never supposed to happen, and honestly, it’s not like I deserve her anyway. I’m sure she thinks very little of me, especially once she met Brooke, after all, what kind of person lives his life based on what others want? And now, I destroyed the whole idea she had of having a ‘fairy tale’ first time, just like my father destroyed every chance of my having the future that I want, and honestly, I didn’t even know what I wanted until I met her.

  I have no fucking clue what I am going to do. Maybe I just need to leave the island and not come back. At least as long as she’s here, I know she’ll be safe. But I don’t know if I can stay away. People like Brooke, people who like to talk down to others like she did with Arianna, come and go from here all the time, and then there is Owen. Something about the way he looks at her is wrong.

  I hear Brooke coming behind me. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I could tolerate her before this. A life with her actually seemed possible, but now, even her touch makes my skin crawl, especially when I wonder what is going through Arianna’s mind whenever she sees me with Brooke.

  Chapter Nine


  I’m not going to lie. Being alone with Owen terrified me. I didn’t know what he was, but I knew it wasn’t good.

  He was playing pool when I walked in the room. He stopped as soon as he saw me, grinning as he looked at me. “I see you have adapted very well.”

  “What if I want to go back?” I asked.

  He rolled his eyes. “We both know that you don’t. Besides, I’m pretty sure that storm last night had something to do with you being gone. Why would you want to go back to a place where there is nothing left but hate toward you? Be honest. Do you think they will accept your return?”

  “I—I don’t know.” I paused. “What do you want from me?”

  He grinned once again.

  “For now, I want you to keep living as you are. When the time is right, I’ll let you know what’s expected of you.”

  Not knowing scared me even more. I didn’t trust him. In fact, when he took a step closer to me, I flinched.

  He grinned. “Relax, sweetheart. I was just going to put the pool stick away.” He moved past me and put it away. When I turned around, he was watching me.

  “The clothes look great on you, but I assume you don’t want to keep wearing my ex-girlfriend’s clothes, even though I doubt she’ll ever come back for them.”

  “I don’t mind,” I said.

  He shrugged.

  A shiver passed through my body as I noticed the way he stared at me. I assumed that he was up to more things than I could even imagine, and later I would find out how right I was about that.

  “I should probably go out there and help your mom.”

  He nodded, smiling as he watched me walk away.

  I walked out of the room to find Cindy carrying Molly to her room. “Oh, good. There you are. Molly wanted to say goodnight.”

  I smiled at Molly. She gave me a hug and kiss and told me goodnight.

  Just as soon as they disappeared into the hallway, Blake and Brooke came in. My gaze went to her hand holding his and I couldn’t look into his eyes. Awkwardly looking away from their hands, I excused myself and went to what was now my room.

  I stood there looking out the window for a while. I watched the sea, the waves hitting those rocks where I used to spend so much time. There were no signs of the world underneath. My heart ached and I had no one else to blame but myself. I had caused my father pain, as well as Bram and myself. Maybe I wouldn’t be hurting so much right now if I hadn’t given myself to Blake like I had, but I was only thinking about the present and now, all I could ever have were the memories.

  I finally decided to go and lie down, but I couldn’t sleep for quite a while. I kept tossing and turning, and I had this hope that Blake would show up in my room in the middle of the night.

  When I woke, the sunlight lit up the room and I was alone.


  I found everyone eating breakfast. Brooke seemed to be in a good mood. Molly came running toward me and dragged me to the table to sit down and eat breakfast with her. I glanced at Blake, and he avoided looking at me. Owen watched him, amused as always.

  Cindy said they would be leaving within the hour to go back home. She was just excusing herself to get things ready when Owen stopped her.

  “Actually, Mom, I think I’ll be staying a few extra days,” he said, looking at me.

  I cringed. This was the first time that Blake really looked at me since the night before and he must have noticed that I didn’t look pleased. Brooke tensed as Blake spoke.

  “What about work, Owen?” he asked.

  Owen shrugged. “I can work from here. I’m sure Dad won’t mind. Besides, you’ll be there if he needs anything to be dealt with.”

  Cindy gave Owen a puzzled look as if she knew he was up to something.

  “Are you okay with Owen staying?” she asked me, which took me by surprise.

  “Of course. It’s your house.”

  Cindy gave Owen a puzzled look. I could tell that me saying that didn’t seem to be enough for her.

  “Look, Mom,” said Owen. “I thought I would be helpful. Arianna mentioned yesterday that she needs to go and get some clothes from the city and a couple of other things.”

  “Oh, okay,” she said. She then moved on to do other things.

  Blake gave Owen a strange look, but Owen just grinned.

  The worst part was that through that entire hour, Brooke didn’t leave Blake’s side and Blake avoided looking in my direction. Either that or he couldn’t because Brooke was all over him.

  The hour went by fast, though. Owen said he’d take them to the city so he could bring the boat back. They were all in the boat when I saw Blake get out and run back toward the house. I felt my heartbeat speed up as he approached the house, but I then saw Brooke run after him.

  He gave me a look that carried so much emotion to it… Anger, love, jealousy… All he said was, “I told her I forgot something here. I just—UGH! I don’t like my brother alone here with you. Just promise me you won’t trust him.”

  Brooke caught up before I could say anything in reply.

  “I told you I just forgot my wallet,” he snapped.

  “Oh, I know,” she said. “I think I forgot my scarf in our room.”

  “You came back for a scarf?” he asked.

  “It’s my favorite, honey. It was the one you gave me.” She paused. “Come on, cheer up and I’ll let you tie me up with it later,” she winked.

  I felt sick to my stomach. Blake just looked pissed. “Let me know if you need anything before you leave,” I said before I turned around and went to my room.

  That was the last I saw of them. I felt as if I couldn’t breathe when I got in my room and I wondered if maybe not seeing him ever again would be better than having to see him with her. I felt as if my heart would burst out of my chest.

  I didn’t know when Owen would be back. I was stuck in the house with absolutely nothing to do and I still couldn’t make myself go outside. I felt as if I would suffocate just by staring at the sea for too long, let alone get near it.

  Chapter Ten

  I’m not the type to snoop around. I’m really not, but I found myself drawn to Blake’s room. I changed my mind as soon as I opened the door and was hit by the scent of Brooke’s perfume. I quickly closed the door not wanting to even look at the bed where he slept with her just hours after being with me.

  I headed to the game room where I remembered seeing a bookshelf. I looked
through the books, looking for something to read. I got so distracted that I jumped when I heard Owen’s voice behind me. Way too close to me.

  “You like to read?” he asked with a puzzled look.

  “I didn’t exactly live in a place where I had the opportunity to read.”

  “But you know how to?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “There are certain abilities that we are born with. Language is one of them. I don’t suppose that reading would be that difficult.”

  He put both hands up as if he was dropping the subject.

  “Those books are Blake’s. You are welcome to borrow them at any time.”

  Just the sound of his name made me feel things I had never felt before; feelings that I had to shut out.

  “Are all of them your brother’s?”

  He nodded. “Yes. He has always liked to read and he used to write a lot but he gave that up.”

  “How come?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “Life. Or at least, life as far as us Crafwords are concerned. We were born lawyers. No deviation to the plan.”

  “But you go to business school,” I said.

  “I do… for now.”

  “And you don’t mind having your future planned for you?” I asked.

  He shook his head. “Unlike my brother, no, I don’t mind.” He paused and changed topic. “Anyway, I picked you up some clothes while I was in the city. They are out in the living room.”

  “Hmm. Okay. Thank you.” I hesitated before asking my next question. “How long has he been with Brooke?”

  “They have been together on and off for years. He’s going to propose to her by the end of this week. That’s his deadline.”

  “Deadline?” I asked.

  He kept watching me. He was always staring… watching to see how I reacted to certain things. This time, there was a sparkle in his brown eyes that told me he was up to something.

  “My brother slept with you, didn’t he?” he asked.

  I was surprised by him being so up front in asking me that. Those were things that were not talked about in my world.

  I stood there silently and he went on without me needing to say anything.

  He grinned. “I’ve chosen you well. That isn’t like him at all. That, you should be happy about.”

  He took a step toward me and I flinched.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked. “I remember you saying something about being a soul collector. Is that what you want from me? Because I won’t help you do that to him!”

  He laughed. “I did say that, didn’t I? Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll do no harm to my brother’s soul. In fact, my plans have changed quite a bit since we talked about that. All I want is for you to make my brother happy.”

  I gave him a puzzled look.

  “But you said yourself that he is about to be engaged.”

  “Yeah, yeah… he’ll soon be engaged and you are married, so what?”

  My eyes widened at his words and tone.

  “Relax, sweetheart. He doesn’t want to be married to her. You’ll be doing us all a favor.”

  “I can’t do that. What about your family? I can’t do that knowing that he’ll be turned away by everyone he loves.”

  I could see that he was surprised by how much I knew and wondered if I should have shared with him the things that his brother had shared with me.

  “He seems to have told you a lot,” he said.

  I looked away and nodded.

  “So, just make him happy on the side. Be supportive of anything he wants to do. It’ll probably be best if he is with Brooke for a while longer anyway. That will give me time to speed up the merger and work on my father’s feelings toward the marriage. Maybe Blake will get a pass to do as he pleases once the merger is complete.”

  “Why—Is that why you’re doing all of this? …For your brother’s happiness?” I asked.

  “Why else?” he asked in a sarcastic tone.

  I knew he was lying. There was a lot more to it. So I tried to push him for more information.

  “I don’t know if I can. I don’t want get attached to him and then he ends up being married to her, and—“

  “Again with the marriage issues, sweetheart? Don’t you think you are being a bit of a hypocrite?”

  “That’s different,” I said.

  “How so?” he asked.

  “I was forced into married Bram.”

  “And Blake is being forced into marrying Brooke. What’s your point?”

  I looked down. “It’s different because I have to see him with her.”

  I could practically hear him roll his eyes.

  He looked at me intensely as he took a few steps forward and I took a few steps back until I hit the wall.

  “You don’t have to worry about that, sweetheart. They won’t get married.”

  “How do you know?” I asked.

  “I know that because you are going to stay here and keep him involved. Anything he wants, which I have a feeling you will also want, you’ll do… and when I tell you to, you are going to make sure the wedding falls apart.” My eyes widened in shock. I was now pinned against the wall and he brought a hand up and brushed it against my cheek, down to my neckline and stopping right at the top of the dress I was wearing, right above my chest. My chest began to rise and fall faster with the way that I was breathing. He grinned, moving his gaze from my chest to my mouth. “I say that is a pretty good deal for everyone. My brother sure shouldn’t have a thing to complain about.”

  He smiled, moving his hand away and taking a step back. “Breathe, sweetheart.”

  “Wh—What about him being accepted by your family?”

  “I’ll deal with that.”

  “Why are you doing this?” I asked again, hoping he would slip and tell me the truth.

  Only, he seemed to become irritated. “Blake has always been given everything that I ever wanted. He is my father’s right hand on everything in relation to work and that should be me. That’s all I want. See, no harm done. I’ll be happy and he will be happy.”

  I took a deep breath. “I can’t. I don’t want to manipulate him like that.”

  “You can and you will,” his tone changed drastically, making me feel cold.

  He put his hands in his pocket and moved to the side, leaning against the wall.

  “This is probably around the time when I should make you aware that you have no choice. We made a deal and if you break it, or even attempt to break it, there will be consequences to pay. I’ll be as direct as I can so that we are clear. I fucking own you and you’ll do as I say until the wedding is off. Once this is over, you can do whatever with your life. You can go back to your little world and take their consequences or you can stay here.” He paused. “Oh, and before I forget, if you keep pissing me off there is one more thing that you’ll do before you are free from me.”

  I was too afraid to even know what that was.

  “After you break off his engagement—I’ll make you to break his heart.”

  I couldn’t breathe.

  All I could think to say was, “Is this why you stayed? To torment me?”

  He laughed. “No. I actually stayed to find out how long it will be before my brother comes running to check on you. Let’s just say it will give me an idea of how involved he is already. I say two days at the most considering that he does have a meeting tomorrow and that he needs to get rid of Brooke as well.”

  I turned around to leave.

  “Don’t forget to grab your new clothes.”

  “I don’t want anything from you,” I snapped as I rushed out of there and into my room.

  Chapter Eleven

  I didn’t leave my room all day. I also didn’t eat. I stayed in there crying. Even if I could stop Blake from getting married, I had a feeling that I’d have to break his heart no matter what I did. I wondered how bad those consequences that Owen talked about were. I had a feeling they were awful and I didn’t want to test it. I also couldn’t f
ace the disappointment that I caused my dad and Bram.

  I only knew it was night because the room darkened. My eyes felt swollen from crying so much. I stayed in the darkness with my eyes closed.

  There was a knock on the door but I pretended to be asleep. Owen was the only one in the house and I didn’t want to see him. Let alone talk to him.

  The door began to open and I cussed to myself for not locking it. I still pretended to be asleep.

  “Arianna?” he whispered.

  It wasn’t Owen. I opened my eyes to find Blake standing there by the door. I sat up abruptly as he turned the light on. I didn’t want him to see me like this. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the light, he closed the door behind him and rushed toward me.

  “You’ve been crying. What happened? Did my brother do anything?”

  If he only knew…

  My hesitation led him to believe that his brother had done something. He got up and started to walk toward the door.

  “No, he didn’t do anything.” I decided to go with one of my plans, to distance myself to protect him. If he wasn’t attracted to me, I had no way to break his engagement or his heart and then things would be out of my control and Owen would have no reason to punish me.

  I looked away from him. “Your brother didn’t do anything—You did.”

  I felt as if my heart broke into a million pieces as I said that. I glanced at him and he looked as broken as I felt.

  He ran his fingers through his hair and met my gaze. “I told you I was the farthest thing from a fairy tale you could ever get.” He paused. “I came back to apologize and to make sure you are okay,” he said.

  I wiped the fresh tears away. “I’m sorry. I had no right to snap like that. You warned me about everything. I should have known better.”

  He nodded. There was pain in his eyes, but he took a deep breath and said, “If you need anything, I’ll be in my room. I have to leave again in the morning.”

  I nodded and lay back down, facing away from the door.

  I wanted to scream. I worried that Owen would find out what I was trying to pull. But mostly, I wanted to go to Blake. I didn’t want to have to push him away.


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