Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den)

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Changed: 2 (Wolf's Den) Page 12

by Aline Hunter

  Entering the bedroom, he flicked the switch on the wall with his elbow, flooding the room with light. He wanted to see every inch of his female, learning all of her curves, revealing all her secrets. When he reached the bed he stopped and lowered her, waiting until she’d found her balance to let go. The first claiming symbolized the future of a mating. He intended to make sure things started on the right foot.

  She didn’t argue when he lifted her shirt over her head. He tossed it aside and reached for the sweatpants. His fingers caressed her skin and her abdominal muscles flexed, tempting him to kiss her taut belly. Kneeling down, he removed her socks and discarded the remainder of her clothing.

  She shifted her feet as he stood, wrapping her arms around her midsection.

  He’d never seen anything sexier than his mate standing before him in nothing more than her underwear. The area where she’d been bitten had nearly healed, only a few marks marred her soft, pale skin. The cups of her bra had slid down so he could see a teasing glimpse of her rosy nipples. The visual made his balls tighten and his cock throb, his pants feeling too fucking tight all of a sudden.

  Take your time. Do this right.

  “Don’t you want to return the favor?” He tried teasing her, hoping it would ease any tension she might be feeling. He scented her desire but she was visibly nervous. Before she could answer he yanked his shirt over his head. She gazed up, her full lips pursed. He reached for his jeans and she stopped him, resting her hands on his wrists.

  “I want to return the favor.”

  He remained still, watching as she struggled with the button. She popped it loose and quickly undid the fastenings. Her fingers skimmed over his skin and he quivered at the contact. He couldn’t wait to feel her hands all over him, experience the sharp sting of her nails in his back. She pulled the jeans down his legs and kneeled to remove his boots. He assisted her once they were loose, kicking them off. His socks came off with his jeans, leaving his entire body open to her gaze.

  Reaching up, she looped her fingers around the base of his cock. “I want to make this good for you too,” she whispered, stroking him.

  Her intentions were good but with her kneeling at his feet and offering herself up to him on a plate, she stirred his beast. The wolf snarled in his head, tired of waiting for the man to seal the mating. Declan reached down, burying his fingers in Rachel’s hair. He forced her to her feet, using enough pressure as he pulled at the strands to make her look at him.

  “You need to know I’m fighting to stay in control.” His voice had changed, so much deeper now. He didn’t want to frighten her but he worried he might. “I won’t hurt you. I could never do that. But I’ve been waiting for weeks, Rachel. It’s not easy. The animal inside me wants you too. It feels what you’re becoming. It knows you are the only female meant for it.”

  She licked her lips and placed her hand on his chest. “Are you trying to warn me or prepare me?”

  “Both,” he answered in a low growl, edging closer to her. “When I take you the wolf is going to respond. It’s waited too long for you. If you want this—if you want me—you have to say it. Females have to welcome the claim or a mating is bound to be doomed. I need to know for certain this is what you want.”

  “If I say it is,” she asked, lowering her head, “what will happen?”

  Poor little female. She thought it was a trick of some kind. “I’ll make you mine.”

  Her head lifted and she removed her hand. He felt the absence of her touch, desperate to have it back. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. With a shrug the garment slid from her shoulders and down her arms. She let it fall from her hands to the floor. Her creamy breasts were beyond tempting, the nipples in the centers hard and pink.

  “I want you.”

  An enormous surge of pride hit him in the center of the chest. Despite her anxiousness she found a way to be brave. It couldn’t be easy for her. He hooked a finger under her chin and lifted her head. Their gazes met, her irises once again changing colors. He reached out with his beast, sensing Rachel’s wolf. The instant a connection was made he saw the flare in his mate’s eyes. Her animal was rising, ready to accept the mating as well. There’d never be a better time to cement their union.

  “You don’t know how many times I’ve wished you’d say that.” Another step and his cock nudged her belly. Her skin felt like silk, a perfect cushion for his length. “Will you be mine, Rachel? Will you give yourself to me?”

  “Only if you’ll give yourself to me,” she countered, pulling her head away.

  It was a challenge. One he was ready to accept. “I’ve always been yours. I just didn’t know it yet. Wolves wait their entire lives for this. The minute you walked into the shop you changed me forever. I’ve been trying to tell you that.”

  “Yes,” she sighed and rested her hands on his shoulders. She ran her fingers over his skin, her gaze fixated on one of the tattoos over his collarbone. Leaning against him, she repeated, “My answer is yes.”

  That was easier than I thought.

  Rachel relaxed against Declan, finding an immense amount of relief in letting go. She wanted this between them. Fighting it had only made her want him more. Now she didn’t have to pretend he didn’t turn her on. She could be open with her feelings, letting him see the woman she kept hidden.

  He moved her back and her knees hit the mattress. She held on to him as he leaned her back. There wasn’t a soft inch on him, his body covered in muscles and tattoos. It wasn’t a bad combination. In fact she wanted to spend one day going over all his ink, asking which ones had special meaning or significance to him. Since he’d placed the names of his family on his skin he probably made sure every single one had a purpose.

  The instant she was settled—her head resting against the pillows—he brushed his lips over her cheek. Her chin came next. Followed by her neck. Lower he ventured, then lower. She slid her fingers into his short hair, clasping his head as his mouth swept over her sternum and then his lips surrounded her left nipple.

  Suction. Heat. Bliss.

  She didn’t try to mute her moan, relieved they were alone and she could be as loud as she wanted. He suckled, his tongue dancing over that most sensitive skin. Fiery wisps rushed from her chest to her pussy, a deep pressure building in her stomach. Her vaginal walls tightened, a rush of hot wetness soaking her panties. The material brushed her clit and she squirmed. She tried to part her thighs and found she couldn’t.

  Declan shifted his weight, giving her plenty of room. Opening her legs, she let her knees fall to the sides. She remembered how good it had felt when he’d pressed his body against hers, his weight strangely comforting. Only he didn’t return, keeping his body from hers. He hadn’t stopped nursing her nipple, working her with his tongue, teeth and lips. She brought her hands to his back and tried to pull him down.

  “Declan, please.”

  The dark head at her breast lifted, Declan’s eyes finding hers. “Rachel, baby.” The statement came out as a low, sensual growl. “I want to get you ready first. I can’t promise I won’t take advantage if I feel my cock against that sweet little pussy of yours.”

  She’d wondered why he hadn’t removed her panties. “I don’t want to wait.” Even when she said it, she knew it was true. Everything had brought them to this moment. Her clitoris throbbed, vaginal muscles contracting. “I need to feel you inside me.”

  “Rachel…” He sounded torn but she could see the eagerness in his eyes.

  “All talk and no action.” Thrusting her hips up, she said the only thing she could think of to taunt him. “If you want me, prove it.”

  His growl frightened her, his irises flashing gold. His weight came crashing down and the length of his cock nestled against her mound, their skin divided only by the thin cloth barrier. He grasped her wrists in his hands and thrust them over her head. It felt like her heart was going to burst from her chest. Yet even in panic she felt an enormous thrill of excitement. A stirring in her head—that of the wo
lf—told her to up the ante. Instead of fighting the animal that had grown stronger, she welcomed its presence. Instantly the tension drained from her.

  Tempt him. Accept him.

  “Rachel.” He didn’t sound torn now, he sounded completely wrecked. He shook his head, his entire body shaking. “Don’t move. Give me a minute. I need to get in control.”

  He’d told her how hard this had been on him. This is precisely what she’d asked for in provoking him. What she hadn’t expected was him to pull back and try to be strong for her.

  I’ve been so blind.

  She wasn’t sure why she hadn’t noticed it before. Maybe it was because she’d been too concerned for her own well-being. Now, with a newfound clarity, she knew everything he’d done had been for her. His patience. His determination to give her time. But that wasn’t who he really was. Not entirely. He hadn’t wanted her to see the wolf, only the man. While she’d been hiding a part of herself from him, he’d been hiding a part of himself from her as well.

  They couldn’t truly be together if they lived a life under rose-colored glass.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, knowing she’d pushed him over the line. “I want this.”

  “No,” he corrected sharply, his fingers tightening around her wrists.

  “No more lies, Declan. No more deception. Only the two of us the way we are.” She hooked her legs over his waist and felt his muscles flex. His shoulders tensed, the veins in his arms bulging. “I want to see you for who you are. I’m not afraid. Stop hiding from me.”

  “You don’t understand,” he rasped, the tips of his canines longer than usual. Portions of his dark hair had mussed around his temples, framing his eyes. “I want to give you more. This has to be perfect.”

  Her heart went out to him, something inside her breaking.

  Why hadn’t she been able to see how much she’d hurt him by denying him over and over again? No wonder he was so close to losing control. He thought if he didn’t do things in a certain way she’d turn him away. She’d done a better job of snubbing his advances than she’d thought.

  She yanked her hands down, trying to get them from of his tight grasp. The right one slipped free. Before he could stop her she rested her palm against his face.

  “It is perfect.”

  “Be sure, baby.” His eyes slid closed, a growl seeping past his lips. “Be very, very sure you mean that.”

  In response she shoved her free hand between their bodies. He snarled when her fingers wrapped around his cock. She tried to maneuver her hips and push her panties aside. Then he lifted, giving her all the space she needed. She let him go, hooked her finger in the side of her underwear and drew the garment down her thighs. It seemed to take forever—so much wiggling and squirming—seconds ticking by like minutes. Once free of the hindrance she parted her legs and grasped the stalk of his cock.

  She slid the head up and down her slit, getting it wet. The tip lodged at the mouth of her pussy. He pumped his hips, penetrating her sex the teeniest bit.

  “You want me like this?”

  She studied his face, waiting until he opened his eyes to say, “I do.”

  The fingers at her wrist loosened and he let her go. He lifted onto his elbows, resting his hands on either side of her face. He pushed his hips forward, claiming her inch by slow inch. She gasped, arching her back, trying to welcome him. Even though she’d done this before it hadn’t felt the same. Declan was built differently than the men she’d been with. The mesmerizing man was bigger—and better—in every way.

  “Finally,” he whispered, the intensity of his stare nearly too much to take. “Mine.”

  It was a tight fit, his cock so thick he wasn’t able to go in all the way. “Declan.” She hated the fear in her tone but couldn’t prevent it. If he didn’t go slowly it would hurt. There was already so much pressure, the fullness taking her breath away.

  “Right here, baby. Relax, beautiful girl. Let me in.”

  He pulled back and pumped his hips, working himself in and out. With each thrust he went a little deeper. It also seemed that the more of him she took, the more control he gained over himself. She was more than wet enough, her excitement easing his way.

  “That’s the way. Fuck you feel good. I knew you’d be like this.”

  His head dipped and hot suction surrounded the nipple he’d neglected. She cupped the back of his head and another flood of wetness aided him as he worked his way inside her. The wolf—no longer so foreign in her mind—seemed to growl in contentment. His thighs brushed hers, the hair on his legs teasing her skin. She shifted her hips, wriggling beneath him.

  The movement allowed him to press the rest of the way into her.

  It was too much. Stretching her wide. Yet it felt right. Perfect.

  His groaned “fuck” matched her softly moaned “yes”.

  He didn’t move, staying lodged deep within her. Grinding his pelvis, he breathed against her breast, his lips resting over her nipple. “You’re tight as hell. I’m almost afraid to move.”

  She tried to move for him, needing pressure on her clit. He pulled back, easing his way out, his cock touching all sorts of wonderful places inside her. He paused when only the head remained, the thickness stretching her. Holding her breath, she waited for him to plunge. He didn’t, rising above her, gazing down. The lust in his eyes shifted to adoration. For a moment she thought he was looking at her with a sense of wonder. She exhaled softly, stroking his arms. They stayed like that for several seconds, staring at each other.

  “You are beautiful,” he finally said, easing his way back into her.

  “I am?” It wasn’t easy to think, her thoughts driven to the feel of his cock.

  “Hell yes.” He pressed forward, parting and filling her.

  He bottomed out, the tip of his cock pushing against her cervix. Although it sent a shock through her, the feeling wasn’t entirely unpleasant. The wolf returned—writhing beneath her skin. It told her what to do, preparing her for what was to come.

  Offer him what he wants.

  She resisted the compulsion to roll over and present her ass to him. They were too connected like this. Instead she rolled her hips and turned her head to the side, baring her neck. Chloe had scars on her shoulder, clearly done by sharp teeth. Rachel had never asked what it meant. Now she knew. It was a permanent claim, a brand of possession. A small tendril of fear returned—a concern he might harm her when he bit down—but she fought it back. Her life had never been easy. But she’d always been a fighter. Now, with Declan by her side, she’d never have to face things alone.

  His gaze left hers, eyes resting on her shoulder.

  To her shock he lifted his head.

  His hands clasped her hips, pushing her away as his cock left the haven of her body. With a swift thrust, he pulled her back. His growl made her wetter, calling to the wolf that continued growing inside her. Skin slapped skin, the head of his cock nudging her womb. One of the hands against her hips vanished. Then she felt his fingers on her clit, thrumming the bundle of nerves as he pistoned in and out of her pussy. Heat built in her belly, tingles rushing over her skin.

  “Come, baby,” Declan commanded, plunging hard and fast. “I want to watch your face. I want to see how you look. Show me how good it feels.”

  The pressure in her stomach multiplied, a heaviness building up. She met his thrusts, searching for what she needed. His cock rubbed the best places inside her, his fingers working her clit masterfully. When the wolf rose she welcomed it, riding the high. They merged, thoughts becoming one.

  Ours. All ours.

  She screamed as she came, her limbs shaking, muscles quivering. The warmth in her belly spread through her torso, her pussy rippling with the intensity. He moved faster, hammering in and out of her. His fingers didn’t stop teasing her clit, the touch just enough to keep the sensations going.

  He rested over her, his head dipping to her neck. “My sweet, beautiful mate.”

  His teeth sank deep, caus
ing her to whimper. She smothered the sound, not wanting him to stop. It burned like a brand, so hot she wasn’t sure she could stand it. His fingers moved harder over her clit, applying more dizzying pressure. Pain merged with pleasure, aftershocks of ecstasy trickling over her. He moved faster and faster, his cock hammering in and out of her pussy.

  With a soft sigh she gave herself over, going limp beneath him. Her muscles ached, no longer able to keep up Declan’s relentless pace. He gripped her hip, keeping the movements going. His breathing changed, a growl vibrating against her skin. Then he tensed, his body going tight. She felt his cock jerk and a flood of warmth spread where they were connected. He kept moving, as though he was marking her with more than his bite.

  Her nose tingled, a tantalizing fragrance drifting to her nose.


  The wolf knew his scent and because of that so did she. Then she understood he wanted to mark her skin with his teeth and coat her body with his scent. With one final thrust—one that wedged him so deeply inside of her she knew she’d be sore for days—he stopped moving. His teeth eased from her abused flesh and she hissed in pain. Immediately his tongue was there, soothing the sting.

  “Let me take care of you,” he whispered, lapping at the wounds. “Just relax and rest.”

  Good idea. Right then she didn’t think she could move if he asked her to.

  As he lifted away and his cock slid free, she felt empty. She reached out for him, afraid to see him leave. Despite her wolf’s reassurance he wasn’t going anywhere she wasn’t so certain. He looked into her eyes, studied her for a moment and his face smoothed in understanding.

  “I’m going to run you a bath,” he said, stroking her hair. “Then I’m going to make you something to eat. You’re mine now. I meant it when I said there’s no going back. You’ve given me the greatest gift imaginable. It’s only fair that I show my appreciation.”

  Sweat trickled over his skin, his hair slick at his temples. Each time he touched her his muscles flexed, his tattoos shifting and stretching. For an instant she remembered how good it had felt when he’d finally entered her, how hard and thick his cock had been. She wanted that again. She wanted it more than anything. He was the most gorgeous thing she’d ever seen.


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