
Home > Nonfiction > OnlyIfItPleases > Page 19
OnlyIfItPleases Page 19

by Unknown

  Being in a relationship for the long haul was certainly different. And with Vanessa, better.

  He waited until he had wiggled his finger all the way in, and then moved into position behind her, putting the head of his cock at the opening to her pussy. She gasped. She had presumably thought he still had his pants up, but he didn’t give her long to process. He knew she was slick and ready for him and he pushed forward, one hand on her hip to steady her.

  Then, fully lodged, he traced the line of her bruise again, pushing his finger into her flesh with deliberation.

  “Oh my god.”

  He grinned. When aroused, Vanessa could like a little pain. He had known it already and she was learning it too. It was lovely. He ran his finger back the other way and started moving his cock. From the way she reacted to his finger on her mark, it may as well have been on her clit. Or maybe it was his finger wiggling in her ass. Or the position of vulnerability. Or all of those. He was going to enjoy exploring all of her.

  Her breathing became more ragged. He moved his finger from her bruise to her clit and pressed. A muffled gasp was his reward. She was close. So close. He wanted to push her over the edge. His cock was aching, but that seemed secondary to the pleasure of the beautiful creature beneath him.

  “Come for me, Vanessa.”

  She did, and she wasn’t quiet about it.

  Two weeks later Hart found himself setting up the racquetball court with Kevin and John, who had gotten there early with a dozen or so chairs. Hart had plunked down a few hundred dollars on two dozen more. He knew that there were more people who wanted to go to the demos than showed up, but he hadn’t realized how many. Thirty-six people had signed up before they’d capped it, many but not all of them partners of the people who had signed up before. That would allow the class to go beyond mere teaching of technique. When he’d taught at larger events, he’d always noticed how Doms and subs would exchange little glances and whispers during the class. “I’d like to try that.” “I want to do that to you.” “No.” That information was as important as any technique for setting up a good scene. He knew that now that he’d been with Vanessa for a while. He was used to doing scenes by reading lists of limits and preferences and a bit of negotiation. But now he knew how an idea could grow in someone’s mind and the benefit of slow seduction. And he was loving learning about Vanessa.

  She had made one change. The iron butterfly that attracted his attention in her bedroom was now hanging on the wall of the racquetball court. If anyone was to play racquetball there, it would have to be taken down, so it must have been a deliberate choice for the event. Simultaneously beautiful and severe, it suited the day’s topic.

  Vanessa was upstairs, setting out food and drinks on a table. After tasting her baking, no one is going to want to do a class at Kevin’s again.

  Karl arrived. The burly blond man set up a beautiful mahogany X-frame in front of the room. Trust Karl to make the most utilitarian piece of bondage furniture a thing of art as well. For all the beautiful wood, however, the bolts that held it together were rock solid. The thing would last for years.

  “Looking forward to this demo,” Karl said. “I think I could learn a thing or two from Chuck. Are you going to assist?”

  Hart shook his head. “Nope, just going to back off and let the man do his thing.”

  “Thought it might be a tag-team effort.”

  “Not tonight.”

  “Pity. Planning to be up in the kitchen with your new filly?”

  He laughed. “Not exactly.”

  He went upstairs and passed Chuck and Sandra on the way up. A quick handshake and he continued on his way. He greeted the rest of the guests as they came, directing them to the racquetball court. From where the table with the food was set up, you could still get a good view of what was going on, although the court was close to soundproof.

  Garrett brought a bottle of whiskey and presented it to Vanessa when he arrived. A tall, dark-haired man, Garrett was classically handsome, his fine features belying an inner strength. He was the calmest person Hart knew. Karl and Garrett were best buds, and often did scenes with subs together.

  “Thank you,” said Vanessa. “I, um, wasn’t planning to serve drinks.”

  “You don’t have to. But I know this is a lot of work, setting up, and the food isn’t free either. So I wanted to make some contribution—a little financial and a little of my exquisite taste in liquor. Pleased to meet the woman who has stalked and tamed our wild Hart.”

  “I don’t know that he’s exactly tamed. And I don’t think I stalked.”

  “Hmm. You turned a Hart into a dear, and that’s sufficient.” Garrett bowed and followed the rest downstairs.

  “That was the worst pun ever,” Vanessa said.

  “He needs to hold himself back sometimes,” Hart replied, trying to cover up his smirk. “But he’s good people.”

  “Seems you know a lot of those. I hadn’t thought of it before, but someone needs to stay up here and play hostess, and I don’t really want to learn to cane anyone, so…”

  “No, you don’t. Besides, I taught Chuck everything he knows. You go watch the demonstration, and tell me if anything speaks to you.”

  “But it’s my house.”

  Hart considered for a moment. It was indeed her house. He was probably exaggerating when he said he’d taught Chuck everything. He almost always got something out of listening to others talk about how they did BDSM, even if they were novices. But she’d signed up for the demo in the first place, when he’d been planning to give it a pass. “If I go down there, I’m going to be tempted to take over,” he lied. “So I’m staying up here. And there’s no need for two of us up here, so you’re going down.”

  She faked going to her knees. “Right here?” she asked with a grin.

  “And you were picking on Garrett for the puns. Don’t tempt me.” His cock hardened at the thought.

  “I wasn’t tempting. I was offering.”

  “Later. I promise.”

  Vanessa licked her lips.

  “Now go, girl.”

  “Only if it pleases you, Master.” She did a little curtsy, which Hart was all too aware was designed to get him a good look down her cleavage. She was wearing a scooped-neck blue jersey dress that hugged her curves.

  I will take her up on that, soon.

  She headed down the stairs, but not before he caught a glimpse of the two latest arrivals. Walt and Carol. He didn’t know if she’d noticed them or not, or what she’d make of it if she did, but something knotted in his gut. He didn’t think he was jealous of Walt for his time with Vanessa, but Vanessa had told him the other Dom had made a few approaches to her since he’d lost her in the bet. There hadn’t been any in the last week and a half, as far as he knew. Carol smiled and waved at him as she followed Walt down. There was no secret of her interest in canes. She knew what she liked and didn’t play games in order to get it.

  He looked at his watch. Chuck should be starting shortly. There were only two late arrivals, and those he showed the way downstairs. A few people came up for snacks, but there really wasn’t a lot to do. He was half inclined to lock the front door and go listen in when a group of people came up.

  “Break time?”

  “Yep.” More followed, gobbling up the various food people had brought, and especially Vanessa’s baked treats. But he didn’t see Vanessa. He frowned but waited. Perhaps she’d stayed back to ask a question, or had felt there was some duty she had to perform as hostess.

  “Hart,” Garrett said at his elbow.

  “Hmm?” Hart hadn’t been aware his friend was there, or he would have used an actual word. It wasn’t the first time Garrett had surprised him, and he didn’t think he did it on purpose. But maybe.

  “Walt’s kind of cornered Vanessa. I can take over for you here. Downstairs, in the little side area.”

  It took a second for that to register, but when it did Hart didn’t hesitate. “Thanks,” he said to Garrett and headed down, s
lipping past the couple that was walking up the stairs. There was a small sitting room outside the racquetball court, but Vanessa wasn’t there, although there were two couples who were. There was a bathroom. And there was the door to the furnace room, which was open a sliver. It hadn’t been before. Hart moved to the door and heard Vanessa.

  “No,” she said firmly.

  “We had such good times,” Walt said. “The only thing that held us back was that you weren’t interested in things like this. And now you are. So what’s the issue?”

  “There’s no issue. I’m just not interested. Play with Carol,” Vanessa said.

  Hart smiled. Vanessa could handle herself and there was nothing held back in her tone. He just wanted to stick around in case a little muscle was needed.

  “Carol doesn’t mean anything to me,” Walt answered.

  “Maybe she should. Hart means something to me.”

  “Do you love him?”


  Hart felt like his heart skipped a beat. Why did that make him feel so good, when it had been what he was trying to avoid earlier? What he tried to avoid with every woman he’d ever met.

  “He’ll never love you. He doesn’t have it in him.”

  “Maybe,” she said.

  Oh my god. Am I that cold that she doesn’t at least suspect?

  “You know it’s true. Play with me. He doesn’t have to know. I’m free Tuesday night.”

  “No. This discussion is over.”

  He heard a rustling and then Vanessa’s voice saying calmly, “Let me go, Walt.”

  Hart opened the door. But when he opened it Walt had already let her go and was grabbing his shin. Vanessa was leaving. Brushing past Hart as well, she stopped when she recognized him.

  “How much of that did you hear?” she asked.

  “I just got here,” lied Hart. He put his hands on her shoulders and kissed her lightly.

  Her eyes narrowed, but she smiled. “Thanks. Who is minding the store upstairs?”

  “Garrett. He thought you might need a friend down here.”

  Walt was obviously eager to get out, but wasn’t about to move his way past Hart and Vanessa, who were in the doorway. Vanessa shot him a glance. And then she moved aside. “Go ahead, Walt, go talk to Carol about it. I think she’s upstairs.”

  He gave her a look of gratitude, and Hart felt a little less bad about his fib. Vanessa had nothing to be ashamed of, but apparently she too thought the truth a little too uncomfortable. He frowned. That wasn’t really the way he wanted his relationship with her to work. Or how he wanted to live his life in general.

  Vanessa waited until they’d seen the last of Walt’s back to turn back to Hart. “Actually, he was making a pass at me. But I handled it okay, I think.”

  So the lie was just for Walt’s benefit. He breathed a sigh of relief. “He grabbed you?”


  “I’ll throw him out.”

  Vanessa shook her head. “Let it go. He’ll be gone soon enough, and he’ll never be here again.”

  He didn’t like the idea of letting it go. First rule of BDSM etiquette—don’t touch other people’s property, especially their human property. Hart’s fists clenched.

  “Hart. Please.”

  After this incident, he doubted Vanessa would ever want play parties in her house. But that was only a mild concern when he remembered what she’d said. She loved him. And he wanted to tell her he loved her too. “I—”

  “I know. But just let it go, please, Master.”

  She didn’t, couldn’t know what he wanted to say. Not after saying “maybe” to the notion that he didn’t have it in him to love anyone. But people were coming back down for the second half of Chuck’s caning demonstration, and now was not the time. He sighed. “Okay. I’ll go back upstairs and play host. But stay away from him.”

  “Oh, believe me, I will.” She kissed him.

  He kissed her back. He waited until there was a break in the throng coming down and headed back to the table. The sweets were all gone, and even the supply of carrots was depleted. All that remained was a few half-empty bottles of soda, some French onion dip and a dozen stalks of celery.


  Garrett nodded. “Hungry bunch. And a much bigger crowd than usual.”

  “Watch Walt for me, please,” he asked Garrett. “Don’t let him get her alone.”

  Garrett grinned. “I can manage that. And I’ll recruit Karl to help as well.” He slipped out from behind the table and went down to join the others.

  When the demo was done, Walt was one of the first to file out. “Why are we leaving?” Hart heard Carol asking. “I had some questions.”

  Walt grinned at her. “I can’t wait to try some of this stuff out.”

  “Oh!” Carol smiled back and then waved to Hart when she noticed him looking her way. Walt, he noticed, avoided making eye contact.

  Hart moved over to them and smiled, putting out his hand to Carol. “Thank you so much for coming.”

  Carol shook it. “Thank Vanessa for hosting. She’s such a darling. Chuck did a good job, but you were missed.”

  He offered his hand to Walt. “Thank you for coming,” he said. Walt had no real choice but to turn and shake his hand. Hart squeezed, not so hard as to cause any damage but enough to make his point. “And thank you so much for selling me my lovely girl.”

  Walt glared at him for a moment and then his face went blank. “You’re very welcome. Thanks for having us,” Walt said. Hart gave the man credit for managing a straight face.

  He kept greeting people as they parted, but at last he caught sight of Vanessa, who came up right next to him and snuggled in. He put his arm around her. He only needed one hand to shake hands, after all.

  “Thanks for coming, Garrett.”

  “Pleasure. Thank you both. I’ll see you both next month for the sexual massage class.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Um, here,” said Vanessa. “I talked to Kevin about having everyone back. With one exception.”

  He blinked in surprise at her and then grinned. “Okay. That should be fun. But I’m taking that class with you, so if we need to have someone else upstairs directing traffic.”

  “Agreed. Kevin said he’d do it if no one else would. I anticipated your whim, Master.”

  He chuckled and kissed her. “Thank you.”

  “Jannah is doing it, and she thought we had enough room to, um, do a hands-on experience.”

  “And you’re okay with that?”

  Vanessa smirked. “Only if it pleases you, Master.”

  Garrett shook his head with a smirk of his own. “Quite a girl you have there, Hart.” Truth to tell, Hart had forgotten his friend was listening.

  “I do indeed.” And I love her. He wanted to tell the world, but it was still not the time to say it.

  The others filed by. It seemed to take ages to get all of Kevin’s chairs loaded up and to finally get Karl’s beautiful St. Andrew’s cross up the stairs. He thanked Chuck again for taking over for him. At last the place was empty. He leaned his back against the closed front door and looked at Vanessa.

  “Take your clothes off, Vanessa,” he said.

  “Only if it pleases you, Master.” She lifted her dress over her head and then undid her bra, tossing them both to the nearest couch.


  She adopted the position that showed off her curves so well, but after a quick glance from head to toe and back up again, Hart focused on her eyes as he advanced. He stopped in front of her, so close that he could feel her breath against his face. He put his hand under her chin and tipped it so that her eyes were even with his.

  “I heard more of the conversation with Walt, Vanessa.”

  “Oh.” She blushed.

  “And I wanted you to know, right now, that I love you too.”

  She tried to turn her face away. “You don’t have to say that.”

  He turned her head back to face him. “Oh, but I
do. I can’t keep it to myself any longer. It’s been on my mind and in my heart, and now I need you to know.”

  “I—” Vanessa stopped and looked frustrated. Hart wondered why. It wasn’t the reaction he’d been expecting. “Master, may I break this pose to put my arms around you, please?”

  He smiled broadly. “Only if it pleases you.”

  She jumped against him, wrapped her arms around him and squeezed him tight. Their lips met and for a few long moments they devoured each other, each hungry for the other as their tongues danced.

  “I love you too,” she said when their lips parted at last.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The best part of the class for Vanessa—other than having Hart tell her that he loved her—was that she made friends. At virtually every kink event she’d gone to she’d been a satellite of Walt, never far away from him. Meeting John at the predicament bondage class had been only the beginning. Hart was possessive without being controlling. He clearly liked having her at his side but didn’t need to have her with him every moment to validate his standing as a Dom. Everyone knew that Hart was a Dom. Now they knew he was her Dom.

  And now that they were her friends, she couldn’t wait to have them back in her home. The idea of hosting a play party no longer seemed so foreign. She would be hosting people, rather than an event. And watching people devour the buffet convinced her that it was reasonable to charge money for such an event. It would require some outlay to put on, and if a little went for much-needed repairs on her house, well, that seemed sensible too. She even had a name for the party in mind. Iron Butterfly—because she had gotten a number of compliments on the butterfly after the demo.

  Something made her hold back from telling Hart, however. She wanted to see what it was like having people getting undressed and massaging each other first. It seemed like a nice, soft entry to the idea, halfway between a play party and a class. She was pretty sure it was going to be okay though. She’d crossed that line when she’d seen Sandra chained to the cross and naked, getting her stripes on her legs. All Vanessa could think, besides “ouch”, was how beautiful Sandra and her marks were. No, her parents probably wouldn’t have approved, but somehow it was perfect to have it happening in her home. She was finally thinking of the place that way.


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