Submissive Nanny

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Submissive Nanny Page 12

by Viktor Redreich

  "What do you think?” Angela asked, twisting this way and that and trying to catch a glimpse of herself in a nearby full-length mirror. "You like it? Or do I look like mutton dressed as lamb?”

  "You look fantastic," Bianca replied truthfully, and she meant it. The way Angela’s long hair, released from the confinement it usually lived in, draped around her shoulders was just… perfect. She would be the most beautiful woman there at the wedding. Bianca hoped that Lydia didn’t mind having some of her thunder stolen, because there was no way anyone was going to be able to take their eyes off Angela the whole ceremony through.

  "Shouldn’t you be watching the kids right now?” Another voice cut through the choir of angels that had been singing in Bianca’s head as she had been looking at Angela. She glanced around, and saw the mother of the bride standing there above them, her hands on her hips, clearly confused as to what was going on.

  "I...uh..." Bianca burbled, not quite sure how to defend herself. The woman had a point, but Bianca didn’t want to come out and admit that she was only here because Angela had asked her to be there, and that she would have jumped at any chance to be with her.

  "Zev wanted to spend some time with the children," Angela cut in, stopping her before she went any further. "And I needed someone to help me out today, someone who can give me an honest opinion on how all this stuff looks."

  "Yes, well, I doubt you’re going to get that from someone in your employ," The mother sniffed pointedly, sweeping her eyes up and down Angela’s outfit with a critical edge to her gaze. Bianca couldn’t believe it. How could anyone look at that outfit and see anything other than just pure perfection? The way the dress shimmered over her hips, the way it caught the light, like it was twisting and turning to absorb every drop that it could… it couldn’t have been more beautiful if it had been spun from liquid gold.

  "Well, I think she looks perfect," Bianca cut in. Angela smiled at her thankfully, silently offering her gratitude for her being there and willing to jump in to her defense, and Bianca beamed back. When Angela smiled at her, it reminded her of how she had felt those first few times she had been with Zev – like they were stealing these little hints of affection right there in front of everyone else, and nobody else even knew what was going on. Deviant, yes, but somehow sweet, too.

  And for the rest of the day, Bianca found herself more and more grateful that she had Angela there with her. Because otherwise, she wasn’t sure she would have been able to make it through. The day was filled with constant snide comments, courtesy of Angela’s family, about Bianca’s taste in clothes and her job and why, exactly, she wasn’t at home locked up in a room with all the children, because that’s all that she could possibly be good for, right? Bianca smiled politely and tuned out as much as she could. She hated this. She hated them. But if it made it a little easier for Angela, she would endure it.

  She couldn’t believe just how rude the lot of them were being towards her, except Angela, of course. They must have grown up around staff their entire lives, because they were acting as though Bianca wasn’t even there. Bianca had sometimes found Angela a little uptight, before they had gotten together properly, but now she could see where she got it from – this vile, toxic family of hers, who seemed determined to make everyone around them feel less-than for their efforts. It was a miracle that Angela had managed to make it out of there without becoming a complete and utter snob, a nightmare to be around. It made Bianca look upon her with even more respect than she had before. How much she’d probably had to fight, just to make sure she didn’t end up like them...

  "I suppose you should be getting back to the children now," The mother sniffed once more in her direction, as though Bianca should have been grateful that they had even allowed her to join them on that outing at all. It took everything she had in her not to roll her eyes. Where did these people get off speaking to her like that? They chose their words carefully, making sure that there was nothing that could be picked up on to define what they were saying as rude. But it was all in the tone. Plausible rudeness deniability, it felt like. Bianca already hated it. She was starting to long for a return to the house in the States, somewhere safe and comfortable, somewhere that she didn’t have to worry about being treated like an uninvited guest.

  "I think I could use your help, actually, Bianca," Angela cut across her mother, as they headed back to the cars that were waiting for them outside. "If you wouldn’t mind?”

  "With what?" Bianca asked, a little surprised. Angela raised her eyebrows at her, letting her know that it wasn’t anything serious – she just needed an excuse to get out of there, once and for all.

  "I’ll show you when we get there," she replied, and she jerked her head away from the store. "Come on, let’s get going."

  "Do you want me to leave a car behind for you?" Her mother asked, ignoring Bianca and directing the question at Angela alone.

  "No, we’ll make our own way back," Angela replied. "But thank you for the offer."

  "I’ll check in on Zev and the children," Her mother suggested, not willing to let go of the control quite yet. "Just to make sure that he’s not-"

  "He’s going to be doing just fine," Angela shot back firmly. "Those are his children as well, remember, he’s perfectly capable of taking care of them."


  And, with that, finally, Angela and Bianca were freed from the talons of the people they had been stuck with all day long. Angela kept a rictus smile on her face as she waved them off, and as soon as they were gone, she let out a sigh of relief.

  "Oh my God, thank goodness that’s over with," she sighed, and she ran her fingers through her hair. "I’m sorry they were so rude to you. I could hear some of the stuff they were saying, and I swear, I could have slapped them. I hate that they think it’s okay to talk to you like that just because you work for me."

  "It’s alright," Bianca replied. "What did you want to stay back here and do?”

  "Get drunk," Angela replied happily, a grin spreading over her face. "I think we both deserve it after everything we’ve been through today, don’t you?”

  Bianca laughed. She hadn’t been expecting that answer to come out of her mouth.

  "I guess so," she agreed. She had already had a couple of glasses of the champagne at that place, and she supposed there would be no harm in indulging herself a little further. Besides, the thought of sneaking off with Angela and having a few drinks… yeah, that sounded like a whole lot of fun.

  "Let’s get out of here," Angela suggested, and she grabbed her hand and led her away from the store. "I know this little pub not far from here. They do cheap drinks, and I don’t think anyone’s going to recognize me there."

  "Sounds perfect," Bianca agreed, and she was surprised to find that she really meant that. When all of this had started, she had been sure that she was just in it for Zev – in it for the way he made her feel, for the way that being close to him made her mind fizz with excitement. But now, she was feeling just the same way about getting to spend some alone-time with Angela. She knew it was crazy, but she was falling for her just as much as she had fallen for Zev. It might have taken a little longer, and it might have taken the destruction of Angela’s walls that came with being around her family once again, but it was happening. And, as she let Angela lead her through the winding streets of the small town, she couldn’t help but smile.

  Because everything seemed so utterly perfect.

  Chapter 20

  This isn't what it looks like

  There was a knock on the door, and Bianca glanced up, expecting it to be Angela stopping by to get her opinion on an outfit that she was going back and forth on for later in the day or something.

  "Come in!” Bianca called, and she checked her hair in the mirror. She had no idea what she was supposed to do with it – she would be in some of the wedding pictures, with the children, but they hadn’t been in any hurry to give her any indication as to what she was to be wearing or how she should be presenting herself.
Maybe she should have asked before that very moment, the morning of the wedding, but they had hardly left the doors open to welcome questions from her about anything at all.

  Speaking of doors opening. A moment later, Bianca noticed that Zev was standing behind her – there was a shark-like grin on his face, reflected in the mirror, and he was watching her like he couldn’t wait to take a big bite out of the delicious little treat named Bianca.

  "Hey," she greeted him, playing innocent. Like she didn’t know exactly what the look on his face meant. "Are you alright?”

  "Just fine," he replied. "We’re supposed to be down at the ceremony in a half-hour, you know."

  "Yeah, I know," she replied. "I was going to grab the kids after I finished getting ready, then I thought we could all head down together..."

  "We have a little time left, don’t we?” He remarked, and he moved closer behind her. She knew just what he wanted. And it was what she’d been craving, as well – what she had wanted since she had woken up that morning. She knew it was dirty, knew it was wrong, but the thought of hooking up with this married man on the day that someone else was getting married was just too tempting to resist.

  "A little," she agreed, and she glanced over her shoulder to face him. He looked good, even better than normal, in his suit and tie. His hair was still a little messy, but she was fine with that. They were just going to mess it up more, anyway, no point in pretending that it was going to stay all cute and smooth on his head.

  "Can you think of anything we could do to fill it?” He asked, and she widened her eyes at him and fluttered her lashes.

  "Maybe," she shot back, and he ran his hand up the back of her pale pink dress and wound his fingers into her hair. Tugging her head back so she was looking up at him, he smiled as he leaned down to kiss her. The kind of smile that told her she had so much in store for her, and that he was going to make sure to give her everything he could think of.

  He drew her to her feet, his touch soft but unyielding, letting her know that this wasn’t up for debate. He had likely been thinking about her since he’d woken up that morning. Maybe he had taken a little advice from Angela to make it happen. Bianca could already imagine them, lying in bed together, the two of them exchanging flirtatious little suggestions about exactly what it was that Zev was going to do to her when he got the chance. Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she could feel her pussy beginning to get wetter. She loved the way they shared her, she always had, loved the way they made sure that she knew that she belonged to the two of them just the same.

  His tongue slipped into her mouth, and she moaned softly against his lips as he dipped his fingers between her legs and pressed them against her bare pussy. She hadn’t had time to put on the stockings and undergarments she had chosen for the day – Bianca had assumed that they would be stripped off her by Zev and Angela alike when the time came, and she hadn’t been counting on this little dalliance coming first. But if anything was going to get her through this roughness today, it would be some roughness from the man she couldn’t get enough from at the best of times.

  He dipped his fingers into her, just lightly, teasing around the very edges before he pushed two fingers inside. She gasped, letting out a shudder. All around them, the house was filled with people and activity – anyone could have knocked on the door at any moment, caught them in the act. But that was what had always been so incredible about being with Zev. None of it mattered when it was the two of them.

  He pushed her back down on to the bed, and she remembered their very first night in this place when he had coaxed her into their room and the three of them had hooked up all together. It had been incredible, really incredible; the taste of her, the feel of him. These moments she could steal with them, no matter how brief, were the most precious things to her.

  She reached down between his legs and felt for his cock, squeezing it softly in her hand. He was already getting hard, as though he had walked in here knowing just what he wanted from her. He pushed himself back against her hand and she let out a soft moan, letting him know that she was ready for whatever he wanted to give her.

  "You want me to fuck you?” He asked, his voice low and laced with lust. She nodded. He slipped his hand over her arm, pushing his fingers into her mouth so that she could taste her own wetness all over him.

  "Tell me," he ordered, and the rough edge to his voice left no room at all for her to debate. She parted her lips and traced his fingers with her tongue for a moment, getting used to the feeling of him inside her. When they were together like that, it was hard for her to remember that there had ever been any other men she’d looked at twice. How could there have been? Her whole life, she had been waiting for this, this moment, this man, everything that he could give to her. She met his gaze steadily and nodded, slowly.

  "I want you to fuck me," she told him, as he slipped his fingers from her mouth and trailed them down the front of her body, leaving a slick line of saliva in his wake. She liked it when he marked her like that – he had always enjoyed it, having her and making her his any way that he saw fit. Some women might have found it degrading, but she had always seen it as this gift, a treat, something that told the world that she belonged to him and to him alone. Even if the rest of the world wasn’t quite as adept at reading his signs as she was.

  He unzipped his pants, needing no more encouragement to take her. She loved that, so often, he seemed to be on the very edge of giving in to these rampant desires for her that couldn’t be controlled. He adored her, worshipped her – she might have been the one playing at submissive to him, but she knew that she had as much power over him as he did over her. What he gave her, he gave to nobody else outside their little triad. Only she and Angela were allowed to submit to this, only they had earned the right to enjoy this kind of attention from him.

  He pushed into her roughly, grabbing her hands and pushing them above her head. She was still half-dressed in the clothes that she was going to be wearing to the wedding, and it thrilled her to think that the crumples in her dress would be from getting fucked by another woman’s husband. She couldn’t even imagine the trouble they would be in if they caught them in the act – she doubted that any of them would be that accepting of their curious arrangement.

  Bianca wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her, deeper and harder, needing more, always, always needing more. So many times she had been with him, and every single time it always felt as incredible as it had the first time they had done it. The taste of his skin, the roughness of his stubble against her, the way he moved into her like he owned her and didn’t want her to forget was everything she had ever needed, everything she had never known she had needed before she’d met him.

  It was difficult for her to remember what it had been like before she’d let him fuck her for the first time. What had it felt like, to be a virgin, to not know a thing about the way she was meant to fit together with a man? Maybe she would have waited until she was married if she hadn’t been hired by Zev and Angela. And instead, here she was, on someone else’s wedding day, getting fucked in secret in her room by a man who shouldn’t have been anywhere near her...

  Maybe if she hadn’t been so utterly lost to the way that it felt, she would have heard the footsteps coming up the stairs. And maybe she would have been able to make out the clack of the heels on the wooden floor outside her room. Maybe she would have heard them drawing closer and closer, and maybe she would have been able to pull away from him in time. But she couldn’t get her head around anything beyond the sensation, and so, by the time that she realized someone had seen them, it was far, far too late to stop what had happened.


  It came out of her mouth as an exclamation and not as a question, but it was enough to send Zev springing away from Bianca in an instant. They both looked up, panting, Bianca’s dress still rolled up around her hips – and saw Angela’s mother, Diana, standing in the doorway.

  "What is going on here!” Angela’s mo
ther shrieked, so loudly that Bianca was sure she could hear the glass in the windows of the bedroom shimmering in panic. Her heart was pounding. There was no way this could be happening, no way… it had to be a bad dream, something she was just about to wake up from.

  Zev was on his feet, already a little more gathered than she was.

  "Hey, hey, Diana," He greeted her, lifting his hands like he was trying to soothe a savage beast. "You alright? You get lost?"

  "You were..." Diana gasped, and she pointed at Bianca and then at Zev, as though she was just trying to figure out what she had taken in. Bianca rolled down her dress and tried to grab her underwear, but her hands were shaking so much that she couldn’t even get them on. How could this have happened? There had to be some terrible mistake.

  "Diana, can we just talk for a moment?” Zev asked, and he stepped forward, trying to shut the door behind her. Diana drew away from him in horror, as though he had been infected by something hideous and she didn’t want to contract it as well.

  "You were inside her," She repeated, finally managing to get the words out. Bianca could hardly see straight – there were fizzy clouds in the corners of her eyes, and she couldn’t even think properly. Where was Angela? She needed Angela. If Angela were here, they could explain all of this and make it right and get on with the wedding.

  "I promise you, this isn’t what you think it is," Zev tried to console her, but she wasn’t having any of it, shaking her head aggressively and backing out of the room. She turned her head but kept her eyes pinned on the two of them like she was worried that if she looked away from them she would catch them in the act once more.

  "Angela!” She shrieked at the top of her lungs “Lydia! Come down here! Come down here right now!”

  It was about then that the reality of the situation seemed to come down hard on top of Bianca. There was no hiding from this. It was happening. The worst had happened – they had been caught in the act, by someone who had no understanding of how this relationship worked. And on the day of a major family event, too – they couldn’t have timed it much worse if they had gone out of their way to plan it in advance.


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