Confessions: Robbie (Confessions Series Book 1)

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Confessions: Robbie (Confessions Series Book 1) Page 9

by Ella Frank

  “Excuse his manners, princesse. But put the poor man out of his misery.” Julien grinned at Robbie, a teasing smile on his full lips, which lessened the harshness of the order he’d just given. But there was no mistake. It was an order. “Are you interested? Or are we just wasting our time here?”

  Robbie swallowed, his dick hard and his heart pounding as he shook his head. “No.”

  “No, we’re not wasting our time? Or no, you’re not interested?” Julien asked, and his arm began moving up and down in the age-old rhythm of giving a really solid hand job.

  Robbie didn’t know where to look. Julien’s eyes were calling to him, but so was what his hand was doing, and then there was Priest, who was leaning back against the seat and had one hand gripping the table.

  God, Robbie wanted to touch himself so badly. “I haven’t left yet, have I?”

  Priest’s lips curved. “No. But maybe that’s because you’re afraid to stand.”

  “And why would I be afraid of that?”

  “Because then you wouldn’t be able to hide how fucking hot you are over the fact that Julien is getting me off right now.”

  On reflex, Robbie stuck his tongue out at Priest, and those grey eyes dropped to his mouth.

  “Come over here and do that,” Priest said, and when Robbie settled back in his chair and shook his head, he heard Julien laugh.

  “Scared?” Priest asked.

  “Smart,” Robbie replied. “You haven’t told me nearly enough for me to let you near my tongue.”

  “Oh…” Julien said, and flicked his tongue over Priest’s earlobe. “Someone’s playing hard to get. I like that.”

  Priest groaned and then shifted on his seat, and Robbie finally saw that Julien had undone Priest’s black pants and had his hand deep down inside them.

  You hold the power, Robbie reminded himself, and right now, Julien Thornton and Joel Priestley were eyeing him like two hungry tigers.

  “You want that, don’t you? My tongue in your mouth?” Robbie said. “In Julien’s.”

  “I also want our cocks in yours,” Priest said. “So what more do you want to know here, Robert? My patience is wearing thin.”

  “Well, for starters,” Robbie said, and shoved his chair back from the table, “what happens when your patience runs out? Are you going to come all over Julien’s hand? Or wouldn’t that be”—Robbie paused and pursed his lips as though thinking it over—“proper?”

  PRIEST’S FINGERS TIGHTENED on the table in an effort not to haul himself up, march around it, and pull Robbie to his feet so he could take that sassy mouth with his own.

  Fuck, he was perfect for them. The perfect blend of sass and sex, and when his temper got the better of him, Robbie didn’t have one damn problem standing up to either of them.

  The only question that remained was: would he lie down for them? Kneel for them?

  Priest took his hand off the table and placed it over the top of Julien’s to increase the pressure and pace, and didn’t miss the way Robbie’s eyes followed the move.

  “Quite the opposite, actually,” Priest said. “Coming on Julien is my right, just as it’s his with me. So it’s always proper. Always appropriate. We’d like that right with you.”

  “Fuck,” Robbie said, and finally reached down to rub at the erection Priest could see outlined in his pants.

  Julien hummed his enjoyment at what Robbie was doing, and Priest knew it was now or never to take this to the next step. “Unbutton your pants, Robert.”

  Robbie was either going to tell them to fuck off and leave, or he was going to undo that cream button at the waist of his pants and show them what they wanted to see.

  Robbie spread his legs and ever so slowly touched a finger to the button. “If I agree…” He looked at them both, his breathing more rapid, his neck flushed, and his hand back to massaging his dick. “Then what?”

  “Then I’ll finally let you put something French in your mouth.” Just as Priest suspected, Robbie’s eyes flew to Julien, not the untouched meal on the table.

  “Yes,” Priest said, and pumped his hips up, unable to stop the visual now in his head. “You’ll never taste anything better.”

  “Not true, mon amour,” Julien said, and then lifted the hand he’d been using on Priest and dragged a sticky finger over his tongue. “You taste délicieusement bon.”

  “Okay, fuck it. Yes,” Robbie said, and got to his feet. “I agree. But I have one condition.”

  Priest arched an eyebrow, dying to know what that would be as Robbie popped the button open on his pants.

  “I get to come tonight. I don’t care who does it and I don’t care how. But you better make me come after all this, or I won’t put out next time.”

  Chapter Ten


  Uhh, you know that saying?

  Keep your friends close but your enemies closer?

  I’m about to take that to a whole new level.

  “DEAL,” PRIEST SAID, and Julien’s cock punched against the linen of his pants at the promise his husband had just made. “But you don’t come until I say so.”

  As Robbie nodded his agreement, Julien reached down and adjusted his erection. Putain, this was really about to happen.

  “Good,” Priest said. “Now undo your pants.”

  Without hesitation, Robbie unzipped, and Julien’s breath caught in anticipation at what would be revealed as those pants were shoved off his hips.

  “Mon Dieu,” Julien said when he took in the skimpy hipster briefs that were the same bright color as Robbie’s coat. “I had hoped for pink.”

  Julien got to his feet, and as he came around the table, Robbie kicked out of his shoes and pants and watched his approach.

  “Pink and sweet,” Julien said. “Good enough to eat.”

  Robbie’s chest rose and fell under that cream turtleneck of his, as he reached down to stroke the erection his tiny briefs barely concealed. Julien let his eyes take in the delectable picture before him, and then he reached for Robbie’s waist and pulled him flush against his body.

  “Let us see if I am right, oui?” Julien then took Robbie’s lips with his own, and the sound that escaped Robbie was one of blissful ecstasy, as he grasped Julien’s biceps and opened for him. Julien rubbed his tongue against the eager one he found inside, and as he teased and tormented, his hands slid around to the tight ass he wanted to hold.

  He hauled Robbie closer so he could grind himself against the long cock that was trapped in that minuscule pair of briefs, and Robbie moaned and wrapped a leg up around Julien’s thigh as he rolled his hips forward, letting Julien know how turned on he was. But when Julien’s fingers moved to the elastic of Robbie’s briefs, Robbie put his hands to Julien’s chest and halted him.

  Julien stopped, raised his head, and looked into the glazed eyes staring back at him. Robbie was right there on the brink and trying his hardest to rein it in, to act…properly, and when he looked over to Priest, Julien groaned in pure delight.

  Oh, you are going to work out beautifully, princesse. You already know the rules.

  Julien’s eyes found his husband’s, and he wasn’t at all surprised to see that Priest had a hand wrapped around his engorged length and was stroking it as he watched the two of them with keen eyes.

  Julien’s cock throbbed under Priest’s intense stare, and he knew the ache he felt there matched what was going on with the other two men in the room as all three of them faced off, waiting for the next move.

  It came, as expected, from Priest.

  “Get on your knees, Robert.”

  For a second, Julien thought Robbie might tell Priest to go fuck himself. But then he looked to Julien, smiled like a rascal, and dropped to his knees.

  ROBBIE SHUT HIS eyes for a second and told his dick to behave itself. Think about something other than the fact that you’re kneeling at Julien Thornton’s feet. Anything but that will do. But that was impossible when his eyes were on level with Julien’s loose pants and he could see th
e outline of his erection in explicit detail.

  Robbie licked his lips, knowing that was soon going to be between them, and then reached down to stroke himself. He tipped his head back, enjoying the rush he got from his own touch, and then Priest’s commanding voice filled the empty silence and made gooseflesh break out all over Robbie’s body.

  “Take off Julien’s pants.”

  Never in a million years could Robbie have imagined a day where he would willingly let Joel Priestley tell him what to do. But as he knelt there at Julien’s feet, he reached out to the drawstring of those pants and did as he’d been told.

  As he slowly pulled the cord free, Robbie raised his eyes to the vibrant ones watching him, and Julien slipped his thumbs inside the waistband and let his pants fall in a pool of white at his feet. Robbie sucked in a breath as he was left staring at bronzed skin stretched over built thighs, and a white jockstrap that cradled Julien’s cock like a glove. Sweet Jesus.

  Robbie freed his dick from its too-tight confines, and as he looked up at Julien, he pumped himself over and over, the pre-cum now dripping onto his hand as he stared at the sexiest man he’d ever set eyes on.

  “Fuck,” Priest said, the sound of it making Robbie’s head turn in his direction, and when he saw that Priest was on his feet walking around the table toward them, Robbie’s hand faltered.

  Shit. Oh my fucking shit.

  The cock jutting out of Priest’s open pants was huge. It was thick and long and had a wide head that looked like it would split him in two if he didn’t use it right. And Robbie suddenly had a desperate need to know how that would go.

  This was wild. He couldn’t believe it was actually happening. Alone, these men were overwhelming, but together? Together they just might make his head explode.

  When Priest stopped behind him, Robbie looked over his shoulder and said, “How is this all going to—” And just like he had earlier that morning, Priest reached out and put a finger to Robbie’s lips.

  “We’ll work out the details later. For now, know that you are pleasing us very much.” Priest looked over Robbie’s head to his husband. “And you should continue, just as you are.”

  Robbie looked back to Julien, whose eyes were fixed on him, and when Julien’s thumbs slipped under the elastic straps on either side of his hips, Robbie rose to help him drag the jockstrap down his thighs until it rested beneath his heavy balls.

  “Oh God,” Robbie said as reverently as he would if he were in church. “I need to suck that.” And because there was no way he could resist, he leaned in and ran his tongue up the underside of Julien’s cock.

  “Merde, princesse,” Julien said, and speared his fingers through Robbie’s hair. “Encore. Again.”

  Robbie peered up at him and again traced his tongue from the root of Julien’s cock to the tip. When he reached the shiny head, Robbie swirled his tongue around it, and then heard a growl from behind him as a firm hand landed on his shoulder and squeezed—Priest.

  “Ahh…” Robbie moaned as Priest started to massage him, digging his thumb into the tense muscles of his shoulder. Priest then ran his strong fingers up into Robbie’s hair and tangled them in the longer strands before tugging Robbie’s head back, and off Julien’s cock.

  As Robbie’s eyes found the man looming behind him, Priest smiled a grin that would rival the devil’s. “Open that sassy mouth of yours, Robert. I want to watch Julien fuck it.”

  Damn. Robbie couldn’t believe how turned on he was as his lips parted and his eyes shifted back to Julien, who had his cock in hand. He looked mouthwatering, even better than the fantasies Robbie had had of him over the years, and with Priest instructing their every move, it somehow made the entire experience even hotter.

  “I want to see your pretty lips wrapped around his cock,” Priest said, and Robbie’s heart was thumping so hard that he was surprised it didn’t fly out of his chest.

  As Julien’s hand moved over the top of Priest’s in Robbie’s hair, they both urged him where they wanted him to go, and Robbie was more than happy to follow. Julien’s eyes were smoldering as he directed the head of his cock up and down the center of Robbie’s tongue, and on the third time, Robbie rose to his knees and closed his mouth around him.

  “Mon Dieu, Joel… Il a le visage d'un ange et les lèvres du Diable.”

  Robbie didn’t understand any of that, but it sounded so sexy that he had to pinch the head of his dick to stop himself from coming. Julien’s hands left his hair to hold either side of his face, and when he began to thrust in and out of Robbie’s mouth, a low growl came from Priest.

  Robbie’s eyes rose a little higher, and as his cheeks hollowed out and his mouth tightened around the cock filling it, he saw Priest lean across him and grab the back of Julien’s neck to pull him forward and take his mouth in a brutal kiss.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck, that’s so hot. And Julien must’ve agreed, because a groan of pleasure left him as Priest began to devour his husband’s mouth, and Julien started to fuck into Robbie’s faster.

  Robbie braced a hand on Julien’s thigh, digging his fingers into the taut muscle there, and heard a curse above him. He didn’t see who it came from because his eyes were now closed, as he let his body relax and enjoy what was happening to it. It wasn’t until a hand returned to his hair and massaged his scalp that Robbie’s eyes popped open to see Julien’s focus back on him and his teeth digging into his full bottom lip.

  “Tu es délicieux,” Julien said in a way that Robbie knew it had to be a compliment, and then a thumb stroked down his cheek.

  Robbie took him eagerly, time and time again, and when Julien’s fingers slid back into his hair, Robbie saw him look across to Priest, who said, “Come, Julien, let him taste you.”

  Julien’s entire body tensed and then vibrated, and not a second later, he cursed and came inside Robbie’s mouth. Robbie moaned and eagerly swallowed, loving the taste, smell, and feel of it all, and as Julien slowly withdrew, Robbie dragged his lips along him, savoring the salty essence until he slipped free.

  “Mmm,” Julien said, and used his thumb to wipe Robbie’s lips clean before bending down to kiss them. “Merci beaucoup.”

  A bolt of desire shot straight down to Robbie’s balls, and he clamped a fist around his dick and whimpered. Julien was hot as fuck.

  “I like how I taste on your lips,” Julien said.

  Robbie nodded. “So do I.”

  “Good. Because I’m already thinking about next time.” Julien tapped Robbie’s chin. “But now, I believe it’s your turn.”

  When Julien raised his head, Robbie turned to look back at Priest, who was watching him with hooded eyes. He had no idea what was about to happen next, but nothing short of the place catching on fire was going to stop him from finding out.

  “ON YOUR FEET, Robert.” Priest issued the order with a clenched jaw and a frustrated cock. He was so damn wired from what he’d just witnessed that he wasn’t sure how he was going to hold back from bending Robbie over the dinner table and fucking him into next week. But that wasn’t what tonight was about, and there would be plenty of time for that later.

  Robbie got to his feet, and once he was standing, Priest said, “Turn around and face me.”

  Robbie pivoted between the two of them, and Julien moved in behind him and planted his hands on his slim hips, holding him steady.

  Priest touched his thumb to Robbie’s swollen lower lip. “You looked good down on your knees just now.” Robbie’s eyes narrowed a fraction, and Priest smirked. “You disagree?”

  “Yes,” Robbie said. “I look good everyfuckingwhere.”

  Priest chuckled and took a step forward, then wrapped his hand firmly around Robbie’s cock, making him suck in a breath and reach out to grip Priest’s arms.

  “Fuck,” Robbie said, and shut his eyes tight.

  “No. We’re not doing that tonight.” Priest found Julien’s eyes over Robbie’s shoulder, and Julien slid a hand around to join the tight fist Priest was now using on Robbie’
s erection.

  “Ahh shit…” Robbie said, and moved up to his toes. As Priest and Julien both leaned in and brushed their lips along Robbie’s cheekbones, a delicious moan escaped Robbie as he dug his nails through Priest’s shirt and into his skin.

  “Tonight, you’re going to come,” Priest said by his ear. “Right here between us.”

  A ragged sound of need escaped Robbie’s lips, as Julien began to kiss his way down his neck and Priest teased his earlobe, while their hands moved in beautiful tandem along the cock Robbie was now thrusting through their fists.

  “God. Fuck. I can’t… You’ve got to let me…” Robbie said, and Priest scraped his teeth along his jaw.

  “I don’t have to let you do anything. Behave yourself for a change and you’ll be rewarded.”

  “Fuck you,” Robbie said on a trembling breath, and Priest twisted his hand, causing a loud groan to leave the mouthy little minx.

  “I knew you were going to be like this. I told Julien: he’s going to be a handful with attitude to spare, but so fucking beautiful when he submits.”

  Robbie’s eyes blazed as he struggled against the need to come.

  “Stop fighting me. Stop fighting me and listen to your body, Robert,” Priest said, as he and Julien continued to stroke. “It wants this. It wants us. Now come.”

  Robbie’s eyes slammed shut at the order and his hips bucked forward, and then, without another word, he cried out and came all over the hands holding him.

  Priest searched out Julien’s lustful stare as Robbie floated down from his orgasmic high, and when their eyes locked, Priest knew that this was it. They’d finally found the one to balance them out. The one they’d been searching for. Now it was just a question of how to convince Robert Bianchi that he wanted to be theirs.

  AS THE FRANTIC pace of Robbie’s heart returned to baseline, Julien stroked his sticky fingers over the skin of his lower abdomen. Priest’s eyes pinned him in place as he brought his thumb to his mouth and sucked it clean, and then he shifted toward the table to pick up one of the linen napkins.


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