The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others Page 13

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  “Hey, sweetheart!” he exclaimed, like he hadn't seen her in weeks.

  Get your head together! Aimee told herself. “Hi, I didn't know you were coming over this evening.”

  “It's okay, isn't it?” he asked sounding a little hurt like Aimee wasn't excited to see him.

  She paused. Aimee, you have to hold it together! “Oh sure, of course it's okay. It's great, actually. I just wished I knew you were coming so I could have fixed something special for dinner.” There you go. Just act normal.

  Dylan leaned in with his soft lips and gave her a kiss. Aimee pulled back unexpectedly. Dylan looked at her confused. He asked, “You okay?”

  She took a couple seconds as she got out of the car. Dylan grabbed her backpack and walked with her. Finally, after a long silence she answered, “I'm sorry, but I’m a little stressed. I have a big test on Thursday, and I'm worried about it.”


  “Yeah, chemistry,” she answered while she stuck the key into the deadbolt.

  Dylan was always so positive. “You'll do fine.”

  Aimee managed, “Yeah, right.”

  Dylan followed her inside. James was sitting at the dining table studying. He looked up and greeted them, “Hey, how's it goin'?”

  Dylan answered, “It's good. How about you?”

  James shook his head and said, “I've got an all-nighter. Two big tests tomorrow.”

  “Man, that sucks,” said Dylan.

  “Yep. They seem to all hit at once during the quarter.” He sighed, took a sip of his water, then turned a page and started writing notes again.

  “Is Sacha fixing dinner tonight?” Aimee asked as she grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and turned on the faucet. She rinsed, then dried it, and tossed it to Dylan.

  James replied without looking up, “She's bringing something home for the two of us after she gets off work.”

  “Oh,” Aimee replied. That meant she either needed to fix something for her and Dylan, or they needed to go get something to eat. Her brain was fried. She didn't really feel like cooking. “Dylan, can I treat you to dinner?”

  His eyes lit up. “Really?”

  “Yeah. You hungry?”

  He rubbed his stomach and answered, “Sure, I could eat. Where do you wanna go?”

  “You pick. Give me a minute though so I can go to the bathroom and clean up a bit.”

  “All right,” Dylan said. “I'll wait for you in the car.” He took another bite from the apple, then chunked what was left into the garbage.

  Aimee went into the bathroom and quickly brushed her teeth, then washed her face and dried it with the hand towel. She stared into the mirror. Her eyes looked bloodshot, and her head felt like cotton candy, not like it did before she traveled, but something still didn't feel right. Maybe I'm just mentally wasted, she thought. Her life was hard enough being a time traveler, then add all the stress from school and work, only to now have to deal with Brandi and Joseph living in the same town. Breathe, Aimee, just breathe! she told herself. She wasn't sure how much more she could take. She pitched the towel onto the counter, took a long breath, opened the door, and started out into the hall.

  “See ya later,” James said without looking up.

  Aimee answered without looking back, “Later.”

  Dylan was leaning against his SUV, his arms folded loosely while he waited. He opened Aimee's door when she came out of the apartment. When she got to the FJ, she jumped in and he shut the door, and in a second he hopped into his seat.

  Before he could get his seatbelt on, Aimee threw herself across the console and seized him. Her lips sought his and he surrendered easily. She ran her fingers through his hair, and they kissed madly. After a few minutes, the kissing slowed, then Dylan stopped, kissed her once more, then exclaimed, “Wow, Aimee!”

  She continued to run her fingers through his hair. “I've missed you,” she confessed.

  “You saw me last night.”

  Aimee sat back in her seat, then responded, “Yeah, I know, but sometimes it feels like it's been weeks between the times we see each other.”

  Dylan sighed. “I know. I miss you, too. I can't wait until this quarter is over and we move in together.”

  Aimee grumbled, “That seems like forever.” She really wished they could move in together now. Too much time apart was getting her in trouble. Tomorrow she had plans to have lunch with another man. Just lunch, nothing else. I'm only being cordial because he's new to the States...and he saved my life, she told herself. But it felt more like cheating than being friendly. Aimee forced a smile, then suggested, “Well, maybe we should start looking for a place before the end of the quarter so we can secure a lease.”

  Dylan started the engine. He grinned and looked at her before shifting into Reverse. “I agree,” he said. “We can go on Sunday since the game's here.”

  Aimee nodded. “Okay. I'll start looking online at places. You wanna spend Saturday night so we can search after breakfast?”

  “You bet, but I'm sure we'll be out late celebrating our homecoming win.”

  “Fine, if we sleep all morning, we'll go after lunch. It doesn't matter what time we go. I just wanna start looking.”

  Dylan laughed. “All right, all right. Geez, I thought I was the only one excited about us getting a place.”

  “No,” she stated, “you're not near as excited as I am.”

  During dinner they held hands, talked, and looked at each other like it was their first date. Nothing else was on her mind but Dylan, and how his touch was sending hot currents throughout her body, just like when they first started dating. When they left, they continued to hold hands across the console, stealing provocative glances while they drove back. Dylan pulled into the parking lot, stuck the FJ into Park, then turned off the engine. He undid his seatbelt and peered over at her. His beautiful, dark brown eyes drove her insane. Aimee's heart took over and she latched onto him. She was excited and she wanted him more than she had wanted him in a long time. Their hands flew all over each other, his hands under her shirt; her hands unbuttoning his shirt. Their tongues danced together wildly. She needed him to make love to her.

  In between kisses, Dylan looked around to make sure no one else was watching. “Aimee, we can't do it in the parking lot.”

  “Come in,” she invited breathlessly.

  Dylan looked down at his crotch and grinned. “I don't think I can go in like this in front of James or Sacha.”

  “Hmmm,” she pondered. “So, do you feel daring?”

  “Daring?” he asked.

  “Yeah, daring,” she answered. “I know a place that is kinda secluded. Sarah, Lynn, and I run by there on our route.”

  He grinned. “You naughty girl. Are you thinking we should go there to screw?”

  She ran her lips along his jaw bone, then answered, “Not unless you're too scared.” Aimee bit her lip waiting for him to answer.

  “Oooh, man,” he said. “Hell yes, let's go.” He turned the key, and had the FJ in Reverse in a second. A few minutes later they pulled into an area that looked like a park, but it was completely dark. Dylan eased the FJ behind a clump of trees, put it in Park, and turned off the engine. They both looked around. No one else was here. Dylan unlocked the doors. He got out and raced around to her side. Aimee slid out and shut the door. Instantly, their mouths attached, their tongues played crazily, and their hands flew across each other's body strategically. In a flash, Aimee undid his belt and zipped down his pants. Before she could finish what she started, he whipped her up and had her skirt up and her panties off in even less time. In the dark of the night, in a public park, hidden behind a grove of trees, and smashed up against the FJ, they made passionate love, like no other sex they had before.

  After they finished, and after they both got their clothes back in place, Dylan placed his hands tenderly on Aimee's hips, and slowly pulled her into his sweaty body. He stopped his lips an inch from hers. Softly he said, “I don't know what got into you tonight, but
I love it.”

  She kissed him, then answered, “I don't know either, but I just had to have you, no matter where, and no matter how. I'm sorry I acted so impulsively.”

  Dylan replied instantly, “No, don't apologize. I like this side of you. Don't get me wrong. Our sex life is great, but this...” he paused, then continued, “well, this was amazing.”

  “Well, when we move into our own place, I promise it won't be dull.”

  Dylan groaned, “Oh, Aimee...” He stopped and kissed her tenderly. Finally, he finished, “I swear you are the most exciting woman any man could love.”

  They drove back in silence, holding hands, and stealing glances. A love song played on the radio. Usually Dylan turned off love songs, but tonight he raised the volume a bit. A warm feeling flowed through every part of Aimee's body. She was positive a white glow emitted from her as good as she felt. She loved Dylan, with all her heart. And he loved her. She wasn't going to screw this up for anything.

  “Dylan,” Aimee started when they pulled into the parking space for the second time this evening.

  “Yeah?” he answered.

  “I want you to know I'll love you with all my heart, always. Only you.”

  Dylan stopped the FJ, took her hand up to his lips, kissed each finger, then said, “I know, and I'll always love you, and only you.”

  The next day Aimee stood outside the building she and Joseph agreed to meet at. She checked her cell phone. 12:25 pm. She tucked it in her back pocket and nervously shifted her weight from one foot to the other. She thought about what she was getting ready to do. She decided to pick up her backpack and escape before he got here. As she reached down to get her pack, a hand reached down and grabbed it.

  “I got it,” said Joseph. He whipped her pack over his shoulder and smiled. “Ready for some grub?”

  Damn, she thought. No way out now. “Uh,” she started, “I guess.” Aimee pointed the direction to student parking. They started walking together towards her car.

  “So, how's school going?” asked Joseph. She could feel his eyes stuck on her almost the entire time they walked. Aimee on the other hand, tried not to look into his hypnotic blue eyes.

  She answered, “Good, except for chemistry. It's eating my lunch.”

  “Eating your lunch?” he asked clueless.

  “Yeah, slang meaning, I'm not doing so well.”

  “Oh,” he responded. “Well, the offer still stands for the extra help.”

  “Thanks, but I think I'm ready for the test tomorrow, and if I make an A, my grade goes up to a B. Not as good as I'd like, but better than a C.”

  Joseph said, “Well, good luck with the test. I hope you get an A on it.”

  “Me, too,” she said while they approached her car. She unlocked it, and before she could open the door, Joseph jumped past and grabbed the handle, then swung it open. Aimee tried to smile as she stepped by him and got in. He shut the door and in a second he was getting into the other side.

  “Enough room, I hope. It's as far back as it'll go,” she commented to Joseph as she clicked her seatbelt.

  “It's good,” he replied. “It's just feels really odd to be sitting on this side and not driving.”

  “So now you know how we felt in England.”

  Joseph chuckled. “Yeah, I imagine it's a bit unnerving no matter where you're from to drive on the opposite side of normal.”

  Several minutes later they pulled into the parking lot at the restaurant. Aimee's nerves sizzled. She knew it was wrong for her to be here with Joseph. Let's get this over with, she decided as she put the car in Park and turned off the engine. Without warning, the ominous pain flashed across her skull like wicked lightening. She instantly rubbed her forehead. Joseph noticed.

  “Headache?” he quizzed.

  She sucked in a long breath hoping to chase it away, at least enough time to get through lunch. “Yeah. Can you give me my bag. I have some ibuprofen in it.”

  He reached into the backseat and pulled the bag across the console. He handed it to her. She opened the zipper and dug out the bottle. Joseph handed Aimee her water container.

  “Here,” he said. “So does the ibuprofen work?”

  She popped the two pills into her mouth, took a fast swig and swallowed. “Sometimes,” she answered.

  “It doesn't work at all for me,” shared Joseph.

  “You get bad headaches, too?”

  Joseph paused a few seconds, then answered, “Only when I travel.”

  Aimee whipped around and stared at him. He was looking at her, then after a few seconds he added, “It's probably the change in atmospheric pressure, but who knows. It seems to resolve afterwards.” He smiled and asked, “Is it the same for you?”

  She couldn't answer. Of course he wasn't talking about traveling, as in time travel. No way. He's gotta to be talking about flying in a plane. Right? She waited a few more seconds. Moisture beaded up on her forehead. way...she thought. He's not...he can't be...she stopped. All the dreams! Then of all the places in the world, we have an accident by his farm, and he saves me! Joseph had wormed his way into her life! It's no accident, she decided. Either he's a stalker, or.... Aimee stopped in midthought. The realization of who he was struck her like one of her horrendous headaches. Fast and hard. It all made sense now. Seek others, she remembered Jack Reynolds's advice in the dream, and then the dream with her mother. She said the same thing. This had to be what they meant. They were trying to tell her to look for another time traveler, someone who had the same gift as she did, someone who could help her on her missions. And Joseph was the someone she was supposed to find!

  Sweat dripped down her cheek. Joseph pulled a tissue from a package on the dash and handed it to Aimee. “Here you go. You all right?”

  Aimee couldn't answer. Besides, what would she say? So, Joseph, I guess you're a time traveler, too? If he wasn't one, he would think she was crazy. And if he was, well, that would be even crazier. She wiped the moisture on her face and dabbed under her eyes as she peeked into the rearview mirror. She cleared her throat and answered, “I'm not feeling well. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can eat anything.”

  Joseph replied, “No, don't be sorry. I understand. Headaches can be debilitating. We'll do this some other time. Would you like me to drive back to campus?”

  Aimee needed to get back fast. She knew the signs, and she was leaving soon. And with her driving record, she couldn't risk leaving on another mission behind the wheel, and especially with Joseph.

  “Do you mind?” she asked as she unsnapped her belt.

  Joseph had the door open and was getting out when it happened. She left!

  The black tunnel squeezed her and spun her unmercifully. She closed her eyes waiting to escape its torture. Aimee quit begging for death. No one listened, and if they heard her, they weren't going to grant her the wish. Today it seemed to take forever before the white light pierced the darkness, then instantly Aimee crashed.

  She landed supine in darkness in what seemed like a someone's yard. She stayed flat on her back for a few minutes, waiting for her brain's spinning to stop. Finally, she sat up, hidden behind some shrubs in front of her. She twisted around and a small house was behind her. A couple lit jack-o’-lanterns sat on the porch, and luminaries lined one side of the sidewalk from the porch to the street. Halloween? But where? she wondered. She stood up and peeked over the shrubs to survey what was happening on the other side. A street light a half block away illuminated the sidewalk. She could see an adult walking a couple little goblins her direction.

  Suddenly, the front door opened behind her. Aimee spun around and dove for a big tree a couple feet to her side. Three youngsters followed by a man came out of the house. The kids, disguised in costumes, carried pumpkins for trick-or-treating. Aimee watched from behind the tree as they walked to the the front sidewalk, then turned and cruised away from her. The air felt creepy, like something terrible was going to happen, but Aimee didn't have a clue, only that sh
e needed to follow them.

  The street was dark and slightly wet, as if it had drizzled prior to her arrival. Fortunately, her backside wasn’t damp from the landing, and she didn't have any injuries. She slithered along the shrubs staying about a half block behind. After a few minutes, the kids turned and ran up a sidewalk to a house and the boy pushed the doorbell. In a flash, two more kids and two adults came out and joined them. The three adults and five kids started walking down the street, only stopping at houses that had lit front entries. One of the kids would knock on the door, and then when it opened in unison they all would shout “Trick-or-Treat!”, while the three parents waited on the sidewalk. This went on for a good fifteen, maybe twenty minutes. Aimee began to wonder why she had been sent. Surely nothing seemed amiss here, but for some reason, she knew she needed to keep following them.

  They continued going from house to house. A small group of children, all in costumes, talking excitedly, with parents trailing, were coming their direction while Aimee tried to follow the group of five kids. They stopped and talked for a brief moment with her group, then started walking towards her again, only to turn into someone's yard and race up the sidewalk to the house. Aimee sped by unnoticed while the first group gained distance.

  Another bunch of kids, no adults in tag, was cutting up loudly across the street. They looked Aimee's direction, but then turned into someone's yard and ran up the walk to the house. None of the groups seemed to attract her interest except the first one, who now was a good block away. Aimee scurried down the street keeping tabs on the three adults who were behind the kids. After a couple minutes, the children turned into a yard and flew to the front door. The entry light was on. They rang the door bell. No one answered. They rang it again. Still no response. Aimee watched in the dark from behind a tree at the property line. The kids talked to the adults, then after a few seconds, all five took off running through the yard to the sidewalk. Two adults followed. But the first adult stayed behind.


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