The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others

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The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt: Seeking Others Page 39

by J. A. Schreckenbach

  She closed her eyes, then sucked in a big breath. Slowly she released it and looked up at Dylan. He stepped the few remaining steps and cautiously sat down on the bed a few inches from her. He took a long breath, too, then nervously rubbed his hand across his jeans. Finally, he looked at her. Aimee gazed into his face, and the two stared into each other's eyes forever. Moisture welled up in Aimee's eyes and bubbled over. Dylan gently touched her cheek with his thumb and rubbed a tear away. He leaned in and softly kissed her nose. Then her forehead. Then her temple, and next her cheek. He paused and gazed into her eyes with more love than she had ever witnessed. His lips finally made it to hers, and they kissed tenderly.

  “I don't deserve you,” Dylan whispered as the kiss ended and he wrapped her into his arms, then rested his cheek against hers.

  “Yes, you do,” Aimee whispered back. “We're soul mates, right? We promised to always love each other, and always be there for each other, no matter what.”

  “You're really back?” he asked.

  Aimee smiled and nodded once.

  With his eyes closed, Dylan lifted his face and softly replied, “Thank you, Lord.” After a long silence he continued, “You don't know how I've prayed for this moment. I'm so, so sorry for hurting you, and I'll never, ever, doubt you again. I know you love me as much as I love you, and I...” he paused for a few seconds before finishing, “well, I can't imagine going through life without you by my side.”

  Suddenly he stopped, his face changed and urgently he directed, “Stay here. Don't move!”

  He tore out of the room. Aimee tiptoed to the door and looked down the dimly lit hall. He was in the kitchen fiddling around with something, but she couldn't tell. Aimee sailed back to the bed and sat down before he noticed. After a few seconds, he flew right back into the bedroom and dropped to one knee. Carefully, he pulled out something from his shirt pocket and held it tight in his hand. Aimee was innocent about many things, but instantly she knew what he was doing. Unable to breath, she stared wide-eyed at him.

  Dylan started to speak, only he stopped and looked into Aimee's face for a few seconds unable to say a word. “Aimee,” he finally got out. He swallowed like his throat was dry, sucked in a long breath, then proceeded, “I've had a lot of time to think. About you. Me. Us. And...well,” he paused and looked down at her hand in his. “Well,” he continued, “I don't know why you came back, but I can't think of loving anyone else, or being with anyone else, or waiting another minute. I know this isn't a real ring, but it's's round...and it represents my love. It's never ending.” He paused, opened his hand and a make-shift band of foil sat in it. “Please, make me the happiest man in the world and marry me,” he whispered.

  Aimee looked at the shiny foil ring, then at Dylan's beautiful, chocolate eyes staring longingly into hers waiting for her to say what he so wanted to hear. The trepidation she felt when he gave her the Promise ring wasn't there. Not a cell in her body quivered in uncertainty. Not a voice told her to say no. Instead a deep peace swept over her, and without another thought, Aimee replied, “Yes. I'll marry you.”


  Aimee tried to call her dad, but got his voice mail. She left a vague message asking him to return her call when he got the message. She hung up, set her phone on the countertop, and started to load the dishwasher. Dylan was lying on the couch, a text book rested on his stomach, and he clutched the remote. The Bear's basketball game was on the TV.

  “He didn't answer?” Dylan asked after Aimee set the phone down.

  “Nope,” she answered with a smile. Dylan put the book and remote on the coffee table, then got up and walked over to the bar.

  “Well, when he calls back, I want to talk to him after you tell him, okay?”

  “Sure,” she said as she stuck the last glass on the top shelf, then shut the dishwasher door.

  “I always planned on asking him first, but this kinda just snuck up on us and I didn't want to wait.” Dylan's voice dropped off.

  Aimee stepped to the counter across from Dylan. “It's okay,” she assured him. “He won't mind that you didn't ask him first. Really. He knows how much I love you, how much we love each other, and I'm sure he expects this. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't think we'll just bypass this part and elope.”

  Dylan stared at her for a few seconds and a smile instantly spread across his face.

  “Oh, no, you're not thinking what I think you're thinking,” Aimee said after suddenly realizing what was going on in Dylan's mind.

  “What do you think I'm thinking?” he said as he slowly came around the counter and enveloped her in his arms.

  “You want to elope, don't you?” she said.

  He smiled, wiggled his brows, and waited for her to respond.

  “Dylan, your parents, my dad, they'll kill us if we run off and get married,” she said worried now that she realized he was serious.

  “No, they won't,” he tried to reassure her.

  “But...” she started to stutter, “what about school and your career. You're the starting quarterback next year. We can't risk anything that'll prevent you from getting on that field.”

  Dylan swept some stray hair back off her forehead, then said, “I'll play next year, and the Bears will have the best year they've ever had because I'll know my wife is there watching and cheering us on.”

  Aimee couldn't answer. Her mind couldn't process this, not yet. After all, they had just gotten back together the day before, and being engaged still hadn't completely sunk in. Only Sacha and James knew about their engagement, and although totally shocked that Aimee and Dylan had gone from being separated to being engaged overnight, they seemed thrilled.

  The phone on the counter suddenly rang. Dylan loosened his hold, and Aimee reached over and grabbed the phone before it rolled to voice mail. Dad was on the screen.

  “Hey,” Aimee answered.

  With panic, her dad immediately pressed, “What's wrong? Are you okay?”

  Aimee giggled. “Yes, Dad, I'm fine. I'm sorry if I worried you.”

  “Well, your message sounded urgent, and I guess I just thought the worse. You know you've given us some scares in the past few years.”

  “I know, Dad,” Aimee acknowledged, “but, this time there's nothing wrong. Matter-of fact, it's just the opposite.”

  “Okay, so what's this important news you've gotta share?” he asked.

  “Well, why don't I let Dylan tell you,” she replied, then quickly handed the phone to Dylan.

  Dylan smiled at her, then put the phone to his ear. “Hey, Mike,” he began.

  “Hey, Dylan, how's it going?”

  “Good, sir,” he answered.

  “So, Aimee said you have some news for me.”

  “Yes, sir,” he replied. “Actually, we have some really exciting news.”

  “Well, just spit it out, son,” directed Aimee's dad.

  Dylan took a fast breath, then said, “I've asked Aimee to marry me, and I'm one hell of a lucky man because she said yes.”

  “Woo-hoo, congratulations!” came through the phone so loud Dylan had to pull the phone away from his ear. Aimee giggled. “I'm really happy for you two, and actually not at all surprised.”

  “I'm sorry I didn't ask you first, but I figured you knew we would get engaged sooner or later.”

  “Yep, I did. Well, I couldn't be happier. Can I speak to my daughter?”

  “Yes, sir, and I appreciate your support.”

  “You bet.”

  Dylan covered the mouth piece as he handed the phone to Aimee. He whispered, “He's completely cool with it.”

  Aimee smiled, then took the phone and said, “Hey, Dad.”

  “Congratulations, sweetheart. I'm so happy for you. I know, in my heart, that you two will always be together.”

  “Thanks, Dad. I'm sure we will, too. I love him with all my heart, and he loves me, and that's all that matters, right?”

  There was a sudden silence on his end for a few seconds. Fin
ally, her dad said, “Yes, dear, that's all that should matter.” After another brief silence her dad added, “I can't wait to walk you down the aisle. You'll be as beautiful as your mother was when we got married.”

  Aimee realized now wasn't the time to tell him they were thinking about eloping, not with her dad wanting to walk her down the aisle. She forced a smile at Dylan who was watching her while she talked to her dad. She sighed deeply, then said, “I hope so, Dad. Hey, I gotta go. I'll talk to you after you get back next week from Boise. Okay?”

  “Can I tell Mel?”

  “Sure, Dad,” Aimee answered.

  “He's gonna be so happy for you. You know he thinks of you like an uncle.”

  “Yeah, Dad, I'm know he does.”

  “All right, we'll call you Monday night. We'll be back by five. I can't wait 'til Hannah gets home from school to tell her.”

  Aimee chuckled. “Dad, I'll talk to you on Monday. I love you.”

  “I love you, too, dear,” he said.

  Aimee ended the call and set the phone down on the counter. She bit her bottom lip as she looked at Dylan. “Well,” she began, “that went well, except I don't think Dad's gonna let us elope.”

  Dylan shrugged. “Well then, we'll have a small ceremony, just family, maybe a couple friends. Nothing big. How does that sound?”

  Aimee nodded and looked at her shiny ring. “Sounds perfect,” she hummed.

  Dylan kissed her. Aimee grabbed her phone and handed it to him. “Now your parents,” she ordered.


  “Aimee?” Dylan hollered from the kitchen. Aimee was deep in thought working on a paper for her English class. She completely fazed out everything around her while she read through the passage again before she started to rewrite the paragraph.

  “Hey, Aimee,” Dylan said as he entered the back bedroom where Dylan had begun to set up a man cave. Startled, Aimee looked up suddenly. “Here,” he said as he handed Aimee's phone to her, “you've gotten three calls in the past five minutes. I think someone is really trying to get in touch with you.”

  Aimee took her phone and looked at the screen. Her face went completely white. His name didn't pop up on the screen, but she recognized the number. Instantly, she hit the recall while Dylan stood there watching.

  When he answered on the first ring, she anxiously said, “Mel?”


  “Yeah, he's here with me,” she replied looking up at Dylan. “Why?”


  “No, he said he would call tonight. They’re supposed to be back by five.”


  “No! No! Don't say that! Damn you! No, he can't be, Mel,” Aimee said angrily. “You're lying. He can't be. Please, please, please, no! Please, God no...” she wailed, then immediately her voice trailed off and she started sobbing uncontrollably. The phone dropped from her hand to the floor.

  Dylan instantly swooped up the phone and had it to his ear. “Mel?” he began. “Yes, sir,” he paused. Gravely he started to ask, “When did it...” but he couldn't finish. The words stuck on his tongue as he held onto Aimee. He could barely hear Mel for her crying. After an eternity, he finally got out the rest, “...when did they crash?”


  Dylan looked at the clock on the wall. It was 4:10. “We'll be there by seven.” He put the phone on the desk, dropped to his knees, and smothered Aimee into his chest. “I'm so sorry, sweetheart,” he said as their trembling bodies fused together. “I'm so sorry,” he cried over and over into her ear.


  Dylan slowly walked Aimee down the aisle of the church towards the two caskets. He held her up so she could get one foot in front of the other. Not a tear ran down her face. She had cried so much that not a tear was left to cry. Aimee couldn't look at the faces of the people sitting in the pews watching her as they came down the aisle. The church was packed. Family and friends, students and colleagues, neighbors and even a few people who didn't know them, but felt a need to be present, were crammed into the small church. Aimee stopped at the second pew from the front staring at the caskets in front of her. Suddenly a hand reached out and took hers. She peered down at it, then followed the arm up to the body. The hand belonged to Aunt Lauren. Aunt Molly sat next to her sister, and all of their children sat in the pew behind them. Aunt Lauren squeezed her hand and smiled at her. Moisture hung heavy in her aunt’s eyes. The last time she saw Aunt Lauren they parted ways. Aimee had not spoken to her since. But now wasn't the time to hold on to the past; not at her dad's and Hannah's funeral. Aimee forced a limp smile, squeezed her hand, then released it. She looked at Dylan. She thanked God he was here with her. She couldn't get through this without him.

  “Are you ready?” Dylan asked.

  Aimee peered into his dark eyes for a few seconds. She hadn't been able to breathe for the past three days since getting the call from Mel. Suddenly, she heard a voice. It was Dad's. “I'm sorry,” he said. A strange peace filled her heart. She felt her lungs take in air for the first time in days. “I'm ready,” she answered.

  Arm in arm, Dylan walked her up to Hannah's casket. She laid a single, peached tipped yellow rose on it and touched the casket. After a few seconds she turned slowly and stood next to James and Sacha. She placed a rose on her father's casket. Aimee laid her hand on his casket and whispered, “It's okay, Dad. It's gonna be okay.”


  A dark place was there,

  when the morning light came.

  The angel told her to not despair.

  Today feels hopeless,

  and perhaps tomorrow, too.

  But his never-ending love

  will get you through.



  Escaping out of the tunnel in 2017...

  The Weird Travels of Aimee Schmidt

  Book Three: Once More into the Light




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