Warrior, coupe

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Warrior, coupe Page 15

by Michael A. Stackpole

  Alanna felt as if an icy dagger had been thrust into her stomach. What a way to die! Inferno rockets exploded just before they hit their targets, covering a 'Mech or building with a jellied fuel that burned like hell itself. The heat buildup was enough to render a 'Mech inoperable. Alanna shot a glance at her own heat monitors and felt a cold trickle of sweat run down her spine.

  "If you don't get it, Taccom, I'm the only command officer left in the Second 'Mech Battalion. I guess that brevets me to Colonel, wouldn't you say?"

  The command center's radio operator came back with nervousness twitching through his words. "I guess it would, Colonel Moultrie, but I still can't give you any air cover." The man's voice sank. "We don't have any more."

  Alanna broke in before Moultrie could curse at the radioman at the tactical center. "Colonel, Captain Damu, First Battalion. You're east of our position. What's your opposition?"

  Moultrie's voice lost its edge. " 'Mechs and armor in the foothills. They're dug in, so we can't do anything. Can you swing over?"

  Alanna summoned a tactical map of the area and thought she saw a way to hit Boomslang Ridge from the west. Before she could answer, however, Jack Cannon's Ostroc crested the hill directly north of the swamp. A light flashed on her command console, indicating a message coming in on the company frequency, then it died abruptly.

  She looked up as the barrel-chested 'Mech staggered, then spun wildly. Armor flew in ragged sheets from its torso. Explosions from the SRM magazine began, shooting flame from the legion of holes opened in the 'Mech's chest. The Ostroc stumbled back down the hill, then exploded, blowing the upper half of the 'Mech's torso out into the middle of the swamp.

  "Jesus, Mary, and Joseph! Colonel, we've just been hit by something!" Alanna hesitated, waiting for Moultrie's reply, but heard nothing. "Colonel Moultrie? Colonel?"

  Rex Archambauld's voice broke into the radio frequency. "Cannon reported two Saladins were on the other side of the hill before they got him. He IDed them as part of McCarron's Armored Cavalry. We've got real opposition here, Cap. What the hell are we going to do?"

  The panic in Rex's voice made Alanna get control of her own. These people are my responsibility. I've got to get them out of this mess. She swallowed past the lump in her throat before speaking. "Move everyone west, toward the forest."

  Doubt bled into Rex's words. "Cap, that'll move us away from the concentration of our troops. We'll be on our own."

  Alanna shook her head. Can't have you going rogue on me, Rex. "Leftenant, in case you've not noticed, we had opposition on what was supposed to be a milk run. We expected militia and we get trained mercs who've got a vendetta with us that runs deeper than a black hole. Command says our air cover's been swatted down and the Second Battalion's getting ripped to pieces on Boomslang Ridge. We're talking a bigtime snafu here. Some malfing idiot stuck our head in the chiroptopard's mouth, and I'm not having anything to do with it."

  Rex's voice came back strong and full of fire. "Roger, Captain. What do we do when we hit the forest?"

  Alanna shuddered, the image of Colonel Harkness's death by inferno rocket flashing through her mind. "We torch the forest and try to stay one step ahead of the flames. With any luck, that'll flush our opposition and we can break out of what is obviously a very big trap." Her hands curled into claws. "And if we survive that, then we go looking for the idiot who got us into this situation and kill him!"


  ComStar First Circuit Compound

  Hilton Head Island, North America, Terra

  29 May 3029

  Myndo forced her fists open and held her head high. I can feel their fear. They know the day of reckoning has come. They called the tune, and now they must pay the piper. She smiled coldly. This piper is more than ready to collect.

  The Primus looked at her with unconcealed rage in his dark eyes. "I believe we all know the reason Precentor Dieron has called us here for an emergency meeting." He inclined his head in her direction. "Precentor, I believe you have a motion to put forward?"

  Myndo waited a second or two before killing her smile. "Hanse Davion's troops landed on Sarna yesterday morning. I demand, as we have agreed before, that we vote a complete and total Interdiction of service into and out of the Federated Suns—this to include information from Davion agents inside the Capellan Confederation or any other nation."

  The Primus looked around at the other Precentors gathered in the wood-paneled, dome-shaped First Circuit chamber. "Is there any discussion?"

  Precentor Tharkad nodded his gold-maned head. "My esteemed colleague from the Draconis Combine is correct that our threshold event has been reached, but the conquest of Sarna is not complete. I would suggest, therefore, that her motion is premature."

  Myndo's eyes blazed. "You hypocritical fool! We agreed that an attack on Sarna would trigger Interdiction! I delayed calling for this meeting until Davion's troops actually landed on Sarna because I expected you to balk before war was enjoined." She stabbed a finger toward her enemy. "How can you justify delaying a stroke that might save Sarna?"

  Ulthan Everson rose to her challenge. "Have you forgotten, Myndo Waterly, that the holovid of a raid on our installation that you manufactured uses a location that appears to be the substation in the Weng-chu Prefecture of Santa's Gold Coast? Davion's troops have not pacified that area yet. How can we base our Interdiction on so transparent a piece of fakery?"

  Before Myndo could reply, Precentor Sian cut in. "I must agree with Precentor Tharkad. Despite earlier agreements, it would be an error to interdict right now. Davion's forces have taken a terrible beating on Sarna. Interdiction would prevent knowledge of their defeat spreading back through the Federated Suns. The bloodbath might be enough to kill support for the invasion all by itself."

  The ghost of a grin twisting the Primus's lips made Myndo angry and then suddenly cold, with a clarity of vision she'd never experienced. Everything fell together. Of course! We're so busy watching the Fox's hands that we ignore his true motives. A small laugh escaped her.

  The Primus stiffened. "Ridicule has no part in this place of reason, Precentor Dieron. Control yourself or be censured!"

  Myndo bowed her head apologetically, then saw the other Precentors watching her as her head came up. They've noticed the change. Now, while I have their attention, I must use what I have learned.

  She focused upon Villius Tejh. "Precentor Sian, why do you think Hanse Davion pursues this war?"

  Tejh regarded her carefully, probing the expression on her face for the hint of a trap. "I am not fool enough to be taken in by his speeches about the threat Liao presents to the Federated Suns. The Prince must have realized, after Galahad 3026, that any assault by the Capellan Confederation would result in disaster for Maximilian Liao. Hanse Davion wishes to be the First Lord of a new Star League. He married into part of such a new government, and now he conquers yet another."

  The Precentor of New Avalon shook his head. "With all due respect, Precentor Sian, I believe my own vantage point is better than yours. Quite simply, I believe the Prince has launched this war to capture major portions of Liao industry. Wars have repeatedly been fought for technology and the means to produce it. The NAIS is learning much of the old ways and has even branched out into areas that the early technologists did not study. The Prince needs facilities to move these discoveries from the lab into the real world."

  Ulthan Everson smiled broadly. "This has been my thought concerning his motive for war. His marriage with Melissa and the agreements made with the Archon before the wedding have linked the Lyran and Federal economies. The inclusion of Liao production facilities will expand both economies and enrich both realms."

  The Primus looked at Myndo. His eyes narrowed as though his gaze could pierce her mask and penetrate her thoughts. Then he broke off and turned to Precentor Tharkad. "If this is true, Ulthan, why would Davion stab so deeply to take Sarna? It has no industry. If not for the history and symbolic power embodied by that world, it would be considered one o
f the poorest planets within the Capellan Confederation."

  Everson nodded, but Myndo read the hesitation in his gesture as a portent of her coming victory. "You are quite correct, Primus, in noting the relative worthlessness of Sarna, but I believe Hanse Davion sees it as strategically important. Liao will realize he cannot afford to let the planet fall into Davion's hands. This is obvious because he garrisoned it with McCarron's Armored Cavalry."

  Myndo sprung her trap slowly. "I would point out to my learned comrade from the Lyran Commonwealth that McCarron's Armored Cavalry was placed on Sarna by order of Justin Xiang, not Maximilian Liao. I would further suggest that had Xiang's return from Bethel not been delayed by a helium seal failure on a JumpShip, Maximilian Liao would have ordered him to redeploy the mercenaries."

  Precentor Tharkad waved away her suggestion, distaste spreading over his florid features. "Nonsense. Liao knows of Sarna's importance. He's already lost the Commonality capital worlds of Tikonov and Liao. He cannot afford to lose another important planet."

  "I see." Myndo let her words hang in the air as an indulgent smile slowly appeared on her face. "So you believe Hanse Davion's motives are political or economic? This could explain much, but not everything. There is a deeper motive behind the Prince's actions. One that does explain all."

  The Primus's left hand nervously massaged the back of his right hand. "What is this motive, Precentor Dieron? Please, enlighten us. .."

  Myndo nodded. Gladly. Primus. "Let us examine the significant actions the Prince has taken, shall we? Start with his conflict with Duke Michael Hasek-Davion, who made an effort to depose and supplant Hanse immediately after former Prince Ian Davion's death. Hanse won that covert little war by 3016, then systemically did all he could to break Duke Michael. Hanse forced Morgan Hasek-Davion to come to the court at New Avalon and neatly deprived Michael of his son's philosophical loyalty. Then, when Hanse and his watchdog, Quintus Allard, determined Michael was turning information over to Maximilian Liao, the Prince fed the Duke information that resulted in Michael's mortification and death."

  Myndo opened her hands. "Shall we examine Hanse's hatred for Maximilian Liao? As we all know, and even discussed long ago, Hanse and Takashi Kurita seemed on a direct collision course until 3025. In the middle of the Galtor Campaign, however, Maximilian Liao almost succeeded in substituting a double in place of the real Hanse Davion. That plot failed ultimately, but Hanse has wanted to pay back Maximilian Liao ever since."

  Precentor Sian scoffed aloud. "You are suggesting, then, that this whole war is because of a fit of pique on the part of Hanse Davion? Preposterous!"

  Myndo eyed him sharply. "Is it? The Prince holds grudges and has a short fuse. Take the case of Justin Xiang, for example. The Prince was inclined to be merciful until Xiang insulted him publicly. The Prince exiled him, and when Xiang continued to prove a bother, Davion ordered him destroyed. He even sent the order out through Xiang's father!"

  Myndo extended a hand to prevent Precentor Sian's riposte. "Another example is the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers. Hanse knew that unit was unquestionably loyal to Duke Michael, and hostile to him. So what did he do? He lands it on a world he knows is defended by McCarron's Armored Cavalry. Yes, word of their presence did get through. My contacts have confirmed it, and I am sure Precentor New Avalon could do so as well. The other three regiments hitting Sarna were directed to locations where militia defended the world, but the Fusiliers were dropped—at the Prince's own order—right on top of the defenders. Furthermore, the Prince forbade General Hartstone to engage in 'personal heroics,' an admonishment that spurred Hartstone to send his troops in before the other Federated troops could land to support them.

  "Hanse Davion purposely destroyed the Fusiliers. The Capellan March will back his call to avenge them, and the Fusiliers will no longer pose a threat to him."

  Primus Julian Tiepolo rested his pointed chin on the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. "And striking at Sarna, for reasons already pointed out, is another stab at Maximilian Liao. Helping Pavel Ridzik and buying off the Northwind Highlanders are similar cuts at his foe."

  Myndo watched as recognition seeped onto the other Precentors' faces. They begin to understand. She kept her voice soft, yet full of urgency. "That's right, my friends. The Word of Blake is full of directives on how we may blunt the advances and drives of nations and nationalism. Jerome Blake, in his wisdom, tells us how to manipulate economies and the demands of the populace for material goods. He points out to us the tools that can turn a minor, local protest into a cause that can unite worlds, and he has instructed us in ways to smother revolutions that work counter to our goal."

  Her eyes glowed with the light of inspiration. "Jerome Blake foresaw everything we would face in pursuing the mission he laid out for us. He equipped us to deflect empires and turn nations in on themselves. He taught us to hobble that which did not conform to his ideals. He molded us in such a way that we are able to defeat all threats he foresaw, but Hanse Davion is outside anything in Jerome Blake's experience."

  Precentor Tharkad bared his teeth as he hissed, "Blasphemy! You go too far, witch! Doubting the wisdom of Blake is sheer lunacy!"

  Myndo smiled cruelly. "I am no initiate who must be inculcated with the mystical nonsense we use to cloak our motives and actions. Outside this room, we keep up the charade. But gathered here in council, we must base our discussions and decisions on what's real—the facts—not on the unrealistic fantasies of some other era. I do not doubt the wisdom of the Blessed Blake, for his words, as interpreted and modified through the years, have accurately predicted events. And Blake's foresight has often guided us in the correct course of action. In this instance, he simply did not envision someone with the audacity of a Hanse Davion, but that does not mean that we should be so blind or foolish.

  "Let there be no question that Hanse Davion is not a threat that Jerome Blake or any Primus since his time saw coming. We must not blame Blake for this, nor let such a lack dim his brilliance in our eyes. In Blake's era, a time of Civil War, the closest thing to a Hanse Davion was General Aleksandr Kerensky. But Kerensky took his troops and fled beyond the Periphery to save them from more war. Jerome Blake must have imagined that any other such powerful man would do the same."

  Deflated, Precentor Tharkad hung his head in defeat. "Your point is well-made and well-taken. No one could have imagined one man igniting a war to salve his own ego."

  Myndo raised herself to full height. "This is the reason Hanse Davion must be stopped now. We have seen his ability to carelessly discard a crack unit when its personnel are not loyal to him. We have seen his singleminded pursuit of one foe—first Kurita and then Liao. We know, just from his conduct of this war, that he will stop at nothing to destroy Maximilian Liao. We must interdict him now."

  Precentor Sian, a gray pallor over his face, regarded Myndo darkly. "How will anything short of our intervention on behalf of House Liao stop Davion? The first part of his invasion was accomplished through sealed orders originating from New Avalon."

  Precentor Dieron clasped her hands together. "Interdiction will slow his military advance because orders will not travel back and forth very quickly. In fact, for him to ensure any sort of timely communications, the Federated Suns will have to devote an inordinate number of JumpShips to these infernal 'command circuits' the Prince has devised. This will, in turn, totally disrupt the movement of goods within his realm. Let a mining colony run out of grain—grain that is more than plentiful on a world not fifteen light years away—and resistance will begin. We will not move messages in an official capacity, but will not hesitate to spread rumors of civil unrest to help make the home front a problem for the Prince."

  The Primus stared blankly at the gold ComStar insignia worked into the polished floor. "If we interdict the Federated Suns, but keep our hands off the Lyran Commonwealth, the Lyrans will begin to question their link with Davion's pariah nation. Indeed, the evidence of a Davion attack on one of our facilities should disgust most p
eople. The Interdiction will also cut off Davion funds from the liberation movements he's been sponsoring in the Free Worlds League. This might even permit House Marik to open a new front in support of their ally Liao and hurt the Prince's war effort."

  Myndo abandoned all efforts to keep the pleasure from shining forth on her face. "We are agreed, then, that an Interdiction must be imposed immediately? For the good of mankind?"

  The Primus nodded solemnly, but his tone was ironic and his flat, dark eyes twinkled with a rare show of humor. "For mankind, then, and the fulfillment of the Word of Blake."

  Myndo glanced at the Primus and took secret delight at the fatigue revealed by his expression as the other Precentors unanimously agreed to impose an Interdiction on the Federated Suns. "It is decided, then. All ComStar traffic with the Federated Suns ends now. Blake's Will be done."


  New Avalon

  Cruris March, Federated Suns

  1 June 3029

  The image of Primus Julian Tiepolo's face faded from the holo-vision screen as the last of his message played out. Hanse Davion, standing at the head of the briefing table, used a remote control to shut off the viewer. Each time I listen to that message, I get the feeling the Primus is a reluctant puppet. He jerks our strings, but who jerks his?

  The Prince stared at the four other people gathered around him. "Comments?"

  Field Marshal Yvonne Davion, seated farthest from the Prince on the right side of the table, looked angry enough to spit fire. "Of course we didn't hit the substation their holovid shows us destroying. The 'Mechs that hit it have all the right insignia and serial numbers to be with the Fifth Syrtis Fusiliers, but that particular unit was engaged in burning down a forest at the time of the attack." The gray-haired woman looked at the others around the table. "I daresay that if we had hit that substation, no holovid camera operator would have escaped the perimeter with that recording."


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